Versions Compared


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  •  Report correctly to the developers the problem with the printing error file on IMS (Files get print two times), etc.
  •  Open the software issue again about the data files that doesn't download
  •  Request on software issues change from double click to click
  •  Finish SHMSL UG
  •  Gantry UG:
    •  Start to unify the format.
    •  Add the Exlar Utility (Started)
    •  Add caliper Calibration Utility.
    •  Add how to assemble and disassemble the caliper
  •  Training on APCT3 (Ongoing)
  •  Training on CTD (Ongoin)
  •  Training Kuster tools (Will it be used during this expedition?)
  •  Training Sediment Temperature Tool (Will it be used during this expedition?)
  •  Kerry: Downhole logging (Saw tools, remain look at he data)
  •  Training VSP (Ensemble guns, remain: Deploy them, measure and  see the data)
  •  Petrel training needed.
  •  Add TCON vacuum pump logsheet to Confluence.
  •  NGR training
  •  NGR min section
  •  XRAY, review how to reprocess the imagers and add the explanation to the manual (if it is not there)
  •  Continue NI inventory
  •  MS and MSP Measure standards, and compare with previous measurements (X396T)
  •  NGR background, 6 h or 12 h? (X396T) 
  •  Radiation and Laser trainings
  •  Geodesc
  •  Training in 3D printer: Mini JR
  •  Escribir Brad sobre goals
  •  Envio X396T listo antes de 5 de agosto con la hoja de informacion
  •  Dar 2 QEPro a Eric para enviar
  •  Hacer tests con la QEPro nueva para asegurar que mide bien
  •  Encontrar en WRMSL donde cambiar para medir water pusher a 23 cm.