Versions Compared


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No shipboard changes to instrument host software as distributed on 400 (exception XSCAN, see below). 3 power outages and 2 OS updates later, we are ready for EXP401. Test some more.

Exceptions, see below: XSCAN, laser Engraver.


  • Distribute tested fixes supporting NSF closeout.
  • Routine support concerns. Onboarding, offboarding, etc.
  • Work toward automating the build, test, and distribution process for the 3 environments (boulder test, shore production, ship production) so that it is more predictable, repeatable, reliable, and takes less time.


  • Map execution flow from user interfaces through to cRIO hardware.
  • Particular emphasis placed on tracing code related to bit depth and mbrf depth. Both in the Driller UI and cRIO hardware. Relevant calculations diagrammed and checked.
  • Simulation mechanism worked-out to trace data flow from UIs and through the cRIO (Miller). Checked into Subversion as iRISsim.
  • Mapped out all shared variables, clarified meanings. Also known as data definitions and component names.
  • See documentation (Van Hyfte) Downhole Tools and Logging look for sections about iRIS (
  • See also development notes (


  • Changed build configurations for installers. Installer distributions incorporate LabVIEW Runtime Environment 2023, NI System Configuration 23.8, and NI Variable Engine 2023.
  • Last distributions made from build sets stored at \\novarupta\vol3\dml\BUILD-PRODUCT\iRIS\iRIS UIs.


  • LabVIEW licenses applied for operating stand-alone XSCAN raw image processors (VCD3, VCD4).
  • IMS 14
    • Return station to operating on IMS 14. Confirmed functional with technical staff. IMS 15 removed from the desktop.
    • Ensured the application is launched ONLY with the 64-bit version of LabVIEW. The application cannot operate reliably under the 32-bit LabVIEW environment. The desktop shortcut is revised to launch ensure that only the 64-bit LabVIEW product launches.
  • LabVIEW licenses applied for operating stand-alone XSCAN raw image processors (VCD3, VCD4).
  • IMS 15 - not for operational use
    • Upon boarding EXP400T, the IMS 15 of XSCAN was found to be inoperable. Should not be considered functional or reliable for operations. Use IMS 14 at this time.
    • Testing.
      • When the image processor launches the images are present left-to-right (too small) rather than vertically.
      • Cropping would not complete.
      • Masking did not behave as expected.
      • Substantial changes were made to the image processing workflow which made correct use of the workflow uncertain, even for technical staff accustomed to the IMS 14 workflow.
      • Troubleshooting found broken wires and sub VIs referencing IMS 14.
      • See Chem Lab door quote, in spite of its fallacy.


  • 399 GEODESC workshop support. Crickets. Nothing to report and hoping it stays that way.
  • Some support for HQ network cutovers. Sounding board for concerns regarding readdressing of desktop systems, printers, and some core servers.
  • Engraver. Existing LabVIEW 2017 executable is now running over LabVIEW 2019 Runtime Environment (latest patch); on a host newly rebuilt by the MCS. that will take OS updates. Recompilation of the code to LabVIEW 2021 is deferred yet again. Prior host is retained should any content from it be required for reference.
  • cRIO production and spare hardware
    • Credentials reset for both hosts. Cached in safe.
    • Ops engineer cleaned up wiring in cRIO box.
  • VIT lighting work
    • Ops engineer debugging and testing replacement lights. Hardware tests Ok individually, but devices fail to communicate as expected when placed on RS485 bus.
    • Existing configuration restored to retain operations for EXP401.
  • BUILD box ship and shore. Re-established Subversion synchronization.
  • Database changes


    • Applied moratorium for GEODESC product to LIMSHQ, RTLIMS, SHIPTEST.

    • Moratorium documentation updated.

    • Reviewed and updated staff moratorium bypass.
