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When the SRM computer is rebooted, there are currently several steps that need to be performed each time to ensure that the IMS and the SRM peripherals are all functioning correctly. While the cause of IMS not always successfully initializing the SQUIDs is unknown, the issues with the Cryowatch and BuzzBox programs are well understood and just errors with setting the COMs and file paths.

Restarting the SRM Computer Protocol

  1. Start IMS
  2. Start Cryowatch
    1. Change COMs to COM 7 and verify that the program is communicating with Cryomech.
    2. Change the log file to the ~/daq.SHIP/Desktop/Cyro Logs/CryoCompressor.csv location (from the default ~/daq/Desktop... location).
    3. Set the different alarms in Cryowatch, especially max H2Oin at 73 degF.

      ALARM SETTINGSH2O IN High: 73.0H2O IN Low: 35.0H2O OUT High: 110.0H2O OUT Low: 60.0He GAS High: 180.0He GAS Low: 100.0OIL IN High: 90.0OIL IN Low: 50.0MOTOR IN High: 18.0MOTOR IN Low: 0.0

      Image Added

  3. Open BuzzBox.exe
    1. Change COMs to COM3.
    2. Similarly change the log file read to the ~/daq.SHIP/Desktop/Cyro Logs/CryoCompressor.csv location (from the default ~/daq/Desktop... location).
    3. Press the stop button on the program.
    4. Rerun the the program with the LabView "run arrow".
    5. Verify that the led on the actual physical BuzzBox turns green (the white plastic box above the SRM).
  4. Turn off the audible alarm with the switch on the BuzzBox (the white plastic box above the SRM).
  5. Temporarily change the Cryowatch COMs to an incorrect value.
    1. After around 30 seconds very that the led on the BuzzBox turns red indicating a fault.
    2. Quickly toggle the alarm off and on to verify that the alarm is working.
  6. Set the Cryowatch COMs correctly back to COM 7
    1. Verify that Cryowatch is no longer yellow.
    2. Verify that the BuzzBox led returns to green after ~ 30 seconds.
  7. Turn back on the alarm with the switch on the BuzzBox.