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Page intent. Simply a placeholder for

  • Reworked upload spreadsheet for penetrometer, since the last was locked and not editable.
  • Capture of some work done by x398 participants, to see if we can leverage that work into (better) standardization for the next time the tool is used.

Penetrometer data upload

The penetrometer has no automation. Methods of data collection are entirely manual. Every time we use it, science participants and technical staff re-invent the whole. Attempt to standardize.


If we can agree (standardize?) on a CSV format--we can use that as the basis for creating a MUT2-based uploader module. And avoid (some not all) of the intermediate cut and paste operations required to feed the raw data into LIMS via the current Spreadsheet Uploader support operations. 


  • Spreadsheet used as the basis for capturing / analyzing Penetrometer data. Provides first collection of data to be fed into upload tools. Example taken from Expedition 398 science party data collection.
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  • Spreadsheet used as the basis for feeding Spreadsheet Uploader. See cell comments for additional info on intent, static, columns, attempts at standardizing type of input.
    Intended that content from the above spreadsheet (data aggregation) is fed into this one. Then content is simply cut and pasted in the Spreadsheet Uploader.
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    namePocket Penetrometer Annotated Upload Template.xlsx
