Moisture and Density (MAD)
Multisensor Loggers (WRMSL and STMSL)
The Whole-Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL) and Special-Track Multisensor Logger (STMSL) are similar track systems for measuring the magnetic susceptibility, density, and P-wave velocity of whole-round core sections. WRMSL and STMSL used identical software and hardware from Expedition 371 up to Expedition 379. During Expedition 379 (January 2019), the P-wave velocity logger (PWL) was removed from WRMSL and replaced with an interchangeable X-ray system. STMSL is now the primary multisensor logger and WRMSL can be used either as an X-ray system or for additional measurement of magnetic susceptibility and density on expeditions that need those data for rapid stratigraphic correlation between drill holes.
Natural Gamma Radiation Logger (NGRL)
P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/Caliper Gantry (PWAVE_B/PWAVE_C)
Section Half Imaging Logger (SHIL)
Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL)
Shear Strength Gantry with Automated Vane Shear (AVS)
TeKa TK-04 Thermal Conductivity Meter