Figure 4. The main display screen (Left, X-ray is not armed. Right, X-ray is armed and ready to measure).
Setting Date & Time
Currently, the internal battery of the device is not working, therefore, the time and date must be set each time the device is powered on. Do not power off the device until all measurements have been completed for the session.
To set the time, select on the main display screen. Then select and then select Date/Time from the available list. A stylus or fine pointed tool (non-metal, such as a wooden applicator stick) is helpful to access the small buttons involved in setting the date and time.
In the screen that displays (Fig. 5), change the date by selecting on year, month and the numerical day. The time can be changed by using the selecting the hour, minute, second and AM/PM and using the small arrows to the right of the box to adjust the number. Please set the device to UTC time (NOT the same as ship operation time). If unsure what UTC time is, check the time on the nearest lab computer.
Once the correct date and time is shown (as close as possible), select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ to exit the screen.
Figure 5. The date and time setup screen.
Application and Settings
The current application can be changed by selecting ‘Application’, choosing a different application type and selecting ‘OK’. This device has 5 applications installed. The best application for our purposes is GeoExploration. Each application has different scanning parameters which preferentially pick up some elements better than others. The device will keep the chosen application until manually changed.
On the main display, click the ‘Edit Info’ button in the middle of the bottom row of buttons. This screen (Fig. 65) is where the sample information is entered or modified. All fields in the right column are editable by double clicking and should be reviewed and changed for each sample:
- Sample Type:
- Standard – a powdered standard in a sample cup
- SHLF – a measurement taken directly on a section half or of a piece from a section half
- PWDR – a powdered sample in a sample cup
- Discrete – for any other samples
- Expedition: The current expedition, example 397.
- Site & Hole: The site and hole the sample was taken from, example: U1586A.
- Core/Section: The core number with letter indicating the core type and the section in that core that is being measured or that the sample was taken from, example: 1H/6. If measuring a standard, enter the standard name, example: BCR 2 or BHVO 2.
- TextID: The unique sample number for every sample. This is found on the lower right corner of the typical sample label, example: SHLF11754181. If measuring a standard, use the information from the appropriate QAQC label provided. If a standard does not have a QAQC label, leave this field blank.
- Top Offset (cm):
- For a section half or sample from a section half (discrete, unaltered piece), this is the distance from the top of the core section, example: 34 or 101.5 (Do not put a range, just the beginning number of the measured area or sample).
- For powdered, other discrete samples and standards, use 0.
- Comment: Use this to provide any additional information, such as a physical description for reference or to indicate a replicate measurement.
Figure 65. The ‘Edit Info’ screen.
6 and 7 and 8).
Open the Bruker Instrument Tools program found on the desktop. Go to Device,then Connect and select 900G7838. Click Connect(Fig.Figure 76. Menu bar of Bruker Instrument Tools.
Figure 87. Connection window of Bruker Instrument Tools.
The Tracer updates the ‘Data’ folder after each new measurement with an associated .pdz file and also adds the data to the appropriate application .tsv file and the .csv ‘Results’ file. Therefore, you can download When you export, all data files should be downloaded all or just selected .pdz files, but the .tsv and .csv files will have all measurements that have been taken since the most recent internal memory clean-up.
Open a new workbook and go to the Data tab and select (Fig. 98).
Figure 98. Excel Toolbar.
You will be prompted to your computer saved folders and you can select the folder where you saved the GeoExploration.tsv file.
Once you find the folder select All Files in the bottom right (Fig. 109). Then select the GeoExploration.tsv file and click Import. (Fig. 109).
Figure 109. Finding the GeoExploration file
A window will open showing you a preview of the file and you have to click . If the data is not in individual columns, select 'Tab' from the 'Delimiter' drop down menu options. Click Load. (Fig. 1110)
Figure 1110. Data Preview
Click Load and the data will be exported to Excel and should look like Figure 1211.
Figure 1211. Exported file from pXRF gundevice.
This file can then be saved in Uservol through the server (once you have signed in) to access for data processing. The file may contain repeat data, simply delete the rows of unwanted data.
Note: The internal memory of the gun device is only 512MB (~1200 scans)! Therefore, the internal memory may need to be cleaned up several times an expedition to prevent locking up the device’s onboard computer. The X-ray technician will take care of this, but keep this in mind if you are performing a lot of measurements!
Setting Date & Time
Currently, the internal battery of the device is not working, therefore, the time and date must be set each time the device is powered on. Do not power off the device until all measurements have been completed for the session.
To set the time, select on the main display screen. Then select and then select Date/Time from the available list. A stylus or fine pointed tool (non-metal, such as a wooden applicator stick) is helpful to access the small buttons involved in setting the date and time.
In the screen that displays (Fig. 12), change the date by selecting on year, month and the numerical day. The time can be changed by using the selecting the hour, minute, second and AM/PM and using the small arrows to the right of the box to adjust the number. Please set the device to UTC time (NOT the same as ship operation time). If unsure what UTC time is, check the time on the nearest lab computer.
Once the correct date and time is shown (as close as possible), select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ to exit the screen.
Figure 12. The date and time setup screen.
Credits: J. Riekenberg and B. Cervera