- Create the schema account in Oracle.
- Clone the tables, views, sequences, indexes, etc. from a "base" project (currently the base project is a pre-existing project. In the near future we will create a special-purpose project labeled as "base"). Important: when cloning the base project copy the DDL only, do not copy any data from the source schema)
- Issue the proper grants to resources in the new project.
- Add the newly created GEODESC project to the GEODCAT.PROJECTS table (this will cause it to show up in the "projects" dropdown for GEODESC applications.
- Create new role and associated privilege for the new project.
Create Oracle Schema account
- Using SQLDeveloper, sign into Oracle with your DBA account
- Right click “Other users” icon, select “Create user…”
- “User Name” must start with prefix “GEODP”; e.g. “GEODP123” for Expedition 123 project.
- Create an appropriate password for the new account.
- Use one of the other schema accounts as a guide to include the appropriate user settings and grants. Settings should be similar to:
- Granted Roles:
- Connect
- System Privileges:
- Advisor
- Alter session
- Create Credential
- Create Database Link
- Create Job
- Create Procedure
- Create Public Synonym
- Create Sequence
- Create Session
- Create Synonym
- Create Table
- Create Trigger
- Create Type
- Create View
- Create Any Procedure
- Debug Connect Session
- Drop Public Synonym
- Select Any Dictionary
- Select Any Table
- Quotas
- USERS | 31457280 | K
- Granted Roles:
Add the newly created schema account credentials to shipboard password safe.
Copy DDL from Existing Project to New Project
In this example we will copy DDL from existing schema owner GEODPTST360 to new, target, project schema GEODPTST123.
SQLBuilder will run a utility that copies all of the DDL from the source account to the destination account; i.e., it will build all the tables, constraints, indexes, sequences, etc. required for the new project. At the end of the process SQLBuilder will display a log of all of the actions that occurred. Review this log and look for errors or warnings.
Add required Grants to Tables in New Project Schema
For each table in the new project schema run the following GRANT SQL commands: