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Figure 2. Coordinate system for the Scripps Standards

The QAQC Text_ID created for IODPSTD01 through IODPSTD12 considers the samples as they were taken from the WORKING HALF. Put the sample upside down in the discrete tray, face X-Y on the bottom with +X arrow down and -Z arrow of the cube away from the SRM (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Position of the Scripps Standards into the discrete tray

The Scripps Standards were measured with the SRM onboard the JR. Values are in the same range as the initial measurements conducted at Scripps. Samples with negative inclination in red in Table 2 show the largest variations, although they were measured with a sequence of 10 consecutive NRMs without removing the sample from the tray.

Table 2. IODP Standards created by Scripps measured with the SRM onboard the JR. Declination, inclination and intensity are corrected from background and drift (as of November 1, 2022). Volume is 7 cc.

Sample NameText IDDeclination (°)Inclination (°)Intensity (A/m) assuming 7 cc volumeNumber of measurements
IODPSTD01CUBE11242251212.6 ± 0.634.6 ± 2.64.35E-02 ± 0.1414
IODPSTD02CUBE11242261128.5 ± 1.039.3 ± 7.81.23E-02 ± 0.1715
IODPSTD03CUBE11242271137135.8 4 ± 01.93-1320.5 54 ± 111.601.29E-02 ± 0.03021537
IODPSTD04CUBE11242281217221.8 3 ± 03.95-1322.3 1 ± 161.928.62E55E-02 03 ± 0.0231537
IODPSTD05CUBE112422911215.8 9 ± 1.0.7-1825.5 3 ± 121.011.18E20E-02 ± 0.071537
IODPSTD06CUBE11242301136.3 2 ± 1.132927.1 ± 20.155.94E89E-02 ± 0.12091537
IODPSTD07CUBE11242311320.1 3 ± 0.7434.2 ± ± 0.14021537
IODPSTD08CUBE11242321213214.9 7 ± 05.42-410.3 8 ± 131.501.00E03E-02 ± 0.02071337
IODPSTD09CUBE1124233130.5 ± 0.5-24.9 ± 8.81.48E-02 ± 0.0913
IODPSTD10CUBE11242341312314.7 ± 03.45-1218.8 ± 1 ± 16.738.52E87E-03 ± 0.0111337
IODPSTD11CUBE11242351324.7 ± 0.526.0 ± 8.01.42E-02 ± 0.1313
IODPSTD12CUBE1124236121.4 ± 1.543.8 ± 3.62.80E-02 ± 0.1713

Data used to create Table 2 are found here: QAQC SRM discrete November 2022.xlsx

IODP created Standards


Because the standards provided by Lisa Tauxe at Scripps were not designed to be used in the JR-6, four new standards were created which can be used in the JR-6. A strip of magnetic tape was glued to a stick which is secured inside a J-cube. The standards were then given an IRM and measured in the JR-6 followed by the SRM. These standards are oriented as if they were collected from a working half with an assumed volume of 7cc . Each standard was measured 20 times with the JR-6. The process included inserting and removing the standard between each measurement. The mean intensity was calculated as well as Fischer stats for inclination and declination. The standards were also measured 10 times with the SRM. See Table 3 below.


When measuring the standards in the SRM, install the discrete sample tray and set up your measurement preset to reflect a discrete J-Cube collected from the working half. This preset should appear in the list as "Discrete WTA". This means that the sample shape is Discrete J-Cube, the face orientation should be Top and the Arrow Orientation (-Z) should be set to Away (Figure 4). Be sure to select Working Half because the Text_ID of the standard samples are assigned to a working half. More information on setting up a sample preset can be found in the SRM User Guide.

Figure 4. Measurements Preset Editor forthe Discrete WTA preset

Run a discrete tray background then load the standards into the discrete sample tray as shown in Figure 5. As with typical discrete measurements, load the first standard into the 13 cm offset position and leave a blank position between each standard cube (i.e. load standards into positions 13 cm, 33 cm, 53 cm…). The standard cube should be oriented so that the –Z arrow is pointing away from the SRM and the +X arrow is pointing down.


For more details on the sample position and the measurement with the SRM, please refer to QAQC Paleomagnetism Standard Operating Procedure.

When the measurements are complete, the data will go to the In folder and can then be uploaded to LORE with MUT2. See QAQC Paleomagnetism Standard Operating Procedure for details.


QAQC data can be seen with QCViewer for a quick assessment of the good quality of the data. Data can be downloaded with the "Measurements on Standards" web application.

See QAQC Paleomagnetism Standard Operating Procedure for details on viewing the data with QCViewer.

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