Two file types, .xrdml and .jpg, are uploaded per sample. File name must be in the following format to be recognized by MUT and uploaded: U1536B_5H3_79_81_CYL19622183. The files are located in C:\XRD Data\XRD data or C:\DATA\IN.
To create a .jpg file, Double click on any .xrdml file to open Data Viewer . The diffractogram will open. This can be a quick and easy way to print and save the raw image. You can open more files and view the scans on top of each other . Use the snipping tool to make a screenshot of the diffractogram. Save as .jpg with the same file name as the corresponding .xrdml file.
Upload files to the database through MUT (Figure 6). The files with a purple question mark have an error and cannot be uploaded. In Figure 6, the files in the purple box do not have the proper correct format. Select the correct project (Figure 6, arrow A) and upload to MUT (arrow B). Refresh when new samples are measured (arrow C).See the Aeris Advanced User Guide to create a .jpg file.
. To be able to correctly upload the files to the database, make sure to have both .xrdml and .jpg files in MUT with matching file names. The valid files have a green check in the Status columnFigure 6. MUT window. Note the valid files with a green tick and non correct files with a purple question mark.
After uploading, MUT will transfer the files to either C:\XRD Data\archive or C:\DATA\ARCHIVE. Organize the archived files by Site and Hole. At the end of expedition copy these into DATA1 which is used as a database backup (speak to programmer if you cannot find DATA1).
When the scan is finished, the data file automatically transfers to the XRD lab computer. Open Data Viewer DATA/IN . C:\XRD Data\XRD data (default saving folder). Or double click on any .xrdml file and Data Viewer will open automatically. The diffractogram will open (Figure 7). This can be a quick and easy way to print and save the raw image. You can open more files and view the scans on top of each other.
. Click 'File', then 'Open'. Select the desired .xrdml file in...
For peak identification and advanced processing use HighScore software. . See the HighScore Quick Start Guide.
HighScore is available via a Remote Desktop onboard. IP address is PC is called PCV0001.
User name (login): daq
Password: daq
Aeris Quick Start Guide - September 27, 2022