Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No issues or updates to report. DESClogik was used for testing purposes only to familiarize other technicians with the process of creating and editing templates. As a part of the training. several value lists and sublists were updated and uploaded into value list manager. Value lists and sublists from X384 will be uploaded in Value List Manager to replace them as the most current lists. 'Test' expedition folders have been deleted off of IODP_Share. The macro 'Value List Builder' code was updated to account for recent changes in the server directories. 

Thin Section Report Builder


A new user guide for DESClogik was created that walks technicians through the process of creating and editing templates. The intent is to assist technicians with DESClogik until the replacement description software, GEODESC, is ready to be used. At this time the expected date for GEODESC is the end of 2021


Development and testing are both underway, with the primary focus being Template Manager and . Data Capture is a secondary focus at the moment. Over the winter break, shipboard technicians had panel reviews to gather new user feedback and offer feedback on applications with and developed a list of suggestions for improvements. There are now TM and DC Change Request sheets on Zoho, where users can request a change, it the request is then discussed by the group and assigned a priority level. These requests will stay in the document to serve as a historical record of requests and decisions so moving forward the group can have an easier time moving forward. The group is hoping to start gathering external user feedback around June/July 2021, although details are still being worked out. It was requested to extend to project deadline from April 2021 to December 2021.

Screen Resolution and size for Core Description and Microscope computers given to James and Algie to aid in optimizing screen layout for larger monitors.

Template Manager

Test plan was updated to reflect specification changes and application behavior. Changes were made in the following tabs: Project Template, Copy Catalog Template, Edit Template, General Template Settings, Add General Observable, Entry Controls, Edit Entry Validation List, Numeric, and Formula. A few new tests were added to test newly developed features. Latest release date and version: 28 January 2021, v.0.0.16.

The last month was focused mostly on bug fixes, re-design due to change requests, and prepping specs for Edit Entry Validation List and Adding Values to Entry List. The latter two will likely be the first new features focused on.

All communication in slack was done using the message groups that included both description technicians. Specification and behavior changes have been recorded in Slack by Peter Blum.

It is recommended to look at the TM Change Request Spreadsheet in Zoho and slack communication between James and James/Peter to get a thorough grasp on all changes. Test plan was updated to reflect specification changes and application behavior.A few notable template additions include: taxa and taxa 


Template additions:

  • Taxa and Taxa-like columns with entry types of numeric, formula and text


  • were created and added to the template 'microscopic_micropaleontology_Ostracods_TAXA and TAXA like template'
  • Validation lists for some taxa columns were created and are in two templates 'microscopic_micropaleontology_Ostracods_TAXA and TAXA like template' and 'microscopic_micropaleontology_Ebridians_TAXA template for testing'.

Notable specification changes include:

  • 'Keep Changes' and 'Return' buttons changed to 'Save' and 'Cancel'. Selecting 'Save' will take user back to the previous page, in at least most instances.
  • Button changes on Edit Template screen: The Edit Attributes button that changes with radio button is now 'Edit' and moved to the top of the table with the radio buttons. Edit Header moved to the top of the table. 'Edit General Template Settings' is now
  • The addition of another radio button 'Column


  • Display' which shows the attributes that apply to the column. Selecting 'Edit' for the three display buttons take you to the same page


  • . The Display Attributes page now has three areas: column, header, and data.
  • Double clicking on a project template will open the Edit Template page


  • .
  • Add Values to Entry Validation List, the first, second, and third order filters will now be a nested dropdown list. A pitch was made to make it look and work more like the Add General Observables Page, but, due to some programmatic difficulties, and group preferences we will be sticking with the current layout in the mockup.
  • 'Please' should be taken out of all messages. Spreadsheet made to try to more easily nail this down.

Points still stalled

  • Creating a formula was not discussed and no progress made on those specifications.

Test Plan Edits

  • Changes were made in the following tabs: Project Template, Copy Catalog Template, Create New Template, Delete Project Template, Edit Template, General Template Settings, Add General Observable, Reorder Observables, Delete Observables, Entry Controls, Edit Header, Edit Entry Validation List, Numeric, Formula, Display Attributes, and Comment.
  • Most changes reflected button name changes, changes in messaging, and missing steps. New tests were added on to General Template Settings, Copy Catalog Template, Project Template and either added as additional rows to existing tests or brand new test at the bottom.

Reported Issues

  • Not all issues reported in Zoho and listed in the Test Plan on 'Testing Status' come from 'fails' reported by users in the test plan.
  • One issue was 're-opened' in Zoho and will affect testers testing v.0.0.16.


No shipments were received for core description
