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Two temporary marine technicians took care of the duties of the Image Specialist as best as possible while working in the Core Lab supporting with everyday duties and helping scientists with measurements and samples preparation. We mostly took care of SHIL and CLOSEUPS for both sediments and hard-rocks. 3394 SHLF images were proofed, 108 WRLSC images, 506 CLOSEUPs, 183 PICAT images, 32 MBIO shake out images were created and uploaded to LIMS.

The Imaging Lab produced seven eight weekly family and friends photo series with 280 images total, organized the logo printing party and took care of Group photos production and printing.


Calibration had been done multiple time at the beginning of the Expedition. The RGB interval values were set above the line Trigger Interval trigger interval due to inexperience and missing information in the Imaging Specialist guides and notes for SHIL calibration. Guides has been implemented and updated in confluenceThe guides have been updated in Confluence to clarify this step of the calibration process. A gray card was substituted due to wear. A part of from small issues reported below, the instrument was working properly.


- Occasionally the raw image was not saved and the .TIFF file was containing contained only the label (Figure 2). This error was random and it was not possible to identify if it was a bug in the software or a human mistake by some scientists while taking the images. This error become more frequent after the recent upgrade of MUT. This occurred both for SECTION HALF and 360 images. The problem is not solved yet and occur occurs randomly. Developers point pointed out that the issue can derive from the interference between MUT and IMS, with MUT trying to upload the file before the .jpg is created by IMS.  Taking MUT out of automatic upload can help resolve this issue, especially for 360 imaging of whole rounds.


A total of 432 whole-round quadrant images were taken for hard-rock sections including only oriented pieces.


Issues – Uploading issue after the upgrade of MUT. Some .roi file were placed in the “error” folder with no specific reason. To now the The only way to upload the image on LIMS were to copy and paste the .roi file on the “in” folder and reattempt to upload with MUT. This approach was did not always working work and sometimes required to redo this procedure for several times repetitive attempts before the file got uploaded.


Figure 2: Blank SHIL image containing only the section label.


Along expedition During Expedition 395 a total of total 506 Closeup images were produced, including images for section halves and macro-closeups for exp395/395C PAL samples. For exp395exp 395, 480 images were produced, including 469 images for core section halves and 11 for PAL samples. For exp395Cexp 395C, 26 images for PAL samples were produced.

Large amount of closeup closeups for sediment cores were requested , for For one core, scientists requested to take closeups of almost the whole core by 10 cm interval.  

Special macro close-ups are requested including high-resolution images of forams and volcanic glass from the PAL samples of expedition 395 and 395C. Due to the size of the photographing target, the CANON MP-E 65mm lens were was used (Figure 3), and for the glass samples, the Calumet light system was turned off and the Foldio halo light bars were used to remove the shadows in the image as much as possible (Figure 4-6).  These macro close ups were requested because the scientists felt the cameras on the microscopes did not produce a high quality image.

On the macro closeup images, a rough scale bar was added for reference, by taking a picture of a ruler at the same setting and distance as the closeup photo, and the scale bar was set and added on photoshop manually by using "analysis>set measurement scale" tools to set the scale from the ruler picture (Figure 7).

Log sheet of requested forms was were created and uploaded to \data1\1.9 Lab Logbooks at the end of the expedition.


Issues –Light bulb was substituted as it burned out due to overheating. After discussion with the Marine Instrumentation Specialist we agreed that the in-use bulb of 150W are not suitable for the PICAT unit. Instead 100W bulb should be used.


Along During expedition 395 a total of 32 MBIO samples are taken from hard-rock curated cores, and overview MBIO "shake out" pictures were produced for all samples taken as the core arrived.
