GEODESC Data Access

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GEODESC descriptive data

How you got here

You are presented with the GEODESC descriptive data page because you reached it in one of two ways:

If you were using the LORE portal:

  • In the Select Report pane on the left, you clicked on Descriptive Information, where you found two items:
    • DESC Reports
      • Descriptive data were collected using the DESClogik application, and exported to Excel files, for Expedition 317-393 (2009 - August 2022).
    • GEODESC Data Access
      • Starting with Expedition 397 (October 2022), the GEODESC applications has been used to collect descriptive data. Here you can export tab delimited (*.txt) text files on demand.


The Data Access application has only a few user interface windows (Fig. <user interface overview>): This main page to access data files, and the catalog pages accessible via the menu on the top left of the window.

Figure <user interface overview>.

Filter the descriptive data

Using the check boxes on the page, you can access two categories of files:

        • Descriptive data files (the observations you are typically interested in)
        • Descriptive metadata files (description of the template configurations for potential analysis).

Using the menu button at the top left, you can also navigate to the GEODESC catalogs.

On the top right of this page, you can sign in if you are accessing data under moratorium and if you have the credentials to access them.

To download data files:

  • Select one or more of:

    • Expedition(s) (you have the option Select all)

    • Site(s) (you have the option Select all)

    • Hole(s)

  • Optionally filter the file records by one or more of the template keys:

    • Scale

    • Type

    • typing any word into the Search field (click the Apply button or anywhere outside the field)

  • Optionally de-select one of the file type check boxes:
    • Data files
      • Data files contain the observations made for a hole, using a template. They are created and stored automatically by the GEODESC Data Capture application whenever the observers publish the data in their project worksheet. See Descriptive data file in the GEODESC glossary for a description of the structure and content of the download file.
    • Metadata files
      • Metadata files contain the template configuration used to record observations in the data capture worksheets. They are created by the GEODESC Template Manager application whenever the template maker last saved a project template. See Descriptive metadata file in the GEODESC glossary for a description of the structure and content of the download file.

  • Click the Download selected file(s) button.
  • If you want a list of the file records returned by your filters, click the Download table button.

Data files and metadata files are exported as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. Multiple files are are downloaded as a Zip file.

Data Access sign in

You probably arrive on this page (Fig. <sign in>) because you tried to access moratorium data. 

To sign in:

  • Enter your Username
  • Enter your Password
  • Click the Sign in button

Figure <sign in>.

GEODESC catalogs

You are presented with the GEODESC catalogs dashboard. Click any of the buttons to view, filter, and/or download GEODESC catalog content. The catalog buttons are presented in two groups for convenience:

  • Core description
    • Template catalog
    • Observable catalog
    • Values catalog
    • Qualifier catalog
  • Micropaleontology
    • Taxa catalogs
    • Zone catalog
    • Datum catalog

Template catalog

The template catalog is an inventory of all catalog templates designed for immediate use in a project, or to be modified during a project using the Template Manager application.

To download template catalog records:

  • Optionally filter by scale, type and/or objective.
    • Without using filters, all catalog templates appear in the list.
  • Click the Download catalog template(s) button. One file is generated per template.
  • If you want to download a list of the templates returned by your filters, click the Download table button.
  • To return to the catalog portal, click the Return button.

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. Multiple files are downloaded as a Zip file. Each file has four sections:

Observable catalog

The observable catalog is an inventory of GEODESC observables, with most being used in the catalog templates. These observables can also be added to project templates using the Template Manager application.

To download observable catalog records:

  • Optionally filter the catalog records
  • The filtered observables will be listed in the table.
  • You can sort the table using the table column headers (three modes: A-Z, Z-A, back to original)
  • Click the Download catalog observable(s) button.
  • To return to the catalog portal, click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. 

Entry value catalog

The entry value catalog is an inventory of geological and general terms used to create entry validation lists associated with observables.

To download entry value records:

  • Optionally filter the catalog
    • using a word search, or
    • using the group filter dropdown lists.
  • Click the Download entry value(s) button.
  • To return to the catalog portal click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. 

Qualifier catalog

The qualifier catalog is a table of geological and general terms used to construct observable definitions.

To download the entire qualifier catalog:

  • Click the Download qualifiers button.
  • To return to the catalog portal click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. 

Taxonomic catalogs

The taxonomic catalogs are inventories of taxa and synonym records that are used to create micropaleontology data capture templates.

To download taxonomic records:

  • Select a microfossil group from the dropdown list.
  • Optionally select the Synonym catalog and/or deselect the Taxa catalog.
  • Click the Download button.
  • To return to the catalog portal, click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. 

Zone catalog

The zone catalog contains user-supplied zone listings of published biostratigraphic zonal schemes.

To download the datum catalog:

  • Optionally filter the catalog by:
    • Zonal schemes and/or
    • Microfossil group
  • Click the Download button.
  • To return to the catalog portal, click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization. 

Datum catalog

The datum catalog contains user-supplied published datum and time scale lists. 

To download the datum catalog:

  • Optionally filter the catalog by selecting a microfossil group from the dropdown list.
  • Click the Download button.
  • To return to the catalog portal, click the Return button

Files are downloaded as tab-delimited text files for longevity and ease of analysis and visualization.