BOX ship - Replicate GEODCAT schema to ship
On shore, export the state of the GEODCAT schema from LIMSHQ.
Transport that data pump export (dmpdp) file to ship. Stage it on the ODA.
Backup the existing GEODCAT (just in case).
Remove the shipboard GEODCAT schema.
Load the shore copy into place.
Log into LIMSHQ with DBA credentials. Run this command-line (no it doesn't work in SQL Developer as of this writing).
sql your_dba
sql> dp export -directory dmpdir -dumpfile geodcat.dmpdp -schemas geodcat -filesize 7gb
At the time of this writing Oracle directory "dmpdir
" corresponds to /backup/export/
mounted on host S1 or OEM.
2. Transfer the export file to ship.
No guidance provided. Practice your skills and your networking. The specifications below must be met for the import step to occur successfully.
The file is to be deposited to the
folder attached to ODA K1.The file ownership should be
3. Backup the shipboard GEODCAT
then drop the schema.
As your LIMSJR DBA run this.
sql your_dba
sql> dp export -directory dmpdir -dumpfile geodcatJR.dmpdp -schemas geodcat -filesize 7gb
# Presuming the above was successful
# Expunge the existing GEODCAT
drop user geodcat cascade;
# Keep this login for the next step
4. Import the shore GEODCAT schema.
dp import -directory dmpdir -dumpfile geodcat.dmpdp -schemas geodcat