396T LO Cross-Over Notes

Well the expedition started off great.  No positive Covid cases for the on coming crew, good cross-over with the off-going staff. Although some of the staff had travel adventure coming from the USA, they eventually made it to Reykjavik for quarantine, with missing luggage finally showing up before boarding the ship.

Unfortunately, before we could get home, the Omicron Covid-19 variant made its appearance and now we find ourselves at ground zero for a new global outbreak.  I love my job!

Déjà flu all over again!


In Reykjavik, the last of the shipments (not already loaded) arrived and then we were on our way to Cape Town.  Just a few days of bad weather on the way down but overall an uneventful transit.

The staff (as always) burned through the expedition work list forcing the LO to come up with new jobs.  Need to teach them how to stretccchhhhh their work, lol.

During the transit, we focused on getting the new navigation software and new bathymetric system operational.  Zenon and Eric were successful in getting everything running and documented.  To fully test everything together, we ran a ~36-hr bathy and magnetic survey across site 12B on Walvis Ridge on our way into Cape Town.  Unfortunately, we maintained speed at 11 knots but the data was still pretty good after processing for that speed. The data was kept on IODP_SHARE/UW if you are interested in looking at it.

The new Helmsman display should replace the JRNav Goggle Earth program. JRData Server will go away eventually once IRIS is online but for now it is needed for Site Fix.

Also, during the transit we installed the new Haskris water chiller with Alex upgrading the plumbing to the back-up system.  While the system was down, Alex flushed the compressor and cleaned all the lines in and out of the compressor.  There was a lot of nasty stuff collecting in the lines

In port, our work focused on the IMS 12 upgrades/testing, installation of the SRA, Barnstead, Epi-florescent Microscope, SHIL Lighting system and other miscellaneous jobs. 

Outstanding Issues

  • Looks like you will not get the Data Center’s UPS for your expedition due to shipping delays.

  • Steel replacement under the heli-deck and the port winch platform required us to remove all geophysical equipment including the magnetometer cable. Everything is currently locked in the UW lab. 

  • Unsure if the steel work and painting will get done in time for us to restore the magnetometer cable, but that is our plan.

  • Ship’s air has been off and on for the last month so the N2 generator is off line. Once we get air back for good we’ll get the system running. It will need to be run for a while before I would trust the quality.  Also, we were unable to fully test the PWL on WRMSL without air.

  • The SRM issues reported by the last expedition could not be reproduced by Alex. After speaking with Gary, he pointed me to another test to try.  I will look at this but I’m reluctant to make changes so late in the game.

  • SEIM found a single cockroach in the UT accommodation. A pest service sprayed the hallway base boards and place small dots of bait/poison inside the rooms along the base boards back in the corners. I  The captain has the MSDS sheets if anyone is concerned.

  • We plan on testing NaviPac with the JRSever and Site Fix to make sure they are up and running before we get off.




Logistics Activities: (see ALO’s report for more details)

  • D-tubes in the BAT cave were removed and stored down in the core refer. We did not refill the cave and would like to discuss not doing this anymore.   Shhh don’t tell Brad!

  • MBIO chemicals missing from AMS were added

  • Updated all chemicals that should be labeled with 'CH' (previously 'CM's or 'MB's)

  • Added more T-Slot brackets to inventory

  • Organized AMS consumables for the new water makers.

General Maintenance

  • The chill water flow and pressure to the LN2 generator was tested and found to be ok (could be better).

  • Scheduled maintenance on the N2 generator was completed. Waiting on ship’s air to be restored for testing.

  • Core racks in the core entry area where shifted starboard, electrical Isoduct was lifted to the ceiling and a new airline was ran in preparation of the XSCAN installation.

  • Repaired the broken faucet and a crack in the countertop in Hood F3.

  • Floor repair under the Yamato sterilizer.

Applications and software

  • All installations of LabVIEW onboard were upgrade to 2021 version.

  • IMS was upgraded to 12.0.  This upgrade included a lot of bug fixes.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to document the fixes or go through the list in Confluence.  If you have time please have the staff go thru the Confluence list and closed all that have been addressed.

  • National Instrument serial device ports are being scrambled!  Sometimes with an update or just rebooting the computer.   Often you can fix the issue by shutting down the computer, unplug all USB serial connections, reboot and then plug them in.  I will chase this issue down with National Instruments when I get home.

U/W Geophysics:

Much of this was already covered in the overview and outstanding sections above.  See Zenon’s report for greater details about software and hardware setups. Here are a few more items.

  • We have replace both the forward and aft GPS antennae with the new units.

  • Zennon has set up the new receivers to use the entire GPS constellation not just US satellites. We are seeing HDOP under 30 cm!           

  • When using the full set of international satellites, the $GP in the NEMA string turns into $GN which initially broke JRData Server.  The program has been altered to no longer care and will except either.

Paleo Prep Lab:

  • New Barnstead water filtration system installed

Microbiology lab:

  • New epifluorescence microscope was installed. Alignment and testing still needed.

Magnetics Lab: 

  • One of the issues with the SRM was that the boat would snap back after the homing move. We could never find the issue but we fixed the behavior by adding a dedicated home switch to the track instead of using the limit switch.  For the home switch to work properly the arm needs to contact the red flex strip first. If you have problems check that it hasn’t been bent.

  • Cryomech was shut down and the cooling lines cleaned.  As expected it was full of rust and other nasty bits collected from the ship’s chill water.

  • Heat exchange “Moonshine” coil and all associated hardware and plumbing has been removed.

  • Cracks in the floor under the emergency Haskris have been repaired.

  • The Haskris closed-loop chiller has been installed and plumb to the emergency Haskris.

  • SRM vacuumed was rough pumped with the Welch pump down to 1 mbar (was at around 4 mbar) and then pumped to 2x10-3 mbar with HiCube (which only pumps to 10-4 mbar). The SRM pump down procedure updated in Confluence.

  • SRM null fields and labeling fixed. X, Y, and Z are now consistent from the nulling pots to the fluxgate read outs. And DAFI knows how to swap X ó Z between Fluxgate and SRM frames of reference.

SHIL hardware

  • The new SHIL lighting system with temperature control was installed. It is currently set to hold the temperature at 30°  If you run the lights continuously it will come up to around 46° C and hold.  Between 30° C and 46° C there is no noticeable drift in the colors.  In normal operations we never saw a temperature above 34° C.

  • We did have an issue when the heaters on one side failed to cycle off and heated the entire light to~150° This happen overnight when no one was around, therefore; I would keep the power off if no one in the lab.  I was amazed there was no heat damage to the system.  Lower power heaters have been ordered so if this happens again the fans can keep up.  Spare controllers have been ordered, as well.

  • Jurie installed a second cut-off switch as extra protection for the lights

  • The light angle has been set high but can be moved lower position. This good for illuminating materials with high relief (cracks).  However, we did not have a means to test wet sediments so you may have to experiment with position and height.

  • The light lenses have been slightly frosted for better light dispersion.

SHIL software

  • During the calibration we found an issue with the image disappearing from the Image Correction window. The cause was multiple mouse over events when the cursor was over the window. The event was changed to mouse down and the problem is gone.

  • Also, there appears to be a misunderstanding regarding the image calibration process.  The gray standard at the top of the tray is not used in the calibration. Use this only for image QA control.  Always use the White and Black color chips on the ColorChecker to dial the camera response in using the exposure and gain controls (White = ~245 and Black = ~ 15).  Note, you cannot get the Black to 50 (ColorChecker value) because the camera does not have a linear response (closer to a log function response).  The calibration process will correct the 15 to 50.

  • With the new light source, we have revisited the image calibration utility and have made a few updates to the interface.   The user can now select which colors to use for calibration. 

Using this new capability, we can now calibrate the image using the full set of colors.  Using this new feature with the sRGB values sent out by David we found an issue with calibration results.  While we the calibration curves for green and blue closely match, the red calibration curve was quite different skewing the neutral colors.  We assumed that David’s value was based on a D65 illuminant standard.  We do not know what are lighting system is but the color temperature is much warmer than D65.

Heather recalculated the sRGB values using Xrite’s L*ab values but for various illuminants using Lindbloom’s CIE Color Calculator (http://www.brucelindbloom.com/) and then compared the calibration results.

She found that Illuminant “A” standard provided the best fit which is a warm color closer to the lights.   Checking the X-Rite data we see that they made their Lab measurement using “MeasurementCondition=M0”.  When you look up the “M0” measurement standard, you see that it is done with Illuminant “A”. 

\o/ This makes sense that this would work better so the SHIL program has been updated to use these values.  We also measured the SHIL light with the SHMSL using a white standard.  Although the measurement conditions were not ideal the resulting Lab values showed similar color temperatures around the ~2700K.  This much warmer that the LED specifications so we assume that the acrylic lens are filtering out some of the blue component, just a guess.


  • Completed the experiments requested by David on Spectrum Reservoir standards. Have nothing back on the results.

  • A new NGR wire diagram printed.

  • SEIM electricians installing a new 220V service for the NGP UPS. Test on the new UPS show 2+ hours of backup time.

  • Relocated and reoriented the NGR computer screen over the track (ATM like setup) and added a touch pad screen for entering the section length.  No mouse or keyboard needed for routine measurement process.  A second screen will be placed on the desk for keyboard work.


  • Repaired the curling lead vinyl shielding on XMAN using metal bands and wood screws.

  • Completed a radiation survey of XMAN.


  • The plastic cups that were added to keep the spring from shifting were preventing the switch from being engaged and transferring force directly into the transducer. The cups were removed and the system is working as it should. Spring shifting is not a problem

  • ETs installed a new limit switch setup that can’t be damaged from jogging the transducer fully down.  Note manual jogging ignores the compression switch.

  • Exlar movement is more reliable (not perfect) and recoverable should they jamb off.


  • Updated spectrophotometer, CHNS and coulometer manuals

  • Updated the FCLC inventory adding exact chemical locations

  • Muffler furnace door latch mechanism was serviced and repaired¿

  • New Barnstead water filtration system installed

  • Work on SRA installation started

  • SRA installed and connected to gas lines. Confirmed communication with software. Awaiting ship’s air to be restored to check system.


  • Replaced the struts on the Bruker XRD Cover

  • Lubed the spinner on XRD

ICP Prep

  • Replaced soundproofing material in Spex Shatterbox


This is the future replacement for RigWatch.  During this expedition Dean installed signal splitters in the subsea shop so that we can test both RigWatch and IRIS at the same time.  The work is complete and tested but additional hardware is needed to monitor the cement pump strokes at high pump rates.  This maybe done before leaving the ship if the parts come in time.

In terms of software development, we complete every major task that can be done without an operational drill floor. We are ready for live testing and debugging which will happen on some future expedition.  When we leave the ship the new cRIO in the subsea shop we be collecting and broadcasting data but will not be viewable onboard the ship.  We hope to remote from shore if we need to do some live testing.

The only possible impact to your expedition is the new application replacing SLB2RW and DOWCOMM functions on the laptop in the Telemetry Office.  The application responsible for providing the XBOB overlay to the rigfloor camera and sending wireline, VIT and logging line depth and tension to RigWatch and the IRIS cRIO.

Application Support Activities:

  • Continued refining and debugging web services to load and retrieve RIS real-time data to/from database

  • Assist with troubleshooting and testing after RTLIMS guest password change on shore.

  • Continued work building and refining web services to log IRIS events and realtime data.

  • Work with Phys Props technicians to train new developer on instrument tracks, including tips on troubleshooting problems; safety procedures, and normal operation of tracks and instruments.

  • Worked with shore personnel to troubleshoot and correct problems with file upload; determination was made that one of our Tomcat servers hung because of excessive number of requests; root cause still unknown and investigation is continuing.

  • Installed MS security patches on dev machine.

  • Updating BOE script instructions in ship’s Confluence page.

  • Work with policy analyst to evaluate SDRM replacement application and add requirements to ensure new SDRM adheres to all TAMU security regulations.

  • Worked with MCS's and shore DBA to upgrade Oracle, tested shipboard applications and reports to ensure everything is working normally.

  • Worked with MCS's to upgrade shipboard Tomcat servers, after upgrades completed we ran a battery of tests to ensure all applications and services working normally.  Servers upgraded:


    • Matterhorn

    • Elcapitan

    • Olympus

  • All required LabVIEW code migrated from old SVN repository to new labsystems repository; lv repository has been moved to read-only archive status.IT Support Activities:

  • Converted Fuji to VCSA and reconfigured the ESXi Cluster, setup updates manager

  • Configured vcenter backup agent for new VCSA.

  • Researching Cloud Software bandwidth usage

  • Fixed Acronis Storage Node Cleanup jobs after server credential change

  • Downloaded new updates to Zenworks and prepared packages/bundles to push to clients

  • Investigated Crowdstrike detection on Ops Manager PC

  • Updated Server and Workstation Inventory lists for Phil

  • Converted Matterhorn, Elcapitan and Olympus to use SUSE-vetted tomcat services and removed standalone tomcat instance from service

  • Corrected problem with PAM configuration on all Linux servers that caused valid logins to be counted as failed logins.

  • Installed FREL in vCenter and started support case with Commvault to fix communication issues between Commcell and FREL. Ongoing.

  • Started initial setup of AUSST, expanded repository drive storage size

  • Upgraded Acronis Management Server to intermediate stage before final upgrade

  • Upgraded Acronis agents on instrument hosts to intermediate stage before final upgrade

  • Remediated ESXi hosts to current patch levels