XRay Tech Report

Alexis Armstrong and Heather Barnes


EXP378T left San Diego and transited to Fiji. Only one USGS scientist sailed (Dale Griffin) to take atmospheric dust samples. The ship was tied-up in Fiji form Dec 11th to Jan 3rd. The Bruker XRD and Panalytical XRD were used minimally (maintenance and training purposes only) with some issues listed below.

Bruker XRD

The ship's crew performed maintenance on the chill water; and because of this, we had to shut down the Bruker XRD. After the maintenance period was completed, we were unable to turn on the machine, as there was no power going to the instrument. We replaced a blown fuse from the main power supply (going to the controller unit), and were able to restore power. We then ran standards successfully. The instrument has been functioning correctly since.

Handheld XRF

The Innovx Delta software is incompatible with Windows 10. In order to update our system to the newest version of Java, the Innovx software is running on Windows Xp Sp3, a compatibility mode for Windows 10.

Aeris Panalytical XRD

We did some training on the Aeris XRD. Reading the manual, setting up a measurement file, changing hardware in the XRD as needed, running a sample. We ran one sample successfully but on the second sample we could not get the XRay generator to start. Errors encountered were O.BootsstrapperBlockedOnXsafeUnsafe and O.Safety.XsafeUnsafe (these errors are logged on the machine). The manual's procedure for clearing this error includs turning off, opening cover and making sure it is closed correctly, restarting, toggling the HT key. We tried this several times with no avail. Steps leading to the error are:  Ran one sample without issue; changed the parameter file, loaded the file, awaited the prompt to change the hardware but it did not come, I tried to open the cover while it was still locked (gently tried) to change the hardware and then we noticed the error (when exactly the error occurred we are unsure). I do not think the gentle lift on the cover while it was locked caused the error but we cannot pin point anything else to cause a Xray safe error. We have set up a Work Order with Malvern Panalytical and emailed Vladimir (XRD techs are CC'ed). WO # 001511. Vladimir is now looking at the Error Log file. He will email with possible cause/solutions.

Here are Vladimir's replies:


The cover is part of x-ray safety system. Looks like x-ray safety was indeed compromised in attempt to open the cover manually while it was locked.  You mentioned that the instrument was restarted, but the error cannot be cleared. Is it just the error or you still cannot turn x-ray generator ON? If this is still  the case, please try  following:

Turn the instrument off from control panel;

Then turn off  breaker switch on the back of the instrument (if you face Aeris this toggle switch is on the right rear side) for about 30 seconds, then put it back on;

Restart the instrument with the x-ray key off ( horizontal position);

After instrument restart, open and close the cover;

Turn the x-ray key ON (vertical position);

Let me know what happed,




Please try to turn the instrument off again from toggle switch on the back and move the goniometer arms manually to the lower angle, almost to zero or approx. 10 degrees. Do not worry, you can move the goniometer manually with the system powered off, some situations like mounting non ambient heating stage requires to move the goniometer manually to higher angle. Re-initialize the instrument and try turn the key ON.

When you tried to reboot Aeris before, have you noticed or heard that the goniometer was initializing? Does the sample changer initialize?

When the power is ON, can you open the cover and check status of LEDs on the black metal box behind sample loading door? LEDs are red and green.

And finally can you e-mail me log files? I have attached instructions how to collect log files.

Best regards,




After speaking with Panalytical they believe that the sample changer unit is faulty and will need a full replacement. We have disabled the sample changer, to run samples in manual mode. This would provide us a short-term solution where we could run single samples. However, upon restart, we were unable to clear our active errors, and sent our logs to Panalytical. The logs (taken with the instrument in manual mode) were analyzed by the Panalytical factory, and they believe that our current error of “Unsafe situation” is due to our shutter sticking. They suggested more trouble-shooting however, this did not clear our errors. Currently, the X-rays do not turn on, the HT generator does not initialize and the sample changer arm does not leave the instrument. The sample changer unit has been disabled, the instrument has been set to manual mode, and the divergent slit removed. A full service call is necessary as both the shutter and sample changer units need to be replaced.


Active Errors:

1) Motion control error to the sample loader arm

2) The X-ray safety control system reports an unsafe situation

3) Please toggle the HT key


Trouble Shooting:


  • We opened the cover with the instrument turned off

  • We turned on the instrument

  • We observed the LED’s on top of the black box

  • Both the red and green LED’s should be visible; however only the red was illuminated

  • We adjusted and checked the cable connections to the black box, and ensured that all cables were snug


  • Panalytical asked that we try to open the sample loader door while the power was off.

  • The sample loader door should be able to open and close manually from the outside of the instrument, by sliding it up or down using your index and thumb.

  • We were unable to move the sample loader door, and it was frozen in place


  • Panalytical wanted to know if the sample changer door opens or closes once the instrument is turned on. The door opens, and stays open.


  • Panalytical wanted to remote into the instrument using the software Team Viewer. Team viewer is installed directly onto the instrument, and is accessible from Advanced Mode > Minimize window > Windows start menu > Team Viewer. The version installed onto the Aeris is Version 11; however, the current version is 15. We were unable to remote into the Aeris using Team Viewer, as the software installed is too old. We tried to remote in using version 11, 14, and 15. We tried to install version 15 onto the Aeris, but were unable to do so, as we would need admin access. Minh discovered that to connect to an older version of Team Viewer (version 11) we would need to buy a license


  • We were able to remote into the instrument using a key/token system in IMS

  • To activate or generate a key go to Advanced mode > Minimize window > Panalytical IMS > IMS. This will give you an IMS Client Dashboard. Click on Activate with token

  • This will generate a key number copied to your clipboard

  • Send the key to Panalytical

  • They will in turn send you a token. Type in the token and press Connect

  • This gives you a two-hour window to edit the IMS settings

  • While speaking with our vendor on the phone, they were able to guide us through the IMS settings, and we were able to disable the sample changer

  • Disabling the sample changer triggers an automatic shutdown

  • Upon restart, the instrument is now running on manual mode. The sample changer has been disabled, and we should be able to run single samples

  • However, our active errors would not clear, and the instrument still reported an unsafe situation

  • We then sent in our log files


  • After analyzing our log files, Panalytical believes that our shutter is sticking, and that we will need to replace parts within our tube-housing unit. They believe a service for our shutter is also required

  • They suggested a temporary solution of removing the divergent slit, and lightly tapping on the top and right side of the tube tower

  • We removed the div slit, tapped the top and right side of the tube tower, and initiated a full shut down and start up

  • Our active errors did not clear

  • We received a new error of “ Sample Changing with Manual Loading Error”