Adding assets (images or files) into DESC

In DESClogik you can attach any file, image, article, or reference to any sample described. This includes paleontology samples.

The example given here is for adding a photomicrograph image (specifically a thin section). However, adding any asset to a sample follows a similar procedure:


1) Download the image from LIMS online report (LORE)

  • Click the LORE link.

  • Apply the usual sample filters for site and hole, etc.

  • Select Images and choose standard report for Photomicrographs (Fig. 1).

  • Click View Data (Fig. 1).

  • Select the hyperlink under "Image (JPG) link."

  • Either save and open the JPG image, or open the image with an editing program. Editing the images allows the user to add  add call outs, annotations or notes. Windows Paint is recommended. Note: for call outs use single-polarized images.

Fig. 1: Downloading a Photomicrograph.

 2) Add annotations

  • Images in the database are stored as raw JPEGs.

  • If desired, they can be manipulated in  Windows Paint or Photoshop (Fig. 2).

  • In Windows Paint, using black for all symbols and text is recommended so they will be visible (Fig. 2).

  • Save your annotated image to a local file on your computer.

Fig. 2: Annotated image in Windows Paint

3) Insert annotated images to DESClogik

  • Open DESClogik.

  • Select the template in which you would like to add your annotated image. For this example, the template used would be "Microscopic".

  • Download the corresponding sample into your microscopic template.

  • At the end of each description row there is a column labeled "File Data" (Fig. 3).

  • Double click the cell labeled "File Data" (Fig. 3).

  • Select the "Add Asset" button.

  • Select your annotated file and fill in the corresponding file parameters (Fig. 4). Note: The asset file now has an ID number linked to the database.

  • Click close.

  • You can add as many assets as you want. Note: assets do not have to be annotated.

Fig. 3: "File Data" column and asset uploading.

Fig. 4: "Add Asset" file parameters


4) Uploading assets to the Database

  • After you have finished adding your asset files to DESClogik. Click "Upload".

  • Your files are now within the database.


5)Downloading and viewing DESClogik assets.

  • You can view DESClogik assets two ways:

  • Click on the link directly in DESClogik and save it to your computer

  • View the asset in LIMS under DESC Reports.

  • Open LIMS (LORE) and select Descriptive Information.

  • Click "DESC Reports." (Fig. 5)

  • This will open a new tab with a hierarchy selection boxes.

  • Select the desired sample parameters

  • Under DESC asset parameters select "other", "other" for both "Type" and "Category" (Fig. 6).

  • Click View List of Assets button.

  • The Asset list displays file links, which can be viewed as any other LIMS images.

Fig. 5: DESC Reports

Fig. 6: DESC Reports file link window.