Expedition 384 and 390P I Technical Reports

Expedition 384_390P I Technical Report (Word)

Expedition 384_390P I Technical Report (PDF)

X384 Individual Reports

IODP Expedition 384: Engineering TEstING
Operational Dates
Lab Notebook PaGe design
Linking pages in Confluence
Laboratory Summary
IMPORTANT Issues or changes
Focsle Deck
Summary of Projects
Special Projects/Issues
Expedition Summary
EXP 384 Samples
Samples Taken for EXP395 Science Party
Site Conversion
Catwalk Sampling
Sampling Codes
ICP Samples
Smear Slides
Thin Sections
Special Projects
Core Lab Report
Splitting Room
Core deck
core description and micropaleontology preparation laboratory
Paleontology Wet Lab
Thin Section Report Builder/Writer
Step counters for the microscope stages:
Closeup Station:
Image Files Produced
PR images
General Lab
JR-6A Spinner
D-2000 AF Demagnetizer
ACS Impulse Magnetizer
Thermal Demagnetizer
CORE Orientation Tools
MUT upload
A.1 Discrete Sample Information
Individual Measurement Systems
Moisture and Density (MAD)
Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)
Section Half Imaging Logger (SHIL)
Section Half Multi Sensor Logger (SHMSL)
Gantry - Velocity (PWC)
Thermal Conductivity (TKON)
Whole Round Loggers
X-Ray Imager (XMSL)
Manuals and Documentation
Confluence Page(s)
Shipping and Receiving
Sent off Ship
Fume hoods
Gas Lines/manifold
Hydrogen generators
Water system
Bruker D4 XRD
Comparison Malvern AERIS and Bruker D4
Motor and Pump Issues:
Handheld XRF (pXRF)
Shatterbox and Mixer Mills
Bead Maker
Freeze Dryer
User Guides
Ordering Supplies
Microbiology lab
PM5 Polisher
Samples and methods
Ordering Supplies
DownHole LAB & Logging
Logging and VSI/VSP
Methods and Manual Changes:
Items Received:
Items Ordered:
Focsle Deck
Special Projects
Lab restart:
COREPHOTO end-to-end images:
General Duties Performed
Change Summary
Outstanding Issues
Special Projects / Issues
Development Tooling and Infrastructure Changes
Hardware and Server
Servers (Microsoft):
Servers (Linux):
Servers (ODA):
Servers (VMware):
PC Workstations:
MAC Workstations:
Other Equipment/Projects:



IODP Expedition 384: Engineering TEstING

Expedition 384 was primarily an engineering bit testing expedition that had been postponed. Additional sites and projects were added to the original operations plan to utilize the ship time and personnel. The original plan had the ship arriving Las Palmas but the global pandemic situation forced schedule changes and the ship returned to Kristiansand, Norway. In addition to the drill bit testing, one of the 395 sites was used to obtain a triple APC cored 70m sediment section to do a thorough analysis of the core orientation tools. At another 395 site we RCB cored a 130m section of basement material for use by the 395 science party. Due to a mechanical failure of a critical piece of Schlumberger equipment, the ship returned to Norway to get the item repaired.
Science Prospectus: See URL http://publications.iodp.org/scientific_prospectus/384/
Operational Reports: See URL https://iodp.tamu.edu/scienceops/sitesumm/384/

Operational Dates

  • Departed: Kristiansand, Norway at 0700, 23 July 2020
  • Arrival: Kristiansand, Norway at 0800 24 August 2020 ending 384
  • Tie-up: Kristiansand, Norway 24 August 2020 – Oct 5, 2020 which is 390P


  • Alex Roth joined the technical staff specializing in paleomagnetics. Gary Acton sailed to oversee the core orientation review project and generally annoy the staff.


JRSO Staff arrived in Kristiansand 5 days early to isolate in a local hotel and get two COVID-19 tests and results prior to boarding.
Expedition 384 officially began at 0800 h on July 20, 2020 ending expedition 384P. On the same day, the technical staff boarded and completed a short crossover with the minimal off-going staff.
There was only a 3-day port call because there was no surface freight but had to ensure Siem crew arrival.
Expedition 384 ended on August 24, 2020 at 0800 and thus began 390P Kristiansand Tie-up


Bathymetric data was collected on all transits. The towed magnetometer was deployed for a short distance in international waters leaving the last site.



Reefer and flat have already left the dock.  We did not receive any freight, but the note below is left as a reminder.

  • Covid-19 safety precautions. Spray all oncoming items with 70% iso-propanol or a 2% household bleach solution (bleach solutions must be mixed daily, covid-19 recipe/instruction in Chem Lab).
  • All papers need to be stamped with "Not Official Import/Export Documents."  Stamp is in the left-hand drawer.


All 384 shipments left end of August/beginning of September. For detailed information, refer to AMS.


  • FLAT with Rhino Reamer, 2 Mud Motors (1 used, 1 unused), Knobbies (CT #2-#6)
  • CORE (53 boxes of core on 5 pallets, 3x stack of Empty Kboxes, Empty Rack for Shipping Cylinders, CT#1 (drill bits and bit breakers), CT#7 (core liner box hardware), purged steel cylinders (8), K-box with SCBAs, 4 empty yellow boxes, 1 -86 freezer and 2x lab refrigerators (BHAZ & FCL).


  • X-Ray Detectors and Monitors on August 28th, Data drive and Samples on Sept. 1st (all destination College Station)




  • One 40' container expected arrival September 17th.  Multiple K-Box supplies, -86 FHALL Freezer, 2 Fridges and new LSC.  With Hazardous.
  • Flats of reentry cones.  Expected Arrival September 14th.

Air Freight

  • Multiple pallets and K-Boxes, including Hazardous.


  • None

Pending Shipments

  • Schlumberger has a sheave Box in 390C pending shipments that needs to be sent back next SURF for re-calibration.  There is one in service onboard.


  • IODPS: Physical count done and updated in AMS.  No special inventory sheet was created. The money received from the customers was noted and added to the general envelope in the ALO/LO safe.  No money sent home.  Store items are in the oncoming SURF.
  • SF5058, Mask, non-medical, No EEI 30.37(a), blue, 50/pkg COVID-19.  These have been added to inventory and ROP/RSL set at 12/20.  This assumes one mask/person/day for 30 days and 20 people.  We have used hardly any hand sanitizer, so stocks are good.
  • New COVID-19 supplies are on inventory and counts updated regularly.


Lab Notebook PaGe design

There are some new versions of Lab Notebook home pages for each lab. It is important that technicians agree on a new page design before replacing the existing page. It is recommended to include a landing/home page with links to individual pages, including a page for vendor manuals and Hardwar and software Issues are tracked in a form.  Users need to be able to search and filter old issues and resolutions to help trouble shoot and understand instrument histories.
An example of a new lab page can be found here:  AARON'S EXAMPLE NOTEBOOK HOMEPAGE (Phys Props)

Linking pages in Confluence

It is important on Confluence to always link to another page using a relative link by using the Search function. This ensures that links ship and shore are retained when copies of the pages are loaded, mainly on shore. This is mainly a problem on shore when the pages are copied from the ship and reloaded on shore with updates. It is common to find absolute links to "confluence.ship" that cannot be found on the shore environment. This happens when a web link is copied and pasted when linking. Use the Search or Recently viewed functions to insert a link.

Laboratory Summary

The laboratories ran very well over the course of the short expedition.

IMPORTANT Issues or changes


  • The COPE Protocol was followed to get all personnel to the vessel safely and after departure to mitigate the potential impact if the virus causing COVID-19 had got on to the vessel.
  • Significant time was dedicated to GEODESC meetings, programming, and testing.
  • Catwalk module was deployed for full operational testing and programmatic changes were made as necessary and as part of the ongoing project.
  • SNAP TV Installation – Small IPTV units with remote and HDMI cable were installed in all staterooms.

Core Deck

Core Lab:
Track Systems:

  • Overall, the track systems worked well.
  • A study with the MS3 on the SHMSL determined that a 1 second integration time is optimal.

Other Instruments:

  • Set up the Minolta Spectrophotometer for demonstration and to compare with the QEPro data.
  • Pmag techs did extensive investgation into the orientation tools and coring set up.

Focsle Deck

Chemistry Lab:

  • ACID TANK is in bypass mode. No chemicals in the sinks, water only!
  • Only ran the NGA.
  • Helium bottles are closed in the Pallet Stores.

XRD Lab:

  • Flow meter replaced on the Bruker XRD.
  • Haskris destroyed a pump again. Pump was replaced but a month later the key sheared. Tech contacted Haskris. Haskris is off as is the Bruker XRD.
  • Malvern Panalytical XRD functional but errors reoccurring. Tech in contact with Malvern for a service call since the unit is still under warranty.

Rad Van:

  • Removed the LSC from the Radvan in preparation for installation of the new LSC arriving in the oncoming freight.

LN2 Generator:

  • Functional


  • Refrigerator from Chem Lab and BHAZ removed and shipped to IODP. Replacements are in the oncoming shipment.
  • Ultra-low temperature (-86) freezer removed from hallway and shipped to IODP. Replacement is in the oncoming shipment.

Underway Geophyics Lab and Fantail

  • Magnetometer cable spooled back on winch and magnetometer deployed one time.
  • The Bathy2010 sonar system is having trouble displaying and tracking the sonar returns at higher output power. It is not certain if this is a problem with the cabling to the 3.5 kHz transducers or a problem on the acquisition boards. Syqwest has provided no assistance despite being contacted multiple times.
  • The Level Wind shaft was freed up manually and turns fine now. The limit screws on top of the bars were moved to lock the bars and magnet in place so that control of the level wind is with the hand-held controller. This was done because the user has to constantly fight with the direction to wrap the cable nicely.
  • G-Gun Parallel Cluster assembled and used for VSP.

Lower decks

Upper Tween:

  • Keypad lock to UT Shop stopped working correctly. Lock was repaired using parts from the two locks we had. New lock on order.

Pallet Stores:

  • Many florescent light fixtures and brackets removed from the areas above our overhead storage and replaced with LED lights resulting in increased overhead storage capacity.
  • The wheels and part of the upper arm of the port side of the scissor lift had worn away drastically and was starting on the starboard side. The mechanics fabricated new wheels and the welder replaced the upper part of the arm. Staff will need to inspect the underside of the lift after every portcall.

Summary of Projects

Special Projects/Issues


  • Removed and sent to shore -86, FCL and BHAZ fridges.  Note that all 3 replacements are in the oncoming surface shipment, ~September 17th.  The new fridges might be too tall to fit through the FCL doorway.  Might have to remove the metal threshold aft around the door to get it in.  The BHAZ water door had to be removed to get the old fridge out.  Probably the same in reverse.  You might have to leave this for the oncoming crew given the small staff.
  • Old Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) has been moved to UT in anticipation of new install.  Reuse crate of new one to send old one back at next SURF.  The scissor lift used to install the Malvern XRD was super helpful in moving the old LSC out.  We rolled it to the Focsle' deck aft door, put a yellow box on the other side and slid it onto the box temporarily, then moved the lift inside and then slid it back on.  It would be perfect in the van so you spin the new LSC around and install the lead, etc..
  • Mounted monitor on unistrut above FWD Description table as per Heather's idea.  I think it's a good place.  May want to adjust up or even add a third monitor.  Dual monitors are really needed for proper description.  Some computers allow 3 monitors.
  • Installed new description lights.  They clamp on, so easy to move.  Kept old ones in case other crew wants to play around with lighting the FWD table.
  • Description Tables.  Got feedback from Peter Blum and techs regarding new layout.  Generally nice and comfortable.  A few notes; on the middle table aft side you can't really reach or see the top of the first 3 sections.  Counters may need to cut back the table ledge.  In general, I always like to have the top of section on my left, Peter noted the same.  The monitor stands do not provide enough movement on all tables.  The aft table is way too stiff, the middle table should have 2 monitors, fully articulating, and the FWD table's stand is blown out.  I didn't have time, but maybe shop around for some new ones.  MCS have at least one dual mount.  Lastly, it is very hard to read the rulers on the Fwrd table, this isn't new.  Maybe we order another black style core tray?  We have only a half tray around.
  • Last description monitor is in Zoom Room, LTDEV on the printer.
  • Snap TV boxes installed in IODP cabins and some common areas.
  • Gary requested Test cores be relabeled to indicate their original site.  I suggest all new test cores have the label 999-Original Site-Hole-Core etc..  Logic being that knowing where the cores came from and the measurement history adds a lot of value for testing and future use.  I added a page to the notebooks for Test Core Measurement files.  It is assumed that all data in the Test database may be purged after or during an expedition, so any useful files should be downloaded.  There is a spreadsheet on the Curator Notebook with up to date inventory and measurement history notes.

Pallet Stores Lighting

A work request was originally requested to be done during the dry-dock or tie-up to replace lighting and alter ducting in the pallet stores to increase overhead storage capacity. The work on the ducting was ultimately cancelled but the lighting project could proceed once supplies arrived. LED lights were received for 384 and a lighting plan made with the Siem Electrical Supervisor. Numerous florescent lights and brackets were removed and the LED lights hung out of the way of the storage racks. There is ample lighting and significantly more storage space.

Pallet Store Zero-Lift Repair

During routine maintenance of the hydraulic unit by the Siem mechanic, they noticed severe wear on the metal rollers on the top of the arms. On one side the rollers were half gone and the metal arm worn away. The mechanics and welder fabricated new parts and installed them. The wheels will need to be inspected regularly and greased. It is recommended that after a portcall the wheels are inspected and greased so they are ready for the next portcall.


  • Shelf above the 'new' work space in core description (fwd wall).
  • Replace all description table monitor mounts.
  • Gel Coat the splitting table. The hardener is ordered and should be in oncoming shipments (gallon of gel coat is in BFLM).
  • The door latches on many of the acid/flammable lockers are deteriorating. More latches are ordered and should be in oncoming shipment.
  • Floor outside the Paleo lab and working half rack and in Microscope lab has many cracks that needs repairing. New rotozip bits for sanding out the cracks and Red Hand for filling cracks should be in oncoming shipment.
  • National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) Codes were sourced for all FCLC and the file is in safety central on confluence. The NFPA's need to be sourced for the BHAZ chemicals and added to confluence in same format as FCLC. If I have to work from home I will do this.



Expedition Summary

Expedition 384 was a dedicated Engineering Testing expedition, however, since the site drilled for bit testing were at EXP395 Reykjavik sites, samples were collected for both expeditions.
In total, 291 samples were taken for both expeditions.  All samples are shipped to the GCR.

  • 307 m of sediment and hard rock cores were collected.  Alll cores were split and are sent to the GCR via refrigerated container.  See EXP384 Load Out.pdf


EXP 384 Samples

  • 6 Hard Rock/Basement Whole Round Samples were selected for Engineering Testing by a 3rd party vendor.  The whole round selection was made with input from EXP395 Science party, and coordinated with Leah Levay (Staff Scientist) and Michelle Penkrot (GCR Curator).  All samples were 360 imaged and labeled, including Brady piece labels.  These samples were entered under the code BLUM, Number 082424IODP, and named ENG_WR.  Any material not used for test, or residues from the test will be returned to the GCR.
  • 158 Shipboard samples were taken for MAD, PMAG, Smear Slides and Head Space. See table below.

Samples Taken for EXP395 Science Party

  • 127 samples were taken on behalf of EXP395 scientists, ICP and TS.  Technical staff sent section-half images via FileX, that the staff scientist then distributed to the expedition members.  Sample selections were compiled in an Excel spreadsheet and annotated on the images and sent back to the ship for collection.  These samples were all entered under the code MURT, 082522IODP.


  • 5 pallets of 53 boxes have been shipped from Kristiansand, Norway.  Of the 53 boxes, there are 50 boxes of core, 1 box 384 residues, 1 box of JR Academy leftover Archive scrapings and 1 box of Engineering Whole Rounds, which are to be delivered to Bill Rhinehart (Opps) or Peter Blum.  The 40 ft refrigerated container is mixed with freight and core, with core being in front.
  • There is one air freight shipment containing the EXP395 samples (MURT) and smear slide residues.
  • There are no frozen or refrigerated shipments

Site Conversion

The conversion between pre-site to site identifiers are listed below (cored holes only).  U1554D was cored as a test and training core site only.

Scientific Prospectus Site





A, B, C



F, G


Catwalk Sampling

Only a handful of Head Space samples were taken for training purposes.

Sampling Codes



Engineering Whole Rounds



EXP395 Requests (ICP and TS)

ICP Samples

  • A total of 110 ICP were taken.  2 paired ICP samples were taken at each interval of interest.  One sample was processed into a powder, and one sample was only crushed following the lab standard procedures.  The sample name designates each as ICP_Powder or ICP_Crush.  Two ICP samples were mislabeled so their exact origin is unknown, U1555G-21R-1W 30/31cm and 27R-1W-103/105cm.  These are bagged and labeled separately from the rest with comments added to LIMS.  2 samples were too soft to process and are undisturbed, 384-U1555G-2R-1-W.  The sample bags are labeled and comment added to LIMS.

Smear Slides

  • 1 Box of SED.

Thin Sections

  • 18 thin sections were made during the expedition. One TS billet was completely repurposed to ICP samples, U1555G-5R-1-W 5/8.  See linked LORE TS Report for details, Thin Section Report_28_8_2020.xlsx


  • MAD, SS, TSB, PMAG, HS.  All residues have been sent to the GCR.

Special Projects

  • This was the first expedition that the Sample Master replacement module, Catwalk, was fully deployed.  Extensive testing has shown the software as fully functional for core-section and catwalk sample entry.  Our live tests included hard-rock piece entry, for which the software worked well.  There are still some minor issues and bugs to work out, and another complete round of testing is schedule by the team.  The software will likely be in production on the next coring expedition.
  • Test Core (Play Core) inventory is complete.  All cores relabeled with 999 as the expedition and their original site-hole-core.  Example, we collected a test core from 384, now labeled 999-U1554D-2H.  I also disposed of some older section-halves to make room on Test Core rack in reefer.  No cores have been designated for a specific purpose, but I recommend splitting some of the oldest Whole Rounds when needed and saving the newer ones.h1. Core Lab Report


    Expedition 384 saw sediment and hard rock samples. Hence, the supersaw was used as well as the blades to cut sections, all sample saws were used to cut samples and the drill press was used to practice cutting mini cores. 

    Splitting Room

    The drain situated between the double-bladed saw and the one to the left was leaking because the drain pipes were screwed together loose and off-balance. The pipes were removed, cleaned, and put back together fitted.
    The two sample saws were installed opposite each other and thus were exchanged back to their original location.
    The fitting for the water hose that delivers cooling water to the right-most sample saw was leaking and was completely rebuilt. 

    Core deck

    We used the new proto-type for sediments and hard-rock cores (see pictured). The handles were modified to be shorter and easier to grip. The cutter performed well. The technicians all liked it.

    Figure 1: New and improved core cutter with a latch-and-go mechanism.
    The new blue end caps seemed tighter, so all catwalk spatulas were filled down to fit better between the liner and the cap. The end caps worked well otherwise. The technicians were satisfied with the color.
    Is there any way the D-tube boxes can be marked by the manufacturer as of where the closed-end is versus the open end?

    core description and micropaleontology preparation laboratory



    Expedition 384 was an engineering testing expedition that collected some sediment and hard rock cores for the postponed expedition 395. The sediment cores were correlated and a splice created. Two workbooks were created, Macroscopic and microscopic, although descriptions were determined best left for thorough descriptions by shorebased science party at a later date, rather than the staff scientist.



    Current Version: DESClogik was used minimally by the staff scientist for cursory section half descriptions of sediment cores within the splice interval, but descriptions were later decided to be deleted from all systems.


    No updates to report.


    No issues to report

    Paleontology Wet Lab

    Paleontology wet lab was used as an area for Minolta Spectrometer testing. No updates or issues to report.


    The SEM and Sputter Coater were turned on after the previous dry dock and confirmed to be working. No issues to report

    Thin Section Report Builder/Writer

    With no shipboard science party thin sections are not being described on the ship so the Report Builder and Writer were not used. No issues to report.


    Two eight inch sieves, stir rod, watch glass, 1000ml beaker, and graduated cylinder were received. New core description lights were received and attached to the two aft tables.


    Geodesc is in full development with the primary focus on Template Manager application and secondary focus the Data Capture Application. Testing, test plan writing, and specification review are all underway.




    The duties of the Imaging Specialist were shared by different individuals for the expedition since we sailed with reduced staff. Aaron De Loach and Nicolette Lawler covered the physical properties and close-up area, Sandra the remaining tasks. 



  • Performed well for sediments with the newly installed lights, even though we still have the ongoing issues of green lines in the images. Some images were sent back to shore to the Imaging Specialist to perform a quality check.
  • We had an issue with the wet hard-rock images as the bright light was harshly reflected from the dark surface - for more information see details in 384 physical properties tech report.

Step counters for the microscope stages:

  • The point counters were found, investigated, and tested. The setup has two parts: the moving stage that attaches to a microscope stage, and a digital counter that connects to the stage. When a user logs counts on the digital counter the stage will move to left a pre-defined amount. We have four digital counters and three stages. They are located in the microscope lab in cabinet 3D-4. A user guide was written and can be found in the Microscopy Laboratory Manuals area.


  • One of the Axioplan microscopes was configured for smear slide usage, including a 63x oil objective that was cleaned after usage.


  • Was used. We had an issue with the light source. The transformer had several electronics issues, that were fixed by the ET. The light bulb in the color head was malfunctioning as well. The bulb was removed, tested, and plugged back in. All of the components are back in working conditions. The light bulbs used are the regular 12V halogen.
  • The camera lens cover is missing. A new one is on order.

Closeup Station:

  • The closeup station was setup after the camera was removed in preparation for plan zulu. Closeup images of a whole round were taken to capture an unexpected curve in the rock cored with one of the new drill bits.


  • Was not used for scientific samples.


Samsung Gear 360:

  • The software could not be found.
  • The camera is available onboard and seems to be working.


  • Was used for microphotographs, closeups, and thin section images.


SHIL images were sent to shore for cross-checking by image specialist.
The Virtual Photo Table app was running during coring.
Quadrant images were produced, but not all were stitched together to produce the 360 composites. 
General images of the laboratory configuration were requested by the Laboratory Officer in order to update the IODP websites.

Image Files Produced

4 Close-ups Images (CLOSEUP)
9 Photomicrographs (MICROIMG)
36 Thin-section Images (TSIMAGE)
58 Core composite images (COREPHOTO)
343 Line Scan Images (LSIMG)
385 Quadrant Images (WRLS)
30 Whole-round 360 (WRLSC) - not all of them were processed due to time restraints

PR images

Weekly photos were taken, approved, and captioned on the ship. Metadata tagging was done on shore from week 3 on.


The Imaging/Microscope Laboratory confluence site was updated, documentation was added for:

  • General Folder structure for an expedition,
  • Guidelines for required metadata/keywords and development of a metadata template for an expedition,
  • PICAT energy source information,
  • T-shirt printing instructions, ballots,
  • ID card templates,
  • Mug Photo/Group photo templates/Caption document,
  • Close-up template,
  • How to get RAW pictures converted - RAW - DNG - JPEG,
  • How to add an expedition metadata template and keywords to images with Adobe Bridge, and
  • a new guide for 360-quadrant image-stitching and a short quick start guide for ImageGrabber was developed, and
  • the 360 composite software guide was transferred from word to confluence.


Drobo drive is being sent to shore to sort through files that might be missing there and to transfer 384 data to the shore database. It is expected to be back for the departure of Expedition 390C (October 5, 2020).




Expedition 384 was an engineering testing expedition in the North Atlantic which visited two sites, U1554 and U1555. The primary objectives for Site U1554 was to test IODP's various magnetic orientation tools (MOTs) and Site U1555 was to test new bit performance in hard rock. Throughout the entire expedition, a secondary objective of the paleomagnetism (Pmag) lab was to use the entire Pmag lab for performance verification of all systems, equipment, and software as well as provide a thorough training opportunity for the two new Pmag technicians.
At Site U1554, three APC holes were cored to approximately 70 mbsf and a 4th shallow hole was drilled down to approximately 14 mbsf. Four MOTs, 3 Icefield MI-5s and 1 Flexit, were deployed for testing purposes while coring these holes. The MOTs consistently gave values expected for the site, with the exception of one tool (Icefield tool 2043), which gave values 180° off on average. The source of this error was fortunately discovered at the end of the expedition and once corrected, this tool also gave good results. This discovery may have larger implications for MOT data from previous expeditions that also have values that appeared to be 180° from anticipated values. Other, smaller sources of error affecting MTF angles were identified during the set up and the MOT and the core barrel on the rig floor. These errors could account for values which appear to differ by less than 180° from the expected value. Of the 25 cores recovered at site U1554, 24 provide an excellent, high-resolution record of Brunhes age (<780 ka) sediment including several geomagnetic excursions. Only one core (U1554B-5H) was excluded due to significant coring disturbances.
A total of 7 holes were drilled at Site U1555 in order to test new bit performance; two of these holes were cored. Hole F was RCB cored from 0 mbsf to approximately 184 mbsf using a PDC bit which generally yielded excellent core samples. Hole G was drilled down to 168.6 mbsf then RCB cored from 168.6 mbsf to 309.5 mbsf. Cores from site U1555 consisted of basalt which generally recorded normal polarity.


General Lab

The Pmag lab was thoroughly exercised during Expedition 384. With no scientists on board, the technicians were required to collect and run all samples which provided excellent training opportunities for two new Pmag techs. Every instrument in the lab was used to analyze and measure samples. This also offered a chance to examine and evaluate all systems, from instrument and software performance to user guides and protocols, under supervision of a paleomagnetist (Acton).
Discrete samples were collected from sediment cores at Site U1554 and from hard rock cores at Site U1555. Sampling methods for sediment included both push samples and extruded samples into either ODP cubes or Japanese Cubes (J-cube). Hard rock discrete samples were collected using the parallel saw, rock saw, and mini-corer.
The paleomagnetic standards page and user guide on confluence were both updated. When the standards were measured during Expedition 378, declination and inclination appeared correct but the intensities that were measured were approximately an order of magnitude less than the listed intensity. During this expedition, it was realized that the standard's listed intensity was calculated using a volume of 1 cm3 not 7 cm3 as was assumed. When the measured intensity is calculated using 1 cm3, the measured intensity is in agreement with the listed intensity. The table which contains the standards values has been updated to have both values.
Technicians could not locate the J-cube sample guide used to keep J-cubes aligned when punching into sediment. A new guide was printed using the 3D printer as well as a guide for the J-cube extruder. These guides are kept in the drawer to the left of the SRM loading area. We experimented with the guides and found them to be of limited use.


A significant bug was found in the SRM IMS software related to discrete measurements. After measuring a background for the discrete tray, the same tray was measured with no samples in it. These null samples were named Empty_003, Empty_013,…, Empty_153 and treated as a typical 7 cm3 volume cube from the Working half. The orientation in the IMS 10.2 software was set for the arrow on top of the cube to point out of (away from) the SRM. This is called TOP-AWAY in the lingo of the SRM. The goal was to see what the noise level is for the SRM for a typical cube. The values were quite high, with intensities >1E-04 A/m. From looking at the graphs and data from IMS, it is clear that the background correction is in error. Rather than subtracting the background, it was added for the X and Y moments and subtracted for the Z moment. The experiment was then repeated for the orientation in which the arrow of a cube sample would be on top and pointing into the SRM (i.e., TOP-INTO) and the sample was assumed to be from a Working Half. This resulted in the background being subtracted from the X and Y moments but added to the Z moment. The only setting in software in which the background is properly subtracted is if the sample is assumed to be from the Archive Half and the TOP-AWAY arrow orientation is used. It is clear from this experiment that the background correction is being made after the sample measurements have been converted into their orientation rather than before, which should be the case. For example, when the X-moment of the sample (Xs) is measured, the X-moment of the background (Xb) should be subtracted and then the coordinate transformation completed. The corrected moment would be = Xs-Xb, which then would be transformed into preferred coordinate system. For the Archive half orientation, the transformation matrix is (1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1). In other words, no changes to the axes are required. For the working half, the matrix is (-1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1). The X and Y moments are multiplied by -1. Because the software is completing this transformation prematurely, the moment it computes is = -Xs + Xb, and so the background is not removed from Xs, it is instead doubled.
Given that background measurements are only done correctly for discrete samples in the Archive-Half Orientation, all discrete samples should be measured when the SRM is set for Archive-Half orientation. The software, however, will not allow working half samples to be measured while the orientation is set to archive half. For a typical sample collected by pushing a cube into the working half, the user would merely have to rotate the sample to have the arrow on the bottom to have the sample in the Archive half orientation system. Unfortunately, the software does not allow that option. The work around for getting the software to allow the samples to be entered with the orientation system set to working half is to start the measurement sequence but then abort it after the tray has started to move. Then the user starts the measurement again after using the "Recall samples" button and setting the orientation system to archive half. The software does not complain about the working half samples being measured, the background is removed correctly, and the data are output with the proper orientation transformation as long as the samples are place in the tray correctly. For a push sample, the sample should be placed arrow-side down into the tray and pointing away from the magnetometer (BOTTOM-AWAY) and for an extruded sample the arrow should be at the top and pointing away (TOP-AWAY).
The IMS DAFI U-Turn utility was tested during this expedition. The program appeared to make the corrections and the corrected data was shown in the IMS window as expected. The output .SRM file, however, does not have the corrected data. The data in the output file does not match what is displayed in the IMS window.
Upon completion of the previous expedition, it was noted that the volume correction for discrete samples was not being performed correctly. Further investigation during this expedition revealed that the volume correction for discrete sample is in fact being done correctly but the sample information can be misleading. In the IMS sample preset editor, the dimensions box displays the text 'Sample Area' and the units are area units. The number corresponds to the volume of a J-cube though. Despite this confusion, IMS seems to understand that if a discrete is being measured, then the dimension values are volumes and makes the correct calculations.
Offline treatments for discrete samples continue to be entered in the comments section. The lingering bug which puts IMS into an infinite loop if you try to enter offline treatments through the sequence editor still exists.
During port call a null field was trapped twice. In both instances, the trapped field was good but it was repeated for training purposes. The lab area was thoroughly cleaned to remove any remnants of dust from the previous dry dock. We noted that the field profile computed along the SRM track is reduced considerably when the ship is oriented East-West versus when it is oriented North-South. This occurs because the magnetic field lines for the geomagnetic field run N-S and can enter the openings of the magnetometer when the ship is oriented N-S.

JR-6A Spinner

The JR-6A spinner magnetometer was used to measure NRM, ARM, and IRM (acquisition and AFD) for select discrete samples (see appendix A for a table of discrete samples and treatments). Since both sediment (Japanese cubes) and hard rock (cubes and cylinders) samples were analyzed all measurements were run at slow spin speed. All samples were inserted with the split plane up arrow pointing up and to the left and the split plane surface out of the sample holder. Since extruded samples are flipped around the z-axis by 180°, the samples were insert with the split plane up arrow pointing up and to the left but with the split plane surface into the sample holder (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Sample Placement for Extruded Sample
Since cylinders need to be rotationally aligned in the sample holder, consistent results can be achieved by orienting the split plane up arrow to point up and left in the same manner as cube samples. In this case, a reference mark should be made on the sample holder for alignment purposes. Alternatively, the split plane up arrow could be aligned with one of the notches in the sample holder but then the proper orientation parameters would need to be determined and set in the Remasoft software.

D-2000 AF Demagnetizer

Selected discrete samples were subjected to AFD (stepwise up to 100 mT and even 200 mT in several cases). The D-2000 was also used to impart a 50 μT ARM on select samples. No issues were noted. 

ACS Impulse Magnetizer

Both the IM10 and IMS10-30 impulse magnetizers were used to impart a 1000 mT IRM on select samples and complete 1000 mT IRM acquisition curves were measured for 2 of the samples. All samples treated with IRM and subsequent AFD were measured in either the SRM, the JR-6, or both for instrument comparison. Samples subjected to a field this high caused many large flux jumps when measured in the SRM. To help mitigate this, the SRM was slowed down to 1 cm/sec which helped reduce flux jumps on sediment samples to near zero.
The vendor manuals were used to create user guides for both the IM10 and IM10-30 since neither existed. Field versus voltage tables were generated from the vendor calibration data for the IM10 and the IM10-30 (coils #2, #3, and #4) as the user needs to know the required voltage for a desired field (tables were previously displayed in reverse). The files containing the tables have an editable table where the user can enter whatever fields desired and the new B vs V table will be automatically generated.
When measuring samples that were run in the IM10-30 impulse magnetizer, it was realized that the field is directed into the unit rather than out of the unit as is the case for the IM10. A label was placed on the IM10-30 noting this and it is noted in the user guides as well. Labeling on the IM10 and IM10-30 was updated to reflect this and unnecessary sample holder labeling was removed as well to avoid potential confusion.

Thermal Demagnetizer

The thermal demagnetizer was used for several samples (including sediment J-cubes and a hard rock cube and cylinder). The sediment cubes were given a 1000 mT IRM before the thermal demagnetization. Sediment J-cubes were heated up to 125°C safely then removed from their plastic cubes and the remainder of the heating was done out of the plastic cube. The initial heating step is done to harden the sample into a mini-brick. The lid is first removed and the point of a sharp pencil is used to carve the orientation arrow and a sample ID into the face of the sediment. Once heated and hardened through the associated dehydration, the formerly soft sediment samples can be handle gently without the plastic holder.  Sediment and hard rock samples were heated from 100°C up to 600°C generally in 50°C increments. After each heating cycle, the samples were measured in the SRM; the hard rock samples were measured with the JR-6 as well for comparison.


The Kappabridge was used to measure both bulk susceptibility and magnetic anisotropy for 15 sediment samples. Both AMS spin and sufar were used for running the program. The user guide was used to walk through the steps for measuring samples however some steps were not clear of the information was incorrect. The AMS spin section of the user guide received numerous edits to bring it up to date. Sufar was not used extensively nor was the user guide heavily scrutinized since this software will be phased out with the new kappabridge. An output file from the vendor for the new unit was verified to open in the Anisoft5 program and the result communicated to shore.

CORE Orientation Tools

One of the primary objectives of this expedition was to determine if the MOTs were functioning properly. The tools give a magnetic tool face (MTF) angle which is then used to correct the core orientations and give declination values. There have been years of inconsistent of possibly incorrect declinations being reported and despite numerous testing in the past, there was still no consensus on what was causing the errors. There are 5 MOTs onboard the Joides Resolution: 3 Icefield MI-5 tools and 2 Flexit tools (2007, 2043, 2052 and 0936, 0937, respectively). During this expedition, the tools were used in orienting the APC cores as well as tested in various setting on board the ship and on the dock away from the magnetic influence of the ship.
During port call in Kristiansand, Norway, tools 2007, 2052, 0936, and 0937 were tested on the dock to verify they could record the correct magnetic tool face (MTF) angle which is the angle between magnetic north and the tools orientation face. Tool 2043 was not tested on the dock during port call as it was not apparent that it was in fact onboard. Despite some flaws in the experiment related to top vs bottom of the tool (in lay terms - the tools were upside down), all 4 tools that were tested demonstrated their ability to correctly measure MTF.
Further testing on all 5 tools was conducted onboard the ship while underway to site U1554. Due to the magnetic influence of the ship, it is not feasible to measure absolute magnetic angles. Instead, tools were tested to see if they recorded the correct relative change in MTF when rotated a given angle clockwise. Since onboard the ship each MOT is likely in a different magnetic environment, they were normalized to 0° using the initial position and the following rotations measurements being relative to this position. These experiments concluded that all 5 tools were capable of correctly measuring relative changes in orientation. A more detailed write up of these tests is available on confluence.
Onsite at U1554, 25 cores were collected using four different magnetic orientation tools in Holes U1554A-D. Eight cores were collected with Flexit Tool 0937 and the remaining 17 cores were collected with three Icefield Tools (2007, 2043, and 2052). Following magnetic cleaning using progressive alternating field demagnetization, the mean paleomagnetic direction was estimated for each core. The resulting core mean paleomagnetic declination was used to determine the known orientation of the core, because Brunhes age (0-780 ka) sediments that are good paleomagnetic recorders, like those at Site U1554, will have mean declinations of approximately 0°. The difference between true north and the paleomagnetic declination gives a paleomagnetically-determined reorientation (PDR) angle that can be compared directly with the MTF angle. If the magnetic orientation tool is accurately measuring the core orientation, the difference between the PDR angle and MTF angle should be negligible relative to the errors in the method, which were expected to be roughly ±15°. 
The orientation angles (PDR–MTF) for 20 of the 25 cores differed by <28°, with a mean difference of 8.7° and a standard deviation of 13.9°. One core (U1554B-5H) had significant coring disturbance throughout and was not used in the assessment. The paleomagnetic directions were clearly disturbed in this core, and likewise the PDR–MTF was somewhat larger (34.8°) than observed for the undisturbed cores. The four results obtained with tool 2043 were all anomalous, with PDR–MTF differences of 155.3°, 183.6°, 192.6, and 189.0°, with an average of be 180°. which lead technicians to believe that the tool probably has the sign on a couple of the fluxgate magnetometers or accelerometers backwards.
This theory was further tested on shore in Kristiansand when the ship returned to port. Tools 2007, 2043 and 0937 were tested on the dock away from the magnetic influence of the ship.
All three tools correctly measured the correct absolute MTF. The only difference between this test and every other test performed was that the tools were tested without their pressure barrel. This suggested that the source of error was related to the pressure barrel. Further inspection of the pressure barrels revealed that the pressure barrel snubber used for Icefield 2043 during this expedition was out of alignment by 180 degrees (Figure 2). This misalignment would account for the incorrect MTF angles in cores 1 through 4 of Hole U1554B. The snubber was realigned. It is conceivable that the mis-aligned snubber and/or pressure barrel could have been used with different tools in the past which would account for instances of other tools recording incorrect MTF angles which are 180° off.

Figure 2 Snubber Alignment (Middle snubber is 180 degrees out of alignment)
Moving forward, technicians who set up the tools should record the pressure barrel/snubber part numbers in the orientation tool log as a means to troubleshoot suspicious data.  It is further suggested that each tool be used with the same pressure barrel/snubber each time. See Table 1 for suggested Icefield tool and corresponding pressure barrel scheme.

Icefield Tool Number

Pressure Barrel/Snubber Number







Table 1: Icefield Part Numbers
Flexit tool 0936 was not tested downhole due to a weakly soldered battery terminal wire. The terminal soldered connection broke during setup of the tool. The connection was re-soldered but due to the short length and thin gauge wire coupled with small connection terminals, it was difficult make a strong connection. Confidence in the soldered connection was not high enough to send it down hole with the possibility of not receiving any data.
Other factors related to how the MOTs are set up on the drill rig floor could have significant influence on the accuracy of the orientation data returned. Prior to arriving onsite at U1554, technicians were given a thorough walk through on how the MOTs are set up and connected to the core barrel which is summarized in the paragraphs below:
The orientation tool connects to the top of a sinker bar assembly via the keyed 'T-slot' fitting (Figure 3). The orientation tool can only fit into this fitting one way. The T-slot fitting on top of the sinker bar is threaded onto the sinker bar and the alignment is set using shims to limit the distance the T-slot fitting can be threaded on. These shims (Figure 3), which are essentially washers of varying thickness, are adjusted so that when the T-slot fitting has been threaded on and tightened, the orientation point of the T-slot (the center of the T opening) is in alignment with the orientation point on the sinker bar, which corresponds to the apex of the curve in the D-pin receiver (discussed later). Getting the shim spacing right could be a difficult process and care must be taken to ensure the alignment is correct. However, once the spacing has been set and the alignment verified to be correct, no further adjustments should be needed until the T-slot fitting needs to be changed. Technicians should double check the orientation of the T-slot prior to coring to ensure that it has been set correctly. The T-slot fittings can take a lot of abuse and may wear out over time. These fittings should be inspected periodically to ensure they are in good shape and replaced if necessary. Due to the difficulty in getting the shim spacing correct, there may be a reluctance on the rig floor to change the T-slot fitting. 

Figure 3 T-Slot Fitting and Alignment Shims on Sinker Bar
The sinker bar is then connected to a D-shaped pin on top of the core barrel. The D-pin on top of the core barrel has one side flattened so that it mates with the receiving end of the sinker bar (Figure 4) in only one orientation.

Figure 4 D-Pin Receiver on Bottom of Sinker Bar
Although there is a small amount of play in the entire system, so long as care is taken to align the T-slot fitting, there is little chance for significant mis-alignment issues in the setup of the MOT, sinker bar, core barrel assembly.
Larger errors in orientation are possible in the alignment of the core liner and were indeed witnessed during this expedition. A small hole is drilled in the top of the core liner between the double (working) lines using a guide made for this purpose. The core liner is then inserted into the core barrel and this hole is intended to line up with a corresponding hole at the top of the core barrel. A small set screw is then screwed through both holes to hold the liner in place. After a core has been fired, the core barrel is brought back to the surface. While the core barrel is hanging from the wireline, the set screw is removed. The drill crew was asked to orient the core barrel in the rack so that the set screw hole is facing upwards. This is a step that is not normally done. The reason this step was taken was to ensure that the double (working)lines on the liner were still aligned with the set screw; if the set screw hole is facing up, the double lines should be facing up as well. Because the only place that the liner is held in place is at the top, by the set screw, there was concern that there could be some torsional rotation of the liner near the bottom. Once the core barrel was laid down in the rack and clamped in place, the core catcher was unthreaded and removed, exposing the liner to be checked for proper orientation. At this point, a vertical line with directional arrows pointed to the double (working) lines on the liner were scribed into the bottom of the core (Figure 5). Next, the vertical scribed line was observed as the seal sub was unthreaded. The objective of the vertical scribe line was to ensure that once the seal sub was removed, the core was still in the same alignment with the liner after unthreading the seal sub.

Figure 5 Core Liner Double Lines and Scribe Line
Once the seal sub has been removed, the core liner is then pulled out of the core barrel. The set screw hole on the liner was inspected for each core. There were instances where it appeared that the screw did not make it into the liner or the screw was displaced from the drilled hole at some point. This was evidenced by other indentations surrounding the drilled holed which did not fully penetrate the liner and gouges which seemed to indicate some sort of motion of the liner as the set screw was against it (Figure 6). Indentations were also observed on the liner top edge (Figure 7). A possible explanation for this was that the liner was never fully inserted into the core barrel at the time the set screw was put in place. In this case, the set screw would not go into the drilled hole of the liner but could be in place some distance above it. If the liner were then to shift upward, its upward motion would eventually be halted by set screw contacting the top edge of the liner (leaving the indentation). Subsequent discussions with SIEM Ops and the core tech determined that the most plausible cause for the indentations and gauges is due to the high impact force on the liner as it is shot causing momentary deformation in the liner and allowing the pin jump out of the hole.

Figure 6 Core Liner Set Screw Displacement

Figure 7 Core Liner Set Screw Displacement

MUT upload

Uploading of SRM data was done manually as measurements were completed. This was due to the frequency of taking 'empty_tray' measurements which were not uploaded to LIMS.  A python script was written to check for duplicate SRM measurements as LIVE is not useful since everything appears as a duplicate. The script is on the MAC computer (Documents/python_scripts/SRM Duplicates Search) in the PMag lab and runs through the command line. JR-6 and Kappabridge data was uploaded manually as well.
Orientation data was not uploading correctly through MUT. The first core in an uploaded file would be uploaded as the correct core. The remaining cores in that same file would be uploaded as a different core. It was strange that one core would upload as Hole C for example, while the remainder would be uploaded as Hole B, because the header line of the file is the only place that specifies the hole. The developer determined the issue was a statically defined variable. The issue would only appear if data from more than one hole is uploaded at the same time. The short holes and rapid turnover of orientation tools is likely why this issue arose this expedition and not before. A new version of MUT was rolled out and the data was re-uploaded. Old data that was incorrect was cancelled.


A.1 Discrete Sample Information

Table A.1 Discrete Sample Information

Sample ID



Sample Type




NRM (Thermal Demag)








Laschamp Excursion?



50 uT

50 uT




Laschamp Excursion?



1000 mT




Laschamp Excursion?



1000 mT




Laschamp Excursion?



50 uT




Laschamp Excursion?



50 uT




Laschamp Excursion?



50 uT




Non-Disturbed for same interval at U1554B



1000 mT




Non-Disturbed for same interval at U1554B



1000 mT




Non-Disturbed for same interval at U1554B



50 uT




Disturbed core "suck-in"



1000 mT




Disturbed core "suck-in"



Post 1000 mT IRM

50 uT

50 uT

1000 mT

1000 mT




Push +90

Disturbed core "suck-in": Edge



50 uT

50 uT

1000 mT




Push +90

Disturbed core "suck-in": Crown



50 uT

50 uT

1000 mT




Push +90

Disturbed core "suck-in": Opposite Edge



50 uT

50 uT

1000 mT




Disturbed core "suck-in"



Post 1000 mT IRM

50 uT

50 uT

1000 mT

1000 mT





Measured without any demag steps





Measured without any demag steps




Gararray (Gary Array)

1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






1 cm slab cut into 15 subsamples






Measured without any demag steps






Measured without any demag steps



Expedition 384 was an engineering testing expedition with some sediment and hard rock recovered for postponed expedition 395. All whole round tracks, SHIL, SHMSL, and MAD station were used. MS3 meter study completed on the SHMSL with results found in IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\SHMSL\MS Integration Time tests. No scientists sailed.

Individual Measurement Systems

Moisture and Density (MAD)

  • 30 sediment samples were measured from site U1554. No issues noted or reported.

Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)


  • Noticed NaI counts were consistently high even after unplugging and reattaching wires to get rid of excess static. Problem was traced to detector 2. When looking at the connection from detector 2 under the NGR the cable seemed deteriorated. Cable was replaced and the counts seemed to stabilize. Counts coming from the plastics detectors also became high during this but were lowered after some messing with the connections to try and dissipate any static build up.
  • Noticed that when physically touching the frame holding the CAEN and electronics the counts would go down. Wondering if there is any change we should make to how everything is grounded to the ship. Possibly why static is able to build up in the system.
  • The tray was often not making it back to home switch when unloading hard rock cores. We temporarily fixed this by going to motion control and telling the tray to find home before a running a section. Then we were able to tighten down the set screw on the shaft for the motor and this resolved the issue.


  • No updates to report.

Section Half Imaging Logger (SHIL)


  • At the beginning of the expedition IMS would disconnect from the network in between every image. This issue was only reported on the SHIL and stopped after several days.
  • A calibration was performed at the beginning of the expedition following instructions from Bill Mills. Calibration images were sent on shore to the Imaging Specialist for approval. Calibration in part depends on a flat, level gray scale card. The cardboard cards would contort under the heat from the LEDs, and we were warned against the plastic cards as they would start deform and melt. I found the most success by removing the light shield and was then better able to hold the grayscale card. The imaging specialists have ordered a metal grayscale card that should remedy this problem.
  • Wet images of hard rock seemed to be more difficult with more intense reflections off of the core surface.
  • There is an ongoing issue of green lines in the images. There seems to be more, and more dominant green lines now than on X378. There also appears to be a faint diffuse red and green line going down the length of the images on the right side. The cause is unknown but suspected to be the camera. The red diffuse line is a new observation. Cause unknown, could be a result of a bad calibration, lighting, or camera. The red and green lines on the far right side of the image are outside of the stripe-width region for the RGB calculations.


  • A new aft light shield was 3D printed by Dan Marone for 360 hard rock imaging. The pre-existing light shield did not allow enough room to lift the metal securing strip off. This would result in one to two extra rotations of core to remove and add the metal strip for each quadrant image. This was not a desired workflow, particularly for rocks in multiple pieces.


  • SHIL test images were taken for the Geology LWG to evaluate the new LED lighting system. Five sections were imaged, dark play cores, a light play core, the concrete section, and a styrofoam and rag section, to simulate different kinds of sections. Physical and Instrument settings were changed, each with a new calibration, to gather a robust dataset. Sections were imaged under the label ID 999-U9999A-11H1 through 11H5 and uploaded to LIMS. The images were also copied into data1 for further evaluation back on shore. There are bands of light going down the core, an issue with the previous and new lighting system. We are currently evaluating if the banding has gotten better, worse, or stayed the same. For more information on the testing please go to the Physical Properties Lab Notebook.

Section Half Multi Sensor Logger (SHMSL)

All sediment and hardrock sections were measured with no significant issues or errors. Sample interval used was 2.5cm and the MS-point meter was run with a 3000ms integration time.


  • The laser profile keeps measuring far past the end of the section. This is most prominent on short sections and core catchers where the profile records the length to be ~125 cm and shows a sloping end to the section. The MS and QEPro measurements still start where expected.


  • The gas strut started showing signs of deteriorating and was replaced with the 50lb gas strut. The 50lb gas strut has been added to CPP Inventory under PP5006. All the gas struts are labeled in the Track Hardware Drawer.


  • MS-point/MS3 integration time testing was conducted to experiment with how different integration times affect the quality of the measurement. For these tests two core sections were used, one with very low susceptibility and the other with a higher more variable susceptibility. For each section we made measurements with four different integration times: 100ms, 500ms, 1000ms, and 3000ms. Each section was run 10 times at each time setting. In order to compare each time setting tested we can use the mean standard deviation to calculate the standard error, STDERR = STDEV/SQRT(N). For one run at 100ms the STDERR = STDEV, thus for 10 runs at 100ms we can calculate the STDERR = STDEV/SQRT(10). Plotted below is the predicted vs. observed STDERR as a function of measurements(N) taken for each section. As expected the measurement becomes more certain as the integration time increases, however the difference between standard errors at higher integration times is less than expected.  The standard deviation increases systematically for measurement times greater than 1000ms.  While it may still be beneficial to use the standard integration time of 3000ms for certain measurements, 1000ms is the new recommended measurement integration time. 



Minolta was used on X384 for testing purposes, not to provide data for cores collected for X395.


  • Problems were initially reported in getting the instrument setup. Issues were resolved and discussed in the new Minolta User Guide.


  • Software CDs and all needed cables to setup the Minolta are now kept in the cases.


  • A study was performed comparing reflectance data between the Minolta and QEPro. The spectral standards and a subset of sections were measured on both spectrometers and then compared to known values of the standards. The data was sent to David Houpt on shore for analysis. Results from Tristimulus X,Y,Z and CIELAB L*, a*, b* confirm that both spectrometers closely, though not perfectly, align with known values. The Minolta performs slightly better for some colors with the QEPro performing more accurately for other colors, in all cases the differences are small. Below is a graphical overview comparing L*,a*,b* of the Minolta, QEPro, and the color standard values provided. The results of David Houpt's analysis is found in the Physical Properties Lab Notebook and as a link here: Minolta vs QE Pro Diffuse Standards

Gantry - Velocity (PWC)

Tested and calibrated but not used to measure any samples during coring operations.

Thermal Conductivity (TKON)

Tested and calibrated but not used to measure any samples during coring operations.

Whole Round Loggers


Was used as the main whole round logger. Every core was run through at least four hours after coming up on deck. GRA, MS, and P-wave velocity was measured at intervals of 2.5cm and an edge exclusion of 2.0cm. GRA measurement time used was the standard 3 seconds with the MS set to 3000ms to match. All files were uploaded and transferred to the IN folder with no issues.


  • When initially testing and calibrating the track the MS measurements were reading a constant and abnormally high ~900000. When looking into the measurement setting it was noted that the measurement time was set to 1ms. This seems to have been a bug as the lowest IMS will allow the integration time to be set is 100ms. When the time was changed to 3000ms the values come down into normal range. Unclear whether this was a bug caused by the MS3 or simply an IMS startup issue. Multiple restarts of the software and computer have been unable to reproduce the error.


  • No updates to report.


  • MS Integration Time tests were performed on a smaller scale than the section half measurements.

STMSL (Forward)

This track was used as a 'fast track' for correlation purposes. Cores were run through immediately after being engraved and labeled.  MS and GRA settings used were identical to those of the WRMSL. No issues occurred with the upload or transfer of data files.


  • When initially testing and calibrating the track the MS measurements were reading a constant and abnormally high ~900000. When looking into the measurement setting it was noted that the measurement time was set to 1ms. This seems to have been a bug as the lowest IMS will allow the integration time to be set is 100ms. When the time was changed to 3000ms the values come down into normal range. Unclear whether this was a bug caused by the MS3 or simply an IMS startup issue. Multiple restarts of the software and computer have been unable to reproduce the error.


  • No updates to report

X-Ray Imager (XMSL)

Safety survey was completed prior to taking any pictures with the X-Ray. X-Ray was calibrated and all soft sediments were run and imaged. The acquisition parameters used for the majority of the measurements being 80kV, 0.76mA, 500ms, and a stack size of 20. Some hard rock testing was done however the hard rock cores were not imaged as there were very few internal structures/veins. 


  • Images had horizontal lines of lost data, or packet loss. After taking several images that looked like the one below, users would see the below IMS error message. The solution was to cycle the power to the network box. Throughout this process windows notifications regarding the Sapera GigE Server kept popping up. In hindsight this was also an indicator that the issue was the network box.

  • The red 'X-Rays generating' light would stay illuminated all the time. The photo sensor relay went bad and was replaced by the ET, resolving the issue.
  • The issue with the system timing out when trying to ramp up the source was almost non-existent and happened only a couple of times. It may be that upping the timeout settings any higher will not result in any noticeable affect anyways at this point. It is just something that can happen from time to time. 
  • Aaron de Loach did a complete radiation survey before using the X-Ray system.  Surveys should be done at the start of each expedition.  When running the X-Ray at full power the area monitor alarms read around 7 Kcp/sec.  During the survey, the high alarm was set to 10Kcp/sec.  This is still ~1/100th allowable limit.  After the survey, the alarm was set back to 3 Kcps, so if there is a dramatic change the alarm will go off.  Both detectors and the monitor were sent for re-calibration, August 28th, 390P.


  • Small strips of lead vinyl were added to the edges of the port-side door to try and cover the spots with the most leakage.

Manuals and Documentation


  • SHIL: The calibration portion of the manual was updated to reflect instructions sent by Bill Mills and screenshots added.
  • Minolta: A Minolta User Guide was created and is located in the Physical Properties section of the Laboratory Manuals Space.


  • Logger Checklists: Changes sent by Doris Pinero Lajas for the Gantry were implemented and the updated copies are now in Confluence
  • QEPro Integration Testing Results added to Confluence
  • QEPro White Standard Historical Study added to Confluence
  • Reflectance Comparison Study between Minolta and QEPro added to Confluence

Confluence Page(s)

All new information during X384 was added to the Lab Notebook Page 'Physical Properties TEST'. The techs should review the lab notebook options and come to a decision soon on the desired layout to avoid more information being scattered. In the future it is recommended to keep test pages in separate spaces with only testing info for display purposes, then have all review, decide, and do an easier transfer.

Shipping and Receiving

Sent off Ship

  • Area detectors and monitor for XMSL sent back to shore for calibration.  Expected to return before 390C departs.


  • Ordered 10 NGR co-axial cables from LEMO to replace some of the aging plastics cables when the time comes.  The are 1.5 m long.  REQ# 2008002JOM


  • We received more Halogen bulbs for the SHMSL, P-wave couplant, and materials for the shear wave testing project.




The sinks are not connected to the acid tank and cannot be used for anything except water or very diluted chemicals such as isopropyl or acetone.  On arrival there was a dusty layer on all surfaces of the lab (leftover from the sandblasting in dry dock) and everything was wiped down.  6 headspace samples were taken from the catwalk and tested on the NGA2 for cross training, these were not required samples for gas testing. 


Needs to be turned on and tested to test that the IMS bug was fixed. See Software Issues and Bug Reporting for the issue and to verify that it is fixed and close the request.


Tim Blaisdell updated the software for the Cahn balance.

Fume hoods

The most aft fume hood was used for epoxy and acetone experimentation.  No issues.  The middle fume hood has bins of chemicals that were removed from the small fridge in mbio area.  These will need to be disposed of when we are able to use the sinks again. Any chemicals that need special disposal are stored in the more forward fume hood.

Gas Lines/manifold

Currently troubleshooting a leak in the helium lines.  Both NGA1 and 2 are shut down and the respective valves for each instrument are closed and there is still some loss of helium psi.
(Copied from previous tech report, same) Not a fan of the gas monitoring software in the chem lab being a slave to the program in the LO office. Makes it difficult to know if something is wrong with the program. Had a few days were the values were frozen before it was noticed that something was wrong. Problem was due to the master in LO office having an error. Possibly move the master program to the chem lab to mitigate the issue.


Only NGA2 used for headspace samples and full calibration done, worked very well.  NGA1 has a communication error and we were unable to use it. Aaron Mechler says he has seen this problem before and can troubleshoot when he arrives for X390P(??). 

Hydrogen generators

Only the aft generator was kept on to supply the NGA2.  Periodically added nannopure water to top off the reservoir, no apparent issues.  They are now both shut down and the pressure has been vented. 


Only the handheld analogue and digital refractometers were used to help experiment with the new CTD downhole tool that measures conductivity. 


All have been returned from calibration, need to be distributed to where they belong. 

Water system

Nannopure was used a lot for hydrogen generator and for ICP sample prep.  Seems to be working well.  The forward sink has a very slow leak underneath and every couple of days the blue bin was checked to see if it needed to be dumped out.  We do not have any replacement parts for the special acid proof pvc pipes.


Of the three small fridges the most forward one malfunctioned and had a huge buildup of ice causing one of the glass bottles to break.  The bottle contained potassium antimony tartrate and has been cleaned up.  Luckily it was contained in a blue bin and not spilled into the fridge.  It was defrosted completely and now turned off.  I recommend avoiding using it until we get a replacement.  The other two fridges still hold some chemicals that can be returned to the large fridge once the new one is installed.




Expedition 384 was primarily an engineering testing expedition with sediment and hard rock recovered for expedition 395 science objectives. Testing of the AERIS XRD after the Malvern service call took place during X384PTA. Completed comparison tests between the Bruker D4 XRD and the Malvern AERIS XRD. ICP samples were collected and processed to the crushing and powdering portion of ICP preparation. The samples will be sent back to the GCR to be distributed to scientists to be analyzed. No scientists sailed.


XRD: 0
ICP: 110
            ICP Crush: 55
            ICP Powder: 55
pXRF: 0




  • Installed an UPS to mitigate power fluctuations and provide a stable source of power to the instrument. The unit is under the Aeris XRD.

  • Created an in-house catalog of onboard XRD mineral "standard" powders. All mineral powders were run on the Malvern using a six minute scan time repeated five times, having a total scan time 30 minutes, to make one composite scan. A Malvern technical staff member suggested repeat scans of 5-10 produced a better scan pattern than a single long run.


We are still having ongoing issues with the new benchtop AERIS XRD. The instrument was serviced and repaired during X384P. During X384 both x-ray technicians were sent to the ship to test the instrument and make sure there are no other issues. A steady flow of samples were scanned on the instrument to simulate an expedition with XRD samples. The Aeris continues to have issues and produce the following errors:

  1. Motion control error on the sample gripper axis - no apparent issues seen when the instrument produces this issue.
    • No X-ray heartbeat
    • Recovered: The X-ray heartbeat is not available
  2. File "x" was not exported - Files are not sent from the instrument to the computer.
  3. X-ray Generator error - The x-ray generator would not turn on after the instrument was restarted. The x-ray generator key had to be switched on and off multiple times.

Motion control error:

  • Motion control error appears at random. When the instrument is in use and when it is not in use.
  • To clear the error the instrument has to be powered down and turned back on.

Note: Be sure there is an empty sample space when restarting the instrument.

  • Error is not associated with movement of the ship, and has occurred multiple times while in port.
    • Technicians compared the Rig Watch data to the error message time stamp and found no correlation between the two.
  • The error and issues have progressively gotten worse.
  • After receiving a motion control error, restarted the instrument, upon the start up of the Aeris the x-ray generator would not turn on.
  • After shutting the instrument down, and turning it back on, went to run a sample and the sample grabber and the sample stage were frozen. The instrument had to be shut down again, the sample stage and grabber reinitialized themselves and we were able to run the Silicon Standard.

Files not exporting Error:

  • The first time the connecting wires came loose. Check the wires to make sure they are secure.
  • The data will not export to the computer if the network is down. See the MCS if there is a network issue.
  • After the instrument is turned off and back on the file transfer does not work and needs to be reconnected.
    • To be able to transfer files you will need to go to "Advanced Mode" password is "panalytical"
    • Once in "Advanced Mode" go to file, menu, and minimize screen
    • In the bottom right hand corner you will see a red "x". Click on this icon and it will open up the file. You will see "XRD Data"
    • Double click "XRD Data" file, it will open and reconnect itself.
    • The files will be able to be transferred again.
    • If the issue persists see the MSC.

Malvern Panalytical has been contacted about the issues with the instrument and the error message. The next step is to try to schedule a service call for the instrument to have the sample changer replaced.


  • Mineral powders were scanned on the instrument using different instrument and hardware settings to determine the best configuration and scan time needed for unknown samples.
    • Testing the instrument.
    • Create a list of preferred settings for scans.
  • Comparison tests were completed between the Malvern Aeris and Bruker D4.
    • See detailed information bellow.
  • Created quick guide for minimum 2Theta angle with relation to sample size, divergent slit size and beam knife height.

Bruker D4 XRD


The Bruker started up after plan Zulu with no apparent issues.


Standard tube conditioning was performed without incident. The air scatter screen was removed for analyzing the Corundum standard. While attempting to run the standard, an X-ray error occurred after each attempt. In the D4 tools two errors would appear, the "x-ray error" and "coolant water flow too low". Bruker service technician was contacted to help troubleshoot the issue.

  • Initially we tried to clean the water lines from the Haskris to the D4, in the past we had similar issues with the D4. A blockage can cause the flow from the Haskris to the D4 to decrease and the x-rays will shut off.
    • To fix this issue we cleaned out the water tank in the Haskris.
    • The water lines can be cleaned by doing multiple cycles of acidic acid flushes (1 capful of 10% acidic acid in the tank) followed by DI water rinses. The rinses were done in the normal flow direction and in the reverse direction.
  • The x-ray tube was removed and the screen was cleaned.
  • The o-rings on the x-ray tube housing were replaced and lubricated.
    • Water flow increased from from ~4.3 to 5.5 l/min.

The screen on the x-ray tube being removed. This part was cleaned, there is a training video showing how to remove the x-ray tube and clean the screen. Only 10% acetic acid and DI water should be used for the cleaning.
After cleaning all the lines and the screen on the x-ray tube we attempted to run the Corundum standard. The x-rays continued to shut off and we received the same "x-ray error" and water flow was too low.
The D4 did start to run a sample, but half way through the run an x-ray error occurred and the x-rays turned off again. Showing another x-ray error and an issue with the coolant water flow.
We suspect that the reason the D4 is shutting off is that we were getting arcing after replacing the tube.
To see if there is arcing, do the following:

  • Open D4Tools, click this button
  • Type RC1 hit enter
  • Type GS11 hit enter.
  • Record the number it sends out.
  • Then start the generator/scans again
  • The generator will shut off again and repeat the above steps, if the number increased you are getting arcing.
  • This can be caused by water in the tube housing after it was recently removed, if there have been several arcs this may have damaged the tube or the generator.
  • The reading we kept getting from the instrument was gs904.

Arcing was not the issue.
The next step for troubleshooting was:

  • Taking the x-ray generator up to full power, 40 and 40mA it stayed stable for ~1 minute. I noticed the cooling water flow dropped from 5.4 l/min to below 3.9 l/min. 
  • The instrument showed an "x-ray warning" and soon after "x-ray" alarm went off shutting down the generator.
  • Seeing this behavior, someone monitored the Haskris water flow meter and the water flow reading from D4Tools was monitored. The flow on the Haskris stayed the same. While the reading on D4Tools dropped to below 3.9l/min, causing the x-rays to shut off.
  • This pointed us to the issue was with the physical flow meter. The flow meter was replaced in the instrument, and this fixed the issue.
    • To replace the flow meter, remove the back panel on the D4. The flow meter replacement is pretty straightforward.
      • Remove the back and side panel on the D4.
      • Make sure to have a bucket and rags, as there will be water in the flow meter. Shut off the water valve from the Haskris and drain as much water as possible.
      • Next, loosen the top and bottom connections on the old flow meter.
      • The flow meter will pull out. There is a connector on the flow meter which allows the software to receive the flow reading. This will need to be loosened and removed on the board which is on the side of the D4.
      • Install the new flow meter, install the connector.
      • Next you will need to do a calibration of the new flow meter in the software.
        • Log into D4 tools as service, Click on the white paper> Service support> password is D4-Service
        • Now go to the bottom of the tree on the left, should say misc, sensors, go to utilities and then water flow meter> calibrate water flow meter.
      • The flow meter should now be installed and ready to work!
    • A new flow meter was ordered as a back up.

Flow meter that was replaced in the D4. The photo on the left is the flow meter inside of the D4. The photo on the right shows the new flow meter before it was installed.
The x-ray tube was conditioned and corundum standard ran without issue.
It was determined that a Zi correction was needed. When the new correction was entered into the software there was an upload error to the D4. You could not save the Zi correction in the software, but when the program was closed, a save window popped up allowing us to successfully safe and upload the Zi correction to the D4.
We were still in communication with the Bruker service technician and asked him about the communication error. He suggested that it was a communication drop out between the lynxeye and the PC. He suggested in the future that we should use the Zi correction button in Commander and not the method that we currently use. This method has NOT been tested. As of now, I would continue to complete the Zi correction how is in the Bruker D4 manual. However, if the issue continues the suggested method in Commander can be tested.

Bruker ran without further issue until the end of the expedition, when the Haskris failed.


  • Comparison tests completed between the new Aeris XRD and the Bruker D4 XRD.

Comparison Malvern AERIS and Bruker D4

A comparison of the Bruker XRD and Malvern XRD was completed during the expedition on four different mineral powders. Primarily to test the data output between the two instruments. The table bellow shows the hardware and configuration set up differences between the two instruments.
The Malvern has a PIXcel1D-Medipix3 detector and the Bruker has a Vantec-1 point detector. The Malvern's detector allows for a quicker analysis time. To determine Malvern scan time that produces results similar to the Bruker he Malvern's collection time was cut in ½ (22 min scan), 1/3 (15 min), 1/5 (9min) and 1/6 (7.5 min). In general, collection time, number of grains scanned and divergent slits determine peak intensity.
Table #1

Bruker D4

Malvern AERIS

Divergence Slit

0.6 degree

0.5 degree

Soller Slits






Step Size




45 minutes

45 minutes

 Time per step

 1 sec

 214 sec

 Air scatter screen

 Knife beam high

We selected four standards to analyze and compare the Malvern and Bruker.

  • Actinolte: low angle peaks
  • Bassanite: high number of peaks
  • Celestite: high number of midrange peaks
  • Quartz: few distinctive peaks



  • Filled the water tank back up after the plan Zulu shut down.
  • Replaced the green Power Indicator light that is on the front of the unit.

  • Haskris filter was replaced.
  • The filter should be checked and cleaned at the start of every expedition.
    • Spare filters are kept in the Haskris spare parts cabinet in the x-ray lab.
    • To clean the filter, use 10% acetic acid and rinse with DI water 3-4 times.


After running the Haskris, there was a small leak from the ship's chill water line flowing into the Haskris. The house clamp was removed, moved closer to the valve on the Haskris, and tightened. No more leaks occurred.

Motor and Pump Issues:

Water started leaking out of the connection between the motor and pump on the Haskris. The pump and the motor of the Haskris was pulled out, after examining the pump we realized that it failed and the key had sheared off into a diamond shape (A). Found metal shavings in the pump (B). Replaced the pump for the Haskris. As the motor seemed fine and did not need to be replaced. A spare pump was ordered. While examining the new pump, we noticed the key is very loose. We attempted to shim the key to take up the extra space using shim stock from Siem engineers and lock tight but the adhesive was not strong enough and the shim came loose causing it to grind down. The pump and motor was removed again. Decided not to shim the key, and this will continue to be a consumable part for the x-ray lab. Attempting to contact Haskris to make sure the motor and pump go together and are correct for our unit. We have been unsuccessful in getting any response from Haskris. Note: If there is, a future attempt to add shim to the key be careful not to add too much shim that the key cannot shear off. The extra space for the key is by design as a fail-safe. Adding too much shim to the key and an inability to shear off can cause fires or burn the motor up. The loose fit helps prevent fires.
The newly installed pump and motor worked for approximately one month.
At shift crossover, there was an error on the D4 XRD, the Haskris was checked and the temperature was extremely high, 91 degrees. The reading on the water flow meter was zero. The motor of the pump was not turning at all. The Haskris was shut off. All of the water lines were checked to make sure there was not a water leak or issue with water flow. After not seeing any issues with the water lines. The motor and the pump was removed from the Haskris. The motor was filled with oxidized metal dust shaving and the key that goes between the motor and the pump had sheared off and was ground down to a smooth cylinder (C). The motor and the pump both work separately with no issue.
Next step, is to contact Haskris to see if other customers have experienced this issue.
A) new key on left, old sheered key in diamond shape to the right. B) Metal dust shavings inside motor. C) New key sheered down into a cylinder 
The pump and motor are still removed from the Haskris and will need to be installed when a new pump is delivered or the issue has been resolved with Haskris. Due to the Haskris failure, the Bruker D4 XRD has been completely shut down.

Last minute update: Haskris tech support thinks the failures are due to suction cavitation.  Haskris has recommended a new pump and motor combination.  This will be discussed.  New water hose had been ordered for the Haskris so these can also be replaced.

Handheld XRF (pXRF)

Did not use this instrument. No issues to report.



No issues to report.
ICP samples were collected and processed up to the crushing and powdering portion of ICP preparation. At every interval a sample was taken, half of the requested sample would be crushed and the other half would be powdered. No beads were made with the powdered material. All of the samples will be sent to the Gulf Coast Repository to be distributed to X395 scientists.
The beakers for ICP preparation need to be acid washed.  New beakers were added to the collection. Cleaning protocol for the beakers involved multiple washes with isopropanol alcohol and DI water.

Shatterbox and Mixer Mills

Ran without issue.


No issues with the X-press to report.
X-press was used for crushing the ICP hard rock samples.
Updated the ICP preparation manual to include clear safety instructions for users.

Bead Maker

Did not turn on or use the bead maker during the expedition. No issues to report.

Freeze Dryer

Ran without any issues.


No software issues to report.

User Guides

Reviewed and updated the user guides as needed during the expedition. Added in addition safety information for the X-Press portion of ICP sample preparation. Continuing working on writing the documentation for the Malvern AERIS XRD and the HighScore XRD software.

Ordering Supplies

Everything we need for the lab has already been put on a requisition to order for the lab. The Haskris pump to be installed with the motor on the next expedition. A spare replacement flow meter was ordered for the lab.
There were a lot of Delrin disks used to crush the hard rock samples, we will need to watch the number we have and possibly soon reorder the disks. However, we have held off on ordering more due to the uncertainty of future expeditions and we do not have a hard rock cruise planned for a while.
Quick release chill water connectors in Bruker, need to be ordered. While removing the x-ray tube one of the connectors was broken. It was replaced in a spare connector found on the ship.

  • Two new replacement quick release connectors are put on order.

Microbiology lab



The Wallace liquid scintillation counter (LSC) was removed from the Radvan in preparation for the new LSC to be installed. The large incubators were removed to make room for removal and installation and stored in the corner outside of the van.




Keeping the Art Alive. 
18 thin section requests from on shore scientists. Two large formats used to see transition areas, and 1 sediment sample that needed to be fully impregnated, all others were basalt.  The on-shore staff scientist communicated the requests by emailing the section half images with colored squares around the areas where a thin section is requested. 
New batteries put in both digital micrometers- handheld and petrothin.  I will remove the batteries at end of expedition so that they last longer.
All three vacuum pumps cleaned and oil replaced.
Experimented with procedure to impregnate laminated sediment samples to determine if this is feasible to do on board.  Could be possible when the Petropoxy arrives to the ship.


Used for slide frosting and lapping.  Very consistent and reliable.  I used one jig for both settings and adjusted the chuck face up or down when needed.  The picture shows where I preferred the chuck face to be set when lapping, the large needle in between 2 and 3. This leaves the face slightly lower which means less material will be lapped away out of caution.  I prefer thinning the sample down more after lapping by using the 1000 grit by hand, this gives me more control and makes a much better/faster polish on the PM5.

Replaced large and small gaskets in the slurry drum and on the polisher drum, no more leaking. 


Saw and vacuum worked well.  On some practice thin sections, it was getting a lot of water in the VS2 trap.  At least one slide needed silicone lubricant on the vacuum face to get the slide to suction.  The majority of slides worked fine with little to no water getting in the trap.  The black tubing may need to be replaced soon but I was still getting a strong vacuum.  The black tubing is part number LS0142. 

PM5 Polisher

Works well but squeaky when WG2 is rotating.

Samples and methods

See Epoxy Impregnation Experiments in the Confluence Lab Notebook.
Attempted to replicate a procedure for impregnating soft laminated sediments.  I concluded that it is a procedure we could do onboard if we have the proper epoxy.  It is not feasible to do many samples during an expedition since the impregnation takes multiple days, however, I could see this being very useful for limited requests.  Laminated sediments were plentiful and of very high interest on Exp 379 where I managed to make a few moderately successful "thick sections" so that the layers could be examined more closely. 

Ordering Supplies

I checked out one TS0079, diamond powder, only to trigger the reordering.  There are still 3 unopened jars in the drawer but I wanted to order more in case it takes a very long time to arrive.  There is still plenty of 600 grit and glycol.  The Epotek epoxy will expire in October but should be good to use for any requests on the Oct/Nov expedition.  I purposely delayed ordering more since it expires so quickly and there is always too much.  This is the 1000 grit that I find works well and it is the last container we have.  Since the upcoming expeditions are uncertain I have not ordered more because I think the amount left will still last quite a while.


Two Welch vacuum pumps (on Petro Thin and Freeze Dryer) and one Edwards Pump (LP50) were drained, cleaned and refilled with oil. 
On the Edwards Pump, take care with the fill cap on the top, it is very brittle and already chewed up from previous attempts at opening and closing.  The best thing is to leave it just finger tight, and it can be removed by putting a rag over it and turning the outer portion with just your hand.  Any tools will break the plastic further and I don't think we have any spares of this cap. 




     Expedition 384 began with a ~5 day transit from Kristiansand, Norway to the first site U1554 (REYK-6A). Due to the shallow water depth in the North Sea the bathymetric data was not collected until the ship passed through the Fair Isle channel into the Atlantic. The transit also took the ship almost entirely within EEZ boundaries of various countries which caused us not to be able to tow the magnetometer. Upon approaching the first site when the Bathy2010 was ramped up to obtain an accurate PDR it was apparent that it was not functioning correctly. Much troubleshooting was conducted throughout the expedition and can be found in more detail below. As of now now the Bathy2010 is able to be used to obtain depths when needed, but is not in full working order. The next site U1555 (REYK-13A) was a very short distance away, just far enough to lift up the thrusters for the transit. Upon the end of drilling operations, the magnetometer was able to be towed for a short period before entering EEZ waters for the remainder of the transit back to Kristiandsand.



  • Winfrog navigation program was used running on the WinFrog1 PC to collect and distribute instrument data with no issues.
  • JRData Server was used to plot waypoints and the ship's track onto Google Earth with no issues.
  • Site Fix was used to collect data of the ships position over each hole during drilling/coring operations. Reports for the Ops Superintendent were printed from site fix to record the location of each hole.
  • Troubleshooting of the mysterious Trimble connection issue continued. For most of the expedition only the forward trimble was consistently connected to Winfrog. With that trimble and the gyro we were able to record accurate nav data.
  • When looking at the Trimble unit settings in a web browser using the IP address of the problem unit I noticed at one point that the I/O port configuration setting had gotten reset. These were changed to match the working unit but was ultimately not the fix to the issue. A small bit about checking the unit settings was added to the WF user guide.
  • Later on when asking Mike Cannon about the ability to install new firmware onto the Trimble unit it was noticed that some of the values in the Network→Ethernet Configuration menu of the unit were not set correctly. This is something that must have gone overlooked and was a great catch. At first it seemed like the connection was still being dropped. After resetting it a few times it became stable for the last week of the expedition. I will wait for further testing to say whether this was the fix to the issue but will keep fingers crossed that the problem has gone away.


  • No issues recording data or communicating with WinFrog.
  • Run with no issues at power levels below -6 dB. When output power levels are increased to -6 or 0 dB the signal becomes extremely faint and erratic or lost altogether.
  • Much testing and troubleshooting was conducted on the bathy hardware, and the cables going from UW to the Fwd Thyrig room junction box and onto the sonar dome.
  • SyQwest was most unhelpful during all attempts to communicate with them and obtain any guidance for troubleshooting. Their response was for us to either send all of the hardware, cabling, and transducers in to their facility for testing or to buy a whole new system. 

Syqwest Hardware / Sonar Dome Troubleshooting

  • Chirp coming from the amplifier unit in UW sounds as loud as usual and scales with the power setting properly. 
  • Cables from the unit in UW to junction box in Fwd Thyrig room tested for continuity and passed. Megger test was also completed and passed on each cable.
  • When testing the cables from the junction box down to the transducers the tests failed indicating that there was an issue and possible short. The values for these tests as conducted by the SIEM ETs can be found below. As shown the 12KHz cable tested better than the 3.5KHz cable.
  • These cables were tested again after opening up the floor and top hatch. Tests were conducted from the dry side of the O'brien connections up to the junction box with the same poor results.

  • LPA-10kV A Power Module was removed, cleaned, and re-seated with no improvement. The spare module was also cleaned and tested with seemingly no difference. The original module we have been using was replaced back into the unit.
  • The cover of the lower unit was removed to inspect the internals. Everything was clean and dust free.
  • In the upper unit, the 'brains' of the Bathy, boards A00107 S/N 6209 and A00108 S/N 6210 were taken out, cleaned and inspected for any damage.

A00107 and A00108 Board Testing

  • The spare boards S/N 5921 and S/N 5920 were installed on AUG 28th by Randy without notifying anyone. Upon installation when the software was turned on it would immediately show 'Sensor State Unknown'.
  • The original boards we had been using all expedition were re-installed SEP 1st and the software began working as normal again. This caused some confusion as it was unknown to anyone that the spare boards had been installed in the first place. When trying to trouble shoot the new 'Sensor State Unknown' issue I thought I was installing the spare boards when I was really putting the originals working boards back in. 
  • It is unclear whether the 5920/5921 boards are not functional or if they simply need a firmware upgrade/downgrade in order to work with our system. The process for updating firmware on the boards is described in the Underway section of the EXP. 350 tech report found here. This email from Russel at SyQwest was also helpful in determining how the boards were originally set up. The files needed can be found on the WF2 computer and have been copied to _IODP OFFICIAL\UW\UW User Guides and Info\2 Bathy\SyQwest\Bathy2010\Util\Netburner to be backed up.
  • September 2nd: The not working 5920/5921 set of boards was reinstalled with the same NetBurner card that has been in use with the working 6209/6210 boards. We followed the instructions on how to update the firmware using the NetBurner with autoupdate.exe and the IP address of which is used to connect to the NetBurner board. A 'Process Complete' message was recieved but when the bathy software was opened we were still stuck with 'Sensor Status Unknown'. The same process was completed with the spare NetBurner board with the same result. 

  • An email and support ticket have been sent to SyQwest to see if we can get any help making the 5920/5921 set of boards work with our software. The working 6209/6210 set of boards has been replaced back in the unit with the original NetBurner boards and has been tested and both communicates with the software and pings.

Next Steps for Bathy2010

We have not been able to determine if the high power problem is in the cabling/connector below the Obrien hatch or in the deck unit.  There were some conversations with Jurie Kotze Sr. about the problems he'd seen in the past with the high voltage output on the acquisition boards, see EXP 349 tech report.  He thinks the problem could be there but troubleshooting will need to be done while the sonar is pinging at high power and the boards measured.  With approval from the captain and vessel manager, the hatch to the dome will need to be opened and the cables checked further down.  This process was started with the Captain and Chief Engineer but was not completed before crew change


  • Cable was taken from underway and spooled back onto the winch.
  • The depth is still not being recorded properly but it was decided that we did not have the expertise on board to fix the internal electronics even if we opened it up and identified the problem.
  • One short deployment was conducted during the transit back to Kristiansand. No issues running the instrument and collecting data besides the depth displaying as 0. 


  • Level wind motor was not replaced. The screw shaft was stuck at the limit of its inboard travel. We were able to free it by removing the chain from the gears and manually turning the screw shaft gear with a large wrench. After this it worked as normal.
  • One small issue was the control of the level wind movement by the cable using the magnet on top. It would not follow the cable properly and more times than not the person using the manual button box controls would have to fight against it in order to spool the cable up cleanly. The quick solution to this was to lock the bars and magnet in place using the limit screws on either side of the bars above the level wind. This seemed like a good idea I had at the time but in reality, it is very difficult to lock the control into true neutral. At least it does not fight to control it as much now, and can easily be undone if needed.
  • G gun parallel cluster was setup and deployed. Guns were cleaned and serviced after use.

  • More pictures of the G gun setup can be found in _IODP OFFICIAL\UW\UW User Guides and Info\8.Photos\GGun 384.

DownHole LAB & Logging



     During Expedition 384 we conducted downhole operations at site U1555. After testing multiple drilling bits a final hole U1555G was drilled then cored through ~180m of sediment and then into basalt to a final depth of 309.5 meters. The intent of logging operations was to run both the Triple Combo and FMS sonic tool strings through the basalt section and then the sediments section separately for a total of four tool string operations, along with VSP shots at five stations, two in the basalt and three in the sediment. The concern was that the boundary between the sediment and hard rock would become too unstable and/or washed out to run them as one continuous section.
Due to a malfunction of the logging winch the motor was left inoperable, both logging and coring operations had to be stopped and the JR returned to Kistiansand early to send the logging winch motor in for repairs. VSP measurements were also affected and only the two shots in the basalt were collected before operations were halted. This also meant the CTD testing was canceled as there was no chance to run the VIT down. Progress was made getting the SeaCast software set up and placing a secure mount for the tool on the VIT, as well as getting with SIEM and starting to discuss operational logistics. No formation temperature measurements were made.

Logging and VSI/VSP

     Logging operations were conducted by the onboard Schlumberger engineer at site U1555G. Although the winch malfunction caused the logging to be cut short, fortunately the basalt section was completed first. If we had to choose I'm sure that is the data that most people were interested in anyways. Up to the winch breakdown operations were completed as normal with three tool strings run down hole. The Tcombo downlog was run with no porosity and had the calipers closed as usual, both uplogs include porosity and were run with calipers open. Tcombo uplog pass 2 has higher GR counts due to the previous run even with 15 minutes of time between the runs. FMS-Sonic was run as normal with images taken on both uplogs. 


Toolstring: Instruments

Passes (mbrf)


Triple Combo:

Down: 1470 – 1791

Up: 1840 – 1786

Up: 1829 – 1508


Down: 1468 – 1830

Up: 1829 – 1783

Up: 1829 – 1510

Borehole Seismics:

Up: 1758 – 1723

Up: 1828 – 1767

Station 1: 1827.6

Station 2: 1767.1

     The Borehole Seismics toolstring was run down into the basalt section after the FMS-Sonic tool string. The G Gun parallel cluster was assembled ahead of time and then lowered into the water using crane #3. The guns were ramped up and were only delayed once due to a whale sighting by the PSO watch. Using the firing box from the poop deck the guns were fired 10 times to get a stack of five(5) shots at each station. After this the cluster was lifted back onto the deck and everything was rinsed thoroughly with fresh water. When it was apparent that we would not be using it again for the upper section the cluster and rigging was disassembled and rinsed again before being hung to dry and then eventually stowed. Both G Guns were taken apart and serviced following the Sercel maintenance procedures.
     All tool string and VSP data collected was sent to the Borehole Research Group(BRG) at Lamont for processing. All files related to logging have been backed up in \\JR1\DATA\data1\27.1 Logging.


     The new Minos-X CTD instrument arrived on board. Space was made for the CTD case to be stowed under the bench in downhole lab, and the sensors are stowed on the shelf above the downhole lap computer. The SeaCast software used to communicate with to instrument has been installed on the computer in downhole lab. Testing was done using a large water bath to get familiar with how to set up a cast, properly breakdown/clean the instrument after a cast, and how to download and view data onto the computer.
   We also received a mounting block and materials to complete a mount for the instrument onto the VIT frame. Four new holes were drilled into the mounting block to allow for it to be mounted on the smaller diameter inside supports of the VIT. The block acts as the primary secure point and a SS cable that wraps around the upper VIT support and connects to the CTD as a secondary secure point. A SS four-piece locking shackle has been ordered along with some replacement nylock nuts that will fit on the smaller U-bolts. After the new nylocks are put on the smaller U-bolts only the larger U-bolts should ever have to be loosened/tightened for each run as the mounting block will stay firmly attached to the VIT frame and the instrument lifted in/out. We will have to decide how often these nylock nuts will be replaced. A good rule of thumb may be every three to five runs. In this case there were no VIT runs, the nuts were only tightened once for testing purposes so that SIEM could okay the mount, and they have not been replaced. SIEM have given this mounting position the all clear, as it will not interfere with their instruments or operations. It seems like we will be in charge of mounting/dismounting the tool ourselves for each cast. However there was no VIT runs this leg so we did not get to do a 'live' test.  More pictures of the CTD can be found in _IODP OFFICIAL\UW\UW User Guides and Info\8.Photos\CTD.

Methods and Manual Changes:

  • Created an initial version of a CTD log sheet to help keep track of each run and record some useful back-up information similar to the heat flow log sheet.
  • Added both the CTD and heat flow log sheets as linked files to this page. 

Items Received:

  • Minos-X CTD
  • Two(2) P-Xchange sensors
  • two(2) C CT-Xchange sensors
  • Mounting block with SS U-bolts and nylock nuts.
  • Molykote 44 High-Temp Lubricant

Items Ordered:

  • 18-8 SS Nylon-Insert Locknut: 3/8" - 16 Thread Size
  • 316 SS Safety-Pin Shackle: 1/4" Thick





  • Conducted training and familiarization on the CTD Instrument. (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth)


  • Assisted handling core, preparing liners for Hard Rock.
  • Pickled the Press and Vice so they don't rust during the stand down.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • The Kaiser 12VAC Power Supply for the Camera Light source Failed. Repaired broken wires. Light source Bulb needed to be re seated to get it to function.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • Held training classes.


  • Changed out the Ocean Optics Bulb on July 24, 2020.
  • Assisted in re aligning the sensors.
  • System was not lifting the sensors properly. Changed out the Easy Lift Gas Spring. (HONON-42-200-463) 50 Lbs (224N)


  • No Assistance Required.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • Found the forward and aft saws were not in the correct places and that the water solenoids triggered to the wrong saws. Swapped the forward and aft saws and re wired the footswitches to match because the aft footswitch would not reach the saw.
  • Repaired leaky sink drain.
  • Aft most saw started making a lot of noise and destroying blades. Ended up disassembling it to get the belt cover off. Found that the pulley on the motor had come loose and was rubbing against the cover.
  • The belt was re aligned and the saw re assembled. The quick disconnect started leaking when we attached it to the wall fitting. Manufactured a new water fitting for the hose.
  • Installed the door pads.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • During a routine check of the source the Red safety light stuck on with the source powered down. Removed the fiber from the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). No change. There is no light visible in the fiber. Traced out the wires looking for shorts. Found a small piece of copper on the back side of the circuit board and removed it. The Red light is still on. Removed and re seated the Magnecraft W172DIP-3 Relay. The problem cleared temporarily. Changed out the Relay and replaced the LDR. Problem cleared.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • Conducted 3-D printer training. Printed several small projects to gain familiarity with the printer.
  • Solid works training is ongoing.
  • Working on familiarization with the CNC machine.
  • Spliced in new connectors for the LO Office Video Encoder. It was noisy and the fans needed to be replaced.
  • Added new Power Strips to the Portable Power Tool Registry.
  • Conditioned and charged all of the UPS Batteries in the ET Shop.


  • Made a temporary repair to Ice Field Tool # 36.

Focsle Deck


  • No Assistance Required.


  • No Assistance Required.


  • Assisted with repairs to the Haskeris.
  • Assisted with the replacement of the flowmeter on the XRD.


  • The Flash Unit for one of the cameras ceased to function. Found corrosion on the contacts to the battery pack. This was cleaned off. It still doesn't work. It is was a known problem. Will be sent to shore.


  • Was removed from the ship. Replacement being shipped.


  • Ran until right before crossover.
  • Opened up the side panel on the aft side and checked the Fuses. Fuses are all good. The Helium in the Compressor is at 200 PSIG. Nitrogen in is at 15 PSI. Vented for 6 hours. Allowed to settle for 1 hour. Tried to start it again. No change. Started following main power through the system. Found the Main Breaker to be partially open. Cycled it and placed in in the closed position. System is now on line and running normally.


  • No assistance required.


  • Fully charged the Pallet Stacker July 23, August 18 and Sept 01
  • Cleaned filters and restarted both -80 Freezers. July 20 2020 1500. Both batteries failed to take a charge. They were replaced. A NP7-12V 7.0 Ah battery was installed in the Freezer with the Grey Handle. A HR9-12 12V .36WPL was installed in the freezer with the Blue Handle.
  • Re installed the Stereo and cleaned up the wiring.Found the Stereo Shelf loose. It was secured.
  • During inspection the Scissor Lift mechanics found it to have the two wheels on the top of the port side frozen in place and grinding down. Working with Siem on repairs.


No Assistance Required.


  • Found the air valve for the Speedbag pulled out and nonfunctional. Replaced with a new Speedbag and inflated it. New one ordered to replace the spare.
  • Tightened the screws on the manual treadmill. They keep unscrewing due to ships vibration.
  • The Flat Bench Pad had stripped out two bolts holding the pad on. Made a custom bracket and snugged it back in place. Found it a few days later with all of the mounts pulled off of it. Removed the fabric cover. Drilled completely through the board and installed bolts. Re installed on the frame and stapled the cover back on.
  • Moved one of the Stationary Bikes over to the Lounge for use during Covid-19 Crew Separation.


  • Tested the Stereo system. System working normally.


  • Charged up the G Gun Firing Box. It failed to hold a charge. Replaced the batteries with new NP12-12T 12V, 12Ah batteries. Replacements on order.
  • Bathy 2010 will not track in full power. Meggered the cable from the U/W lab to the Fwd Thyrig Room and it tested good. Meggered the Cables from the Junction Box to the Sonar Dome and they failed. It is showing a resistance breakdown in the cables. Removed and re seated the LPA-10kV A Power Module P/N P033850-1. Later the Power Module was swapped with the one from spares for testing. It made no difference. They were swapped back. Removed and cleaned Pre Amp Cards P/N A00107-2 Rev A S/N 6209 and P/N A00108-3 S/N 6210. They were later removed and we did some signal tracing and inspected for damage under the ET Microscope. Installed Spare Pre Amp Cards P/N A00107-2 Rev A S/N 5920 and P/N A00108-3 Reb A S/N 5921 and they do not communicate with the software. Original boards reinstalled.


  • Level wind was stuck in place. Opened the chain cover to inspect and found the Tension Gear frozen in place. Worked it loose and the unit now functions. Cleaned, greased and exorcised the Level Wind. Cleaned and greased the slide bars. Grease tape remains on the Motor Shaft to keep water out of the Motor Bearing. Applied a layer of Grease over that. Unit sticks when it gets to the starboard side.Replaced the spring on the Follower. Still will not move smoothly. Snugged the adjustment bolts down on the follower so it doesn't move. Using the hand control for deployments.
  • Assisted retrieving the Towed Magnetometer.
  • Cleaned, Greased and Exorcised the Gun Line Winch. Control handle stuck in the deploy position. Upon investigation found that one of the bolts near the pump had slid over and jammed in the piping. Pulled it free.
  • Assisted running a VSP.


  • Machine was calibrated and it ran well.
  • Several small test patterns were made for training. A few COVID mask holders were manufactured.


  • Assisted loading stores.
  • Ran cores through the WRMSL and the NGR to assist with lab manning.
  • Ran cores through the SHIL and SHMSL to assist with lab manning.




This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 384. 
Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and product pages on the developer site for additional detail: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Developer+Home+Page+The activity log specific to this expedition will be placed here: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Ship+Activity+Log+

Special Projects

During Expedition 384 the developer worked on the following projects:


Worked with the technicians aboard ship and shore personnel to complete the new Catwalk application. The application was nearing completion at the start of this expedition, and has been in use in production throughout. It was used to enter sections, catwalk samples and hard-rock pieces with almost no problems. The primary focus of development during the expedition was the piece entry feature, along with a few other minor features and fixing bugs.

Lab restart:

Early in the expedition, because the labs had been completely without power for some time, a big focus was on testing software and hardware systems throughout the labs.

COREPHOTO end-to-end images:

The EPM requested this feature as a proof-of-concept to assist with correlation and provide a useful resource for scientists. Changes were made to the VirtualPhotoTable (VPT) application so that it creates end-to-end core images with and without CSFA and CCSF depth scales attached. This effort was completed, but not deployed to production, and checked into SVN under a branch called "~EndToEndCorePhotos" under the main VPT folder.

General Duties Performed

During Expedition 384 the developers participated in:

  • Routine expedition support.
  • Maintenance of software applications (as detailed in the sections below).
  • Assist with data and user account management.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Change Summary


Current Version

Release Notes



This was the main focus of development during the expedition. The project has been completed and deployed to production, and was used throughout this expedition to enter sections, catwalk samples and hard-rock pieces into LIMS.

Drill Report


A change was made to resteasy-drillreport (the web services used by Drill Report). The database connection string used by the services was changed to reference only one of the two redundant Oracle servers.   Drill Report now talks only to K1, not K2. Once this was deployed, the "ORA-16000" errors they'd been seeing did not recur.



Some minor changes were necessitated by changes in LDAQ modules shared with Catwalk. These changes were very minor and did not affect functionality. The changes were given basic testing, but the Coulometer software was not used on this expedition.



Some minor changes were necessitated by changes in LDAQ modules shared with Catwalk. These changes were very minor and did not affect functionality. The changes were given basic testing, but the CahnBalance software was not used on this expedition.



A bug was fixed in the ORIENT data uploader.  



A feature was added but not deployed to production, in response to a request from the EPM. The new version creates end-to-end COREPHOTO images, as well as the usual side-by-side images traditionally created and used by pubs.   These are to assist with correlation, and provide a useful resource for scientists. The code for this change is checked into a branch under the main VPT source folder.

Outstanding Issues

Special Projects / Issues

Drill Report

As related previously in this document, the Drill Report web services (resteasy-drillreport.war) was altered so that its database connection string references only one (K1) of the two redundant Oracle servers. This was done after consultation with shore developers and IT personnel. It was initially just an experimental "fix" to see if the problems seen (an "ORA-16000" error that indicated that it was trying to talk to the inactive Oracle server) would go away if the services didn't "know" about the inactive server.   As it turned out, the problem, which had been happening frequently but more-or-less randomly to different users, did not recur after this change was deployed.

CahnBalance / Coulometer Applications

Login screen:A bug was found in the final day of the expedition: when the user logs out of the application and returns to the login screen, the "Logging on…" message is still visible from the initial login. It should be hidden upon successful login so that it's not still visible next time.
History moduleOn the previous expedition, the following was reported, but not corrected during this expedition:Chemistry techs reported that the history display screen sorts all columns in character order.  They would like the numeric fields (standard-deviation, mass, ,etc.) and date fields (timestamp, etc.) to sort in proper numeric and date order respectively.  This represents a significant modification to the history module; including initializing it with data-type information when it is started by the main application.

Development Tooling and Infrastructure Changes

No changes during Expedition 384.

Hardware and Server

No problems or changes were made to hardware during Expedition 384.



Servers (Microsoft):

  • A systems monitoring server was provisioned to host the HP Insight Manager monitoring application. The HP Insight Manager application, once fully implemented, will allow the systems administrators to monitor and control remotely shipboard servers. Some shipboard servers are configured to send system status data to the Insight Manager application by the end of Expedition 384.
  • TAMU requires a legal message banner to display prior to login to University computers. An updated banner was deployed to the ship's Windows servers.
  • Applied Windows updates to servers as they became available.

Servers (Linux):

  • Work to create a Change Management page in the Confluence application has begun.
  • A plan for file server re-configuration is submitted to management for approval. The plan includes adding new shared drives to reduce the impact to users when a shared drive becomes full.
  • TAMU requires a login legal message banner to display prior to login to University computers. An updated banner was deployed to the ship's Linux servers. Banners were updated on graphical interface login and the SSH login.
  • A server was provisioned for GEODESC testing. The server Fogo is was a clone of Uluru. The server was in use during Expedition 384 and is now offline after the sailing developer left the ship.

Servers (ODA):

  • Oracle servers worked as expected. There were no configuration changes.

Servers (VMware):

  • VMWare hosts and application worked as expected. There were no configuration changes.


  • The HP 3Par storage unit worked as expected. There were no configuration changes.


  • A new virtual network, VLAN 110, is configured on the ship's network switches to accommodate SnapTV set top boxes. In some cases network drops needed to be patched to the closest switch.
  • A new switch was deployed to UT43 network locker to increase the number of available ports for future SnapTV deployments.
  • Deployed a new fiber optic converter to connect the LT50 router to Siem's network in the core deck network locker for SnapTV connectivity.
  • Updated collector premise wiring maps to accommodate for recent changes in network wiring.

PC Workstations:

  • Microsoft Office 2019 was deployed to shipboard Windows workstations, instrument hosts, and RigWatch stations using the ZENWorks system configuration application.
  • TAMU requires a login legal message banner to display prior to login to University computers. An updated banner was deployed to the ship's PCs.
  • Firefox browser was updated to the latest available version.

MAC Workstations:

  • TAMU requires a login legal message banner to display prior to login to University computers. An updated banner was deployed to the ship's Macs.
  • Firefox browser was updated to the latest available version.


  • The Forecastle hallway printer displayed an error message stating that paper of incorrect size was in the paper trays. A sensor detecting paper width that had dislodged from its mount caused the error.


  • Unplanned Internet service outages occurred while at sea and in port. Causes included Siem crew's failure to communicate route information to Marlink, a fire at a point of presence location in London, and multiple weather-related incidents.
  • Two planned service interruptions occurred as expected.

Other Equipment/Projects:

  • Shore-based management requested assistance in gathering information on systems configuration including asset inventory, network diagrams, and software versions.
  • The marine computer specialists assisted Siem electronic technicians to provide network connectivity to the SnapTV set top boxes that they deployed to individual staterooms.
  • Drobo storage disk array in the imaging office has been packed for shipping to shore.
  • Siem crew ran a new Ethernet drop to IODP Ops Superintendent stateroom (7-C1).
  • A compiled list of specifications for replacement TVs to display shipboard information was sent to shore management for purchasing.
  • A compiled list of specifications were sent to shore management to purchase a replacement display for the Drill Shack RigWatch PC.
  • Relocated the management computers in the MCS office to under desk locations and removed the shelf that formerly held the computers as it presented a hazard.