EXP 382

Expedition 382

  1. After a near miss incident where a top bunk fell through to the lower bunk while the top bunk was occupied, Siem surveyed all top bunks and made repairs to bunks that seemed to be weakened.

  2. The Laboratory Notebook page was ported to Confluence and is now hosted on the ship.  Watchers on shore can be notified and view updates if they follow pages.  See the PP page for an example of how it can be uses to make a running set of notes that many people can contribute to.  The Tech Report section can be used to submit tech reports.  They port into Word very easily.

  3. 3D printer set up and tested.  See ET report on experience and recommendations for use.

  4. Space heaters ordered by Siem for 383 for the four forward main deck cabins. Siem found some heaters and are using our dehumidifier to help keep those rooms warmer on 382.  It will also be important to tell the techs and scientists to call the ECR or let you know as soon as they see their thermostats not responding.  Sometimes zones trip and need to be reset and occasionally a single thermostat will misbehave.  The conference room somehow was reading 60C and the setpoint was 23C so it was trying to air-condition the room which made it super freezing. 

  5. 5/3 Paleo lab sinks not draining.  Siem has come to clear the lines twice and also replaced some of the PVC fixtures because they were cracked.  Engineering dept. installed two of our sediment traps under the sinks. Lines still blocked.  Siem found major constriction in drain pipe down the line.  Pipe has been cleaned out, sinks drain fine now.

  6. SRM Cryomech compressor gave a oil temperature warning 5/7 so switched over to the Haskris.  SQUIDS and Shield warmed but pmag scientists decided to keep measuring since the trapped field was still okay for them to work.  Siem engineering looking into why there is reduced pressure in the chill water lines that could have caused the oil temp to rise.  5/8 Siem was able to get pressure up to 28 PSI which is working for the Cryomech but oil temp is still higher than would like.

  7. Mac computer replaced with PC, SolidWorks moved from LO PC to new PC.