T4100 ICP Beadmaker Home

Oct 1, 2022 All but 10 Pt crucibles were sent back for a new coating to improve bead formation. These should be returned at the Ex 398 port call.

Sep 6, 2022 Beadmaker operated with no issue for Exp 397P KTLF. A new LiBr 0.172µM solution (30 mL) was made by Chem tech Mechler as the current bottle of solution from 2017 had significant pieces of lint floating around in it. 

May 28, 2022 Beadmaker operated with no issue during Exp 390. Beads formed well with the normal 1:4 lithium metaborate flux ratio.

Jan 15, 2022 Beadmaker filter (cooling water) was changed (inventory number of the filter: CM0063). Temperature increased until beads melted sufficiently. Displayed temperature is higher than actual temperature, but the actual temperature is at least 1050C

Jan 3, 2022 New test with old_flux with standard beadmaker procedure to compare with beads made with the muffle furnace. Old-flux did not melt with beadmaker, but did inside muffle furnace. That leaves us with the conclusion that the temperature inside the beadmaker is not accurate.

Dec 20, 2021 Beadmaker was cleaned inside, some connections were loose and tightened. It seems to solve the issue. Tests with new_flux were successful. Glass beads look excellent.

Dec 15, 2021 Current issue: no melting at 1050C. Several tests were carried out with old_flux and new_flux (see Expedition 391 Tech Report), all unsuccessful. We think that the beadmaker temperature is not as shown on the eurotherm.

ICP Sample Preparation

Can be used during transit because it is wired to Regulated Power, unless there are rough seas then please do not use.

To prevent portions of beads from 'jumping' out of the crucible, a quartz lid can be used after the sample has been placed on the fan to cool.

TK-4100 Bead & Fuse Sampler instructions (english manual).pdf

T4100 Bead Maker Rotation Block Cleaning Procedure

Beadmaker Electronic Parts


Bead Maker Crucibles CatalogueCrucibles.pdf


Bead Maker Battery.pdf