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  • Have people review
  • Define roles beyond General User and Administrator
  • Tell @Andrew
  • Intro
  • General User
    • Deployment homepage / dashboard
    • Creating a Case
    • Editing a Case
      • General Info
      • Overview
      • Patient
      • Contacts
      • Vaccines - BUG can’t use this page
      • Treatments - BUG can’t add new treatments
      • Forms
  • Administrator


This tutorial is organized by role. We will start with pages and processes that anyone can do (as a General User), and move on to more privileged processes.

General User

Everything in this section is doable if you have access to VETIS in any capacity. If you do not have access to VETIS and think you should, please contact TODO

The Current Deployment

When you are on a deployment and would like to edit a cases, please visit the Current Deployment Page.

If you are lost in the program somewhere, you can get back here from the Sitemap

The Deployment Dashboard is a convenient aggregation of info. You can see:

  • Quick Info - along the top you can see

    • Deployment name

    • Case count

    • Start / End

  • Jurisdictions - A list of jurisdictions for the deployment. Managed by an Admin

  • Stats - Quick view of Cases on the Deployment broken down by Species and Status

  • My Last 10 Cases - a personalized list of Cases. You can press the Case title to navigate there.

  • Cases - All Cases on the Deployment. You can click a Case, then click Jump to Case to open that Case in a new tab

Creating a Case

To create a new case during patient intake, press the Add Case button in the Navigation Bar.

  • For Deployment - The most recent deployment will be automatically selected, but if you need to add a case to a previous deployment, you can change it.

  • Found in County - The available counties in this list are filtered by which Deployment you have selected.

  • Species (optional) - The patient’s species. This can be changed later

  • Add Case Photo (optional) - For convenience, you can always add photos to the case later.

The “Using GPS” toggle switch in the top right shows that your device’s latitude and longitude will be recorded if you press Create. If you don’t have a GPS signal or you are creating the case from another location than where the patient is, press this to turn this feature off for the Case.

When you are ready to create the Case, press Create!

Editing a Case

This page is where you will spend the bulk of your time, and there’s a lot to it. Let’s start with the Case Header:

The header is always visible from within the case page.

You can press the Case Picture to download it.

You can also do various actions from the Menu on the right.

  • Save All - You guessed it, save all changes you’ve made to the case.

  • Manage Case Picture - Allows you to take a picture (if you are on a device with a camera), or choose a picture to upload

  • Discharge Case - Brings up a dialog that asks you to input a Vet’s PIN. Once a case is discharged it can no longer be edited*.

  • Delete Case -

  • Transfer to Deployment - Not yet implemented, but will transfer the case to another deployment of your choosing.

Based on the tab you visit, more actions may appear in the Menu


The overview is pretty straightforward, it will display the Primary Contact for the Case, as well as a bit more detail than what’s in the Case Header.


Here is where you edit general Patient info, add ways to identify the animal, and can upload pictures of the animal.

If you have more than one Case Picture, you can hover over the ellipsis to:

  • Delete Image

  • Make as Case Picture - this will use the selected picture as the main Case Picture in the top-left

Discharging a Case

A case can be discharged with the “Discharge” button on the case details page:


After pressing the button, a pop-up window will appear and if the case can be finalized you will see a green window with “No Issues - The case can be finalized. No issues were detected”. Select the discharge status, input the Discharge location (ex: corner of Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S and Luther), and the Vet Pin. Only those with a Vet Pin and sufficient permissions can discharge the case. After pressing the finalize button, you should be able to view a pdf of the discharge case summary. The discharge case summary will be downloaded to your machine


In case you miss the discharge summary, there is an option to redownload the discharge summary. This option will currently only appear after you have discharged the case in the same menu you accessed to discharge the case.



Here you can manage the Contacts for the Patient.

The contact’s address will either be the selected County, or a custom address that you specify.

If you hover over the ellipsis in the top-right of the contact panel, you will get a few options:

  • Make Contact Primary / Alternate - makes this contact the primary or an alternate contact

  • Clear Contact - Clears out the contact’s info. You can get it back by refreshing the page


BUG: Rules aren’t working, so this page is effectively broken


Adding / Editing



New actions on the Treatments tab:

  • Add New Treatment - brings up the “Create Treatment” dialog for you to fill out

  • Add Treatment Group - displays the “Add Treatment Group” dialog to choose a Treatment Group and add it. Adding a Treatment Group automatically adds whatever Treatments are in that group. You can always change or Discontinue Treatments later.


Once the Patient has at least one Treatment, the page will look something like the picture below.

Each row corresponds to 1 Treatment, and shows the scheduled Administrations in the colored time blocks to the right. Each color represents a status, with the status text contained in the block:

  • ⬜ - Administered

  • 🟨 - Unadministered, due now

  • 🟩 - Unadministered, due later

  • 🟥 - Missed, not administered and past due

If you need to see further into the past or future, you can use the yellow arrows in the bottom right to move around the time window. You can press Now in the top left to reset the time window to the current time.

You can filter the list by pressing Active or DC to toggle between seeing active treatments and discontinued treatments.

Adding / Editing

On a case with no treatments, the “Add New Treatment” panel is shown. This is the same window that appears when pressing Add New Treatment.

You can search through the inventory of medicine, adjust the amount or quantity being administered, and record the timing of the treatment before submitting.


To fill out a form, navigate to one of the form tabs on the left side of the page.

Your list may look different, as Forms can be restricted to a set of Species.

Most Actions in the Action Bar require you to select a Form first.


  • New Form - Will display the Create Form dialog. Does not require you to select a Form first.

  • Print - Displays a dialog to print the Form. If the selected Form requires one or more signatures, you will have the options to print a “Draft”, or finalize the Form and print the real deal.

  • Include / Exclude in Discharge - Will mark the selected Form(s) as “Included” or “Excluded” from the Discharge report.

  • Details - Displays the actual Form for editing. If the Form is finalized, you will see a read-only version of the Form. This dialog also contains the Delete button.


Generally, a Form has some things you need to fill out. An Admin has the ability to “generate” some of these for you.

In this example, all of the owner information was automatically filled into the form when it was created.

Unless a Form is finalized, you can always come back and edit it by clicking the Details button on the one of the Form tabs.

Some Forms require a Signature. You can still fill these out, and have a Vet sign it later.

If there are un-finalized Forms that require a signature when it is time to discharge the Case, the Vet that signs off on the Case will have their signature applied to these Forms.


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