Aeris Quick Start Guide
Sample Prep and holders
Aeris sample holders cannot be interchanged with the Bruker sample holders. The size is slightly different and they are magnetic which lets the machine to know there is a sample in the slot.
Most common method is backloading. The sample holder is in two parts, the top ring and the base which the top ring clips into and is loaded using the sample table which is the small device with a center platform and three round buttons around it.
Follow the next steps along with the pictures on the next page to pack and assemble the backloaded sample holders.
1). Place the top ring upside down on the sample prep table and clip it in by pressing the button on the side. Take care not to scratch the center platform.
2). Mound the powder up slightly in a conical shape.
3.) Press it down with the cylindrical press.
4.) Scrape off the excess with a blade or glass slide.
5.) Brush away excess powder to that the outer ring is clean for attaching the sample holder base.
6.) Press and clip the sample holder base into the top ring. It should snap in cleanly and easily.
7.) Turn the entire sample prep table upside down, resting the sample holder base on the countertop, and press the release button on the side to release the completed sample holder. Sample surface should be flat and flush with the edge of the holder.
If the powder sticks to the sample table when you flip it upside down to release, try it again with a piece of weighing paper placed on top of the platform and then clip the top ring in.
If you don’t have enough power to fill the sample holder, after pressing down with the cylindrical press add one of the cardboard spacers and then clip in the holder base.
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)
5.) 6.) 7.)
Aeris Setup
The mains power switch is on the rear lower right-hand side of the instrument. This can generally be left on. The unit is plugged in to the UPS power box and that should remain on at all times.
1.) Turn the front computer on by pressing the power button on the right side of the screen. Let it initialize.
2.) Screen will prompt you to turn the key-switch, turn it clockwise and the "x-rays on" yellow lights around the instrument will light up. Make sure at least one sample holder spot is empty before turning on. The screen goes to sleep when not in use, just move the mouse or touch the screen.
To turn off the instrument, press the power button on the side of the screen, and then toggle the key switch counter-clockwise.
Running a sample and uploading data
- Place sample into one of the six slots on the sample changer. Be careful not to touch the center arm that comes in and out of the shutter door.
- Click on the MENU button Measurement. in the top left of the screen and go to
- The 6 circles along the top of the screen correspond to the six sample slots. Click on an active one to get started. (You can't click on one that is empty)
- Select the appropriate measurement program in the dropdown.
- Use the barcode scanner (on the right side of the Aeris) to scan the sample id label into the sample id field, or type it in with the keyboard. The file name will auto populate. Add any comments as necessary such as clay separation, heated, standard, test.
- Click Start and the program will run right away. The screen changes to a live view of the scan in progress. If the sample is not in the sample changer you will not be able to click Start.
- While the instrument is running the first sample, click on another circle where there is a sample and add the sample information and you can click Add to Queue.
- When the sample has finished running, click on Next Measurement and you can add the next sample.
- Once a sample is added to the Queue you cannot cancel it. If you decide there is a mistake and you don't want to run a sample that has already been added to the queue, simply remove the sample from the sample changer. When the instrument gets to the empty slot it will show a warning that no sample is present and skip to the next sample. Then you can place a sample back in the slot, click on the corresponding circle, and enter the new information.
- You cannot enter any sample information into a slot that doesn't have a sample holder placed in it. The sensor must sense a sample holder and then you will be able to add information and add it to the queue.
If instrument is in manual mode: Due to the malfunctioning sample changer, the Aeris has been placed into "manual mode" by the service reps. You can bypass the sample changer and run one sample at a time by placing it gently on the center arm and then filling out the measurement fields on the screen as described above. The arm swings out of the chamber whenever the screen is activated, take care not to bump it. In this state, the screen permanently shows 1 active error "Motion control error on the sample changer gripper axis". You cannot "add to queue", you must wait for the sample to finished to run another one.
When the scan is finished, the data file automatically transfers to the XRD lab computer and can be found in C:/ XRD Data. You can create a new folder based on Expedition, Site, Hole to keep all the scans organized. When you are ready to upload one or a batch of files, open MUT and under Options, go to Set Upload Directories and add the specific folder you want to upload. You may need to click Refresh so that MUT can find and display the files. Click Upload. Only one file, type xrdml, is uploaded per sample. File name must be this format to be recognized and uploaded U1536B_5H3_79_81_CYL19622183
Importing a new measurement program
Measurement programs are created in
1.) Open an existing file to edit or rename by clicking OPEN and navigate to C:/ PANalytical/XRDMP Creator/ . Make edits to the start and end angles and click Save As and rename for the current expedition. Save the creator file onto a USB drive. The USB can then be inserted into the side of the Aeris screen.
2.) Click on the Menu button and select Advanced Mode. The password is panalytical
3.) Click on Menu again and select Data Management. Then click Import Programs.
4.) Source should auto populate as the USB drive. Select the program, click Import Program button.
5.) Remove the USB drive and click Menu button to return to Measurement screen.
See advanced User Guide for recommended measurement program settings
Viewing and Analyzing Scans
Double click on any .xrdml file and the diffractogram will open in Data Viewer. This can be a quick and easy way to print and save the raw image. You can double click on more files and view the scans on top of each other. Click on the page icon, highlighted below, to view the complete report of parameters used in the scan. Scientists may want this information for their methods.
For peak identification and advanced processing use . See the HighScore Quick Start Guide.
Run the Si reference disk at least at the beginning, middle, and end of every expedition. This tracks intensity and diminishes as the x-ray tube gets older. Run it using the measurement program Aeris provided predefined creator program “Silicon (Cu Tube)”. You need to unlock the cover and insert the ni filter.
The Aeris is provided with its own corundum standard. It is a round white disk. It should be kept in its sample holder to avoid getting scratched and damaged. Both corundum and the Si disk can be used to verify that the actual peaks align with theoretical peak angles. If there is drifting on the xaxis see the Advanced User Guide for instructions on calibrating the x-offset, this should be uncommon with the Aeris optics system.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Check the cooling fluid level weekly. You can view and access the reservoir by opening the left rear panel. If the level is approaching the minimum limit then you must add more deionized water from the Barnstead dispenser in the chemistry lab.
1.) Use a 6mm allen key to remove both the vent plug and fill plug.
2.) Use the gooseneck refilling bottle to slowly add water into the fill plug up to the high mark. Do not overfill. Aeris does not need a lot of water.
3.) Replace the fill plug and vent plug. Replace the side panel.
Error codes: Some error codes can be cleared by turning off and back on the front computer. Press the power button on the side of the screen, and then turn the key switch counterclockwise. Wait a minute and Press the power button to turn back on and then when prompted, turn the key switch.
Keyboard and mouse are wireless and run on batteries. If not working check the batteries and that the Bluetooth dongle is still in the Aeris, on the right hand side next to the network connections.