Expedition 400 Technical Reports



Expedition Info

Expedition 400 occupied six sites along the trough mouth fan of Melville Bay shelf and continental slope in NW Greenland. Expedition 400 seeks to address current knowledge gaps in the evolution and variability of the northern Greenland Ice Sheet by analyzing sedimentary archives of warm and cold periods of the last ~30 million years, including times when the greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere was higher than it is today.

Operational Dates and Portcall

  • Reykjavik - Reykjavik Aug. 12 - Oct. 13, 2023
  • There was no hotel isolation prior to boarding and a self administered COVID-19 test was required before boarding.
  • The crew changes were both on the second day of portcall.


  • JRSO recent hire Max Witek sailed in Thin Section.  

COVID Protocol

A hotel isolation was not required for this expedition.  A Covid-19 test kit was provided a the hotel for each participant to test prior to boarding the bus to the ship.  Two isolation cabins were reserved for the beginning of the expedition.  While in port, the first case of Covid appeared.  Cases increased over the first few days of the expedition so the other two isolation cabins had to be vacated quickly and rooming rearranged creatively.  Daily Covid-19 testing was conducted until Aug. 28.




1 pallet by bridge deck elevator


2 kboxes by bridge deck elevator


1 wooden crate on Heli deck


2 x Frozen GDI80 world courier: ZIMM to Denmark, to be offloaded in Iceland.

1 x Frozen DGI45 world courier: TIBB to USA, to be offloaded in Iceland.

Amsterdam (400T)


1 x Working halves and residues going to BCR. 10 pallets of 15, 2 pallets of 14 each, 1 pallet of residues. 

1 x Archive halves going to GCR plus gas rack of empty 'single bottles'. 10 pallets of 15, 2 pallets of 14 and gas rack with loose bottles.


A surface container will be sent from Amsterdam with 400 and 400T items.


IODP Store

  • Sold out of several items and had to use items in the display. Some items will come for 400T.

LAB Items

  • ROPs and RSLs were adjusted as needed, based on required amount to last until end of program.

General Notes:

  • Mettler Toledo balance #51049 is broken and is in 'pending EXP400T' in AMS for return to IODP. A box for it is being sent to the ship. 
  • The Sigma Aldrich USB stick on the ALO computer (SDSs) is no longer usable and Sigma Aldrich are no longer producing that product. Brad advised we should use AMS for SDSs. The SDSs for each chemical purchased is attached to the REQ. 
  • 150 heavy duty core pallets are coming to the ship in Amsterdam from Bremen. We need to forward 25 (or more?) to GCR in the SURF container leaving 400T.
  • Mettler balance stage will be hand carried to IODP by Julson. Paleo slides to be hand carried by Julson or Mitch to Leah Levay.
  • One dishwasher bottle opened inside the UTS drawer. Everything was cleaned. The mask boxes look damaged on the outside, but masks on inside were verified to be ok.
  • The password in the IODPS folder for the PAX CC machine is not correct - do you know what it is?
  • We started to send items back to IODP for DEMOB (eg Handheld Minolta).
  • Laurel Childress created two programs for visually reviewing the amount of gas (headspace) in the cores. They are written in R and installed in OPS, LO, other and ALO computers.
  • Orings on sediment traps are missing (accidently thrown out when emptying?). 
  • Blue mats are stored by RAD VAN, if you want them for the Transit and Tie-up.

Load Outs




A total of 10,277 samples were taken on Expedition 400. 5,882 samples were for shipboard analysis and 3,215 were for personal sample requests. 1,180 samples were unclassified chemistry split samples. The total core recovery for the expedition was 2,299.10 m with a recovery percentage of 57.67%.

Holes U1603B, U1603C, U1603D, U1606C and U1606D each included a drilled interval at the top of the hole. 

Sampling for both shipboard analysis and limited sampling for personal sample requests was performed on board.  Sampling for MBIO was performed.


13 pallets of 178 boxes of core will be shipped to the Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) in College Station, Texas after the expedition. This shipment will include all archive section halves collected during the expedition.  12 pallets of 178 boxes will be shipped to the Bremen Core Repository in Bremen, Germany.  This shipment includes all working section halves collected during the expedition.  19 boxes of residues will also be shipped to the Bremen Core Repository in a separate pallet. 

The core boxes were divided into Archive and Working pallets. Each core box is labeled by the box number followed by an ‘A’ (Archive) or ‘W’ (Working) to denote the section halves in the box. All cores were boxed in order, however, please refer to the Core Box Inventory sheets emailed with this report. The pallet inventory will also be sent to the GCR and BCR.

All split sediment sections were wrapped in Glad Clingwrap.  All split hard rock sections are wrapped in 6 mil shrink wrap.

Frozen Shipments:

Emily Tibbett – 1 frozen and 1 regular boxes

637 North Pleasant St 233 Morrill Science Center 2

Amherst, MA 01003



Tel: 1-916-606-2092

Heike Zimmermann– 2 frozen and 2 regular boxes

GEUS Rigensgade 13

Copenhagen K, Hovedstaden 1316



Tel: 4591333784

Other Shipments:

Paul Bierman – 1 box

Attn to: Chris Halsted

180 Colchester Avenue, Delehanty Hall

Burlington, VT 05405



Tel: 1-802-238-6826


Raquel Bryant – 1 box

265 Church St Dept of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Middletown, CT 06459



Tel: 8606852268

Samantha Cargill – 5 boxes

2651 Orchid Avenue, Room 130 Burt Hall

Corvallis, Oregon 97331



Tel: 6092217018


Helen Coxall – Hand Carry

Department of Geological Sciences

Stockholm University

Stockholm, Stockholm SE-106 91


Tel: 46 (0) 8 7248606

Tracy Frank – 5 boxes

207 Beach Hall, 354 Mansfield Road - Unit 1045

Storrs, Connecticut 06269



Tel: 4026135161


Rachael Gray – 1 box

McGilvrey Hall 325 S Lincoln St

Kent, OH 44242



Tel: 3302013216


Mohammed Hashim – 1 box

266 Woods Hole Rd,

Mclean Laboratory, Room 201

Woods Hole, MA 02543



Tel: 1-832-231-5574


Sidney Hemming – 1 box

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Columbia University

61 Route 9W



Tel: (1) 845-365-8417


Sandrine Le Houedec – 1 box and Hand Carry

Batiment Geode, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Campus de la Doua,  2 rue Raphael

Dubois, 69622 Villeurbanne, France


Tel: +33 (0)771367066

Libby Ives – 1 box

1001 E. Villa St. #7

Pasadena, CA 91106,



Tel: 1-262-951-6356

Anne Jennings – 1 box

INSTAAR, CU Boulder,

4001 Discovery Drive, University of Colorado,

Boulder CO 80303


Tel: 1-720-205-2091

Paul Knutz – 2 boxes

Rigensgade 13

Copenhagen K, Denmark 1316



Vikash Kumar – 1 box

Past Climate and Ocean Studies Division,

National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research,

Headland Sada,

Vasco Da Gama Goa, India

PIN- 403804


Tel: 91 7387795916


Mei Nelissen – 4 boxes

Utrecht University

Winthontlaan 30C

3526KV Utrecht

Mei Nelissen, VMA 3rd floor, Netherlands


Tel: 31 642317961

Jannik Martens – 1 box

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 105C Geoscience,

61 Route 9W

Palisades, New York 10964



Tel: (845) 365-8321

Volkan Oezen – 1 box

Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung Invalidenstr. 43

Berlin, Berlin 10115



Tel: 49 1788122618


Sandra Passchier – 1 box

Montclair State University Center for Environmental and Life Sciences LS 220,

1 Normal Ave

Montclair, NJ 07043



Tel: 973-655-4448


Jian Ren – 1 box

Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources,

36 Baochubei Road,

Hangzhou 310012,

Zhejiang Province

P.R. China


Tel: 86-13867406920


Brian Romans – 1 box

4044 Derring Hall 926 West Campus Dr.

Blacksburg, VA 24061



Tel: 1-540-231-2234


Osamu Seki – 1 box

N19W8, Kita-ku

Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0819



Tel: 81-11-706-5504

Philip Staudigel – 2 boxes and Hand Carry

Altenhöferallee 1

Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 60438



Tel: 49 017632327834


Lisa Tauxe – 1 box

1162 Sverdrup Hall 8615 Kennel Way

La Jolla, CA 92036



Tel (Cell): 858-449-1236


Yencheng Zhang – 1 box

Room C604, Haiqin Blg.3#,

Sun Yat-sen University Zhuhai Campus

Zhuhai, Guangdong 519082



Tel (Cell): 86 1597 6936 668

The frozen shipment will be sent directly to the scientist via World Courier.  International shipments will be sent directly to scientists from the ship.  All shipments to American-based scientists will be sent to the GCR, then sent to individuals from there.

Site Conversions

The conversion between pre-site to site identifiers are listed below:






A, B, C, D, E and F



A and B






A, B, C, and D







Site Summary


Hole A: APC to 118.6 m with 119 m recovery

Hole B: Drilled interval to 109.1 m, APC 134.88 m to 243.98 m total penetration with 122.68 m recovery

Hole C: Drilled interval to 211.5 m, RCB 73.5 m to 285 m total penetration with 22.78 m recovery

Hole D: Drilled interval to 269.4 m, RCB 152.6 m to 422 m total penetration with 43.31 m recovery

Hole E: APC to 59.1 m with 17.48 m recovery

Hole F: APC to 134.3 m with 116.93 m recovery


Hole A: APC/XCB to 250.6 m with 232.91 m recovery

Hole B: APC/XCB to 429.6 m with 317.85 m recovery


Hole A: RCB to 282 m with 38.45 m recovery


Hole A: RCB to 182.4 m with 30.14 m recovery

Hole B: RCB to 350 m with 164.44 m recovery

Hole C: Drilled interval to 25 m, RCB 161.7 m to 186.7 m total penetration with 45.31 m recovery

Hole D: Drilled interval to 13.6 m, RCB 118.5 m to 132.1 m total penetration with 7.83 m recovery


Hole A: RCB to 978 m with 752.64 m recovery


Hole A: RCB to 561 m with 267.35 m recovery

Catwalk Sampling

The Expedition 400 Catwalk Sampling Strategy is shown below. The following samples were routinely taken:

Head Space (HS) – (2) 5 cc syringe per core

 Interstitial Water (IW) – (1) 5 - 10 cm WRND per core  

Paleontology (PAL) – (1) 5 cm WRND per core

MUDLINE samples were collected at each hole.

RHIZON samples were collected at holes U1603E, U1603F, U1604B, U1605A, U1606B, U1607A, and U1608A.


The residue distribution is as follows:



























Sample Request Codes and Numbers

Below is a list of the samples requests that were approved by the Expedition 400 SAC and their respective Sample Request Codes:


Sample Request Number

Sample Request Code

Paul Bierman



Raquel Bryant



Samantha Cargill



Laurel Childress



Andrew Christ



Helen Coxall



Tracy Frank



Georgia Grant



Rachael Gray



David Harning



Mohammed Hashim



Sidney Hemming



Kelly Hogan



Sandrine Le Houedec



Mads Huuse



Libby Ives Subglacial



Libby Ives Proglacial A



Libby Ives Proglacial B



Libby Ives Proglacial C



Anne Jennings



Paul Knutz



Vikash Kumar



Tom Marchitto



Jannik Martens



Fawz Naim



Mei Nelissen



Andrew Newton



Volkan Oezen



Emma Ownsworth



Sandra Passchier



Lara Perez



Yogesh Ray



Jian Ren



Sofia Ribeiro



Brian Romans



Osamu Seki



Philip Staudigel



Lisa Tauxe



Emily Tibbett



Yuka Yokoyama



Yancheng Zhang



Heike Zimmermann



Problems Encountered

  • Cracked and Broken Liner:  Cracked and broken liners were dealt with by attaching liner patch using a combination of acetone and sonic welding.
  • Catwalk:  Catwalk crashed once during the expedition.  This was due to a user trying to open the Catwalk application while there was a Catwalk window already running.  After restarting the computer, the program operated without issues.  Catwalk did not support a curator entering a core with zero recovery. 
  • Gaseous Expansion:  Large amounts of headspace gas were found in many of the cores for expedition 400.  Because of this, two headspace gas measurements were taken per core to monitor the gas more closely.  It also resulted in some material being pushed out of the liner and having to be extruded from the core barrel on the catwalk.  This was noted in the section comments when relevant.
  • Section Expansion:  Sections that expanded after splitting were recurated with an extender of liner patch.  This was attached with acetone and the sonic welder.  The section curated length was then updated.
  • Stones in APC:  Several APC cores had ice-rafted debris deposited in the material.  The surrounding core was very soft and required splitting with wire.  When the debris was encountered, technicians used the handheld wire to split the core top to bottom until the debris was reached from both sides.  The section was then opened, the debris removed from the core and split on rock saws by hand, then the debris was returned to the section.




  • Expedition 400 was staffed with 8 Sedimentologists, 2 Diatom specialists, 2 Planktic Foraminifer specialists, and 1 Palynologist
  • 2299 m of core from six sites (U1603-U1608) were described in GEODESC.
  • 11 templates were used in GEODESC for sedimentology and micropaleontology description.
  • Thin Section Report Builder and Writer were used for all shipboard thin sections (51 total).
  • Scientists used the Hitachi SEM for examination of smear slides and whole foraminifers. The sputter coater was used to prepare smear slides and stubs.
  • GEODESC applications, LIVE, smear slide making, how to SEM, and how to SHMSL tutorials were held at beginning of expedition.

Sedimentologists: Tracy Frank, Georgia Grant, Sandrine Le Houedec, Libby Ives, Vikash Kumar, Sandra Passchier, Brain Romans, Emily Tibbett

Diatoms: Volken Ozen, Jian Ren

Planktic foraminifera: Raquel Bryant, Helen Coxall

Palynology: Mei Nelissen

m core described


# thin sections described



Current shipboard software versions:

DataCapture: 1.0.21

TemplateManager: 1.0.17

  • K. Vadman presented TemplateManager, DataCapture, DataAccess, and LIVE applications to Core Description teams at the beginning of the expedition and held group Template Manager workshop sessions to design macroscopic and microscopic templates.
  • Macroscopic sediment description templates: all-sediments, clast-counting, core-summary, hole summary
  • Microscopic sediment description templates: thin-section-summaries, sed-pet-thin-section, sed-pet-smear-slides
  • Micropaleontology templates: benthic-foraminifers, planktic-forams-greater-than-63, diatoms, dinoflagellates-dinocysts


  • No major issues with GEODESC, and any minor issues were reported to J. Brattin or T. Blaisdell throughout the expedition and resolved within minutes to hours.
  • On September 10th, scientists observed that a workset would not allow a sample to be added. K. Vadman and J. Brattin discovered that a canceled whole round sample interval was still trying to load into Data Capture (see Figure 1). J. Brattin deployed a new version of Data Capture to resolve the bug (v1.0.21).

Figure 1. Section 2R-1 was initially assigned a 5 cm PAL sample, which was then canceled and changed to the core catcher “all to PAL,” but the 5 cm whole round on Section 1 was retained in Data Capture. Bug now fixed.


  • A 400_DESC template was created in LIVE to facilitate viewing lithologies. No other new LIVE templates were requested for description.
  • In LIVE, the drilling disturbance panel is based off the drilling disturbance template, but the scientists entered the drilling disturbance data in columns within the all-sediments template. J. Brattin modified LIVE to add the “drilling disturbance type” data column from all-sediments into the 400_DESC template.

Thin Section Report Builder and Writer

  • Thin Section Reports were created for all 51 thin sections described in GEODESC.
  • Report definition is 400_TS_SED.json
  • No issues to report from EZ TSV-XLS converter or Report Definition Builder.

Scanning Electron Microscopes

Leica ACE200 Sputter Coater

  • The Leica sputter coater was used in gold-palladium sputter coating mode.
  • Scientist were introduced to the equipment and accompanied by the technician during the initial use.
  • The following settings were used for SEM analysis:
    • Duration: 25-30 seconds
    • Purge cycles: >2
    • Au/Pd sputter coat functionally cannot be removed
    • For Au/Pd coating, the following settings are recommended:
  • Sputter coater was cleaned at the close of Exp 400.

Hitachi TM3000 SEM

  • Hitachi SEM condenser/objective apertures received (inside plastic tackle box).
  • Hitachi SEM was used for analyses of whole foraminifers, and smear slides from diatom, dinocysts, and sedimentology teams.
  • Before first use, Hitachi SEM is displayed Error Code 1160: Main Power Switch is off, or the USB cable is not connected. Power cycled the computer and the SEM. Main power switch on SEM must be turned on before the computer is turned back on in order for the system to clear the error.
  • The new SEM Uploader on the SEM-EDS computer station is now compatible with Hitachi SEM images, modified by J. Brattin at the beginning of Exp 400.


  • SEC SEM-EDS filaments (MS0059) received (canister in close-up drawer 1D-3).
  • The new SEC SEM-EDS was tested by technician K. Vadman to check functionality during the expedition but the Hitachi SEM was preferred for imaging by scientists.
  • At the beginning of Exp 400 in port, K. Vadman modified the SEM-EDS stage with the assistance of E. Claassen and J. Kotze.
  • We removed vibration isolation coils below SEM steel plate and installed ¾ inch high-cushioning polyurethane rubber in their place. Removed rubber beneath cork pads. The instrument feet are now sitting on cork pads, steel plate, then rubber. Two sets of old coils, spare accelerometer parts, etc. in SEM-EDS cardboard box in Microscope Lab.
  • Good images were taken in calm seas (<0.5 m heave), however the typical issues with image stability remained at high magnification and high resolution scan speeds.

Figure 2. Updated SEM-EDS vibration mitigation stand.

Paleontology Wet Lab

  • The Paleo Prep Lab was heavily used by the five micropaleontologists.
  • The EZ Washer-3000 and EZ Shaker-2000 were both utilized throughout the expedition to automate sediment processing. The EZ Shaker-2000 was moved to the benchtop next to the forward doorway to make space in the fume hoods for palynology and foraminifer processing.
  • A scientist also asked if we had a pump sprayer available to use with the sieves.  We have one from when the core reefer was cleaned and it worked well for them.  
  • We also moved an additional sonicator from the Downhole lab into the Paleo Prep lab to accelerate sample processing.
  • The lab lost hot water for a few days around week 6, which was determined to be the result of an empty tank after heavy use.

Microscope Lab

  • See Imaging Lab tech report.

Smear Slide Atlas

  • Not checked out.

Data Backup

  • All GEODESC data was downloaded from DataAccess and saved on a hole-by-hole basis to data1/10.1 Core description, and copied to Uservol.
  • Photomicrographs were uploaded to LIMS by scientists (micropaleontologists and core describers) during image acquisition.
  • Hitachi SEM images were placed in Uservol and data1 under S:\Uservol\8_SEM Images and S:\data1\25.1 SEM. Select images were uploaded to LIMS.




VCDs were produced for 15 holes across 6 sites, and scientific reports, figures and tables collected for the expedition proceedings volume. Other duties were performed in accordance with SOP to assist ship and shore based operations with assigned tasks. 


All equipment and software functioned as expected with no major issues encountered. 


If for some reason this PC in the pubs office is replaced before end of operations next year, we should consider requesting something a bit beefier. It seems to struggle at times and isn't really spec'd for the tasks we require of it. 

I will request that RStudio/RGui be installed for Expedition 401 on the PC (and Mac if we have the package available) for use in constructing described value lists for Geodesc exports to check against Strater schemes for VCDs. It's a far simpler process in R than doing the same in VB. The necessary scripts will be saved to a shared folder for use by others sailing in this position, and instruction provided on their use. 




About 2,300 meters of clay-rich sediment, with diamicton and hard rock (granitic dropstone and gneiss) were recovered in the Baffin Bay, NW Greenland. Six sites were cored for a total number of 472 cores. The presence of threatening icebergs forced operations to be halted many times at the beginning of the expedition. Overall, the expedition went smoothly with a routine measurement protocol and core flow in the Physical Properties Lab. No major issue happened and scientists were never behind.

SiteHoleWRND measurements (cores)Discrete analysis
MADP-Wave (caliper)TCON
U1603U1603A1H-13H (13 cores)243923

U1603B11-26F (25 cores)484725

U1603C11-9R (8 cores)12128

U1603D11-18R (17 cores)231416

U1603E1H-7F (7 cores)0150

U1603F1H-15H (15 cores)000
U1604U1604A1H-32X (32 cores)598140

U1604B1H-55X (55 cores)3222422
U1605U1605A1R-47R (47 cores)124569
U1606U1606A1R-17R (17 cores)181712

U1606B1R-39R (39 cores)176130

U1606C11-18R (17 cores)02112

U1606D11-14R (13 cores)0106
U1607U1607A1R-103R (103 cores)193249102
U1608U1608A1R-60R (60 cores)9210153


For further information about the expedition, please visit also the Physical Properties Lab Notebook.


All tracks, except STMSL and XMAN, were used during the expedition. WRMSL measurements on WRND cores were done every 2 cm. Fast-track measurements (GRA and magnetic susceptibility) were done every 5 cm for correlation. The XSCAN was used routinely by the Core Describers and appeared to be very useful for the core description. No major hardware issues with the instruments are reported. Detailed information is provided below and on the respective Confluence page of the instrument.

Software Summary

  • Issues with the data upload in some tracks keep happening: one is MUT-related, others are IMS-related. See "Data Upload Issue" section below for more details.
  • XSCAN Image Processor stand-alone was tested, improved after testing, and will be installed in the forward core description table workstation in the Core Lab.
  • IMS version 15 was implemented on two tracks, WRMSL and SHIL, and will be tested during transit.


Received onboard

Band belts for track motor (put in drawer PPTRKF4 hardware tracks)



Items sent to shore


Individual Measurement Systems

Whole Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL - AFT track)

The WRMSL was used by scientists on sediment and hard rock cores. GRA, magnetic susceptibility and P-wave were measured every 2 cm. The WRMSL was used as STMSL (fast-track for correlation) with only magnetic susceptibility measured at 5 cm for fast measurement before rhizon sampling and DNA sampling. The choice of using the WRMSL as STMSL was motivated by the fact that the GRA source was not used because of DNA sampling done on sections after splitting by microbiologist. It is easier to close the GRA source of the WRMSL than the one of the STMSL.

As observed in previous expeditions, a loss of communication between the GRA source and IMS happened frequently at the beginning of the expedition. As done previously, changing the USB port and restarting IMS fixed the issue. This, however, forced scientists to remeasure WRND cores and could no longer be a sustainable solution. The USB hub where the GRA source is connected was changed but the loss of communication happened again. Eventually, we decided to change the GRA base and the USB cable connected to the GRA source.

Further details are found on Whole-Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL - AFT track) Confluence page.

Software Issues 

  • As noticed during X395, MUT2 did not recognize some data files in the IN folder and therefore did not upload them. This may be caused by the Refreshing time set to 0 seconds. It was changed to 20 seconds, and this issue has not been reported again later.
  • Other issues happened with data upload. Since this was also observed for other tracks (XSCAN and SHMSL), it may be a global issue either related to MUT or IMS or both. See "Data Upload Issue" section below.
  • IMS issue with the "offline" setting of the control for the P-wave caliper. Despite being offline in IMS, the transducers were still closing creating too much pressure on the water pushers. Three water pushers were replaced during the expedition. Tim Blaisdell fixed the code. 

Special Tasks Multisensor Logger (STMSL - FWD track)

Calibrated and tested at the beginning of the expedition. An issue between the emitting and receiving part of the laser was noticed and fixed. See Special-Task Multisensor Logger (STMSL - FWD track) Confluence page for more information.

Scientists decided not to use the STMSL during the expedition.

X-RAY Linescan Imager (XSCAN)

Archive half sections from all drill sites were imaged by the Core Describers for a smooth core flow in the lab. Calibration settings used were 98 kV, 0.8 mA and a speed of 5 cm/s which corresponds to an exposure time of 7.7 microseconds.

The standalone image processor software was received and several versions tested. Tens of sections were re-processed with the standalone after scientists did the processing with IMS. The standalone greatly improves most of processed images. The User Manual of the standalone is found at XSCAN Image Processing Software Confluence page.  The standalone processor has been installed on two workstations in the core description area and the monitors labelled.

A Confluence page to keep track of the two sources seasoning was created for the use of the Phys Props Technician/IODP staff and can be found at XSCAN Sources Seasoning.

Further details are found on X-ray Linescan Imager (XSCAN) Confluence page.

Software Issues 

  • The standalone XSCAN Image Processor software was received and tested. A few features were added and improved, and a few bugs were fixed.
  • Issues happened with the data upload. It was also observed for other tracks. See "Data Upload Issue" section below.

X-RAY Imaging (XMSL)

Not used during the expedition. Not tested.

Natural Gamma Radiation Logger (NGRL)

Scientists measured all WRND (sediment and hard rock) with the two-position settings and a time of 300 s per position.

The tray of the NGR stopped randomly moving. The MDrive and the band moved by the motor were changed, and the bearings were cleaned.

The NGR computer froze with IMS open a few times during the expedition. The PC needed to be rebooted each time. The MCSs are aware and will monitor the issue next time it happens.

Further details are found on NGR logger Confluence page.

Thermal Conductivity (TCON)

Scientists measured the thermal conductivity on WRND with a needle when possible (V10701 was used). When the use of the needle was no longer possible or when the data quality was poor, scientists switched to measurements on working halves with a puck (H11090) or mini-puck (H51033) depending on the size of the piece. For hard rock pieces, thermal conductivity measurements were done in a sea water bath.

No issue was reported. See TCON Confluence page.

Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL)

No issue was reported. Further details are found on the SHMSL Confluence page.

Section Half Image Logger (SHIL)

No major issues to report.  The actuator was making some noise when returning to home.  The issue was solved by tightening some loose screw and lubricated the worm drive. Further details are found on the SHIL Confluence page.

P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry (PWB/PWC)

The bayonets were not used during the expedition. No major issue with the caliper has to be reported.

Further details are found on the P-wave Gantry Confluence page.

Moisture and Density (MAD)

No major issue with the pycnometer cells is reported. O-ring was changed in cell #1. See Moisture and Density (MAD) Confluence page for further details.

Shear Strength Station (AVS)

The automated vane for shear strength measurement was initially planned to be used regularly. Eventually it was not the case since only five measurements were done at the first site (Hole U1603A), and the device was no longer used after that. No issue is reported.

Data Upload Issues

Several data upload issues in the tracks were noticed during the expedition - some have already been reported in previous expeditions and not fixed at the time.

  • Correct data files (i.e., with no apparent error in the file) are kept in the IN folder and are not uploaded by MUT2. Probable reason: the Refresh time interval set in MUT which is 5 sec in most tracks.

Solution by Tim Blaisdell, developer: The refresh time interval in MUT2 was changed from 5 to 20 seconds in all tracks (NGR, WRMSL, SHIL, SHMSL, Gantry), with the exception of the XSCAN set at 60 seconds in prior expedition.

As of the end of Expedition 400, this issue was not observed again.

  • Correct data files are duplicated: one copy is in the Archive folder and one copy is in the Error folder. Observed for the WRMSL, SHMSL and XSCAN during Expedition 400.

Solution by Tim Blaisdell, developer (email communication on September 29, 2023): "The code in IMS that writes the files is severely over-complicated, and can lend itself to MUT and IMS "competing" for the file because the file is rapidly opened and closed multiple times in IMS as it writes it out.  There's no need for this, because the code that writes the file already has all the text that's to go into the file.  I believe the fix is to simplify the code in IMS so that it just writes the file in one quick step.  LabVIEW has a built in function to write a text file in one step that will either succeed or fail with no ambiguity or need for multiple steps."

As of the end of Expedition 400, this change is planned in the new version of IMS.

  • Empty data file (size = 0kb) in the Error folder and non-empty data file in the Archive folder. Observed for the WRMSL and XSCAN during the expedition.

Solution by Tim Blaisdell, developer (email communication on September 29, 2023): "I think this is just another case of the zero-byte file issue, but it occurred later in the file-writing process so that you ended up with a non-empty file in the error folder.  If so, the fix for that should correct this."

As of the end of Expedition 400, this change is planned in the new version of IMS.





The Paleomagnetics lab measured most archive section halves (SHLF) and as well as a copious quantities of pmag cubes (discrete samples: typically 1 per section resulting in over 1300 cubes!!!) To keep up with the large volume of measurements, demagnetization sequences and measurement parameters were continually optimized. The cube cutting process was a choke point for core processing so new and additional tools were 3D printed and fabricated. The Cube Cutting Board Organizational Super System (C2BOSS) was developed to help organize and expedite the cube cutting factory. 

Several early sites had oriented APC cores and using Icefield Tool #2043 with a new Mutli-Shot Protocol (MSP) in the manner that the tool was intended to be used. The first hole was also processed in parallel with IODPs standard "recovery mode" for comparison. The results were the same and arguably better for the MSP at tiny fraction of expended. The only additional effort with the MSP is requiring someone to press a button 7 times during each shot.

C2BOSS in action doing the dirty work for the Pmag. cube factory.New raised storage for the MOT cases on the SRM chassis.Newly engineered dust bunny crossing in the Pmag lab.

Expedition 400 Material measured



Number of SHLFs Measured

Number of Cubes Sample

Number of Cubes Measured














No items were shipped, received, nor ordered.


Superconducting Rock Magnetometer (SRM)

At BOX the SRM's internal field was measured, a new field trapped (>+-3 nT), and then the profile measured afterwards. Once again the AF demagnetization functions were measured, but this time this data was combined with the internal field profile to show that the acquisition of an ARM during demagnetization is unlikely and would be negligible. IODP standards as well as new and old Scripts Institute of Oceanography (SIO) standards were measured to verify results between the JR, SIO and Oregon State University (OSU) labs. All directional data was in good agreement, but the magnitudes between the SRM and JR-6 have slightly diverging values with increasing field. The origin of this is not understood at the time but is a minor effect.



The internal SRM field at the SQUID locations.The AF degaussing coils response functions (at 40 mT) shown in relation to the internal field.
Magnetic Orientation Tools (MOTs)

All Icefield tools were checked for KESS alignment, data recording, and tracking relative directional data correctly. Tool 2007 showed bad directional values and it was determined that it had be dissembled on the previous expedition to fix a power issue. However, once an Icefield tool is opened, it needs to be recalibrated, and this can only be done in the Icefield lab. It was then also noticed that the factory seal on 2052 was replaced with electrical tape and 2 of the 3 screws were stripped, so clearly had been worked on by IODP technicians and would also need factory recalibration after the work. Due to poor documentation, it was not possible to determine if that last calibration was done after the tool being opened up by us or prior. As a result only too 2043 was used for orientation. Going forwards, the MOTs should not be worked on in house, but instead sent back when issues are encountered.

Tool 2043 was deployed in single runs for both for 1603B and 1604B using the Multi-Shot Protocol. The MSP worked well and was drastically easier to process and no longer required reapplying the tool's calibration. Also the stand-pipe pressure files were no longer necessary in order to pick the data since the data is only shown for the actual orientation period. Details on the protocol, the comparisons between the old method and the MSP, as well as the BOX tests and the pre-deployment comparison tests between the two methods are given in the MOT confluence pages.

Haskris Water Chiller

The Haskris water temperature slowly climbed several times throughout the expedition, but only a few degrees over the course of several weeks. Cleaning the wye filter each time helped. It may be related to how often the chill water inline filter is being changed. Darth Cool (the air-cooled haskris) was used successfully each time the wye filter was cleaned and no other issues were reported.

JR6 Spinner Magnetometer

The manipulator arm required coarse adjustments at the BOX as the set screw was not set in in the set screw hole. After this, the JR-6 was used mainly at the BOX and through about mid-expedition to measure the copious quantities of cubes. Due to the need for fairly continuous maintenance, the high volume of samples, and a lighter load of SHLF on the SRM and it being available for use, all remaining discrete samples were measured on the SRM.

D-Tech 2000

The D-Tech was used extensively for AF demagnetizations and  also for ARMs on a small selection of discrete samples. The laptop lost communications several times with the D-tech, but this was resolved both times by powering off the laptop, detaching and re-attaching the dock, and then restarting. No other issues were reported.


The D-Tech's internal field at BOX.

MFK2 Kappabridge

The Kappabridge unit was used extensively during the expedition with the 2D and 3D sample holder for all pmag cubes. No issues were reported.

Thermal demagnetizer TD-48SC

The thermal demagnetizer's internal field was measured at the BOX, but the unit was not used during the expedition.


The Thermal demagnetizer's internal field at BOX.

IM10-30 and IM-10 Impulse magnetizers

The  IM-10 was used minimally to give 30 mT IRMs on the Pmag play cubes and then 1 T IRMs on select X400 samples. No issues were reported.




Expedition 400 NW Greenland Glaciated Margin began in Reykjavik, Iceland headed for Baffin Bay on August 13th 2023. We drilled a total of 6 sites for the extent of the expedition recovering sediment and hard rock. The samples processed in the X-Ray lab where as follows:

  • XRD samples were taken to be analyzed as bulk samples.
  • XRD samples were taken to be analyzed as clay samples, which were then run as three separate analysis:
    • Clay samples, no treatment involved
    • Clay samples, glycolated for 12 hours 
    • Clay Samples, heated at 550°C for 4 hours

Sample Totals

Sample processing times need to be taken into account when sampling for XRD. In site U1607A there where a lot of samples taken that delayed the writing of reports for both site U1607 and U1608 for the scientists. It is something to keep in mind for next time to speak to curator if samples are more than what can be processed in a timely manner from site to site. 


XRD Bulk

XRD Clay


*Clay samples include clay, glycolated, and heated analysis

Instruments and Equipment


At the beginning of the expedition the AERIS and Bruker where compared to run clays and bulk samples, after running some analysis in both, the scientists decided to use the AERIS. The decision was swayed more for the preference of using Highscore software rather than the EVA software also because the AERIS has the ability to measure lower angles than the Bruker which makes it better suited for clays. For the duration of the expedition the machine was ran daily and there where some reoccurring errors that appeared, however no errors interrupted the machine's operation. The main error that appears on the screen was as follows:

  • "Unable to open or close the shutter"

This error appeared when running samples in the machine, it would give an error message every two samples or so, but this error would appear daily (Figure 1). This did not prevent any analysis to be run, but it is something to keep in mind when operating the instrument. 

Figure 1. Unable to open and close the shutter error in AERIS

Another issue the machine gave was when taking off a sample the machine does not recognize that it has been lifted then the machine has to be restarted to return to normal operations (Figure 2). The errors that appear on the screen when this happens are as follows:

  • "System error 61502 occurred in the measurement module"
  • "Obstructing sample"

This only happened twice this expedition, the sensors where cleaned with a Kim wipe and some alcohol (not sprayed directly into the machine). 

Figure 2. System error 61502 occurred in the measurement module


Some samples where run in the beginning of the expedition to make sure the machine was running properly. The machine still measures samples very well and everything is working properly. The AERIS was used for this expedition just because it was better suited for measuring clays. 


The X-Press was moved underneath the counter to make more room in the sample prep area. The hard rock samples can now be crushed in the jaw crusher, so the x-press can stay stored away.

ICP Prep Area

ICP prep area was used for clay separations and crushing of some XRD samples. The shatterbox and dismembrator where both used during this expedition and they are in good working conditions. The mixer mill was also moved to the chem lab temporarily to crush carb samples.  

There was an issue with the ICP prep area sink, it has a copper tube in the back that was leaking water when the faucet was opened. If there is a leak of water here it could be because the cap for the hot water tube has fallen, so just close the faucet completely and check the tubes under the sink. (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Hot water hose cap (Silver)

Freeze Dryer

The freeze dryer desiccator chamber had a leak at the beginning of the expedition. The freeze dryer gave error message that the vacuum wasn't holding then the desiccator chamber was replaced to see if that fixed the leak problem. The message kept reappearing, so the chamber was changed again with a spare chamber the mad lab had. The error message has not come back since then.

The vacuum pump had oil in the air vent, so it was replaced with a new one because it was not functioning properly anymore (Figure 4). After these changes where made there have been no further issues with the freeze dryer. It was used to freeze dry bulk samples for XRD analysis for all of X400.

Figure 4. New Vacuum pump




During Exp400 sediments were mainly recovered. Imaging specialist assignments were done. Support to core lab has been the main work, at some moments that cores have got on deck within less than 1 hour between one and other. Core Catcher duties were split in a 3 hours daily shift by each tech daily. Observation for Protected Species has been done when VSP logging.

General imaging duties/services provided

  • Headshots photography
  • Headshot posters
  • ID badges creation for IODP staff
  • Microscopes cleaning, setting and assistance
  • SHIL images check and support
  • WRLS composites creation
  • Close-ups photography
  • Special request photography
  • Friends and Family photography
  • T-shirt logo printing
  • Groups photography

System Status


Setup, Use and Maintenance

Since previous TS tech was in charge of the TS imaging I started by looking into all the material I’ve found available related to the PICAT system.

Cleaning and setup of the system was done at the beginning of the expedition. Slide holder was repositioned on the stage and screws tighten since it was not allowing the TS slides to be centered properly and knobs didn’t move the holder when turned most of the time.

Training videos suggest to use the camera Program Mode to calculate the exposure for the single polarized image and set it up in Manual for the cross-polarized image. I realized in previous expeditions the cross-polarized image was acquired using the Program mode too, which had been producing overexposed images since the system calculations try to achieve a proper exposure using also the areas darkened by the cross-polarization, which indeed should be expected to be dark.

Calculation of the mean exposures required was achieved manually using a light meter and assessing the first samples images as a start setup. In order to have more standardized results f/stop and speed used either in single or cross polarized images were fixed values and only ISO value was meant to be changed to achieve the proper exposure.

Thin Section images were done by me and TS specialist tech. 100 thin section images have been produced by the end of hole U1606C.

Bulb Issues

The bulb was replaced two times. The first one with the same voltage and wattage specifications as the system requires, 12v 100W, but it worked for no more than two weeks before a change was due. Since there were no more identical bulbs with the same specifications a new one with same configuration as required but similar specifications, 15v 150W, was installed.

When the second time the bulb was replaced a cable connected to the socket got disconnected. ET Jurie Kotze helped by soldering both. The bulbs, 12v 100W, are now an inventory item (LS5515) and a couple of extra sockets were requested.

The new bulb illumination intensity is lower than the original for the system so image exposure should be recalculated. Most of the images required about 2/3 stops higher exposure with the 15v 150W bulb.

The bulbs used have an expected life of 50 hours and when working are very hot. Since there has been a more than expected requirement to replace bulbs action has been taken by disconnecting only the lamp cable from the power adapter after use but letting the fan on for about 15 minutes in order to reduce the temperature of the bulb. The same way flash systems work in which bulbs get high temperature.

An isolated switch for the light would be an update that might be considered in order to avoid problems carried by unplugging the light connection.

Closeup Station

Setup, Use and Maintenance 

Close-up camera and flash system worked properly, settings were confirmed using a light meter. For some extraordinary requests a 1-5X Macro, 65mm, lens with a Macro Ring flash was used, and gray card, scale bar and label were digitally inserted in the images. A total of 97 close-up images were produced.

Issues and Updated Procedure 

Same software issue was present since expedition 393, Image Capture was not able to upload Tiff and Jpeg files while Capture One was still open. Also the images don’t retain a faithful color when compared to real or done by the calibrated SHIL.

As Capture One installed for closeups is an old version with which some issues have been present and all Adobe updated software is available, changing to Lightroom was the best option. In Lightroom Classic specific lens profiles can be used to correct distortion and vignetting, as well as removing the chromatic aberration related to it.  But also with the help of the color checker a color profile plugin can be created and used to achieve a faithful image as lighting and camera settings are the same for the whole expedition.

Tethered capture as well as setting of white balance, rotation, angle and crop of the image is pretty much as simple as in Capture One. The main difference is how tonal clipping is set up. Instead of just setting a predefined value in the session preferences and then selecting the dark and light areas of the QPcard as in Capture One, in Lightroom’s Tone Curve panel the Point Curve should be adjusted to those values on every image by clicking on the dark and light areas of the QPcard using a Targeted Adjustment tool and dragging to those preset values, 20 and 96 accordingly, then as an extra not available before Refining Saturation altered when tones adjusted by 50%.

Every step in this procedure is in process to be updated in the Close-up Capture User Guide.


Scale bar setup

On the last expedition  Image Capture software was reinstalled, which reset the scale bar setup. All microscopes required changing scale bar settings by following the standard procedure using a micrometer to define proportional difference. Significant difference was found in all microscopes when compared to the default in Image Capture. Proportional change of the original scale bar setting has been required for about +4% on FLEX, -4% on new model InSight, and up to -37% on idea cameras.

New model SPOT InSight 12MP Microscope Camera 

One of the two new model SPOT InSight 12MP microscope cameras was installed on the smear slides Axio A1 Microscope located in the core lab. Scale bar configuration was setup accordingly.

Setup and Maintenance 

At the beginning of the expedition, when setup of microscopes was done per requests I realized all microscopes needed cleaning and alignment, specially the optics. Several days were required to clean properly all the systems used. Some microscopes were requested for use and setup until the middle of the expedition, which also required cleaning and alignment. Most of the objectives taken from storage drawers to be used also required cleaning. It’s tough to remove oil from some since it gets stickier when left for long periods. Since my first expedition I noted that some objectives, installed and not, present some dust inside their optics. Only a blower has been used to remove as much dust as possible, but not possible to remove all this way. Of course, dust covers might help to avoid part of it, but the environment where they are will affect them anyway.

Cleaning of instrumentation used during this expedition will be done at the end of the transit. Service to the microscopes includes cleaning of eye pieces and objectives, then center of condenser, stage and objectives, and finally setup of Kohler illumination.


Microscopes were used by paleontologists and sedimentologists. Two stereo microscopes and two Axio A1 microscopes were used by paleontologists. The Axio A1 microscope in the smear slides area was used by sedimentologists, but since some Nano fossils were found they request to have another microscope setup in the microscope lab. The Axio Imager was setup but also requested to have one with a rotational stage, then the Axiophot was setup.  A Co-Chief Scientist used sporadically a stereo microscope but was one shared with a paleontologist on the opposite shift.

Stages, objectives and eyepieces were configured as the scientists requested. Other required materials were provided, as slide boxes, slides, covers, oil, lens cleaning tissues among others. Assistance in setting and solving issues was provided during the expedition.

An Optovar-Objectives magnification combination spreadsheet was printed, laminated and distributed to scientists.

SEM and Miscellaneous 

The SEM was used by paleontologists during this expedition. Assistance at the beginning of the expedition was provided on how the Hitachi SEM works, as a very straight forward and old but friendly system, scientists were able to work with it very easy with just a few requests for support. Presentation of SEM usage, Coating instrument and upload procedures was done by Core Description Specialist Kara Vadman.

An aperture set was received, it should be changed as soon as possible, we opt to change it if a filament requirement was needed, but have not to get access to that section of the microscope then it was not changed. Both types of aperture pieces in the SEM system should be replaced during transit since they are  parts that are supposed to be changed every 6 months but may have not been changed since long ago.

Since the continuous attention with the microscope lab requirements a detailed support in the Paleo Lab was provided as requested by the same scientists.

Acquisition of nanno-fossils images for identification purposes requested and produced.


None of the microscopes present in the Microscope Lab have a dust cover, it seems the covers got lost after the asbestos cleaning at the end of expedition 399. New covers were ordered for the microscopes.

Axio A1 next to the door used by paleontologists presented a couple of problems. Transmitted light lamp stopped working, bulb was tested and working. ET Etienne Classen help on testing and determining a connection in the bulb socket was the problem. By using a file to clean the interior of the socket where the bulb is installed the lamp work back again properly.

The other problem was the connection of the SPOT Flex camera, it was interchanged with the one installed on the Axioscop next to the right where it was tested and work properly for the rest of the expedition. Scale bars were setup again after the camera change happened.


SHIL calibration was performed at the beginning of the expedition. Image quality was checked in every image produced and the data related to it, some mismatches in LIMS were reported to the Curator Specialist, Scientists decided not to scrape the cores after a few cores were done. Scientists performed a very good job doing SHIL images, just a few errors required repetition of the images.

A few cores were required to have WRLS images, which the scientists created mostly in a good way, but since pieces were irregular, barely oriented and thin, WRLS Composites show some irregularities.

Cancel of tests and display image changes were made on LIME as required. When more than one WRLS quadrant image is taken and the one to keep is the first that has been set as False there was not option to change the Display image for WRLS in LIME. Developer Tim Blaisdell made it possible to have images displayed, but still it doesn’t let it to have four True images but one, this optimization is in progress. Until then, when False to True Display setting should change support should be asked to Developers.

A couple of files came out corrupted showing only the label created for the image. There were no other issues and no changes.


Basic keyword and metadata were added to all the images taken. Ratings are added as part of the metadata, suggesting 2 & 3 Stars rated images to keep and upload in Merlin One. Some new keywords were added where none of the present match for the basic keywording.

Headshot photos were taken for all scientists, some techs that requested for it and new Siem and Entier crew members. Headshot posters were produced for Scientists, IODP Staff, Entier and Siem crew. New ID Badges were created for seven IODP staff members.

A total of 130 photos were posted on six weekly photo galleries at the time this report is presented. Curation and process if required of other high rated images is in progress in order to share them with everyone onboard and may be uploaded to Merlin One.

Samples in vials were photographed per scientist request for use in their report.

Printer Epson Stylus 4900 

It was used to print group photos. As usual at the start of it's use a nozzle cleaning was requested by the printer. Even after being printing several pages it announced that nozzles required cleaning in the middle of a job. Some prints were showing lines on the sides of the print, after cleaning nozzles and performing different tests the conclusion was that the problem was due to the paper already inside the paper cassette become bended, maybe by the dry environment inside the ship or the heat inside the printer. But as paper was changed for a new batch the problem was solved.  Maintenance Box was changed for a new one. Light-Light-Black ink cartridge is low, but since once opened it’s best to use soon, will change it only if required when printing Tech Group photos that have not been printed yet.

A log sheet to keep track of the ink cartridges replacement dates has been created and will get stick to a side of the printer. In order to replace the ones that are older than 6 months even if not expired or empty. This as a suggestion of the manufacturer which since service is not easily available it may be cheaper to keep buying a couple of new inks now and then. Registry of inks in this expedition has been done done through last expedition reports without success. Then expiration dates on installed cartridges has been done, 9 of them have expired and will be replaced. 6 of the new replacements are expired too, then it is recommended to replace them as soon as new cartridges are available.

Printer Epson ecotank 8550

No issues. Regular cleaning of nozzles was carried out.  It was used to print T-shirt logos.

Items Received

  • An Epson ecotank 8550 CYM inks pack.
  • Aperture set for SEM.

Items Shipped to shore

  • None

Items Ordered

  • Microscopes dust covers.
  • Replacement bulbs for PICAT (LS5515).
  • Replacement sockets for PICAT.


  • Closeups request forms were scanned and saved in pdf format as “logsheets_closeups_400.pdf”. File was saved in “DATA1/1.9 Lab Logbooks”.  Physical documents have been kept until now and will be discarded unless a sailing scientist request them.
  • Documentation on how to Check SHIL Images updated on Confluence in the SHIL Images Review page.
  • Creation of Whole-round 360 core section images (WRLSC) from Quadrant Images (WRLS) page in Confluence updated.



IWs (pH/alkalinity, IC)



267 / 0


519 / 270

CARB (Coulometer & EA)



The ampule sealer was not used. It was tested and it is working well.


The Mettler balance system is still awaiting a repaired replacement for the reference unit to be sent out. A spare Mettler stage from the balance drawer was sent home for David to do testing on the broken balance.

The Cahn balance was in moderate use and worked well. The #90193 hang-down wire broke and was repaired. During the repair the spare #51470 was used. Both balances are in great working order.

Carver Presses

Carver press jacks #1 and #2 were rebuilt in the beginning of the expedition. A few weeks into squeezing, press #1 started having trouble getting to its target pressure, even at low pressures. It seemed that it was easier for it to get to higher pressures than low pressures. It was suspected that there might be air in the hydraulic lines. The lines were bled of air, but the unit was still experiencing issues reaching target pressure. The hydraulic unit (above counter) was replaced, but this did not help either. Finally the Autopak hydraulic pump was replaced and the hydraulic fluid changed. This helped, and Carver press #1 is now in good working order. Presses #2 and #3 worked well for the duration of the expedition.  


Coulometer software was occasionally timing out before carbonate in the samples had time to react with the added acid and reach the cell. The software’s original parameters checked the slope of the ‘carbon graph’ against the slope threshold of 0.1 after 60 counts. In some cases this was not enough time for the carbonate to evolve into CO2. Tim Blaisdell extended this period to 120 counts. This new edit in the analysis parameters seems to function better for samples with low carbonate and carbonate species that require longer reaction times (e.g. dolomites).

Elemental Analyzer

The EA was in moderate use and worked well. A new reactor tube was installed at the end of the expedition.            


The freeze-dryer was in moderate use throughout the expedition, and it worked well.  

Fume Hoods

There were no issues with the fume hoods.

Gas Lines/Manifolds

There were no issues with gas lines/manifolds.


NGA1 was calibrated but not used. NGA2 was used for headspace analysis. It worked well.

GC2 was used used for MBIO tracer analysis. The GC2 baseline was high (~900 Hz) and noisy at the beginning of the expedition. Generator nitrogen impurities were suspected as a cause at first, so the GC was put on a UHP nitrogen bottle. As this did not bring desired improvement, the helium and nitrogen purifier traps on the back of GC2 were replaced. This brought the baseline down to 230 Hz and cleaned it up nicely.

In case expedition 402 decides to also connect a UHP nitrogen bottle to GC2, the tie-down was left on the wall next to fume hood #4. The regulator, the yellow gas bottle stand and the tubing used for the connection to the GC were placed in a “402 GC2 UHP N2 STARTER KIT” p-box under the Cahn balance counter.

GC2 was experiencing excessive “column bleed” toward the end of the expedition. Upon column inspection it was discovered that there was visible physical deterioration of up to a meter at the detector end of the column. The column was replaced and a new spare was ordered. The damaged column was kept as a “used emergency spare”. If it does end up being used again the damaged section should be trimmed off and measured and the new column length should be entered into the method.

Hydrogen generators

The hydrogen generators worked well throughout the expedition.


The anion and cation columns were changed out midway through the expedition. Retention times had started shifting, and check standards were not coming out as perfect as we would have liked them to. Column change rectified the abovementioned issues. A slight adjustment was made to the anion retention times after the column change. New retention times were saved in the 400_EOX method.


The ICP was used in water mode for the duration of the expedition. It worked well.


A UV light was installed for the Labconco Vertical Clean Bench in the cold room. The bulb was a wrong length for the hood, thus a separate light fixture was mounted on the inside of the hood. The switch for the UV light is located at the right side end of the light fixture.

The microbiologist used the cold room as a room temperature clean room. The Koach was set up in the cold room.

The tracer pump was operated from RigWatch. 0.4 was set as the starting rate at the first site. This was not enough to detect the tracer in the exterior of the very sticky APC cores, thus the rate was increased to 1.0 and later on to 2.0, but tracer still only made it to the water in the core liner and the sediment at the very top of the core. There was not enough tracer onboard to be able to pump this much, so 0.8 was chosen as the pump rate for the following site. 0.8 worked very well at the new site, as the sediment at that site seemed to be slightly less sticky. At this site the tracer successfully contaminated the exterior of the core. No further APC cores were taken on the expedition. While RCB coring only short intervals were sampled for microbiology. Tracer was turned on at 0.8 one core before the target interval and pumped for the duration of the target interval. This worked very well.    

The lower tracer pump (pump B) was used throughout the expedition, and it worked well.

The Altech (tracer) device in Rigwatch is now pointed to COM 6 – Master.

Tracer pump status and flow rate can again be seen on the RigWatch tv channel.   

The -86 freezer was defrosted at the beginning of the expedition.


Pipettes worked well.


The analog refractometers were used throughout the expedition, and they worked well.


The spectrophotometer was in moderate use and worked well. The spectrophotometer vials had become very tight to insert in the numbered racks. Two of the numbered inserts were modified by sanding the holes slightly bigger. These inserts were marked with yellow tape for easy identification.

Phosphate check standard readings were coming out inconsistent toward the end of the expedition. Both the autosampler peristaltic tubing and the instrument peristaltic tubing were changed out. A calibration and a series of blanks and check standards were run as a test. As the inconsistency continued, the flow cell (CM1220, Dissolution cell) was changed out. This resolved the issue.  


The SRA was not used.



The alkalinity titrator worked well.


The chlorinity titrator was not used.

Water System

The remote nanopure water dispenser button was repaired at the beginning of the expedition. Moisture was detected inside the button. A cut-off finger from a dark blue glove was used to protect the button from further moisture. A replacement button was ordered.  

AMI Nitrogen Gas O2 Sensor

The oxygen sensor is working well. The readings were around 10-30 ppm early into the expedition. The IW samples were being processed in a glove bag, and the frequent filling of the bag caused the oxygen readings to fluctuate between 20 and 300 ppm. During the transit back and a few days preceding the transit the readings returned to 20-30 ppm.

AMI data monitoring software was installed back onto the computer. A data file going back to June 2023 was saved early into the expedition and another one at the end of the expedition. They are in a folder on Cahn desktop. It is recommended to save the oxygen analyzer data at the end of every expedition. 


IW samples were processed in an oxygen-free environment in a disposable glove bag on the large counter across from the ICP. For procedure and setup, see expedition 392 notes.

The Fisher Scientific Accumet AE150 pH Benchtop pH meter was tested. The pH electrode works but cannot quite reach the ±0.01 accuracy described in the user manual. A new electrode will likely be ordered for expedition 402.




51 polished thin sections were prepared on Exp 400. There were no large format slides requested. The vast majority of samples required resin impregnation, and one sample was stained blue. The lithologies were mostly mudstones and sandstones, and carbonates, and a few diamictons. There were interspersed glauconite, garnet, and pyrite rich samples as well as 8 grain mounts (including some PAL sieved foraminifera).

Laboratory instruments

Buehler PetroThin

The PetroThin was used extensively on Exp 400. Towards the beginning of the expedition, it became apparent that slides mounted to the vacuum chuck ended up with cracking. After some trial and error, limiting the vacuum pressure to less than 200mbar with the help of the Logitech VS2 Air inlet valve seemed to resolve the issue. It may be time to consider replacing the chuck face or at least limiting the vacuum. At this vacuum level none of the slides had any meaningful slip and always remained well adhered.

One other item of note: the power switch that turns on the motor is wearing out. On more than one occasion, the contacts have welded themselves both open and shut. At one point the motor turned “itself” on, and on another instance, it would refuse to turn off, even when the switch was moved to the off position.

Other than that, the blade cuts smoothly, and the grinding wheel is very even. Towards the end of the expedition the water knob has developed a small leak. Approximately 2mL/12h.

Logitech LP-50

The LP-50 was gently used only for frosting slides. One of the rotary vacuum adapters had the hose remounted due to cracking/dry rot. One of the arm brackets was rebuilt with both bearings being replaced. One thing to note, the plastic caps that cover the bottoms of the bearing that are the riding surface between the OD of the outer race and the vacuum jigs are of a different (newer?) design than the arms we have. The old design only had bottom caps and the top of the bearing was exposed. The new design has a top cap that clicks into the bottom cap, better protecting the bearing from inevitable water ingress. Because of this change the bottom caps that we have will not fit onto the arms “as is”. Two washers are needed to give the necessary spacing against the top surface of the arm, and permit free rotation.

Other than that, the tool functions properly.

Logitech PM-5

Most thin sections produced on this expedition were polished. No damage was observed, and the equipment worked properly. The plate spins smoothly, the arm has an even sweep, and the carousel rotates cleanly.

Logitech VS2

2 Port Vacuum System. Working properly, no issues or leaks.

Buehler MetaServ

Wheel rotates smoothly at all RPMs. Water feeds working as intended. There was a stray 120 grit sandpaper disc that was found on the ship. It worked remarkably well, especially on samples that had to be completely potted and/or were uneven due to cracking in the drying process/other, where a large amount of material needed to be removed quickly. It may be a good idea to order a few of those.

Hot Plate

Working Properly. Temperature confirmed with Omega temp gauge.

Freeze Dryer

Early in the expedition, the freeze dryer and vacuum pump became unable to maintain a 1.5 mbar vacuum. The cause was identified as cracking in the external vacuum bell. The bottom and lid of the bell had large amounts of crazing, but only the lid was found to have leaks all the way through. The bell was replaced with a new old stock spare, but new cracks developed days after. It was decided to use a MAD bell and limit the vacuum to 1 mbar. Since these changes were introduced there have been no cracks observed. Further, after reading some documentation for the vacuum pump, it is not recommended to run the pumps at vacuums under 1.5 mbar continuously.

Vacuum Pump

The freeze dryer vacuum pump was misting a great deal of oil at the start of the expedition. It was decided to remove some oil as the reservoir was filled to the top. It seemed to improve matters, but after a week or two, the pump completely gave out and shot oil up the vacuum line. At this point the ETs replaced the pump with one of the spares, which is much quieter than the old one.

The other vacuum pump used for the Petrothin seems to draw a vacuum, however it mists a tremendous amount of pale white clouds. The oil reservoir is full, and the pump can still draw down a vacuum, but I would venture to say that it will need major servicing/replacement soon.

Laser Engraver

The week of the 11th or 18th of September 2023, TS tech went to engrave thin section slides at the laser engraver. The thin section jig was placed in the machine, the slide was placed on the jig and the door was closed and latched. The LazerKatjie software was closed, and Making Builder 2 software was opened. The x400 TS template was opened, modified to the sample and the engraving was conducted without issue. However, the button to unlatch the door never illuminated. Even after about half an hour, the door was unable to be opened. The ET on duty worked to help resolve the issue, and restarting the computer, the software, the laser all had no effect. The fix was to power cycle the "relay box" at the very back of the laser engraver. At this point the locking circuit was fixed and worked properly. However, when the next TS was placed to be engraved the MB2 software kicked back an error: Operation limitation error. The first thing checked was the door to ensure it was completely latched, which it was. The issue affected only MB2, LazerKatjie worked flawlessly. The error is not found in the MB2 manual; however, it can be found in the Marking Builder 3 manual; a software that is not installed on the computer. The MB3 manual suggests that the error is solved by "Delete the program that is using the [2D code reader function], or activate the [2D code reader function]". The TS templates from x400 and all the other previous ones threw this same error, while a lot of the logos and images did run on the MB2 software. With Zenon's help the solution involved rebooting the computer 2 times, at which point windows offered 2 boot partitions. Only one works, and that resolved all the problems. The issue has not arisen since, and the TS were engraved without further issue.

RO Water Purifier

The RO water purifier displayed an error/low product purity flag early in the expedition. After replacing the 3/3 prefilters, and ½ RO membranes (only on in stock), the flag refused to clear. Even purging 48h did not improve product purity. Further, upon closer inspection, the plastic fittings into which the diagnostic pressure dialed attached were cracked and were leaking. This had been going on for some time, as there was a degree of rust in the unit. After discussion with the ALOs and LO, the decision was made to remove the unit and ship it back to College Station.

Kemet Kemvac Vacuum Impregnator

The Kemvac was used extensively towards the latter half of the expedition and particularly with the diamictons samples. The relatively large space and high vacuum allowed for the resin to penetrate deep into the samples so that they would not become washed/crumbled away when cutting or lapping. No issues were observed.

Laboratory procedures

Procedures from “Soft sediment thin section procedure” by Luan Heywood were used

Methods of preparation

The only things of note is that when use the blue dye, it is important to add the dye powder to the resin, and heat it to ensure it dissolves completely. In this case it was accomplished with a boiling water bath in a 50mL centrifuge tube. After it had achieved temperature, the tube was placed onto a vortexer until well dissolved. This resin is able to keep for a while (just like the regular resin), so it may be worth making it in 35mL batches since it does take a while to weigh and prepare it.

One addition on the topic of blue dye: On this expedition the blue dye seemed to inhibit the curing of the epoxy. The one sample that was made with blue dye took over a week to cure (and it was still sticky/tacky similar to a melted marshmallow; the stringiness of melted mozzarella with the stickiness of 18 month old electrical tape adhesive). At that point the sample was washed to remove excess resin, and the thin section was made as normal, with surprisingly good results.

Thin sections for SEM

No thin sections were made/prepared for the SEM.

Other laboratory issues

Grain mount cups

One of the issues was that after a sample was potted in resin, the entire slug was unable to be removed from the silicone molds. Unfortunately, it meant that several of the samples had to be cut out with an xacto blade. The mold release was applied properly to the cups per manufacturer directions. It may be prudent to buy a new set to have on hand, in the even that more grain mounts are required for future expeditions.




Expedition 400 started and ended in Reykjavik, Iceland on13 August and 14 October, 2023. Outbound transit to Baffin Bay was about 6.25 days from August 17 at 0740H to August 23 at 1347H, covering 1739 nm (3,221 km), for an average speed of 11.6 knots. Inbound transit started on 5 October 2023 at around 1230H (UTC-3) and reached port on 13 October 2023.

In between, six of the seven coring sites (U1603 to U1608) were occupied, two sites  (U1603 and U1604) are just off the continental slope into Baffin Bay at depths of 1800 to 1944 mbsl and four site (U1605 to U1608) are in the Melville Bay shelf at depths of 529 to 739 mbsl.

Figure 1: Transit chart of The JR during Expedition 400.



NAV1 PC dev (administrative) account for running NaviPac and Helmsman was missing on 13 Aug 2023, possibly due to an automated IT protocol that sweeps through all ship workstations to remove developer or administrative accounts. Notify the MCS when this happens.

Ship-wide navigation display used Google Earth and JRGE.

Line (line_year_julian date_time_channel_...)Comments
0003_2023_234_2223_210138_CHP12.0_FLT_000.sgyLabrador Sea to Baffin Bay. No GPS input. Navigation file from NaviPac included in Data1 folder.
0003_2023_235_0726_210138_CHP12.0_FLT_000.sgyBaffin Bay, approaching Site MB-23A. No GPS input. Navigation file from NaviPac included in Data1 folder.
0001_2023_240_0510_210138_CHP12.0_FLT_000.sgy1.6 km eastward line from Site U1603 (MB-23A) to avoid iceberg
0002_2023_241_2254_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgy1 km-long northward line from Site U1603 (MB-23A) to avoid iceberg
0003_2023_246_0208_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyShort survey around U1603D to record depth changes in kea file.
0004_2023_246_0435_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1603 (MB-23A) to U1604 (MB-02C)
0008_2023_252_2008_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1604 (MB-02C) to  U1605 (MB-31A)
0009_2023_253_0102_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1604 (MB-02C) to  U1605 (MB-31A)
0010_2023_256_2037_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1605 (MB-31A) to  U1606 (MB-17A)
0011_2023_257_0053_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyShort survey around Site U1606 (MB-17A) to gether depth readings.
0012_2023_258_1631_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1606 (MB-17A) to  U1607 (MB-07B)
0013_2023_269_0020_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1607 (MB-07B) to  U1608 (MB-06D)
0014_2023_269_0723_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyShort survey around Site U1608A (MB-06D) to gether depth readings.
0015_2023_273_1701_210138_CHP12.0_DET_000.sgyTransit line from U1608 (MB-06D) back to U1606 for Hole B.


There are a few brief periods when NaviPac wasn not receiving any MRU data. Cause is unknown.


Continues to expeirence slowly increasing number of empty packets, reaching around 2000 every 6 hours. Resetting the counter appears to stave off NaiPac and Helmsman going into a red state.


The 12kHz transducer was used to profile the approach to the first site MB-23A (U1603). An excellent sub-bottom penetration of up to 40 m was recorded near the site. 

The only challenge at the beginning was that the GPS position data was unavailable during the outbound transit, so, the SEGY file needs to be merged with the NaviPac Custom log file(s).

  1. Open the Knudsen *.kel file and take note of the starting and ending time for a SEGY file.
  2. From the NaviPac Custom Logging file (*_C.NPD), extract the corresponding start to end date, time and moonpool latitude and longitude (decimal degrees). (It should have been the coordinates of the sonar dome, but it is normally not recorded to minimize file size.)
  3. Create a new Text tab delimited navigation file containing the moonpool lattitude and longitude. You may need to extract the data from more than one NPD file to complete the segment and time period covered by the SEGY file.
  4. In Petrel, import the navigation file as a General Point/Line object. Import the SEGY file using the SEGY toolbox (2D) and for the navigation source, select "Coordinates from Line/polygon set. In the "Define Navigation" window, check that the number of SEGY traces is similar to the number of navigation datapoints, otherwise the SEGY geometry would be erroneous. To check, after importing the SEGY file, display it in a 2D map. If the plot is too short, you may need to re-sample the navigation file to reduce the number of datapoints.

However, this lack of navigation input was solved while we were coring on the first site (see Issues section below).  For the rest of the expedition, single beam CHIRP echosounding profiles were collected in between sites.

Figure 2: Knudsen 12 kHz CHIRP sub-bottom profiles superimposed on GEBCO DEM and Expedition 400 coring sites.


GPS receivers were not in GNSS mode in port and was thought to be due to the low elevation of satellites in higher latitudes. However, when we reached the first site and for unknown reason, GNSS mode was restored.


  1. Gyroscope feed still has high number of empty packets. Workaround is to regularly reset the counters to zero in the NaviPac Online > Input Monitor window
  2. NAV1 (and Logging PCs) almost ran out of disk space (4/475GB). A single text log file was created by Excel in C:\Users\daq\AppData\Local\Temp\aria-debug-*.log. InNAV1, it reached 172GB in size and in the logging PC, about 93GB. Close Excel and delete file.
  3. EchoSuite Server is unable to receive GPS data at the beginning of the expedition. Troubleshooting steps found out that in Echo Control Client > Setup > Serial devices (on server) > Peripherals, COM3 and COM4 were reversed. Navigation data, broadcast via UDP from NaviPac in NAV1 PC, should be coming in via COM3 in the gym network locker laptop.  COM3 settings is for NMEA: $GPGGA string. As a precaution, check COM settings every after Windows update, similar to other instrument hosts with LabView.


Figure2: Peripheral Devices settings for the Echo Control Client in the gym network locker laptop.




Expedition 400 occupied six sites along the trough mouth fan of Melville Bay shelf and continental slope in NW Greenland. The aim is to reconstruct the history of ice sheet advance and retreat. Wireline logging was conducted in four of the six sites occupied, including VSI experiments in three holes, U1603D, U1607A and U1608A. A short exercise  was conducted at the end of the last VSP experiment to determine the effect of different hanging depth for the 500 cu. inch G-gun cluster pressurized at 2000 psi. In slow or soft formation with wide borehole, the low-frequency mode of the DSI was used, which greatly improved tracking and Vp profiling.  The APCT3 was also used in sites U1603 and U1604 and a prototype electronic cartridge was tested in two repeat deployments (U1603F-4H and 10H). The CTD was deployed and the Niskin bottles were able to sample at two depths in a single VIT run.

Figure 1: (Left) DTM of Melville and Baffin bays with the location of six coring sites. DTM from GEBCO. View looking east. (Right) Plan view map with location of coring sites and 2D seismic lines.


Wireline Logging

A Petrel project file was created with 72 multi and single channel 2D and 3D seismic and Parasound profiles, and most of the wireline logs and relevant core data. Techlog was also used to generate the FMS images on board, and to re-label the monopole P&S coherency plot and improve the SVEL curve, especially for U1603D Run#1.

In hole U1603D, during the VSI run, the initil plan was to occupy stations at 25-m interval starting from 2225 mbrf. Together with the 3-m gun depth that pushes the frequency notch to 200-230 Hz, it would produce a good Corridor stack to compare with the LAKO reflection seismic profiles that have a central frequency of about 122Hz. However, the soft formation only allowed some not-so-good checkshots from the lower third of the borehole. Also, a video footage of the bubble showed significant water surface disruption, which might have contributed to a noisy signal, despite the nearfield hydrophone recording a clean waveform. As a compromise, the parallel guns were hung 4.75mbsl during the VSI experiments in U1607A and U1608A, Comparison of the resulting signal is discussed in detail in the Documentation section below.

For the Quadcombo and FMS runs, the previous software, OP, was used, whereas MaxWell was used for all the VSI runs.

Table 1: Summary of Schlumberger wireline logging runs.

U1603D MB-23ARun #1: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/HNGS/HLDS/HRLA DSI/MSSDriller's water depth=1811.9 mbrf; HNGS downlog seafloor = 1811 mbrf; EOP=1861.98 mbrf (blocks down); TD=2233.9 mbrf;=422 mbsf. Tool length=48.84 m. Tool weight = 4600 lbs.  Run-in started 8/31/2023 1040H (UTC-3). Repeat pass covers lower 100 m.
Run #2: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/VSI32 out of 68 shots acceptable from 8 of the 10 stations occupied between 2225 to 2099 mbrf. Noisy signal, especially on the Z-axis due to soft borehole wall that prevented decoupling of the geophone from the shuttle body when the caliper arm is anchored. Waveforms reviewed after the logging operations and often used the X and Y waveforms to pick arrival time. Collected full gamma ray downlog and uplog.
Run #3: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/HNGS/DSI/FMSDSI ran again at narrower search window in the Coherency Plot, in an attempt to remove spikes recorded in Run#1. Tools on deck on 9/1/2023 0345H (UTC-3).



Run #1: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/HNGS/HLDS/HRLA DSI/MSSDrillier's depth = 1954.9; HNGS downlog seafloor = 1955 mbrf; EOP = 2000 mbrf. TD= 2384.5 mbrf. Tool length = 51.17 m and normal tension = 4350 lbs. DSI ran at standard settings for downlog. For uplog, monopole is set to low frequency setting (LFD) at 5 kHz in order to acquire a better coherency plot and labelling for SVEL. Run-in started 9/9/2023 01:00H (UTC-3). Reached 2386 mbrf TD. Repeat pass covers lower 100 m.
Run #3: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/HNGS/FMSRun-in started 9/9/2023 06:40H (UTC-3). Two passes from 2382 and 2385 mbrf.



not logged
not cored



not logged



Run #1:  MSS-DSI-HRLA-HLDS-HNGS-LEHQTDriller's water depth=750 mbrf; HNGS downlog seafloor = 750 mbrf; EOP=792 mbrf (blocks down); TD=1688 mbrf;=938 mbsf. Tool length=50.69 m. Tool weight = 3058 lbs.  Run-in started 9/24/2023 1500H (UTC-3). Repeat pass covers lower 100 m.
Run #2: VSI-EDTC-LEHQTDischarged 308 shots across 33 stations occupied at 30 m interval for a full VSP coverage.



Run #1: LEH-QT/EDTC-B/HNGS/HLDS/HRLA DSI/MSSDriller's water depth=618.4 mbrf; HNGS downlog seafloor = 615 mbrf; EOP=720 mbrf (blocks down); TD=1177.5 mbrf;=559.1 mbsf. Tool length=50.69 m. Tool weight = 3058 lbs.  Run-in started 9/29/2023 2000H (UTC-3). Repeat pass covers lower 100 m.
Run #3: VSI-EDTC-LEHQTOccupied 24 stations at 20 m interval. Successfully measured transit time in 20 stations. time break re-picking needed for some shots. At the end, conducted test with varying source depth at 3, 5 and 7 mbsl (See Documentation section).

The G-guns were serviced (cleaned and O-rings replaced) by L. Crowder and D. Lajas  on the first week of September 2023, after the VSI operation in U1603D.


Formation temperature was measured in the first two, deep water sites, U1603 and U1604, where piston coring was conducted. The rest of the sites on the MB shelf were all cored with RCB. In two repeat deployments in U1603F, an experimental APCT3 electronic cartridge was tested. This cartridge has two thermistors: one in the standard location which inserts into a well in the APC cutting shoe, and the second thermistor is on the side of the cartridge in tangential contact with the inner and thicker part of the cutting shoe. The resulting temperature decay curves are shown in Figure 2.

Table 2: APCT runs.




U1603A4H, 7H, 10H, 13H
U1603F4H, 10HTo verify/add to previous readings in Hole A and test a prototype electronic cartridge with 2nd thermistor on the side of the cartridge.
U1604A4H, 7H, 10H, 13H
U1605 to 8
RCB coring

Figure 2: Temperature decay curve from APCT3 #1858022C for the thermistor in the conventional position (left) and for the thermistor on the side of the electronic cartridge (right). For the latter, note the lack of a temperature spike that marks time-zero or the insertion of the probe into the formation. Also, the temperature profile is muted and the model curve extends back beyond the firing time.


The CTD was deployed in a couple of VIT runs over Hole U1607A. Prior to the VSI operation in U1608A, the CTD was also manually deployed from the starboard main deck using a rope in order to measure the sonic velocity down to about 10 meters. This is for calculating the seismic transit time from the hydrophone to sea level, which will then be added to the vertical component of the Transit Time, resulting to the TT_TVD from SRD.

Table 3: List of CTD deployments and data files.



Log Files

C:\MinosX_31067\ Logs\399\

Exported depth and pressure (in DHML PC)

C:\MinosX_31067\Exports\398\398_depth or \398_dBar


(first CTD datapoint)


Niskin sample


Site Run

Hole Run


450864 (CT)

308233 (P)

u1601a_1_mbsl.logU1607A_1 2023-09-20   17-28-45 Down_mbsl.csv; U1607A_1 2023-09-20   17-28-45 Up_mbsl.csv2023 September 20 20:03:27Deployed over Hole U1607A to verify free-fall funnel position.

Yes (5L)





450864 (CT)

308233 (P)

u1601a_2_mbsl.logU1607A_2   2023-09-21   01-32-45 Down_mbsl.csv; U1607A_2   2023-09-21   01-32-45 Up_mbsl .csv2023 September 21 01:45:27Deployed during re-entry to U1607A.

Yes (5L+1.7L)





450864 (CT)

308233 (P)



U1608A_1 2023-09-30 10-39-56 Down.csv; U1608A_1   2023-09-30   10-39-56 Up .csv2023 September 30 10:42:35Manually lowered on mid-starboard main deck to derive the sonic velocity of the upper 10 m for use in the VSP experiment. Depth off by 1.905 m




Niskin Bottles

During this expedition, we successfully achieved the intended purpose of the two Niskin bottles, which is to collect two water samples at two different depths in one VIT run. The replacement beacon (from Exp. 395) is very useful as it is able to respond to the trigger command from the topside transducer by returning a higher frequency confirmation tone (2 Hz) when it completes one revolution of the beacon release system. Coupled with the visual release indicator through the camera, only one ping is needed to close the first bottle (5L), keeping the second bottle (1.7L) open for the next sampling depth.

The 50 mL aliquot samples were analyzed in the Chemistry Lab as a baseline data for inorganic geochemistry, as compared to previous expeditions where larger amounts of the bottom water sample was used for microbiological culture experiments, mostly after the expedition.

Table 4: Niskin bottom-water samples and relevant parameters.


Seafloor depth (mbsl)

VIT cable depth (mbsl)

CTD depth  (mbsl)

Volume collected (mL)

Date/Time Triggered(UTC)


In situ CTD Salinity (PSU)

In situ CTD Temp (oC)



746.3 (sounder) 738.62 (tagged)



50/50009/20/23 19:50

From 5L bottle. Engine room effluent shut down and grinding food waste stopped to prevent contaminating the shallow water column. Refractometer salinity ~33. Sampled during the downcast.






50/50009/21/23 02:22

From 5L bottle. Refractometer salinity ~34. Sampled during the downcast.






50/17009/21/23 03:17

From 1.7L bottle. Refractometer salinity ~34. Sampled during the downcast.






In Petrel, the TDR is currently imported as a checkshot for each site/hole. An alternative is to import it as a Well log (ASCII) and identify the time column as TWT (or OWT). From the Global Well logs, select TWT or OWT log, RMB menu > set as active TDR for all wells. Note that this will apply for ALL the wells in the project.

Transit Time Calculation

Checkshot or VSP Transit Time in TVD from SRD is the sum of the (1) transit time from hydrophone to sea surface and (2) the vertical component of the transit time measured between the hydrophone and the geophone. The second component is equal to the transit time multiplied by the cosine of the angle made by the well head, VSI station and the hydrophone, which in turn is the arctan of hydrophone offset from wellhead divided by the measured depth of the VSI station from sea level. Spreadsheet example.

Φ = arctan (source or hydrophone offset from wellhead /  VSI station depth from sea level)

TT' = TT cos(Φ)

TTh=1000*[depth of hydrophone in meters/sonic velocity between hydrophone and sea surface in m/s)]

TT_TVD from SRD = TT' +TTh

VSI Source Depth


During zero-offset VSP/checkshot experiments by IODP, the two 250 cu. inch Sercel G-gun parallel cluster pressurised to 2000 psi, has regularly been hung at 7 mbsl, with a nearfield/timebreak hyrdophone (blastphone) 2 m below the guns. The origin of the hanging depth is unknown, but scientists have been allowed to change the depth to meet their research requirements During Exp. 398, Christian Huebscher requested a 3.5 mbsl hanging depth for the guns in order to push the ghost notch towards higher frequency and gain a broader bandwidth to work with. However, borehole conditions did not allow wireline logging, let alone VSI experiment to be conducted during that expedition. Now, for Exp. 400, we had the chance to investigate the effect of varying the position of the parallel G-gun seismic source when conducting a VSI experiment.


In U1603D, we decided to go with the shallow gun depth of 3 mbsl in order to push the frequency notch to 200-230 Hz and record a broad enough bandwidth to cover the high-resolution reflection seismic profiles with central frequency of 122 Hz. During the operation, visual observations, video recordings and still photographs documented the sea surface around the shallow air guns. Prior to the mound of the main bubble bursting through the water surface, the initial firing of the air guns created multiple discrete ripples around the buoy (Fig. 3) , similar to the "spray dome" illustrated by Young (1973) (Fig. 4). This is caused by the combined effect of the incident compressional wave and the reflected rarefaction wave which lead to ejection of droplets and surface cavitation (Young, 1973 in Mellor, 1986). Normally, when the guns are at 7 mbsl, the precursor spray dome is absent. On the next VSI experiment at hole U1607A, we set the guns deeper at 5 mbsl. The result is similar to when the gun is hang at 7 mbsl, creating only a mound from the bubble that normally expands until the water surface, without the precursor spray dome (Fig. 5).

Figure 3: Surface feature developed when 500 cu. in G-gun cluster pressurized to 2000 psi is hang at 3 mbsl. Referred to as a "spray dome", this feature is a precursor to the main bubble mound that breaches the water surface. (Credit: Erick "The Great" Bravo, IODP JRSO) [Photo ID: 064_exp400_0600.jpg]

Figure 4:  "Spalling" of the water surface by an underwater explosion (idealized). The incident compressive wave and the reflected rarefaction wave cause ejection of droplets and cavitation of surface layers. After Young (1973) in Mellor (1986): Blasting and Blast Effects in Cold Regions. Part 2. Underwater Explosions . https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Blasting-and-Blast-Effects-in-Cold-Regions.-Part-2.-Mellor/aa58ad7ae134b17c46171dbe06edcff2e2b75b3e

Figure 5: Time-series photos of the surface water mound resulting from the bubble generated by the G-gun cluster hang at 5 mbsl. Weather conditions: sea temperature=2oC; waves=0.6 m at 4 sec; swell=0.3m at 3 sec; barometric pressure=1010 Mb. For scale, the orange buoy is 0.9m diameter. Screen grabs from IMG_2515.MOV, a video taken by Lisa Crowder on 25 Sept. 2023 around 13:02:56 (UTC-3).

The signal from the nearfield hydrophone (blastphone) and farfield VSI geophone were also plotted and compared. Below is a summary of signal from the G-gun seismic source set at 3 and 5 mbsl, from two different sites (Table 5).

Source at 3 mbslSource at 5 mbsl

Consistent waveform. Prominent ghost signal.

Inconsistent waveform. none or muted ghost signal.

Nearfield (hydrophone) signal frequency

Erratic, multi-peak low-frequency signal. Notch is prominent and at lower frequency.

Single-peak, consistently high low-frequency signal. Notch is negligible.

Farfield (geophone/downhole) signal frequency

Narrow but higher power low-frequency signal

Broader but lower power low-frequency bandwidth

Other site information



Water depth (mbsl)



Weather/Sea State

Relatively calmer. Sea temperature=2oC; waves=0.6 m at 8 sec; swell=0.6m at 8 sec; barometric pressure=998 Mb. See Fig. 3.

Relatively rougher. Sea temperature=2oC; waves=0.6 m at 4 sec; swell=0.3m at 3 sec; barometric pressure=1010 Mb. See Fig. 5.

Table 5: Comparison of the hydrophone and geophone signals during the VSI exercise in holes U1603D and U1607A.

Myth-busting Ghostbuster Experiment

THE Marine TechnicianS of Expedition 400 conducted a test to determine the optimum hanging depth for the 2x250 cu. inch parallel G-gun cluster pressurized with 2,000 psi and used for zero-offset checkshot or VSP experiment. Encouraged by the result from the two VSI experiments in U1603D and U1607A, and following the paper by Amundsen et al. (2017), we also wanted to find out how to minimize or remove the ghost signal and increase the notch frequency, which are significant for a full VSP analysis. On September 30, 2023, at the end of the VSI logging in Hole U1608A, we brought the guns back on deck and replaced the nylon sling with a longer piece (16 ft / 4.88 m). With pre-measured markers, we successively lowered the guns back at 3, 5 and ~7 (6.7) mbsl (Fig. 6). At each station, five shots were fired at 30-second intervals. The main experiment lasted only 7.77 minutes, thereby minimizing any impact of different environmental conditions (e.g. sea-state and weather). To record the farfield signature during the experiment, the VSI geophone was anchored at a single station 741.05 mbrf / 122.65 mbsl. Water depth on site is 606.88 mbsl or 414 ms OWT. In the interest of rapid execution, no quality control was made on-the-fly for the geophone signal (i.e., all signals were recorded, none discarded). Average weather parameters during the operation include 1oC air and sea temperature, 1015 Mb barometric pressure, 0.3 m waves and swells with 4 s period,

Figure 6: The 2x250 cu. in parallel G-gun cluster being lowered back to the water using a 16-ft nylon sling with markers for 3 and 5 m hanging depth. The 0.9 m-diameter flotation buoy would place the guns at about 7 m (6.7 m) below surface. (Credit: Lisa Crowder)

Table 6: List of air gun shots. The quality control (QC) flags are automatically generated by MaxWell.

Shot Number

Stack Number

Shot Time (UTC-3)

Source QC Flag

Receiver QC Flag

Source Depth mbsl

195249/30/2023 12:29:53Good Good 3
196249/30/2023 12:30:23Good Good 3
197249/30/2023 12:30:53Good Good 3
198249/30/2023 12:31:23Good Good 3
199249/30/2023 12:31:53Good Good 3
200259/30/2023 12:32:53Good Warn 5
201259/30/2023 12:33:53Good Good 5
202259/30/2023 12:33:23Good Good 5
203259/30/2023 12:34:53Good Good 5
204259/30/2023 12:34:23Good Good 5
205269/30/2023 12:35:39Good Good 7
206269/30/2023 12:36:09Good Good 7
207269/30/2023 12:36:39Good Good 7
208269/30/2023 12:37:09Good Warn 7
209269/30/2023 12:37:39Good Good 7


All 15 nearfield hydrophone traces were extracted from the U1608A_NASCENT_SOURCE_S1.segy file using SeiSee and individually plotted and overlain in Excel (Fig. 7 Left). An overall plot shows 2 traces (Shots 197 and 198) where the highest amplitude excursion appears around 300 ms. During the actual operation, this happened frequently, resulting in a miscalculated transit time because of the erroneously picked zero time. The cause is unknown as of the writing of this report.

Zooming in to the first 150 milliseconds, the initial bubble pulse expanding consistently manifest as a positive spike that is slightly skewed to the right (Fig. 7 Right). This is followed by a negative W-shaped ghost signal. All traces show these features at almost the same time and amplitude.  The ghost signal in this exercise is different from those in U1603 and U1607. In Site U1603, a single ghost trough was formed, but at about the same magnitude as the primary pulse whereas in U1607, the ghost signal is highly muted and skewed to the right.

Figure 7: (Left) Full plot of all 15 nearfield hydrophone signals. Note the two traces (197 and 198) with the primary peak around 300 ms. (Right) Zoomed in view of all traces showing the signature of the bubble expansion and collapse, together with the negative ghost signal.

The W-shaped ghost signal seems uncommon, but it was very consistent during the VSI exercise in U1608A that it warrants further investigation. A similar waveform was generated during the VSP operation in 359-U1467E (Maldives) in water depth of 498 m. Only one G-gun was used and pressurized only up to 1800 psi "to avoid excess power and possible synchronization noise". The same is true for Expedition 340, Hole 1399C in the Lesser Antilles, where the two G-guns were hang 7 mbsl at ~30 m from the ship or ~50 from wellhead, and in water depth of 914 mbsl. In peer-reviewed literature, the closest waveform is that from Wang et al. (2014) where they numerically modeled the characteristics and effects of shock waves and cavitation generated by underwater explosion. They modeled three scenarios with different boundary conditions: (1) water-air (free surface), (2) water-plate-air, and (3) water1-plate-water2, where the plate is a 5 cm steel. The resulting pressure history or waveform for the first two cases is shown in Figure 8, and are respectively similar to the hydrophone signals from U1607A and U1608A. For the air-backed plate scenario, there is a positive reflected peak from the initial shockwave at about 34 ms, followed by the W-shaped ghost signal created by the slower reflected rarefaction wave, similar to the U1608A hydrophone signal (Fig. 7 Left and Fig. 10).

Figure 8: Figures from Wang et al. (2014) who modeled the characteristics of shock waves and cavitation effects of underwater explosions near free and metal plated surfaces with air or water behind. The upper pressure history is similar to the hydrophone waveform from U1607A. For U1608A, either the lower case or a superposition of both orange lines.

The main bubble pulse and ghost signal is followed by second positive spike at about 50 ms, but of much lower magnitude than the preceding primary pulse (Fig. 7 Right; Fig. 9). These two positive spikes illustrate the air bubble oscillating as it collapses. A side-by-side plot of all 15 traces in Seisee shows that this secondary pulse has a relatively higher amplitude when the source is at 5 and 7 mbsl compared to when it is at 3 mbsl (Fig. 9). A few things may be able to explain this, including the availability of more confining space and constant hydrostatic pressure for the bubble to oscillate at deeper air gun depth. It could also be that just like the illustration in Figure 4, the primary bubble size at 3 mbsl is able to breach the surface and dissipate its energy into the air, instead of collapsing under hydrostatic pressure.

Figure 9: Plot of all 15 traces in using SeiSee. (Download Source file)

Except for Shots 197 and 198 which have an unexplained delay of what appears as the primary pulse, the traces for each hanging depth were average and the the spectral distribution were derived using Past freeware (Fig. 10). Surprisingly, all hydrophone signals show multiple notches, with the first just below 20 Hz. In the study by Amundsen et al. (2017), there should be an inverse relationship with source depth and notch frequency. What is notable though is that among the three source depths investigated, the one at 3 mbsl has the highest power for the low frequency bandwidth of 0 to 20 Hz and that of the 5 and 7 mbsl source have similar lower power levels.

Figure 10: Average hydrophone signal per source depth and the spectral signature. In the left graph of the pressure history or waveform, the time mark of the major peaks are given.

In a similar way, the farfield geophone signals were averaged for each source depth and the spectral signature was derived. Here, the frequency of the notch that approaches zero progressively increases with increasing source depth: 70 Hz for 7 mbsl source depth, 96 Hz for  5 mbsl, and 140 for 3 mbsl (Fig. 11). However, these notch frequencies are much lower than the calculated values using the equation: f = Vw/2d, where f is the notch frequency; Vw is the sonic velocity of the water column, which averages 1460 m/s (in U1607A); and, d is the source depth (Table 7).

Figure 11: Average geophone signal per source depth and the spectral signature.

Table 7: Calculated and actual notch frequency for the various source depths investigated. The last column is the equivalent source depth for the actual notch frequency of the data.

Source depth (mbsl)

Calculated (Hz)

Actual (Hz)

Equivalent depth (mbsl)


Validation and more questions

This exercise confirms that the notch frequency of the seismic source increases with shallower source depth. However, the resulting notch frequencies during Expedition 400 are lower than predicted by the generalized equation f=Vw/2d. Could the water temperature and density/salinity have an effect, as alluded to by Watson et al. (2019)?

The ghost reflection is NOT affected by the hanging depth of the source, contrary to what was previously hypothesized when the nearfield hydrophone signals from sites U1603 and U1607 were compared. Published articles actually indicate that the ghost reflection is often muted with rougher sea surface, which scatters or deflects the signal, instead of reflecting it back directly to the main bubble (Krail, 2010).

The waveform signal from the nearfield hydrophone at the first site (U1603D) was more regular, with a prominent primary pulse and a ghost reflection, the amplitudes of which diminish with time as the bubble oscillates as it collapses (Table 5). However, in the next two VSI operations, the nearfield hydrophone signal was not consistent in most shots, and the ghost reflection was muted in U1607, possibly because of rougher weather, and manifested as a double trough or "W" in U1608 (Fig. 7 and 10). The difference in water depth between the abyssal (U1603) and shelfal (U1607 and U1608) could be a reason (e.g. Ziolkowski et al., 1982), but a farfetched one considering that the the seafloor are, respectively, 506 to 414 milliseconds away and the nearfield hydrophone is only 2 m from the source. As of the writing of this report, the closest explanation is from the results of Wang et al. (2014), which invokes shock wave interaction with the hull. The reflected peak is at about 34 ms or 13 ms from time break, which is equivalent to a one-way distance of 19 m, given the sonic velocity of 1484 m/s for the upper 10 m of the water column. For reference, during the exercise, the crane boom angle of 25 degrees would have placed the guns at about 21 m from the hull. In addition, the servicing of the guns and the complete opening of the pressurized air line would have contributed to stronger charge or shock wave that got reflected. But then again, why was this reflected peak and W-shaped ghost not seen in U1607A, right after the servicing? Could the rougher sea surface there have muted this wave components? Or is this phenomenon enhanced in colder environments that have a different fluid property?

In hindsight, this kind of exercise could be implemented during each VSI operation. The extra 15 to 25 minutes of work would be well worth the amount of information that can be gathered and used as a reference for succeeding operations, even beyond IODP. After all, it's a bubbly experience! (wink)


Items received


Items shipped

APCT3 #1858022C inside cutting shoe (see ET Report).



Core Deck


Bench tested APCT3’s before deployment.

APCT-3 Runs:

Hole U1603A Tool #1858024C - Cores 4, 7 10, 13.

Hole U1603E Tool #1858024C - Core 4.

Hole U1603F Tool #1858023/022 (3D Printed unit) - Cores 4, 10. Also ran the 3D printed experimental Accelerometer on the ODD number cores as a test from shore. Unit was broken straight through on 2 opposite spots, but electronics was still working, so it came out of the shoe without too much difficulty.

Hole U1604A Tool #1858024C - Cores 4, 7 10, 13.

The 3D Printed experimental APCT tool is stuck in the shoe, so it will be sent back to shore for them to try and get it out, or break it in a neat manner so does not damage the electronics, and looses its grip... It is still in tact it seems, but stuck non the less.

Assisted Alex with a new/different method of running the Orientation tools.

Ran CTD and Niskin bottles for sampling on 2 occasions.

ET Shop

Had to open Siem Jobcard for 2 x new Arris remotes for both co-chief rooms.

Replaced filters on Nitrogen Generator – Lots of oil present. The generator will be serviced in dry dock.

CNC machine ATC tools was replaced, but the offset lengths was incorrect and all the tools had to be remeasured. It is important to get the measurement correct as this could damage the tools and equipment.

The ATC had problems with loading tools, it kept on breaking the holing forks, and after more investigating, the ATC numbers were altered and the arm that did not move far enough, was moved, the length was increase and it loads again without any problems.


P-wave on WRMSL leaked a lot of oil. Saw oil reservoir was fully open and there was just too much oil in the system. Cleaned it all up and closed the reservoir, and will open again slightly when remaining oil in the lines are gone from natural lubrication.

Swopped out DigiBase and comms cable from GRA on WRMSL due to intermittent functionality.


Adjusted “top of section” IR switch.

Laser Engraver

The laser engraver latch did not release, the power was circulated for the inter locks.

Assisted MSC with installing a new Touch Screen. Old one stopped working.


NGR track was making a noise, and seemed to suddenly stop at intermediate times. M-Drive was swopped out, and lower belt gear was tightened since it was loose. The upper belt gear was also removed, and the bearings behind it was cleaned and oiled. Track has been running smooth and quiet since.

Splitting Room

Super saw blades was changed a couple times, and the usual repairs to leaky sprayers were tended to.


The "shock absorber holders" for the transducers was repaired. Strings came loose, so bottom and top parts separated.

Techs replaced ocean optics light bulbs.

Microscope Lab

Repaired the bulb holder for the PICAT light source.

Paleo Lab

Two of the ground fault receptacles were flashing, stating they needed to be replaced. Took new ones from the drawer in underway, and the electricians installed them.

Focsle Deck

Chem Lab

Installed UV light in cold room hood.

Repaired stop/start hand switch for nanopore water pump – Heather ordered a new push button switch to be installed when arrived.

Serviced Nr.1 & Nr.2 carver press jacks. 

The pump unit inside the Carver Autopak Nr.1 was removed and new spare was installed, due to failure to hold pressure. Oil was found leaking inside the unit. We had already tried by getting all the air out of the line, and reseated the ball bearings inside the check valve on the jack in case that caused the pressure leak.

Mixer Mill had broken wires, the back of the fuse holder was off, and the legs needed repairs. All parts was repaired and unit is working well.

Cahn Balance left side wire that holds the scale broke off, so we used very thin resistive wire (thinnest we have) and glued that in place. Seems to work very well, and is a bit stronger that the normal wire used.

Thin Section Lab

Welch vacuum had an oil leak, and the oil was sucked up into the tube. removed unit and installed a new spare. Opened up the swopped unit, serviced and repaired a leaking seal where oil passed trough. Unit is put back into storage as a spare.

Thin section freeze dryer did not reach vacuum, all tubing and connections were checked. Found the Plexi class dome was leaking, and it was repaired with adhesive.

Underway Lab

GI Guns were assembled for 3 x VSP runs. Units were serviced in between the 1st and 2nd logging sessions, and all has been disassembled and stored away after the 3rd.




During expedition 400, the primary focus was split between finishing up the GEODESC project, and modifications to iRIS and IMS.  In addition to these, the developers resolved various issues arising from the use of our software projects, in addition to the usual database and account maintenance issues.

Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and product pages on the developer site for additional detail: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Developer+Home+Page+
The activity log specific to this expedition will be placed here: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Ship+Activity+Log+

General Duties Performed

During expedition 400, the developers participated in:

  • Routine expedition support.
  • Maintenance of software applications (as detailed in the sections below).
  • Assist with data management in cases where LIME and other software tools do not suffice.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Special Projects

During expedition 400, developer worked on the following project, outside normal expedition-related duties:

    • Finished Catalog Manager. Not intended for deployment on ship, but necessary for the maintenance of the Geodesc.
  • iRIS
    • Made many changes to the Drillers' UI  application, in an attempt to cut the Drillers' Worksheet out of the system.  A lot of progress was made, but not yet completed.
  • IMS
    • Integrated new changes from Bill Mills for the XSCAN.  These are related to post-processing of images.  Testing of these changes is ongoing.
    • Worked toward upgrading the IMS code to the new object-oriented LabVIEW.  The result of this effort is a new version of IMS, called IMS 15, which is currently being tested on WRMSL and SHIL.
  • Thin section report
    • Started work on a new app for generating thin section reports. The current apps are tightly coupled with DescLogik, which has been replaced by Geodesc.

Change Summary

During expedition 400, the developers worked on the following projects beyond the expedition routine duties:

    • Deployed latest version of Data Access.
    • Deployed a few small bug fixes for Data Capture. The latest version will be deployed right before leaving. It has a new feature, but it came at the tail end of the expedition. So the release is waiting until all descriptions are done.
    • Latest version of Template Manager will be deployed right before leaving. It has minor changes, such as capitalization rules. But, these could cause issues for templates already created, so the release has been waiting until all descriptions are done.
  • LIME
    • Fixed it so that the imaging specialist could make changes to the display flag for WRLS tests
  • Coulometer
    • Made a small change, increasing the minimum number of measurements it will take before it starts to check the slope to see if it's time to stop.  Changed from 30 to 70,  Since measurements are taken every 1/2 second, this amounts to the minimum measurement duration going from 15 to 35 seconds.  The reason for this was that sometimes it takes more than 15 seconds for the measurement curve to stabilize into a nice slope, and it's possible for two or three measurements to look like a flat line, causing the software to stop measuring before it's really even gotten started.
  • IMS
    • Simplified the data file writing code in IMS in an attempt to resolve the issue where IMS occasionally writes 0-byte or duplicate data files to MUT's IN folder.  The theory is that this happens when there is a collision between MUT trying to read the file while IMS is writing it.  The simpler code will either succeed in writing it, or fail, but there will be no repeated attempts, etc.  If it fails to write the file in the usual location, it will write it to C:\DATA\RECOVERY, and a message box informs the user of this.
    • Made a change to all the sample information windows so that they clear the SCAN field on start-up.  Otherwise, if someone had entered something into the field and hit Cancel, the characters entered would still be there when the dialog was brought back up.  This happened a couple times, and when the user scanned a label, the scanned text was added to the characters already present in the field, causing errors.
    • Several minor tweaks to the VCD document that prints for each image scanned on the SHIL.
    • Deployed IMS 15 to WRMSL and SHIL, on which it has been thoroughly tested.  It was to be deployed on the XSCAN next, until the comms error was discovered.
  • LIVE
    • Changed the colors of plots for a few panels.  Currently there is no UI to allow the tech to set the color – it must be done manually via SQL commands.
  • SEM Uploader
    • In order to upload files produced by both the newer and older SEM, a control was added where the user can select which one was used. The metadata file that is output from each SEM is parsed before uploading, and each SEM names and formats the file differently.


  • IMS
    • IMS 15 still needs a lot of testing.
    • XSCAN is not functional as of 10/10/23.  Investigation into why is ongoing, but communications between IMS and the cRIO are broken.  This may be something the oncoming crew has to deal with.

Hardware and Server

No hardware or server changes were implemented by developers during this expedition.


  • Not a hardware change, but two issues were resolve that may recur:
    • The laser device that tells IMS when the core has been pushed to certain point had somehow become slightly misaligned, so that it did not report a failure to IMS, but also could not detect when the beam was interrupted by the core material.  This was at first interpreted as a software issue.
    • The GRA stopped working on the WRMSL.  It would fail to initialize in IMS.  The solution was simply to unplug its USB cable and plug it back in to a different port.



Servers (Microsoft):

  • Applied monthly updates for August and September on all IODP Windows servers
  • Added David Fackler and Dan Cary as administrator's for Mckinley/AMS to allow them to take over supporting AMS database administration from Saravanan
  • Cleaned up the Adobe Update Server repository, in preparation for upgrading from 2022 to 2023 version of Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Apps. 

Servers (Linux):

  • Applied monthly updates for August and September on all Linux servers
  • We ran out of usable IP addresses on the wireless network during the port call, causing connection problems for some users. Expanded DHCP scope for VLAN 50 wireless network to allow more assignable addresses.
  • Yellowstone had an issue where the share could not be accessed from the logging workstation. We found that the server was overloaded with logging files that were trying to be processed and sent to Lamont. There were unknown file types that were causing the server some problems. We added the file types to the transfer script to allow the server to process these file types. After correcting the overloaded condition, the server had no more issues for the remainder of the expedition.

Servers (ODA):

  • No issues or changes to report on the ODA servers

Servers (VMware):

  • Applied August and September updates for vCenter and all ESXi servers as released by VMware.

PowerStore SAN:

  • The PowerStore SAN had a failed condition on one of the nodes when we boarded in August. We worked with Dell to troubleshoot the issue and get a replacement node shipped to Reykjavik. The node will be replaced by oncoming MCS personnel during the Reykjavik port call.


  • Firmware upgrades were installed on all operating Extreme switches. Only a short reboot caused less than 2 minutes of downtime. Maintenance was scheduled as per MCS change management policy.
  • We experienced stream stability issues on the Bridge deck VDU's. This was attributed to a network issue caused by the new switch that was installed during EXP399. We worked with our network vendor to identify the cause of the problem and the vendor is working on a solution to correct the problem. In the meantime, we have a workaround that allows the VDU stream to play without interruption that we have employed on the Bridge deck.
  • New network switches were prepared for installation during the upcoming port call /dry dock. Each new switch was pre-configured to drop in and replace an existing switch with minimal effort. The latest firmware was installed, and labels were applied to note where each unit is to be deployed.
  • SonicWall firewall's firmware was upgraded to the latest version released in August. The App Control feature was not working due to outdated signatures. Once the signatures were updated, the App Control function began to work as intended. Some users may have noticed that they were no longer able to access some online resources that they were able to at the start of the expedition (e.g. YouTube, Google Drive).

PC Workstations:

  • Applied monthly updates for September on all Windows workstations.
  • The NGR PC became unresponsive while in the middle of a run. Windows OS seemed to have shutdown to prevent any further damage, while it was attempting to do some route background processes. Based on the system logs the computer was already having some OS issues. PC was shut down and restarted a few days prior. However, it definitely needed some routine system file and OS repairs, which were performed.

Mac Workstations:

  • Applied monthly updates for July, August and September for all Mac workstations.
  • Changed the Mac workstations' Adobe CC license from IODP to TAMU Shared Device license. Users will not experience any changes in how they access or use Adobe CC Apps.
  • Replaced the VDU in the EPM stateroom because it was having some issues playing the streams and overheating. We wanted to rule out any potential OS corruption concerns. 
    • This did not resolve the issue, so further troubleshooting is required. The OPS Stateroom VDU may be experiencing the same symptoms as well.
  • Replaced the VDU in the Bridge Planning area, as it was having some OS and hardware issues. So far, the replacement is working as intended.
  • Replaced the VDU in the Upper Tween Staging area, as it was having some OS and hardware issues. So far, the replacement is working as intended.


  • The automatic document feeder on the Focsle deck printer was reported by MCS on EXP395 to be out of order. We tested the ADF and ran several 50 sheet stacks through it in different orientations with no issue. Unit has been in service the entire expedition with no issues reported.
  • Zebra Printer in the Chem Lab had to have a drive belt replaced. Once Oscar replaced the belt, the Zebra printer (small labels) was back to normal operations.
    • Max replaced the drive belt on a spare label printer that was faulty from e395, as well.
    • Sample Station label printer is having the same symptoms. There is a good chance that the other label printers may need their belts replaced, so we are working on getting more belts to service the other printers. 


  • VSAT performed well despite the high latitude. We were able to remain in the footprint of the satellite. We did experience some long outages, one in particular during the last day or two of the transit to the first site. Once on site, Siem was able to re-establish a link and we were able to maintain that link for most of the expedition.
  • We rolled out Open-Net during this expedition and aside from a few quirks, the service has performed well. Some users experienced connection issues when using specific makes of phones but the problem was easily correctable by disconnecting and reconnecting to the Open-Net SSID.

Other Equipment/Projects:

  • The laser engraver monitor's touch screen stopped working and was reported by the ALO. We found what appeared to be a driver issue that was causing the problem. Upon further troubleshooting the USB bus in the monitor itself was defunct and the monitor had to be replaced with a spare unit from our inventory. After replacement. the new monitor was tested and worked right out of the box.
  • Tracer pump serial server was reconfigured to work with RigWatch instead of IRIS.
  • Added memory to Black Pearl NAS and upgraded software to latest version