Exp 395E Technical Reports- Complete South Atlantic Transit Re-entry Installations

Individual Reports

Tech report PDF   Tech Report Word

Lab Officer's and ALO's Cross Over Notes

Beth Novak and Aaron de Loach

IODP Expedition 395E: Complete South Atlantic Transit Re-entry Installations

Expedition 395E was the continuation of re-entry system installations started on Exp 390C.  The re-entry systems and coring are part of the objectives for Exp 390 and 393.

Operational Dates and Portcall

  • Cape Town, South Africa April 6, 2021- June 6th, 2021
  • JRSO staff arrived in South Africa on April 1st and were quarantined in the hotel for seven days.  Staff was tested on April 4th and April 7th and all returned negative test results before boarding the JR on the 8th of April.
  • The COPE document was revised in light of the Covid-19 outbreak among the crew and staff during EXP395P.  The revised protocol caught 3 cases before they boarded, and those crew members did not join the expedition.  An additional COVID test of the entire JR personnel was taken before the ship departed port, where all tested negative. 
  • The JR remained in port until April 15th when all crew, except the 3 individuals who tested positive, joined the vessel.
  • Exp 395E officially ended on June 6th, but crew change was completed on June 8th with no in person cross over


  • Alyssa Stephens sailed as a physical properties tech/publications assistant, Carel Lewis sailed as curator, and Brittany Stockmaster sailed in the XRD lab and assisted in the chemistry lab.


Offgoing Shipments


  • 1 Flat with various CT/Engineering items.


  • 1 yellow box to College Station and 5 small sample boxes to international destinations. Confirmed same addresses as samples from 390C.  We are waiting on the MCS's to pull the tape drive out at the EOX to be placed in the yellow box to CS. We delayed asking the AF be picked up from the vessel to be sure it makes it in.  This is scheduled for June 7th.
    • Geiger Counter and Ion Chamber being sent for calibration (Parcel 77764).


  • 1 small item carried by Bill Rhinehart, entered in AMS and informed Logistics. 

Hazardous Waste

  • Offload of hazardous waste scheduled for June 5th with the SIEM hazardous waste.


  • 32" TV in 395C Pending.
  • 395E sediment cores and sample residue boxes (4), not in AMS


  • Several stacks of plastic K-boxes on the roof to go back if you have room in the off going.
  • Ion chamber RF53550 and Geiger counter N1941 will need to be shipped at the end of 395C for calibration.

Oncoming Shipments 

Received 395C AF and SURF

Surface Freight

Arrival Scheduled for June 7th.

  • Limestone for Acid Neutralization Tank - 1700 lbs, will be put in upper tween staging area until the crew can fill the tank
  • New SeaSpy towing cable - On helideck.  Crew was informed that a spool stand would be needed.

Air Freight

Arrival scheduled for June 6th.

  • Hazardous Air Freight arrived the 6th
  • Schlumberger freight received 


  • IODP Shop: Accidentally ordered more dri slide, HW00517.  This was a physical count mistake, sorry.
  • IODPS sold $XX worth of Store Items. Cash and store form from 390C and 395E were sent back to IODP with Beth Novak.
  • IODPS has a new display cabinet in the BPLAN area were store order forms are available as well. Suggest keeping a few extra of the popular items in the case to sell instead of having to run to the store room.
  • SIEM have stored some of their Hand Sanitizer and Masks in a cardboard K-box in TBULK and the FCRS. You may see the doctor accessing those areas when needing supplies.
  • AMS issues reported to Saravanan included:
    • Check Shipment warns user about destination and source location for items marked as not inventory
    • AMS check shipment does not warn the user that export dates are missing from the shipment

Special Projects

  • Installed an IODP store display case and mail box in the bridge deck planning area.  A lock for the case is in the oncoming shipment.
  • Prepared new catwalk vinyl walls/doors for the cold weather enclosure.  The assembly is documented on the Core Lab Notebook Catwalk Wall page.  The vinyl pieces were left on top of the hardware cabinets in the upper tween shop store room.  The magnetic closures were left in a box labeled catwalk enclosure, and extra vinyl has been placed on a roll on the shelf by the door.
  • An inventory/calibration tracking sheet for the ion chambers, Geiger counters, and area monitors is in the ALO lab notebook under 'Inventory'.  
  • Added a Catwalk section to Confluence Laboratory Manuals, Guides and Resources page, rearranged the General section and added a few things to the acid tank page.
  • Complete inventory of T-Slot bulk materials, nuts, bolts, brackets and hardware sent to Brad and Bill.  Ordered more bolts and nuts for general purposes.
  • Tested out new Zebra Label printers.  Label formats are retained, that is, the code does not need to be modified.  However, the printers require detailed setup to get the labels to print evenly and completely. 
  • MCS had to update the drivers for all NI device computers in the core lab after the 20H2 update.  If you experience issues communicating with NI devices, check the drivers.

Tasks & Issues

  • Finish the edges of the doors on the display case (Etienne)
  • When the LN2 generator was vented, a rise in the O2 levels was noticed in the chemistry lab nitrogen line O2 sensor.  It is possible that the nitrogen quality decreases when the LN2 generator is running
  • Ask SIEM about fixing the air lines on the Catwalk during next available maintenance period. They are rusted.
  • Check your Catwalk log in early.  We experienced an issue where we could not access template manager and had to use sample master for our last site.

Laboratory Summary

Whole round basement sections recovered on EXP390C  and 395E are onboard. They are boxed in the HRS (AFT Port side). Sediment cores recovered on 395E are onboard and to be shipped back with 395C cores, as well as 3 p-box, and 1 small box (4 total) of sample residues. The cores are palatalized in HRS under the hardrock cores, and the residues are on the shelf across from the freezer.


  • Cope protocol was followed until the 29th of April, 14 days after the pilot disembarked
    • Staff did daily temperature checks for 10 days until the doctor agreed they were no longer necessary as no one had shown any signs of fever or illness
    • SIEM has classified anyone sharing a bathroom as 'close contacts' which means they will be isolated if there is any suspected cases.  
  • Significant time was devoted to participating in shore projects, including GEODESC meetings, testing, and documentation as well as Catwalk testing and meetings.

Core Deck

  • X-ray track IMS code was updated so the system would remember the users last selected section type (FULL vs SHLF) rather than defaulting to SHLF.
  • SHMSL track IMS code was updated so the laser would recognize the end of section and respond appropriately
  • Gantry system has some incorrect 'default' values hard coded into the system that can cause the system to bind when moving the calipers.  The correct settings have been documented.  Lower limit switch may still be functioning improperly.

Focsle Deck

  • Helium and Argon bottles are closed in the Pallet Stores
  • Oxygen monitor recorded a peak in O2 levels during the LN2 venting procedure.
  • Acid tank is in line but still without limestone at present.  No chemicals should be put down the sinks!
  • MBIO cold room had significant condensation inside and on the outside of the door frame.  Discussions with the Chief Engineer suggest that the natural vent and the blanking plate in the ceiling were both open, allowing moist air into the room.  After making these adjustments we turned the cold room back on and condensation has been minimal

Underway Geophysics Lab and Fantail

  • 3.5 kHz system transducer system was run, but would lose signal when the power was increased over -12 kHz.
  • Adjusted the limit switch and metal rod on the level wind to prevent the system from traveling too far and jamming in place.
  • On the final transit (from Azores to Iceland EEZ) we noted high voltages on the Maggie.  We also saw signal and data quality going from acceptable to good.  SIEM was experiencing some power issues the same day.  We did not change anything with the Maggie and data quality improved once SIEM resolved their issue.  The voltages still seem to vary.

Lower Decks


  • A 'Finger board' for climbers was mounted in the gym

Hold Reefer Stores

  • Temperature was consistent, between 7.5 and 9 degrees C.  No change in temperature noticed while running the MBIO cold room with the vent covers open or closed. No issues with condensation in HRS.

Discussion/Important info. for upcoming expedition

During EXP395E we did not split any cores containing hardrock. Any cores (entire core, not just sections) that contained the sediment/basalt interface were to remain intact in the core liner. The science party requested they stay onboard and be curated when the actual expeditions occur. The end caps were taped and the sections were shrink wrapped, stored in UV light resistant bags (silver wine bags) with Oxygen Absorbers and flushed with N2.  These will remain onboard until the Trans-Atlantic Expeditions (390 & 393).  They are stored in a wooden crate in the Port-Aft corner of the reefer, with 395E cores added to the top box of 390C cores.

Curatorial Report

Carel Lewis

Expedition Summary

A total of 415 samples were taken on Expedition 395E. 184 meters of core material was recovered during the expedition with 97% total recovery.

5 whole-round sections that contain the sediment-basement contact and underlying basement will be left onboard to be split on Expedition 390. The sections that contained the sediment/basement contact and basement were flushed with nitrogen and sealed in aluminum bags.  They have been added to one of the 5 boxes of whole round sections produced during expedition 390C in the reefer..  

Only samples for shipboard analysis were taken onboard. PAL WRNDs were separated into eight samples and the splits will be shipped to Expeditions 390 and 393 paleontologists. No samples were taken from section halves.


2 pallets of 14 core boxes each will be left on board to be shipped to the Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) in College Station, Texas in the future.   4 boxes of residues will be left aboard to be shipped from Iceland to the GCR along with the core boxes.

The core boxes were divided into Archive and Working pallets. Each core box is labeled by the box number followed by an ‘A’ (Archive) or ‘W’ (Working) to denote the section halves in the box. All cores were boxed in order, however, please refer to the Core Box Inventory sheets emailed with this report. The pallet inventory will be sent to the GCR by the oncoming JRSO crew.

All split sections were wrapped in Glad Clingwrap. Sections that contained the sediment/basement contact and basement were flushed with nitrogen and sealed in aluminum bags.

Site Conversions

The conversion between pre-site to site identifiers are listed below:












A and B



A, B, and C

Site Summary


Hole B: Casing and reentry system installation


Hole D: Casing and reentry system installation 


Hole A: APC/XCB to 122.5 m

Hole B: Casing and reentry system installation 


Hole A: APC/XCB to 49.8 m

Hole B: APC to 9.5 m (missed mudline)

Hole C: APC to 9.5 m (missed mudline)

Catwalk Sampling

The Expedition 390C Catwalk Sampling Strategy is shown below. The following samples were routinely taken:

Head Space (HS) – (1) 5 cc syringe per core Interstitial Water (IW) – (1) 5 - 10 cm WRND per core  

Interstitial Water within 40 m of basement (IW) – (2) 5 - 10 cm WRND per core 

Paleontology (PAL) – (1) 5 cm WRND per core


The residue distribution is as follows:













Sample Request Codes and Numbers

Expedition 395E used the same sample requests as expedition 390C.  All request numbers and sampling splits are the same.  Below is a list of the sample requests that were approved by the Expedition 390C SAC and their respective Sample Request Codes:


Sample Request Number

Sample Request Code

Chiara Borrelli



Xiaobo Jin



Daisuke Kuwano



Adriane R. Lam



Marcin Latas



Christopher M. Lowery



Muthusamy Prakasam



Claire Routledge




  • Archive Half Scrapings: Archive half scrapings were bagged and labeled by section. They will be sent to the GCR for storage after 395C.
  • Documents for stocking the sample table, sampling pmag cubes, and thin section request/sampling instructions were added to the Curation confluence page.

Chemistry Lab

Aaron Mechler


IWs taken27


IW ICP/sediment ICP27/0
NGA2 (HS)/NGA1/GC220/0/0
Coulometer & CHNS25
Other Water Splits (IWXTRA)23


  • The sink between the ICP and Carver Presses had a leak. Tracked it down to the sealant between the drain and sink basin. The drain was removed, pieces were cleaned, new sealant was applied, and the drain reinstalled. 
  • Supplies for a different hand probe for the Hamilton diluter arrived and are in fume hood F4 with the Hamilton diluter awaiting decisions on their future.
  • Defrosted aft incubator
  • Made barcode rules for the NGA and IC. They both require the 'sample table' label or any label with similar barcode information. For NGA it scans the samples info(site-hole-core-section-sample name) into the sample info field, then tabs ahead and scans the text ID into the comment field. For IC, it scans text ID into the Ident field, then tabs ahead to scan sample info into the info1 field. Added the rules to the chemistry lab notebook.
  • Did some changes for different ICP and SPEC excel workbooks. They both can get sample information and depth when importing raw data rather than needing to download a sample report and copy into the sheet.
    • The SPEC workbook went wild with checkboxes rather than drop-down lists. Added checkboxes for selecting standards and a button to copy to 'Run Data' standards table with non checked going to the sample table. LORE data is retrieved at this point. More checkboxes for 'Used in calibration' and 'Upload sample'. 'Upload sample' checkboxes are checked automatically for samples that contain 'LIQ' and unchecked by default for everything else. Checkboxes toggle if clicked anywhere in the cell the box is in, it doesn't have to be directly on the checkbox. Added a user form prompt to select analysis type to avoid it being forgotten. Calibration updates automatically as changes are made as it's formula based instead of using a macro to update. Moved extended calibration information to a separate sheet leaving only values used for calculating concentrations on 'Run Data'. Added macro buttons to select linear or quadratic calibration. Ideally it would always be linear, but it's an easy switch to quadratic if needed. Main desire was to make calibration updates automatic and replace drop-down lists with something even easier to click/change. Wanted to automate import of raw data more but it's difficult without a standard scheme for naming.
    • ICP workbook: Sought to do all import and formatting in one step and get rid of the 'conditions set' sheet; so that maintaining an exact match between condition set and lines present in the imported data isn't needed. Had to add analysis view (axial or radial) to element labels to do that. In general it's just a lot of power query instead of VBA. Can be much faster as the prior workbook could hang up for a long time on some steps. Raw Data import is kept on one sheet, then queries format data and feed directly to the pivot table on another sheet. Plots like before. Formatting for spreadsheet uploader format also uses queries and uses samples and lines visible in the pivot table as before. Main deficiency at the moment is no ability to specify min and max concentrations as in the previous workbook. RSD is a single global value rather than line by line. Set up the formatting for upload to detect text IDs by their prefix. 'LIQ' will get the liquid label and units from the reference table and 'PWDR', 'WDGE','QRND', etc. will get the hard rock label and units. The upload formatting also filters out non-text ID samples so that the pivot table doesn't have to be fully reduced to only samples; can keep check standards and standards visible if desired. 
  • Also tried out making a log workbook for the titrators as an alternative to recording results in the blue books. Enter data in entry table, click save macro button and it's added to the log table with sample information from LORE. The log table sorts the entries by site-hole-core-section, but entries are saved with date and time to allow for resorting to see samples listed by order run. Slicers can be used to show only specific sites and holes. Gave it plots for alkalinity and chlorinity. There's another sheet for IAPSO measurements that give %error for alkalinity and chlorinity. Haven't added anything to recognize any other standards. 


  • The ampulator was not used


  • No issues to report

Carver Presses

  • No issues to report

Cary Spectrophotometer

  • No issues to report


  • No issues to report

Elemental Analyzer

  • No issues to report.
  • The column in the CHNS has 44 samples run on it. The quartz insert has not been changed.


  • No issues to report

Fume Hoods

  • No issues to report

Gas Lines/Manifold

  • No issues to report


  • No issues to report. The gas filters for the GCs are in fume hood F3.
  • Propane and propene were not appearing in the standard report for gas elements. It's currently being resolved, or should be. They were uploaded in LORE, but the report wasn't configured to display them.

Hydrogen Generators

  • No issues to report


  • No issues to report


  • Odd behavior noticed once after turning the ICP on to run samples from the second coring site. After starting the ICP and opening ICP expert, the polychromator camera temperature was reporting at -99C initially. Temperature readings started moving towards normal but continued to be off and when the chiller was on would not hold a steady temperature. Restarted the ICP multiple times but the issue persisted. Did eventually have some stability and decided to try to run samples. Had a fault mid run due to polychromator temperature going out of range. Decided to shut down the instrument again but this time turned it off at the power supply switch on the side also and left it off overnight. The next day the ICP was started and everything was normal again and polychromator temperature was normal and stable. Other runs and uses of the ICP had no issues.


  • Had an excessive amount of condensation building up outside the cold room door. Was later determined to be due to the blanking plate not being in place to block the AIRCO vent. Don't know if it had been taken off at some point, or it wasn't put on when it had been started. No condensation once the blanking plate was in place again.


  • No issues to report


  • The SRA was not used


  • No issues to report



  • No issues to report


  • Settings on the titrator unit had been fully reset at some point. Had to change the handshake, endpoint setting, stir plate setting, and adjusted titration parameters of measuring point density and signal drift.


  • The TOC was not used

Water System

  • Replaced the spigot on the RO water tank as it had a steady leak out of the top of the spigot.

AMI Nitrogen Gas O2 Sensor

  • O2 values remained low throughout the expedition except for one instance. When work was being done on the liquid nitrogen generator and was being vented, O2 levels spiked up to 400ppm. O2 levels remained high until the work was completed at which point O2 levels returned to normal low values.

X-Ray Lab 

Brittany Stockmaster


Expedition 395E was a very low recovery expedition. Only 25 samples were collected for the X-Ray Lab. All of the samples were run through the Bruker XRD, which had no issues. No other sample preparation instruments were used during the expedition. No orders were received in port call and no items need to be ordered.


Total Samples: 25

XRD: 25

ICP: Processed 0

pXRF: 0



  • Heather Barnes started the Bruker and Haskris systems prior to the start of Exp 395E.  Susan Boehm and Jenna Patten assisted virtually to provide instructions on preparing and measuring samples.
  • Only 25 samples were collected and processed in the XRD lab. There were 19 samples for Site U1560 and 6 samples from Site U1561, all taken from the IW squeeze cake residues. All of the samples were ground with the marble mortar and pestle and the samples were front-loaded into 2mm sample holders.
  • The measurement parameters from 390C (xrd_jp_3.0-7.0_exp_390C_30min.dql) were used for all measurements on Exp 395E (xrd_jp_3.0-7.0_exp_395E_30min.dql). The data files were then converted, a .png was created and the sample data was uploaded to LIMS. The data was backed up on Data1 and archived in the DATA folder on the laboratory computer.


  • Daily maintenance continued on the Aeris. Even with daily measurements, the Aeris still needed to be reset at least twice during the expedition. There was no issue with the sample arm but as mentioned during the last technical report there is an issue with the machine when it is idle for long periods of time. The water levels were refilled in the middle of the expedition and may need to be topped off again before the expedition is completed.


  • The ZEBRA barcode scanner had an issue with label formatting during the expedition. For the 19 samples from Site 1560 there were no issues with the label format. However, for Site 1561 the label information was not being properly parsed.  The issue was likely due to the sample name field missing the IW intervals.  If the label information is not formatted in the expected way, the raw format label information will be displayed on the screen, CAKE10904171, “395E-U1561A-6H-2-IW(46-51)-XRD”, ,0.05,F. New barcode rules were programmed into the barcode gun.
  • The new rules produce the format: U1561A_6H_2IW_46_51_XRD_CAKE10904171
  • A copy of the barcode rules were put in the XRD lab notebook on Confluence under the heading "General."


  • The Haskris ran without issue. A flow rate check was completed by Heather on 3 April 2021. A loud noise from the Haskris was mentioned during the last technical report, but no odd noises were noticed during Exp 395E.


  • The XRD samples were dried in the chemistry lab freeze drier.


  •  The shatterbox and mixer mills were not used.  All samples were ground with a mortar and pestle.


  • The Beadmaker was not used during the expedition.


  • The XRF was not used during the expedition


  • Updated barcode scan rules for the Zebra label scanner were printed out in the lab and uploaded into confluence.  No other updates were made to the lab manuals.




Expedition 395E recovered approximately 184 meters of core from two different drilling sites: U1560 and U1561. There were no physical properties scientists onboard. Physical properties technicians operated the WRMSL, NGR, ThermCon, SHIL, and SHMSL to collect measurements. The Gantry was run for testing purposes only.  The X-ray image track was also used to image all SHLF and whole round cores throughout the expedition. The expedition laboratory notebook was updated with the technological and mechanical issues encountered while utilizing the Individual Measurement Systems (IMS) software and laboratory devices.  All of the IMS NI-device configuration documents were updated on the Physical Properties Lab Notebook page.

Individual Measurement Systems

Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)

  • A natural gamma ray (NGR) emission background was measured prior to Site U1560, and energy calibrations were done before drilling operations began at Site U1560. No other background measurements were done.
  • The NGR was typically run for a total of 600 seconds in two offset positions. 
  • The lab air conditioning was shut down for a short period of time and the NGR was cooled with external fans. There were no issues from the excess heat.
  • The home limit switch was replaced at the start of the expedition when it started acting erratically due to corrosion.

Section Half Image Logger (SHIL)

  • Experienced issues with the calibration of the camera and vertical streaks in the images.
  • To see camera calibration issues and suggestions, please refer to the Imaging Technical Report here.
  • The QP card had some sediment on it and was scratched over the period of operation. The Imaging Specialist replaced it. We added a note to SHIL work stations stating the fact that the QP card needs to be kept pristine in order to post-process images if needed, or it needs to be swapped to a new card.
  • The SHIL computer was running very slow at times. The switch from the “scan sample” screen to the “crop screen” took several seconds, in the meantime the screen stayed white. This would cause concerns if scientists would run the track.
  • Unresolved bugs still exist and are listed on the software bugs page in Confluence.

Section Half MultiSensor Logger (SHMSL)

  • The X and Y axes movements were adjusted for both sensors to ensure proper positions and simultaneous compression during both measuring and calibration motion.
  • The "white" calibration puck was resurfaced and sanded smooth with D.I. water and 220 grit sandpaper on a glass surface, rinsed clean with D.I. water, and dried thoroughly before replacing.
  • The SHMSL laser was not registering the ‘end of section’ properly and would scan to the end of the track. This was corrected by updating the IMS code. The AR700 Single Distance.vi had unwired cases for the error codes from the laser (Not seen, too far, etc.).  The system continued to use the default value, which was an “in-range” value, allowing the laser to scan to the end of the track.  By wiring these cases with the error codes, the track correctly measures and recognizes the end of the section.

Thermal Conductivity

  • Practicing on play cores does not yield good results: play cores usually dry out and do not give good results. The software prints out "No Results - poor data quality" which may be due to unstable measurements. To make sure the sensors are working properly, testing was conducted with the standards.
  • During the expedition, we used thermal probe (V10701). Some of the core material was gassy and liquidy, and did not always produce good results (“No Results – poor data quality”). But generally, good results were achieved.

Whole Round Loggers

The aft WRMSL was used for gamma ray attenuation (GRA), magnetic susceptibility (MS), and primary wave velocity (P-wave), and the forward track was used for X-ray imaging throughout the expedition.

Forward Whole Round Track

Forward whole round track was not used for GRA and MS measurements.  At the start of the expedition, the system would not communicate after we switched to the X-ray system.  The MCS had to reinstall the NI drivers after the Windows 20H2 update to restore communications with the NI devices. No other issues were reported.

Aft Whole Round Track

Magnetic Susceptibility

  • The magnetic susceptibility files were not immediately uploaded when the measurements of each section were completed. The MS files are being temporarily stored in the TEMP folder until the end of sequence pusher is run through the track. When a run of a core with multiple sections was interrupted, the MS files had to be moved from the TEMP folder to IN folder manually for MUT to upload to the database. The GRA measurements and P-wave velocity data files were written to the IN folder and uploaded as expected. This has been an on-going issue.


  • The GRA lost communication twice during the expedition during core measurements. The issue was noted when GRA files were not being uploaded to the database.  We did not identify the root cause of this issue, but to correct the problem, we restarted the computer; in one situation we changed the USB port and restarted the software.  No other issues were noted with the GRA.


  • The velocity calipers occasionally would stick on the very first measurement of some cores, resulting in a data point not being collected on the end of the cores. No other issues to report related to the P-wave system.
  • The peristaltic pump was serviced before receiving core and again at the end of the expedition.

X-ray Imager

The X-ray imager was used to image whole rounds and section half images at every site. At first, some whole rounds were imaged after T-Con measurements. We realized the drill hole showed on the images, and began to ensure T-Con was done after X-ray imaging.

The section half images were taken after being imaged on the SHIL, but prior to SHMSL measurements (so the indentation would not show up on the X-ray images).  Typical settings used were 300-350 ms, 60-80 kV, and 0.8-1.0 mA.

  • On a couple occasions, the X-ray source would not ramp up to requested levels. The source would not ramp up if the IMS software was restarted or the computer restarted. The only solution appeared to be cycling power to the x-ray source using the key inside the shielded box.
  • On multiple occasions, the X-ray imager would return images for the majority of the intervals with one blacked out image somewhere in the middle. It always occurred in the middle of a section. The only solution was to rerun the section.
  • The IMS software was updated to default to the last used selection (SHLF or FULL) when entering sample information. Originally, the X-ray imager would revert to “SHLF” after every scan (even between a core and the pusher). This caused multiple issues with sections being saved in the wrong locations. The issue was fixed in the IMS code and hence is resolved.
  • The vinyl shielding on the X-ray system was replaced and updated to better shield the system and to prevent ongoing issues with the shield starting to wear.
  • The rope on the load end door was replaced with a higher quality material.

P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/Caliper Gantry (PWB/PWC)

  • The gantry was not used for core measurements during Exp 395E
  • During testing of the Gantry, we found some software issues.
    • In the Caliper calibration window labview vi the delete button was only available when the 'Enable' button was pressed. This lead to multiple instances where the first standard measurement was accidentally modified.  The delete button is now enabled at all times to prevent accidental measurements being saved to the calibration. 
    • The AR1000 laser utility was resetting the manual offset to a default value of 1 when the utility window was opened. This automatically caused the instrument offsets to be incorrect.  The IMS code was modified to default the offset to 0 m in the AR1000 Utility.
    • If you squeeze on a standard too much (even using slow close), it will reach overcurrent error and release the pressure on the standard. The caliper then freezes in place until the user resyncs the TRITEX configuration in the Exlar utility window (button circled in red on the below image). (Unresolved issue)
      • The lower limit switch on the caliper is supposed to prevent the system from reaching this overcurrent limit. The switch is functioning properly based on resistance tests. It appears the software may not be registering the input from the switch properly.  When the switch is pressed, the ‘Stop’ indicator flickers rather than staying lit (circled in blue below).


  • No moisture and density measurements were taken during Exp 395E
  • The calibration verification spreadsheet used to store and verify calibration information was modified. The new spreadsheet makes it easier for a user to see the historical data and identify possible outliers.

Fig 1. Home screen of calibration verification spreadsheet.  Data entry is done in the upper-left side, new data are

displayed with the threshold error in the graph in the upper-right corner, historic data from previous calibrations are displayed on the middle graph,

and the basic statistics for each cell are shown at the bottom of the window.


The copy of code is in the code sheet for future references; that sheet is hidden in the same file, just right click on a sheet and select unhide

  • Cells were each tested with the standards monthly and the data were recorded in the historic spreadsheet.
  • No issues were reported.


Items Received

  • New rope to X-ray door, stored on ledge over X-ray
  • Elastic straps for ThermCon stored in PPTRKA1 drawer

Items Sent:

  • None

Paleomagnetics Lab

Mark Higley


Expedition 395E recovered APC and XCB cores from two holes at separate sites in the South Atlantic. Both holes were oriented using the Icefield tools for the entire length of APC coring. In general, the Icefield tools produced good results. Sediment APC and XCB cores were measured on the SRM using the slow (1Hz) measurement speed at 2 cm intervals with a demag sequence of NRM, 5,10,20 mT. No discrete samples were collected. Many changes were made to the SRM IMS software to add fields to the AUX files and to fix the background correction for discrete samples which was noted on Exp384.  The discrete sample rotations issue is still a work in progress. The cryomech compressor was exchanged for the spare and the new adsorber was installed in the compressor which was just taken offline.

Comments and Issues

General Lab

  • The cryomech compressor (N2267) was removed at 19568.8 hrs and exchanged for the spare compressor N2266 as part of routine maintenance. The old compressor N2267 was due for an adsorber change. When N2266 was put online, the starting hours were 16839.
    • The compressor was shut off at 15:34 on 4/10/2021. Wait for the cold head to warm to above 150K in order to disconnect the helium flex lines
    • It took ~24 hrs for the cold head to warm above 150K.
    • Be sure to notify SIEM electricians when you plan to swap the compressors. They must isolate the power to the compressor as the power cord is hardwired to the compressor. SIEM electricians said due to the power requirements of the compressor, they could not install an outlet for the compressor. SIEM electricians wired the new compressor to the power cord on 4/11/2021. If they ask, the compressor does have phase protection. Figure 1 shows how the compressor was wired. Basically just wire it the same as it was wired when you take it offline.

Figure 1. Compressor Wiring

    • The static pressure on the new compressor was 205 psi. The vendor manual states that it should be 220 psi. The helium was topped off to 220 psi using tool CT-001 following the vendors instructions. Note: when the previous compressor was taken offline, its static pressure read 260 psi. Not sure why this one was so much higher. I dont see a record of it being topped off with helium. I saw a note in the installation manual saying that the compressors are shipped from the factory with excess pressure to allow for loss when assembling. Perhaps this explains the higher static pressure?
    • The new compressor was started at 16:31 on 4/11/2021. Starting pressures were 50 psi on the low side and 280 psi on the high side. It took approximately 40 hrs to cool to superconducting. Once at superconducting, the low pressure read 80-100 psi and the high reads 225-235 psi. For reference, the pressures on the previous compressor (N2267) were 100-120 on the low and 280 to 290 on the high. The cold head pump down procedure was not done as it was determined that the amount of time that the SRM was shut down was negligible.
    • The adsorber on the old compressor (N2266) was replaced. The old adsorber was vented by unthreading the aeroquip fitting slightly to let the pressure slowly bleed off. The adsorber was then disposed of in the scrap metal bin. The pressure on compressor N2266 still reads 260 psi. Before reinstalling this compressor, it should be determined if this pressure is okay or if it needs to be bled. The cooling lines were flushed with tap water until they ran clear then blown out with compressed air.
    • Following the windows update installed during the previous expedition, it was necessary to reinstall NI drivers on all computers connected to NI instruments. In the Pmag lab, this was the Kappabridge and the SRM. The NImax communication setup was updated in the SRM user manual. The only change necessary was changing the baud rate on the Cryomech from 115200 to 9600.
    • Because the standards provided by Lisa Tauxe were not designed to be used in the JR-6, 4 new standards were created which can be used in the JR-6. A strip of magnetic tape was glued to a stick which is secured inside a J-cube. The standards were then given an IRM and measured in the JR-6 followed by the SRM. Multiple orientations were measured in both instruments. The JR-6 is much more consistent throughout the different rotations and whereas the SRM can vary by as much as 25 degrees in inclination or declination depending on the orientation. These new standards are oriented as if they were collected from a working half with an assumed volume of 7cc (the standards provided by Lisa T. are oriented as if taken from the archive half and have a volume of 1 cc). Because of these differences, the new standards have not been added to the standards spreadsheet. Because the standards provided by Lisa T. have been measured in a shore based lab, I believe they are of higher quality. The new standards have the benefit of being able to go in the JR-6. See table 1 for comparisons.

      JR-6SRM  (Working-Top-Away orientation)
      StandardVolume (cc)Intensity (A/m)





      Intensity (A/m)






      Table 1.  New Standards for JR-6 and SRM


  • Upon boarding the ship, the field in the SRM was measured using probe B and it looked nearly identical to the last field measured on 395P. This field was checked before demaging or messing with the fluxgate. After measuring the field, the fluxgate was run through the SRM to check its magnetization and it had similar moments to the start of 395P before it was demagnetized. In an attempt to follow a similar process, the probe and cable were run through the SRM at 80 mT  then the probe was measured again. After the demag, its moments looked similar to the those when the field was trapped on 395P (a lot of assumptions here because I was just going off timestamps in the file names). Although the magnetization of the probe was similar to when the field was trapped at the end of 395P, the Z axis is offset 5nT. This is not much but it does not look as good as it did before the demag. I also looked at the profile taken at the end of 390R and it is very similar to the profile at the end of 395P and start of this current expedition (395E), i.e. they all look good. The slope of the lines are a little different but that is due to the gradient adjustment. The magnitude of the values are all very low. Short story: without demagnetizing the fluxgate, the field in the SRM looked similar to the field trapped at the end of 395P, which also looked similar to the field trapped at the end of 390R. After demagnetizing, it didnt match as well. If the field at the end of both 390R and 395P were good fields, which I believe they were, then it seems like we can get more consistent results without demagnetizing the fluxgate. Perhaps we need to set a level of acceptable magnetization in the fluxgate. If the probe has moments below a certain threshold, leave it alone. If its over, then probably best to demag it. I began compiling the starting and ending field profiles into one excel workbook so that the fields can be plotted and compared together. This notebook is saved at T:\IODP_Share\PMag\PMag_Documents\SRM\Field Profiles as BOX-EOX_profiles.xlsx.

  • A new null field was trapped in the SRM using probe B following the cryomech adsorber change. The background was measured followed by an empty boat to check the SRM noise. Noise levels were similar to those in the Shanghai report and the field was below 4 nT. This field was used for the remainder of the expedition.

  • When measuring samples at site U1560A, many flux jumps were noticed on core 1. Strangely, they were on the Y axis whereas they are usually on the Z axis. After confirming all laptops and cell phones were in airplane mode with no WiFi connected, the flux jumps continued. On core 2, the flux jumps stopped appearing so it was believed that perhaps there was a lot of metal debris from a dirty core barrel that hadn't been used for a while was in the core. The flux jumps reappeared on core 3. There were about 6 hrs between core 2 being measured and core 3 being measured. All of the flux jumps were on the Y-axis and happened at approximately 90-120cm offset. When this offset is being measured, the top of the core is just past the joint between the instrument and the shielding so it was believed the joint was at fault as it is well known that this joint is a weak point in the shielding. Attempts were made to shield this joint with various materials including aluminum foil, flexible Mu-metal wrap, and lead vinyl but the flux jumps persisted. The jumps happened consistently at the same spot even if the core was inserted backwards or the tray was rotated. All nearby computers and electronic devices that were not being used were shut off and unplugged to eliminate the possibility of RF interference from these. Since the flux jumps were occurring at ~90 cm, cores less than this length were measured and had no flux jumps. Similarly, empty trays did not have any flux jumps.  The MCS's and Siem electricians were consulted to determine if there could be any hidden source of RF interference in the area but none were identified. Measurements were put on hold for a few hours while the investigation continued. During this time, no changed were made to the environment (i.e. adding shielding, unplugging equipment). The heading of the ship was stable at approximately 180 degrees, which is a known 'bad' orientation for the SRM.  After a few hours, a section was loaded and measured and no flux jumps were recorded. Other sections that had flux jumps before (but had not yet been demagnetized) were measured and they also had no flux jumps. It is not known what was causing the flux jumps. No flux jump issues were observed for the remainder of the site. The flux jump issue returned at Hole U1561A on core 1. This time, the flux jumps were on the z axis. The sediment had a high intensity and magnetic susceptibility so it was not so surprising.

  • Several programs were developed for checking code changes to the SRM IMS. There is a python GUI for checking SRM SHLF aux files called checkidy_check_2.3 which will calculate the same values as IMS but it does it independently starting from the analog and flux counts. The GUI can also be used to plot intensity, inclination, and declination of multiple section halves. A user manual is in the works. There is also an excel macro which does the same thing. The excel macro is especially handy because you can see the formulas used. These programs are saved in T:\IODP_Share\PMag\PMag_Software\SRM.

SRM IMS Software

  • The new U-Turn IMS program was loaded into IMS which resolves the incorrect rotation math of the previous version. The new version was tested and confirmed to be working correctly.
  • The SRM aux files were modified to include the analog signal and flux counts. From these two values, all subsequent values can be calculated. This is important for making sure IMS is working correctly; especially after any changes are made to IMS. Other columns which were added include the volume corrected magnetization. These changes were made for the discrete and section half aux files.
  • The .vi which subtracts the background was moved forward in the data flow process so that the background is now being subtracted before any rotations are being made. The software has been tested but not extensively and appears to be working. It would be a good idea to continue loading the samples in the tray with the Archive-Top-Away orientation and use the same Archive-Top-Away orientation in IMS until more testing can confirm that everything is working properly. A spread sheet was made containing the results from four of the paleomagnetic standards measured in 32 different orientations.  The spreadsheet is saved as standards compare.csv in T:\IODP_Share\PMag\PMag_Documents\SRM\Pmag Standards. The results are decent although more variable than one would have expected. Differences of up to 25 degrees in reported Drift-Background Corrected inclination and declination between different orientations are seen. The standard deviation for each standard is ~8 degrees.
    • The discrete paleomagnetic standards were measured in the SRM following IMS code changes to correct the background being added to certain cube orientations (reported on X384). When the standards were first measured on expedition 378, the declination was 180 degrees off if they were loaded in the tray as Working-top-away and entered into IMS the same. When the cubes were loaded as Working-top-away, but entered into IMS as Archive-top-away, the declination (and inclination and intensity) matched the reported values. It was believed that the standards were created using an archive half orientation. This situation still exists after the IMS code changes made during this expedition. The samples must be loaded as if the cubes arrow is drawn on the bottom and not the split face. To save future confusion, it may be a good idea to re-draw this arrow. In the past, the standards have always been loaded as Working-top-away but entered into IMS as Archive-top-away (or vis-a-versa) in order to get the reported declination. Other than this, the values measured are within range of past measurements. Always use 1cc for the cube volume of the standards or the intensities will not be correct.
    • After the IMS code changes, SHLF 395E-U1560A-10-2-A was remeasured to ensure section halves were still being measured correctly. SHLF 395E-U1560A-10-2-A had already been demagged to 20mT when it was first measured. When this section was remeasured, it went through the same stepped demag sequence in case it had picked up any viscous overprint from sitting on the ship for a couple weeks. The results for the 20mT step were very similar with average differences of 3.01E-4 for intensity, 1.6 degrees for inclination, and 8.2 degrees for declination (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Archive section half measured before and after IMS code changes.

  • Sections measured as working half do not do the correct calculations. It looks like the Drift #1 moments are having the rotation applied before it is subtracted from the meter value for each offset. IMS usually sets the moment equal to the meter value for Drift #1. This holds true for all of the cube orientations but for some reason, section halves are having the rotation applied to drift #1. This makes no difference for archive section halves since there is no rotation applied but it results in incorrect moments for working section halves. This was happening before any code changes were made on this expedition and is still occurring after the changes.

JR-6A Spinner

  • The JR-6A was used to measure newly created standards for comparison with the SRM. The cubes were loaded into the automatic sample holder using multiple orientations and the azimuth and dip set accordingly in order to determine if the orientation would have a significant impact on reported values.  The effect of the rotation was much smaller than it is with the SRM. See table 2 for results for STD14.

OrientationAzimuthDipIntensity (A/m)





Standard orientation, up arrow facing up to starboard0904.78E-02341.0-41.4
Up arrow facing down to port180-904.74E-02333.9-38.8
Cube inserted with split face towards the back, up arrow facing up to starboard180904.76E-02334.9-39
Cube inserted with split face towards the back, up arrow facing down to port0-904.78E-02336.7-37.6

Table 2. JR-6 Sample Orientations.

Imaging Lab

Sandra Herrmann


Expedition 395E started out with a week-long transit that I used to get oriented in the Imaging Laboratory, including catching up on the immense information provided on the SHIL camera calibration. During coring, we recovered sediment and hard rock, however only sediment cores were split. Hence, the SHIL was only used in the “Section Imaging, Soft Sediment” setting. I ran the SHIL and SHMSL on my shift. I imaged hard rock samples and cores free-hand as requested by the science party. LSIMG (153) and COREPHOTO files (21) were stored on LIMS. Hard rock free-hand photos (149) were deposited on data1, folder 10.1 Core Description. PICAT, Closeup Station, SEM and microscopes were not used for imaging during expedition 395E.

Other added responsibilities included: outreach on social media, preparing press package for “turtle rescue”, checking the functionality of the Imaging Laboratory equipment and preparing a REQ for updated models, requesting and installing a Mac Mini/TV to watch rig floor/moon pool, shooting sample tools for curator etc. and work on the GEODESC shore project.

System Status

PICAT, Closeup Station, SEM and microscopes

  • Not used for imaging during expedition 395E.


Camera calibration

  • The SHIL had to be fully calibrated during 395E to image the 184.28 m of core recovered.
  • An abundance of documents exists on the topic in confluence. It is somewhat unclear which one to use. It would be of great, if the documents could be combined by an expert user to form a comprehensive quick start as well as a detailed guide. Lots of theoretical knowledge is mixed in with instructions and could be de-tangled for better understanding. I am happy to proof a new version, but was not comfortable enough to tackle this big task to reorganize the guides.
  • The calibration attempted at F22 at the beginning of the expedition was not successful. Darker stripes persisted along the starboard side of the image.
  • Therefore, both NIKON lenses were cleaned and reattached without a noticeable change.
  • After consulting the Imaging Specialist on shore and the various manuals, it was decided that the sediment-only (= more or less flat surface) imaging can be accomplished with a calibration at F16 (= less depth focus). That calibration was successful and deemed reasonable for the expected cores.

During expedition 395E the following challenges were observed and potentially need further investigation:

  1. Watery cores result in a reflection of the light system in the image (as described in 390C report, Figure 1). Thus, the features of the cores were masked. I suggest to test the diffuser for the light source recommended in Exp390R technical report.
  2. The CCD camera had to be re-calibrated after sitting unused for a period of 17 days between imaging section halves of Hole U1560A and the start of imaging of section halves U1561A. The biggest change was the pixel gain – black stripes (Figure 2) showed up on the starboard part of the image again. What could cause this change? Is the lens slowly sagging producing a slight de-focus and a simultaneous drift out of the calibration range?
  3. The red-edge-effect (lens vignetting) as shown in Figure 3 was observed again this expedition. The effect has also been described during 390C.

Figure 1: Reflection of light system in watery cores.


Figure 2: "Black stripes" in the image after sitting for 17 days after U1560A recovery was imaged.

Figure 3: Lens vignetting.

Recommendation for SHIL setup: Change the current monitor to a mat screen monitor and add a mount that allows moving the angle of the monitor. The current model reflects the ceiling light so well that calibrating a sensitive instrument is made extra difficult. A flexible mount would additionally help seeing the calibration area (top right part of the JAI camera setting screen) without having the illumination from the bright lights shine into one's eye from the same direction.

List of general imaging duties provided

  • Generated the headshot posters
  • Downloaded and proofed the line scan core images
  • Shot "free-hand" close-ups
  • Production, editing, capturing of the weekly photos
  • Produced all of the group photos
  • Printed the T-shirt stencils and coordinated the ironing party
  • Checked Core Lab microscopes

Items Received


Items Order

  • The HERO2 did not start up. A REQ was submitted to replace it with the HERO9, plus extra mounting accessories. The new camera will arrive in the next AF, the old one was handed over to the ALO to ship it back to College Station. All accessories for the old HERO are still in the Imaging Office and can be used with the new model.
  • The Gear 360 was used on personal devices. It is not good practice to rely on a person’s own equipment to use on board gadgets. Hence, a REQ for an Imaging Specialist cell phone as remote and processing device was submitted. Currently, the shore-based Imaging Specialist is checking model specifications in order to settle on a model to be ordered.
  • Charging cables and plug were missing for digital devices, that are not a CANON or a NIKON camera. A REQ has been submitted and approved for charging cables and plugs. They should arrive in the next AF.
  • We do not have a digital remote for the CANON camera so the Imaging Specialist is not in the group photos. A REQ has been submitted and approved for a wireless shutter release that works with the 1D Mark Canon cameras. The equipment should arrive in the next AF shipment.
  • A set of adapter rings and flash diffusers were added to the same REQ and acquired. They should arrive in the next AF. These will benefit request similar to the one’s on this expedition, where close-ups were too detailed and “free-hand” close-up shots were required. Lighting was challenging for those due to the wet samples (reflection) and harsh or low catwalk and/or lab lighting conditions.

Methods and Manual Changes

  • We are missing lots of procedure descriptions for the Imaging Lab, such as how to set up a green screen for head shots and how to submit weekly pictures and to whom.

I was able to work on:

  • Tagging procedures: I uploaded a detailed guide authored by Karen Graber.
  • Keyword updates on the Imaging Specialist Mac – the Keywords were sinked with shore (Graber) a few times during the expedition as new keywords were added and IODP technician positions updated.
  • Weekly pictures: I started a list of SOPs for weekly photos on the "OLD Imaging Lab" confluence page.

PR images

  • A total of nine weekly photo series were created, edited, tagged, captioned and transferred to shore.

Outreach/Social media

  • We preformed two outreach broadcasts with ship tours – one by Beth Novak and one by Aaron DeLoach and his shift.
  • I prepared ship-related content and posted it on the JOIDES Resolution accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - an average of two posts a week, plus weekly picture releases were published consistently over the entire expedition.
  • Several chats and a meeting with USSP were helpful to steer the content, tagging and idea exchange for better practices. Draft are currently being reviewed and an improved plan should be forth-coming soon.
  • The Imaging Specialist provided a media package (images, story, cross-check with SIEM) as well as story editing for the “turtle rescue” story that was published on the Texas A&M Geosciences News.

File storge

  • LSIMG (153) and COREPHOTO files (21) were stored on LIMS. Hard rock free-hand photos (149) were deposited on data1, folder 10.1 Core Description. RGB and ROI files were saved on data1, folder 26.1 RGB.
  • PR images were carried home on external hard drive.


  • A mac mini/TV system has been installed in the Imaging Lab. To switch between mac and TV, use HDMI/TV source button.
  • VirtualPhotoTable was run on the core entry computer in the core lab. We encountered an issue with guest account privileges with the software that were reported to the developer and solved a few days thereafter. 

Downhole Measurements Lab

Dan Marone


This was a good expedition to practice and train on running the new CTD instrument. Because we ran casing and re-entry cones on multiple sites there were a total of six VIT runs that the tool was able to be deployed on. As for the APCT-3 tool, we only had minimal deployments due to the shallow depth of the hard-rock at each coring site. Logging operations were cut from the schedule due to time constraints caused by being delayed leaving port. 

System Status


  • This instrument and software are very easy to set up and use. For every run we used a sampling rate of 1/sec, only changing the location, syncing the time, and zeroing the pressure before each run.  All other settings were kept the same. We did run all four sensors to test each one and did not notice any difference in operation between them. 


Files Created



Files Created









Normal VIT casing/re-entry cone operations. Two separate runs made at this site. 








Normal VIT casing/re-entry cone operations. During the second run the VIT was lifted up >200m from bottom and then lowered back down. This caused issues with the SeaCast software auto splitting the up/down cast. The data collected was not affected.







Normal VIT casing/re-entry cone operations. Two separate runs made at this site. 


  • Only a total of three formation temperature measurements were made during the expedition. At site U1560A only two runs were planned and completed due to an expected hard rock layer that we did not want to run the tool into. At site U1561A we were hoping to complete three runs but on core 6H we fired into a hard layer and damaged a cutting shoe. It was decided to not run the tool on core 7H as planned. All data was downloaded with WinTemp and processed with TPfit with no issues.
  • There is some concern that these programs are behaving differently than before but I believe they are working as expected as they always have. The only possible issue I see is to make sure you are not in 'Operator Mode' when trying to download data from a tool using WinTemp. If this mode becomes enabled and you cannot save/export data from the tool you can disable it by pressing 'CTRL + ALT +Shift + O' on the keyboard when in WinTemp.



U1560A4H(33.2), 7H(61.7)

Items Received


Items Ordered

  • 316 Stainless Steel Safety-Pin Shackle - for Lifting, 1/4" Thick. 4 each.

Critical Maintenance

  • Two APCT-3 tools are being sent back to shore for repair and calibration. Tools #019C which was the modified 'hot' tool no longer communicates with WinTemp software. Tool #031C has low battery voltage. There are still three working tools left on board.
  • Still waiting on MCS and/or shore to complete Techlog licensing. Petrel is up and running.

Methods and Manual Changes

  • Put together a quick start guide for CTD deployment. It is mostly just copied from the SOP and trimmed down with slight edits. I would still recommend reading the SOP as it has more detailed information but this will be useful as a checklist for quick referencing during deployment. 

Underway Lab

Dan Marone


This expedition had no major issues with underway instrumentation. As always there are a few kinks to work through but overall it was a success. With a long initial transit from Cape Town to our drilling sites and a very long transit from there to Reykjavik we were able to record two mostly complete underway data sets including navigation, bathymetry, and magnetometer data. There are a few gaps in the data during the second transit due to going through EEZs of different islands as we traveled north. The only issues with data collection during the first transit were caused by very deep water and rough seas in which the bathy could not pick up the seafloor and therefore has some gaps.

System Status

Underway PCs

  • On May 29th WinFrog2 user profile became corrupted and had to be completely reset by the MCS. This was found when computer would freeze anytime user tried to access the C: drive. Unclear what the cause was but it did occur after a few windows updates. 
  • After the new daq account was made Bathy2010 software had many issues as documented in the UW lab notebook. The fix was to do a fresh install of the program and everything was fine after that.


  • Installed new SPS365 Trimble receiver (Tag # 53949) in BLO to replace SPS351(tag # 52267). The SPS351 will be kept onboard as a working spare and is stored in UWGL drawer B2 with the rest of the spare Trimble GPS cables. The new antenna was not installed and is stored in B2 as well.
  • Had issues getting JRData Server to receive NMEA data from WinFrog over the network. Port 128 has rules and everything set up my the MCS to make the transfer happen but it is still being blocked by windows defender. Right now the only work around that the MCSs and I could find was to disable the firewall. 
  • Collected navigation data using WinFrog with no issues. Other than JRData Server and its work around, all instrumentation data connections to and from WF were stable. 


  • Overall the bathy was working and we were able to ping the seafloor during transits and as we arrived on site for PDRs. Still intermittent issues with signal dropping out when using the 3.5kHz at powers above -12dB. I'm not sure if this is related to the recent issues or just something that our system does now. 
  • The connections to the LPT that were loose in underway were checked but seem fine. Also during one of lost signal events I was able to go down and listen for the ping from lower 'tween accommodations and it sounded like it was pinging at an appropriate level.
  • Coming on to site U1561 the 12kHz had to be used for the PDR as the 3.5kHz channel was not picking up any return signal. 
  • The best(most consistent) settings found during this expedition were -12dB for power and between 24-33dB for gain. Both of the sites were in waters approaching 5000m depth and most of the transit depths were between 3500-5500m with relatively calm waters. Gain of 15 dB was used between the Azores and Iceland EEZ on the 3.5 kHz with great results.  The water depths on this leg of the transit were much shallower.


  • No issues with the towfish itself during any of the deployments.
  • The SeaSpy software lost GPS sync with the towfish on multiple occasions, which caused the measurements not to be tagged with GPS data. I have not seen this issue before and am not sure of anyway to combat it. It seemed to happen at 00:00 when looking back at the files. So it may have something to do with the PC Time sync throwing an error and resetting the sync with towfish. Luckily to reset you can simply stop cycling and logging and re-sync the towfish before starting to cycle and log again without having to reel it in and re-deploy.
  • The level-wind was still having issues with movement when we first started to deploy the towfish. It seemed to work well when using the manual push buttons to control the movement. However if you were not careful it would move too much to either side and become jammed at the end of travel. When this happens the cover must be removed from the gear works and the main gear has to be turned manually with a wrench until the level-wind is free enough that the motor will drive it again. Adjustments were made to each of the limit switch mechanisms to fix this and it has not happened since.
    • The starboard side limit switch was simply not triggering soon enough to stop the level-wind from reaching end of travel because the level-wind is slightly offset from the winch drum. By unscrewing the metal rod that triggers the sensor about an inch this issue was resolved. The problem with the way the level-wind is aligned with the winch drum is that this means it now harder to get the cable all the way to the edge of the drum, particularly when the cable begins the second wrap. I think not getting the motor jammed and losing time having to hand crank it loose is worth losing an inch of usable drum space.  
    • The port side limit sensor was found to not be working at all and could not be triggered no matter what. Upon disassembly it was discovered that the sensor was installed in the wrong orientation (pictured below). This may have been faulty QA/QC coming directly from the manufacturer. When re-installed with the sensor facing up the limit switch would engage the motor properly before it could become stuck.

 This is how the sensor was found installed.                                   The target was re-installed facing up and then was able to be triggered by the metal bar passing overhead.

Items Received

  • Gasket for 3.5kHz junction box lid. Item#042426. Location stored: BLO.

Items Ordered


Methods and Manual Changes

  • Updated WinFrog user guide to include new Trimble SPS356 info including log in credentials to reach the browser set-up. 
  • Added troubleshooting section to Bathy2010 user guide to include re-installation solution for Bathy2010 software.

ET Report

Randy Gjesvold



  • Reviewed the CTD Instrument. (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth)
  • DHML Computer Monitor occasionally pixilates. IT informed. Checking Monitor Connectors.
  • Currently have 5 APCT-3 Tools:
  • 1886019C (High Temp) 1858031C, 1858032C, 1858035C and 1858041C.
  • Tool 1886019C does not communicate with the computer.
  • Tools 1858031C, 1858032C, 1858035C and 1858041C all communicate with the computer.
  • Tools 1858031C and 1858032C installed in cutting shoes. They are ready for use.
  • TP-Fit License has expired. Mat Lab was updated. License renewed.
  • Tool 1859032C was run on U 1560A Core 04 and U 1561A Core 04.
  • Tool 1858031C was run on U 1560A Core 07.
  • Updated the APCT-3 run procedure to match the changes in the computer. TPFIT is now MATLAB. This has been entered in Confluence.
  • Tools 1886019C and 1858031C have been sent back to college station for new batteries and calibration.

Rig Instrumentation

  • Replaced the sensor on the Pipe Counter.

Core receiving platform

  • Cleaned off the Press and Vice and prepared them for service.

Microscope lab

  • No assistance required.

Cryo mag

  • Made arrangements to have the Siem Electrician wire in the spare Compressor and un wire the Compressor that is in use.

Laser Engraver

  • Held training.
  • Cleaned Filters.
  • Ordered new filters.


  • No assistance required.


  • Re sealed the Power Supply cabling.

Core Splitting Room

  • No assistance required.


  • Replaced Home Limit Switch and associated cabling. They had corroded and were functioning erratically.

ET Shop

  • Conducted 3-D printer training. Printed several small projects to gain familiarity with the printer.
  • Solid works training is ongoing.
  • Continue familiarization with Confluence.
  • Installed TP-Fit on ET Shop Computer.


 -80 Freezer on F-Deck

  • Cleaned Filters.

LN2 Generator

  • Ran from April 11 to April 12 in auto mode. Ran on April 24 but the gauge started dropping to 0. Turned the generator off and allowed it to stabilize. Drained the Liquid Nitrogen out and vented it for 24 hours. Re-started April 26 2021. Ran until April 28 in auto with no issues. The last time it froze up was in May of 2020 in drydock. Ran from May 08 to May 09 in auto. Ran from May 20 to May 21 in auto. Ran from May 31 to June 01 in auto.

Upper Tween 

Upper Tween Stores

  • Fully charged the Pallet Stacker April 10, May 05, May 26.
  • Cleaned the -80 Freezer Filters.

3D printer

  • Machine was calibrated and it ran well.
  • Several small test items were made for training.

Gym Notes

  • Added Air to the Speedbag. S Hook is showing significant wear. Sourcing a new one.
  • Cleaned and oiled the Chain on the Rower.
  • The cover for the Treadmill was broken off again. It was repaired and re installed.

Movie Room notes

  • Calibrated the Audio for the Stereo System.
  • The Piano Keyboard in the lounge had no audio. Re adjusted control settings to regain audio. Headset plug was very scratchy. Cleaned out the Audio Jack and mechanically adjusted the Grounding Tab in the plug to make better contact.


  • Received a Gasket for the Sonar Dome. It is stored in the LO office.
  • During the May 30th deployment the Maggy would not come up to the correct amperage. Tested the Maggy for grounds. Between pin and shield it showed open. Cable showed 145 K Ohms. Checked output voltage at the end of the cable. Tested at 47 VDC with power on and 0.7 VDC with power off. The data quality was deemed acceptable and the issue may be with ships power.
  • Bathy 2010 was not outputting the correct frequency (CW only, FM was not available). When Bathy2010 was re installed this problem cleared.


  • Cleaned greased and exercised the Level Wind. Cleaned and greased the slide bars.
  • Maggy was deployed but would not track. It was manually centered. During retrieval it stuck on the starboard side. Had to work it free with a wrench. During the second retrieval it stuck on the port side. Had to remove the chain to work it free.
  • During Level wind troubleshooting found that the port EOT sensor was not triggering. Removed the cover and found that the sensor was mounted 90 degrees from where it should be. It was re-aligned so it would sense the steel bar at end of track. Adjusted the steel bar on the starboard side so the sensor will trigger before it reaches the end.
  • No further issues with the level wind getting stuck at the end of travel were noted after the switch and steel bar were adjusted.
  • The hall effect sensor bars neutral setting appears to move the level wind toward port side slightly.


  • Secured the Isotemp Incubator in Upper Tween Stores.
  • Assisted Loading Stores.
  • Replaced the power wire on the space heater for IT.
  • Re attached Volume Knob on the Core Lab Stereo under the TV.

Supplies Received for Exp 395E

  • Cable, Electric 10 AWG 3 Conductors 600V Exane with Bronze Armor and Neoprene Sheath. Qty 130.Req 2103051SHF. Spool stored under the ET Storage bench behind G-Man’s Boots.
  • Fan, For NGR 4015 series 6-Fan Rack Mount Unit, PN PT-Fan-4015 12cm x 120cm x2.5cfm, Infra Cool Model # FSY12B12H, DC 12V 4.2W. Qty 12. Req 2101090JOM.
  • Battery Pack, for CREE Emergency lights, CR22, p/n#CR-BAT-1400-L, CREE CR Series EB14. Qty 23. Req 2011070JOM.
  • Battery Lead Acid 12V 8AH, 522-1023-ND, HR9- 12- T2. B B Battery. Qty 6. For UPS.
  • Battery Connect Snap 9V 3” Leads BS31-HD-ND, BS31-HD, MPD (Memory Protection Devices). Qty 10.
  • Sunon Fans, DC Fan, 12V Air Flow 41CFm Power 1.44W 120mA 33db(A) Wire Leads. Manufacturer #: MF80251V1-1000U1. Vendor: ALLIED ELECTRONICS, Req 2101123JOM. Ship Req #: X390R-03. Qty 6.

System Manager Report (MCS)

Michael Hodge and Steven Thomas

Servers (Microsoft)

  • On Expedition 395P Commvault backup software requested new cleaning media. New cleaning media was inserted into tape library but was not detected by Commvault backup software.  Issue was handed off to Expedition 395E personnel.  On Exp 395E Commvault marked cleaning tapes installed on Exp 395P as bad & retired.  New cleaning media installed and a few weeks later encountered same issues as prior expedition.  Commvault support contacted for assistance and was informed of a new procedure to inform Commvault backup software of insertion of new cleaning media in tape library.  This was something new with newer version of Commvault backup software.  Once procedure implemented the matter was resolved.
  • November 2020 Commvault backup software was updated to current version at the time. After the Commvault update VMware’s PostresSQL database backups initiated via Commvault started failing.  A support ticket was opened with Commvault to troubleshoot.  Various efforts were expended over multiple expeditions to resolve but no solution discovered.  Eventually, the support ticket was escalated to higher Commvault support engineers for remediation.  What was discovered was that VMware’s PostgreSQL database backup works.  What is not working is the syntax that Commvault passes the backup command to VMware to execute.  On expedition 395C the Commvault backup software will be updated to current version and this backup will be tested again after update and results reported.
  • Attempted to delete/remove a depreciated VM virtual system out of daily backup schedule. The attempt failed.  Discussion with Commvault support identified the Commcell console software was not at correct version level.  Updated console software to latest version resolved the matter and was able to remove the VM.
  • Upon arriving at the first drill site rig instrumentation software, Rigwatch, was started and discovered it was not communicating with its daq controller. Indicator numbers were not registering changes.  Multiple troubleshooting efforts were expended to remediate.  Network was tested and confirmed not an issue.  Attention was focused on server and there discovered secondary NIC interface was enabled and was primary network interface.  However, it had wrong configuration setup.  Disabled secondary NIC interface and Rigwatch software started communicating with daq controller and registered sensor changes on its dashboard.
  • All updates thru May 2021 have been applied to Exchange Servers by TAMU Exchange support group.
  • Discovered certificate expirations on Exchange servers ship-ex13 & ship-19. Contacted TAMU Exchange support group and they resolved immediately.

Servers (Linux)

  • Migrated Zenworks from v2011 to v2020. New VM server called Zenworks was created and implemented.  Started using Zenworks v2020 to push out various updates and application software to various workstations.
    • Labstack done with Zenworks 2020 installation.
    • Zenworks v2011 removed.
    • Deployed Matlab 2021a to the ship.
    • Deployed Powershell v7 to the ship
    • Deployed Windows Terminal to the ship.
    • Uninstalled Matlab 2017 and 2018 from the ship.
  • All SLES servers have been registered with new annual subscription license.
  • After license registration was able to apply software updates. All SLES servers have been updated current thru May 2021.

Servers (ODA)

  • Routine data center check discovered yellow warning alert on Oracle ODA K2. Attempted to open service request with Oracle only to discover MCSs did not have hardware support.  Contacted shore and remediated hardware support access issues.  Then, opened hardware support service request with Oracle.  They requested an iLOM diagnostic report which reported “A device necessary to support a configuration has failed” error message.  Oracle requested a reset procedure on Service Processor and this removed warning indicator and cleared error message.  This appears to have been a one-time event.  No further incidents.  Service request closed with Oracle.
  • VNC services were enabled through JR Firewall for OEMJR management software as requested by shore management.
  • Applied SLES updates to OEMJR server successfully.
  • OEM v13.4 was applied to OEMJR server successfully.

Servers (VMware)

  • VMware servers performed as expected without any issues.


  • HP 3PAR SAN performed as expected without any issues.


  • Discovered new Extreme NAC agent v1.22.1.0 was implemented on Expedition 395P.
  • While troubleshooting a workstation network issue discovered multiple switches in NAC appliance indicating alert warnings. Contacted Extreme GTAC support and investigated matter.  Discovered Internal Communication Server certificates had expired.  Updated certificates cleared alert warnings.
  • While investigating NAC appliance alert warnings discovered XMC Wireless listing and statistics were all blank and not reporting. Further investigating showed that SNMP user account for reporting purposes was not configured.  Configured SNMP account resolved missing statistics and reporting function.
  • Enabled access to Extreme EAC (Extreme Access Control) Appliance. Useful service for accessing additional network log information about network equipment.
  • Assisted shore personnel with VPN access to ship. Important reminder here, do not VPN into TAMU Campus network then another VPN connection to the ship.  Do one or the other but not both at same time.
  • Shore request to devise a method for documenting and capturing network devices configuration on ship. Contacted Extreme GTAC support to investigate a method to implement.  During the discovery process learned that the XMC (Extreme Network Management Center) is doing daily backups of ship network switches and has a view configuration option that can be captured.  While attempting to view switch configuration encountered XMC configuration issue preventing view switch configuration.  As of this writing still working with vendor to remediate.
  • JR VPN Sonicwall SMA 200 appliances have been updated to latest firmware. Both VPNs are mirrored the same.

PC Workstations

  • Petrel licenses renewed and installed on the 2 Petrel stations in Logging office.
  • Techlog software on Petrel workstations has a licensing issues that is still being remediated with shore personnel.
  • Encounter the NI USB-485/1 serial adapter card was not recognized on the WRMSL & XRAY PC. Had several of these adapters as spare cards, swapping them in did not resolved the issue.  Further investigating revealed the PC was updated to Windows 10 OS v20H2 last expedition.  Searching NI’s website found a more current driver for the serial adapter.  Downloaded and installed resolved the matter, serial adapter recognized by OS.
    • LO requested that all workstations with the NI USB-485/1 serial adapter card receive the updated driver firmware.
    • All workstations with the NI USB-485/1 serial adapter card receive the updated driver firmware v20. Prior versions were v17.
  • Assisted Underway technician with installation of OpenCPN (chart plotter navigation software) on PC90887 in Logging office.
    • Installed OpenCPN on WinFrog1 PC53317.
  • Found McAfee anti-virus software installed on a number of workstations. Uninstalled McAfee wherever encountered.
  • Laptop LT52397 with Windows 10 OS was found with OS corruption, not able to boot into OS. Laptop is an older variant, so OS was wiped and laptop made ready for shipment to shore and surplus.
  • Three laptops were updated current and made available for Arduino and 3D printer course.
  • Encountered multiple instances where the iPrint and NAC agents had to be reinstalled to facilitate printing services. Causation unknown.
  • Drill Shack PC52435 intermittently exhibiting power supply issues upon reboot or power cycle. Issue generally resolves itself by continuing the boot-up process.  Ultimately the PC will probably need to be replaced.

MAC Workstations

  • Encountered issue with ship’s DriveMapper utility not able to mount server volumes. Suspect a compatibility issue with AFP on current Mac OS-X verses AFP version running on server.  However, SMB connections work fine.  DriveMapper will need to be reconfigured to use SMB mount method with newer Mac OS-X.
  • Image Office MAC91075 was not able to open any Microsoft Word documents. It was running Office 2016.  Upgraded to Office 2019 resolved matter.
  • Image Specialist also encountered issues with Adobe Bridge software crashes. Investigation revealed a failed drive in attached Drobo disk array attached to Imaging MAC91075.  Replaced failed drive with a spare drive did not resolve matter.  The Drobo then started randomly rebooting unexpectedly.  Matter was brought to shore personnel’s attention and a replacement drive array review process underway.  Drobo gets a trip to shore.  Packed and in Exp 395E freight.
  • New VDU installation implemented in Imaging Specialist office.
  • Downloaded latest Security Updates and applied to all general workstations and VDU Macs.


  • While attempting to print to the MCS Dymo label printer at beginning of expedition it refused to print. It would output a blank label.  Searching vendor’s website displayed prominent warning message that updating Windows 10 OS to v20H2 required new print drivers.  Downloaded and installed new drivers resolved matter.
  • Encountered multiple instances where the iPrint agent would not print. Solution was to reinstall iPrint agent and this would remediate print issues.
  • Deployed Zebra RF53959 to the BSCI office so developer could use it as a test printer for development. EOX status is that they can print all IODP type labels and are ready for deployment.
  • CT Shop personnel had a printer with scanning capability and desired installed. Configured printer for their needs.


  • April 15 & 16, Internet outage ~8PM through ~4AM. Discovered we were on the limits of satellite foot print.  Working with Marlink - SIEM made switch from Ku band to C-Band satellite successfully and restored satellite services.
  • April 19, Satellite communications was fading out for several seconds every few minutes from noon to about 9PM before settling itself.
  • April 30, Satellite/internet outage ~10:40AM, outage about 5 minutes.
  • May 4, Internet outage @8:32AM. Back on at 10:25AM.  Outage about 2hr 7m.
  • May 25, multiple outages during midnight to noon shift, longest ~2 hours.
  • May 28, 30-minute outage.
  • May 30, multiple outages starting @~10:45 PM and continued thru May 31 as of 4:30 AM.

Other Equipment/Projects

  • Early in expedition discovered tape drive #1 cleaning was failing resulting in CRC Data Error error messages in Commvault. Contacted HP and opened a support ticket to troubleshoot issue.  Running HP’s diagnostic tools discovered tape drive #1 was logging drive write errors.  HP to ship a replacement drive.
  • Updated firmware to version M571 on tape drive #3 in MSL6480 tape library. All tape drives are at the same firmware level.
  • For reasons unknown MCS’s inventory of screen wipes was changed to another screen wipe type. This resulted in rapid reduction of inventory with an inferior product.  AMS was changed back to original screen wipe that was originally stocked.
  • Met with SIEM electrical personnel to review IODP-JR LTDAT UPS replacement. Gathered documents and quotes and presented to SIEM for evaluation.  SIEM reviewed and approved the selection presented.  After SIEM’s approval the project was packaged and sent to shore personnel for approval.  IODP shore management decided to consult SIEM’s shore management for handling UPS replacement project and talks are underway for SIEM to execute.
  • Matlab 2021a license manager was installed on expedition 395P but was unable to get operational. This expedition was able to get license manager operational.  With license manager operational was able to push out to all workstations current version of Matlab 2021a.
  • Prior expedition attempted to get Spirion software operational on Pubs MAC53353 but was unsuccessful. Provided another set of eyes this expedition.
    • Discovered MAC53353 could not ping TAMU Spirion server. Opened path thru JR firewall for access to TAMU server.  Now able to ping TAMU Spirion server.
    • Discovered newer version available, downloaded and installed did not resolve matter.
    • Attempted software installation on a Userroom Mac and Mac laptop from shore but still not able to communicate with TAMU server.
    • Effort at standstill pending undiscovered cause of non-communication with TAMU server.
  • Crowdstrike Falcon Sensors have been updated current for expedition 395E on all workstations and servers.
  • CT Shop encountered a TV monitor failure. Replaced TV with RF53266 spare TV.  Original unit lost it’s backlighting making display very dim or dark, not able to view screen content.

Application Developer Report

James Brattin


This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 395E.

Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and product pages on the developer site for additional detail: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Developer+Home+Page+
The activity log specific to this expedition will be placed here: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Ship+Activity+Log+

Special Projects

During Expedition 395E the developer worked on the following projects:

  • GEODESC: worked with ship and shore personnel to design and implement GEODESC applications. Primary focus was on implementing Template Manager application.
  • Label printers: worked with MCS and ALO to test the new label printers' ability to print the most common types of large and small labels.

General Duties Performed

During Expedition 395E the developer participated in:

  • Routine expedition support.
  • Maintenance of software applications (as detailed in the sections below).
  • Assist with data management in cases where LIME and other software tools do not suffice.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Change Summary


Current Version

Release Notes

geodesc libraries

Update to work with more accurate data models. Serve static assets.

IODPLauncher2.5.2Updated all libs and launcher apps to current versions on shore (except Cahn Balance and Coulometer which should be the same as shore). Added Mac installers.
limsW11.1Change made by Catwalk developer.
Updated a constant used in a calculation for one of the columns in the Carbonates standard report. Also, updated the About page for 5 reports.

Template Manager


Several new features added along with bug fixes and UI improvements.

Outstanding Issues

  • Changes were made to the About pages of several LORE reports. One of these changes will be reverted before I leave, the others have yet to be synced with shore because shore is still discussing it.
  • Found 2 columns missing from one ship LORE report that exist in LORE running on shore. These changes have not been synced with ship yet since I need shore approval but they are still discussing it.
  • Pubs tech noticed that L2E was not working correctly. The app is not needed this expedition, just testing. The oncoming developer is aware of the issue.

Special Projects / Issues

  • Updated all IODPLauncher libraries and apps to the current ones on shore. Almost everything was out of date. Also updated the apps pages so that the links would work correctly; this included uncommenting the links for Mac installs.
  • Printed a few small and large sample labels using the new label printer. The label's information is formatted correctly, it just still needs some calibration of the margin or alignment.
  • CI Titrator was acting up and seemed to have reverted to some factory default settings. Chemistry tech was able to find the 3 properties he had to change for it to work. Apparently 390C has the same issue and put the in their notes how to fix it. After the tech got it working again, they added the steps to the Chemistry Lab Notebook under Chlrorinity so it can be found easier next time. MCS thinks it may have been cause by a recent windows update.
  • Investigated and closed out 4 open issues about LORE links being broken.
  • The first 2 cores of a hole were entered under the 999 project, which a couple of tests were conducted against. To fix it, those 2 cores were entered again correctly and the tests were associated with the correct parent samples and project. Only 4 tests were effected.

Development Tooling and Infrastructure Changes

  • Removed Paul Foster from the daily drilling report email list. This list is in the DR_FINAL_EMAIL_LIST table in the OPS database.
  • Removed all accounts from Lims and Auther belonging to Paul Foster and Nicolette Lawler. Also verified that Paul Foster no longer had access to SVN.
  • Added the Mac developer account creds to the ship password safe. I requested this from the MCS in order to install the IODPLauncher on Mac, which requires admin creds. The account only exists on one Mac, in the EPM's office, portside.
  • MCS made some software updates to the build box.
  • Added a step to the BOX guide. Make sure LO, ALOs, and Curator have the CURATOR role assigned to them so that they have access to special features in the Catwalk application.

Hardware and Server

At one point, one of the ODA's (k2) suddenly started showing a yellow light. The OEM and other tools that the MCS would normally use inspect the issue either were not working or had to be restarted. The apps don't show any issue getting data from the database. There is also no error in the pitalog. Since we have a duplicate of k2, the apps did not have any issues.