Form Templates

Form Templates


In order to have people fill out Forms on a Case, you need to setup Form Templates. These can be basic Templates that ask a few text-based questions, or can be complex Templates that require signatures, have many different Fields to fill out, and auto-fills certain fields with information from the Case they’re attached to.


To manage your Form Templates, click the “Form Templates” link in the Navigation Bar


The Form Templates listing page is fairly simple. You can see some quick info about your Templates, filter and sort by those pieces of info, and create a New Form.


If you click on a Template, more buttons appear in the button bar:

  • Deactivate - this will not allow any Cases to use this template in the future. This doesn’t affect Cases using this Template already

  • Edit - takes you to the Form Template Edit page


Adding a Template

When you click New Form, the “New Form Template” dialog pops up. You will have to pick a “Form Type”, and you cannot change it later. This is because Templates have versions, which we’ll talk about later, and this is why you cannot change the type. The type you choose here will appear on the Case page.

Once you have at least one Template for a Type (ex: Triage), that Type will appear on the Case page


Editing a Template can be a complicated process. We will attempt to break things down as simply as possible.

Basic Info

Here you see the Form Type, Form Name (will be displayed when creating a Form on a Case), and an optional Species field. If you select a Species for this Template, the Template will only be available on Cases dealing with that Species.

You can also click the Preview button to (you guessed it) preview the form as it would appear on a Case.


A Field is any single line on a Form. All Field types are listed below.











Displays a Title (largest heading)



Adds a visible gap between fields



Displays a Heading (medium heading)



Displays a block of text



Can pick multiple options within a defined list



Can pick one option from within a defined list

Horizontal Separator


Displays a horizontal line across the page



Restricts inputs to a numeric value



Can enter text in a single line format

Multiline Textbox


Can enter text in a multiline format

Radio Buttons


Can pick one option from within a defined list



Can pick multiple options within a defined list



Displays a Label (smallest heading)

Date Picker


Can enter a date

Time Picker


Can enter a time



Requires a Vet’s signature to finalize the form


Case Images


Displays images from the Case this Template is attached to


Add / Edit a Field

You can add a new Field by clicking Add Field. This brings up a dialog where you choose what Type (from the list above). Once you click Ok, the Edit dialog will appear. This dialog will vary greatly based on what Field Type you chose. Two examples are shown below.

Nothing is actually added / changed about the Template until you click Save on the main page, so feel free to play around in here until you’re ready to release the Template.

Editing a Title Field is very simple. You only have a single thing to fill out: the title’s content. This is what will be displayed on the Form when someone actually fills it out.


Editing a Number field is more complex. You have several pieces of info to modify here

  • Label - shown above the actual Number field, to describe what it’s for

  • Report Column - ignore for now

  • Description - purely notes for your (the Template maker’s) convenience. This will not appear anywhere else

  • Placeholder Text - appears in the field to help guide the person filling it out

  • Help Text - displayed below the field to provide further explanation as needed



Rearrange Fields

Sometimes you will make fields out of order, and need to change that order. You can select a Field (denoted by a yellowish highlight), and then click Move Up or Move Down as appropriate.



Delete a Field

Simply press Remove on whichever Field you wish to remove. Remember that it isn’t actually removed until you click Save! If you accidentally remove a Field, just refresh the page before saving to get it back.


Here are a few examples to help get you started with making Form Templates. I realize these are not real forms you would make, but they illustrate the features that are available to you.

Observing the Weather

Let’s start by creating an Observation Template.

  1. On the Form Templates page, click New Form

  1. When presented with the Form Type dropdown, select “Observation”, then press Create

You should now be on the Edit Form Template page.

  1. Type “Weather” into the Form Name field

  1. Scroll down to the Fields section, and click Add Field

  1. Choose the “Multi-Line Text Box” field type, and click OK

There’s a lot of information in here. We’ll just focus on the Label, Placeholder Text, and Help Text fields for now.

  1. Fill some stuff out!

    1. Type General Notes into the Label field

    2. Type It was a dark and stormy night... into the Placeholder Text field

    3. Type Remember to include time of day, temperature, and atmospheric conditions into the Help Text field

    4. Click Close

  1. Before saving, click Preview to preview your Form.

A few things to notice:

  • The Form Name field you filled out is displayed at the top, followed by the field you created

  • The Label field says “General Notes”, like you filled out earlier

  • The Placeholder Text is shown as greyed out text in the multiline textbox, and if you start typing it will disappear

  • The Help Text is shown below the textbox

Click Cool Beans to close the Preview

  1. Click Save to save your Template.

To see your Template in action, navigate to any ol' Case. You should notice a new tab under Forms titled “Observations”, as this was the Form Type we selected for our Template at Step 2.

Click the New Form button, and you should see an option titled “Weather”. This is the Template we just made!

Go ahead and click Create. (Don’t worry, this won’t actually save the form to the case just yet)

You should see exactly what you saw in the Preview window before. Click Cancel to close the form

Advanced Weather Observations