Supplemental Applications Received report (final) 46355

Supplemental Applications Received report (final) 46355


User requested information on supplemental applications for the year 2025. This data is not within the Custom Application Data Report.

Technical Notes

[include query scripts or reports that were used to produce the data]

Script requested:

WITH RankedScores AS ( SELECT supp.[Id], supp.[ApplicantId], supp.[Year], supp.[IsPaid], supp.[IsSubmitted], appl.[TmdsasUserId], us.[UserID], us.FirstName, us.LastName, score.DateModified, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY supp.Id ORDER BY score.DateModified DESC) AS RowNum FROM [ProfessionalProgram].[dbo].[Ads_SupplementalApplication] supp LEFT JOIN [ProfessionalProgram].[dbo].[Ads_Applicant] appl ON appl.Id = supp.ApplicantId LEFT JOIN Users.dbo.tblUser us ON us.UserID = appl.UserId LEFT JOIN [ProfessionalProgram].[dbo].[Ads_SupplementalApplicationScore] score ON score.SupplementalApplicationId = supp.Id WHERE supp.Year = 2025 ) SELECT RankedScores.[Id], RankedScores.[ApplicantId], RankedScores.[Year], RankedScores.[IsPaid], RankedScores.[IsSubmitted], RankedScores.[TmdsasUserId], RankedScores.[UserID], RankedScores.FirstName, RankedScores.LastName, RankedScores.DateModified AS LastSubmittedScoreDate FROM RankedScores WHERE RankedScores.RowNum = 1 AND RankedScores.DateModified IS NOT NULL AND RankedScores.DateModified BETWEEN '2024-08-30' AND GETDATE() ORDER BY LastSubmittedScoreDate DESC;

Background History:

I need to run a final report for supplemental application submission date. Previous reports show the below information with the date showing the date (ex. 10/1/24) and the time (ex. 3:50 PM).










Additionally, I can’t seem to match the ID and ApplicantID numbers shown in the supp app report to anything on our custom reports: (CVM App ID, TMDSAS User ID, TMDSAS App ID, CVM user ID). The names are for the most part unique, but there are a couple it would make me feel better if I knew an ID that matched. (I’m using their GPAs as confirmation).

Thank you! Elizabeth

Elizabeth Crouch, Ph.D. (she, her, hers) Asst. Dean for Professional Programs Admissions

College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Texas A&M University

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