Product | VMIS |
Database Path | production/training/devtest |
TDX - Incident | #90331 |
TDX - Service | [For enhancement / refinement team] |
[describe the nature/purpose of the change]
Technical Notes
Data Query
Technical Review
Deployment Notes/Instructions
Change requires deployment of VMIS: No
Change Requires deployment of Schema Changes: No
Change Requires deployment of Data Changes: Yes
Change Requires deployment of websites (if yes, please specify): No
Is timing or order of the deployments critical (if yes, please specify)? No
Deployment Data Changes:
-- 2025-01-06 14:06
--#region Input Parameters
Declare @Id [int] = ###
, @Account [int] = ###
, @Amount [decimal](9,2) = ###
, @Date [varchar](50) = ###
--#endregion Parameters
--#region Programatically Set Variables
Declare @system_tracking_id [int] = @Id,
@payment_refno [varchar](50) = @Id,
@trans_date [datetime] = TRY_CONVERT(datetime, @Date);
Declare @ref_no varchar(150) = @payment_refno + '-' + @payment_refno;
Declare @TouchnetTransactionId int;
--#endregion Programatically Set Variables
--#region Find Touchnet Transaction to Update
--use accountid=clientid to get latest transaction that where is_success=0
Select top 1 @TouchnetTransactionId =
FROM touchnet_transaction tt
WHERE tt.client_id = @Account
AND CONVERT(date, date_created) like CONVERT(date, @Date)
AND is_success = 0
order by tt.date_created DESC
--#endregion Find Touchnet Transaction to Update
--#region Update Touchnet and Execute Update payment
--@TouchnetTransactionId is not successfully = @TouchnetTransactionId
UPDATE touchnet_transaction
SET paid_amount = @Amount,
trans_date = @trans_date,
is_success = 1, -- Set to Success
system_tracking_id = @system_tracking_id,
payment_refno = @payment_refno
WHERE id = @TouchnetTransactionId
exec dbo.sp_touchnet_update_payment @Account, @Amount, @ref_no
--#endregion Update Touchnet and Execute Update payment
--#region Check it Updated Properly
FROM touchnet_transaction tt
WHERE tt.client_id = @Account
order by tt.trans_date desc
--#endregion Check it Updated Properly
Background History:
“[Client],A#[Account Number] made an online payment of $[Account Number] on [date], however, this payment did not post in VMIS. The confirmation below shows the $[Account Number] payment to VMIS A#[Account] on [date], ID#[Reference Number]. Please post to the VMIS A#[Account Number]“
ID | Account | Payer | Amount | Date | Effective/Funding Date | Status | Payment Method | Type |
[Flywire Id] | [Client Name] [Sql:@Account] | [Client Name] | $[Amount] [Sql:@Amount] | [Date & Time] [Sql: @Date] | [Date Posted] | Success | [Card Issuer & #] | [Usually Regual] |