EXP396T Systems Manager Report

EXP396T System Manager's Report

Kerry Mullins and Michael Cannon

Servers (Microsoft):

  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • All IODP servers have been upgraded to Windows Server 2019.

  • Cumulative updates were applied in October and November.

  • The former Fuji DL360 G10 server suffered a failure of the iLO after the data center was powered down in October. The iLO worked some but we were unable to access the web interface. We could log in but the dashboard page would not populate after logging in. We had an HPE engineer come onboard to change the system boards and the server is 100% functional.

  • Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's.

  • TAMU-IT updated the Exchange 2013 email server with the newest Exchange patches.

  • Expanded the repository drive to accommodate the AUSST update downloads as well as the possibility of restoring McAfee updates repository for scientist use.

  • Upgraded Acronis management server and storage node to version 15.0.28122.

  • Discovered that the Acronis backup storage volume was almost out of space. Moved backup storage volume to a new 4TB volume on the JR BP NAS.

  • Found a condition on the Media Agent Spur where the server time was not syncing to the time server. The changed the setting from and back to the time server and the time began syncing properly.

  • Updated Netcrunch to the most current version.

  • Nebo (Cumulus server) was decommissioned.

Servers (Linux):

  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • Monthly updates were applied in October and November.

  • Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's.

  • Set up password complexity requirements for OES.

  • Discovered and corrected an issue with our Linux PAM configuration that caused our SLE servers to log correct logins as failed logins which will eventually lock out accounts after reaching the account lockout threshold permanently.

  • iPrint server (Merapi) was updated to 4.2.2.

  • Changed to SUSE-vetted Tomcat Services on Uluru, Matterhorn, Elcapitan and Olympus.

  • Set up a File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL) appliance in Commvault.

Servers (ODA):

  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's

  • Oracle updates were applied to both K1 and K2.

Servers (VMware):

  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh..

  • Monthly updates were applied in October and November.

  • Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's.

  • Converted Fuji (physical server) to a VCSA and reconfigured vSphere cluster.

  • Remediated all ESXi hosts with the latest patches.


  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • Researched and completed configuration dump for the 3PAR. Created documentation in Confluence to detail the process.

  • Expanded Shared-VM5 volume from 3.5 TB to 4TB to accommodate AUSST expansion on Cannon.


  • All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • An issue was discovered in underway that prevented us from changing Winfrog1 from Instrument to Internet. Found and corrected the issue with GTAC assistance.

  • Configured the XMC archive feature which will collect configuration settings for all switches on a scheduled routine and store as a backup. This satisfies our requirement to backup network devices for TAMU.

  • Premise port 40 in the Lab Officers office became damaged physically to the point that we were unable to plug a network cable into it securely. The ETs were able to fix the port without replacing it entirely.

  • Configured switches for future cc processing device for ship store purchases.

PC Workstations:

  • All workstation administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • A new navigation suite was installed on Winfrog 1 and Winfrog 2. This software is called NaviPac and will replace Winfrog at some point.

  • New echo sounder (Bathymetry) system was installed and new software was installed on both Nav1 and Nav2.

  • iPrint agents on many of the PC's would not update to the newest version. We started a ticket with Micro Focus and they provided a new FTF iPrint client to install.

  • LabVIEW upgrades were performed by developers during the tie-up, upgraded to 2021.

  • The SubCDVR PC was reported to be in a blue screen state. We went up and examined the blue screen and restarted the computer. Upon restart it resumed performing Windows updates and completed them. It rebooted again and the computer started up normally. We could not find any issues to cause the blue screen.

  • Acronis agents were updated on all instrument hosts.

  • Applied cumulative updates for all Window workstations for October and November.

  • Downloaded and installed the latest version of Zeiss Zen Blue camera software for the Microbio microscope PC.

Mac Workstations:

  • All workstation administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.

  • The office installation on the EPM mac had issues reported where users open documents they saved and the contents were missing. We reinstalled Office and the reported issues did not reoccur.

  • Applied monthly Mac OS updates to all Mac workstations.


  • No issues encountered with the printers themselves.

  • No changes to report.


  • We experienced several long outages during the transit and multiple space vehicle transitions.

    • Two or three outages lasting more than five hours

    • Many more outages lasting one hour to five hours.

    • Numerous outages lasting less than one hour.

Other Equipment/Projects:

  • Installed new environmental monitors in LTDAT and VSAT.

  • The data center was completely shut down for 2 hours to remove the UPS from "operation".

  • The data center shutdown and startup procedures were reviewed and revised following the data center power procedure.

  • We installed the new KVM in the MCS office.

  • Setup a Blackbox serial server in underway to allow the injection of heave data from rig instrumentation into the bathymetry software.

  • The EndRun GPS time server had its antenna and cable taken down and relocated under the helideck on the starboard side temporarily to accommodate steel replacement operations on the back of the helideck.