396T Tech Reports

396T Tech Report (PDF)

396T Individual Reports

Well the expedition started off great. No positive Covid cases for the on coming crew, good cross-over with the off-going staff. Although some of the staff had travel adventure coming from the USA, they eventually made it to Reykjavik for quarantine, with missing luggage finally showing up before boarding the ship.
Unfortunately, before we could get home, the Omicron Covid-19 variant made its appearance and now we find ourselves at ground zero for a new global outbreak. I love my job!

Déjà flu all over again!


In Reykjavik, the last of the shipments (not already loaded) arrived and then we were on our way to Cape Town. Just a few days of bad weather on the way down but overall an uneventful transit.
The staff (as always) burned through the expedition work list forcing the LO to come up with new jobs. Need to teach them how to stretccchhhhh their work, lol.
During the transit, we focused on getting the new navigation software and new bathymetric system operational. Zenon and Eric were successful in getting everything running and documented. To fully test everything together, we ran a ~36-hr bathy and magnetic survey across site 12B on Walvis Ridge on our way into Cape Town. Unfortunately, we maintained speed at 11 knots but the data was still pretty good after processing for that speed. The data was kept on IODP_SHARE/UW if you are interested in looking at it.
The new Helmsman display should replace the JRNav Goggle Earth program. JRData Server will go away eventually once IRIS is online but for now it is needed for Site Fix.
Also, during the transit we installed the new Haskris water chiller with Alex upgrading the plumbing to the back-up system. While the system was down, Alex flushed the compressor and cleaned all the lines in and out of the compressor. There was a lot of nasty stuff collecting in the lines
In port, our work focused on the IMS 12 upgrades/testing, installation of the SRA, Barnstead, Epi-florescent Microscope, SHIL Lighting system and other miscellaneous jobs.

Outstanding Issues

Looks like you will not get the Data Center's UPS for your expedition due to shipping delays.
Steel replacement under the heli-deck and the port winch platform required us to remove all geophysical equipment including the magnetometer cable. Everything is currently locked in the UW lab.
Unsure if the steel work and painting will get done in time for us to restore the magnetometer cable, but that is our plan.
Ship's air has been off and on for the last month so the N2 generator is off line. Once we get air back for good we'll get the system running. It will need to be run for a while before I would trust the quality. Also, we were unable to fully test the PWL on WRMSL without air.
The SRM issues reported by the last expedition could not be reproduced by Alex. After speaking with Gary, he pointed me to another test to try. I will look at this but I'm reluctant to make changes so late in the game.
SEIM found a single cockroach in the UT accommodation. A pest service sprayed the hallway base boards and place small dots of bait/poison inside the rooms along the base boards back in the corners. I The captain has the MSDS sheets if anyone is concerned.
We plan on testing NaviPac with the JRSever and Site Fix to make sure they are up and running before we get off.

Logistics Activities: (see ALO's report for more details)

D-tubes in the BAT cave were removed and stored down in the core refer. We did not refill the cave and would like to discuss not doing this anymore. Shhh don't tell Brad!
MBIO chemicals missing from AMS were added
Updated all chemicals that should be labeled with 'CH' (previously 'CM's or 'MB's) Added more T-Slot brackets to inventory
Organized AMS consumables for the new water makers.
h9.General Maintenance
The chill water flow and pressure to the LN2 generator was tested and found to be ok (could be better). Scheduled maintenance on the N2 generator was completed. Waiting on ship's air to be restored for testing.
Core racks in the core entry area where shifted starboard, electrical Isoduct was lifted to the ceiling and a new airline was ran in preparation of the XSCAN installation.
Repaired the broken faucet and a crack in the countertop in Hood F3. Floor repair under the Yamato sterilizer.
h9.Applications and software
All installations of LabVIEW onboard were upgrade to 2021 version.
IMS was upgraded to 12.0. This upgrade included a lot of bug fixes. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to document the fixes or go through the list in Confluence. If you have time please have the staff go thru the Confluence list and closed all that have been addressed.
National Instrument serial device ports are being scrambled! Sometimes with an update or just rebooting the computer. Often you can fix the issue by shutting down the computer, unplug all USB serial connections, reboot and then plug them in. I will chase this issue down with National Instruments when I get home.

U/W Geophysics:

Much of this was already covered in the overview and outstanding sections above. See Zenon's report for greater details about software and hardware setups. Here are a few more items.
We have replace both the forward and aft GPS antennae with the new units.
Zennon has set up the new receivers to use the entire GPS constellation not just US satellites. We are seeing HDOP under 30 cm!
When using the full set of international satellites, the $GP in the NEMA string turns into $GN which initially broke JRData Server. The program has been altered to no longer care and will except either.
h9.Paleo Prep Lab:
New Barnstead water filtration system installed
h9.Microbiology lab:
New epifluorescence microscope was installed. Alignment and testing still needed.
h9.Magnetics Lab:
One of the issues with the SRM was that the boat would snap back after the homing move. We could never find the issue but we fixed the behavior by adding a dedicated home switch to the track instead of using the limit switch. For the home switch to work properly the arm needs to contact the red flex strip first. If you have problems check that it hasn't been bent.
Cryomech was shut down and the cooling lines cleaned. As expected it was full of rust and other nasty bits collected from the ship's chill water. Heat exchange "Moonshine" coil and all associated hardware and plumbing has been removed.
Cracks in the floor under the emergency Haskris have been repaired.
The Haskris closed-loop chiller has been installed and plumb to the emergency Haskris.
SRM vacuumed was rough pumped with the Welch pump down to 1 mbar (was at around 4 mbar) and then pumped to 2x10-3 mbar with HiCube (which only pumps to 10-4 mbar). The SRM pump down procedure updated in Confluence.
SRM null fields and labeling fixed. X, Y, and Z are now consistent from the nulling pots to the fluxgate read outs. And DAFI knows how to swap X ó Z between Fluxgate and SRM frames of reference.
h9.SHIL hardware
The new SHIL lighting system with temperature control was installed. It is currently set to hold the temperature at 30° If you run the lights continuously it will come up to around 46° C and hold. Between 30° C and 46° C there is no noticeable drift in the colors. In normal operations we never saw a temperature above 34° C.
We did have an issue when the heaters on one side failed to cycle off and heated the entire light to~150° This happen overnight when no one was around, therefore; I would keep the power off if no one in the lab. I was amazed there was no heat damage to the system. Lower power heaters have been ordered so if this happens again the fans can keep up. Spare controllers have been ordered, as well.
Jurie installed a second cut-off switch as extra protection for the lights
The light angle has been set high but can be moved lower position. This good for illuminating materials with high relief (cracks). However, we did not have a means to test wet sediments so you may have to experiment with position and height.
The light lenses have been slightly frosted for better light dispersion.
h9.SHIL software
During the calibration we found an issue with the image disappearing from the Image Correction window. The cause was multiple mouse over events when the cursor was over the window. The event was changed to mouse down and the problem is gone.
Also, there appears to be a misunderstanding regarding the image calibration process. The gray standard at the top of the tray is not used in the calibration. Use this only for image QA control. Always use the White and Black color chips on the ColorChecker to dial the camera response in using the exposure and gain controls (White = ~245 and Black = ~ 15). Note, you cannot get the Black to 50 (ColorChecker value) because the camera does not have a linear response (closer to a log function response). The calibration process will correct the 15 to 50.
With the new light source, we have revisited the image calibration utility and have made a few updates to the interface. The user can now select which colors to use for calibration.
Using this new capability, we can now calibrate the image using the full set of colors. Using this new feature with the sRGB values sent out by David we found an issue with calibration results. While we the calibration curves for green and blue closely match, the red calibration curve was quite different skewing the neutral colors. We assumed that David's value was based on a D65 illuminant standard. We do not know what are lighting system is but the color temperature is much warmer than D65.
Heather recalculated the sRGB values using Xrite's L*ab values but for various illuminants using Lindbloom's CIE Color Calculator (http://www. brucelindbloom.com/) and then compared the calibration results.
She found that Illuminant "A" standard provided the best fit which is a warm color closer to the lights. Checking the X-Rite data we see that they made their Lab measurement using "MeasurementCondition=M0". When you look up the "M0" measurement standard, you see that it is done with Illuminant "A".
\o/ This makes sense that this would work better so the SHIL program has been updated to use these values. We also measured the SHIL light with the SHMSL using a white standard. Although the measurement conditions were not ideal the resulting Lab values showed similar color temperatures around the ~2700K. This much warmer that the LED specifications so we assume that the acrylic lens are filtering out some of the blue component, just a guess.
Completed the experiments requested by David on Spectrum Reservoir standards. Have nothing back on the results. A new NGR wire diagram printed.
SEIM electricians installing a new 220V service for the NGP UPS. Test on the new UPS show 2+ hours of backup time.
Relocated and reoriented the NGR computer screen over the track (ATM like setup) and added a touch pad screen for entering the section length. No mouse or keyboard needed for routine measurement process. A second screen will be placed on the desk for keyboard work.
Repaired the curling lead vinyl shielding on XMAN using metal bands and wood screws. Completed a radiation survey of XMAN.
The plastic cups that were added to keep the spring from shifting were preventing the switch from being engaged and transferring force directly into the transducer. The cups were removed and the system is working as it should. Spring shifting is not a problem
ETs installed a new limit switch setup that can't be damaged from jogging the transducer fully down. Note manual jogging ignores the compression switch.
Exlar movement is more reliable (not perfect) and recoverable should they jamb off.
Updated spectrophotometer, CHNS and coulometer manuals Updated the FCLC inventory adding exact chemical locations Muffler furnace door latch mechanism was serviced and repaired¿
New Barnstead water filtration system installed Work on SRA installation started
SRA installed and connected to gas lines. Confirmed communication with software. Awaiting ship's air to be restored to check system.
Replaced the struts on the Bruker XRD Cover Lubed the spinner on XRD
h9.ICP Prep
Replaced soundproofing material in Spex Shatterbox
This is the future replacement for RigWatch. During this expedition Dean installed signal splitters in the subsea shop so that we can test both RigWatch and IRIS at the same time. The work is complete and tested but additional hardware is needed to monitor the cement pump strokes at high pump rates. This maybe done before leaving the ship if the parts come in time.
In terms of software development, we complete every major task that can be done without an operational drill floor. We are ready for live testing and debugging which will happen on some future expedition. When we leave the ship the new cRIO in the subsea shop we be collecting and broadcasting data but will not be viewable onboard the ship. We hope to remote from shore if we need to do some live testing.
The only possible impact to your expedition is the new application replacing SLB2RW and DOWCOMM functions on the laptop in the Telemetry
Office. The application responsible for providing the XBOB overlay to the rigfloor camera and sending wireline, VIT and logging line depth and tension to RigWatch and the IRIS cRIO.
h9.Application Support Activities:
Continued refining and debugging web services to load and retrieve RIS real-time data to/from database Assist with troubleshooting and testing after RTLIMS guest password change on shore.
Continued work building and refining web services to log IRIS events and realtime data.
Work with Phys Props technicians to train new developer on instrument tracks, including tips on troubleshooting problems; safety procedures, and normal operation of tracks and instruments.
Worked with shore personnel to troubleshoot and correct problems with file upload; determination was made that one of our Tomcat servers hung because of excessive number of requests; root cause still unknown and investigation is continuing.
Installed MS security patches on dev machine.
Updating BOE script instructions in ship's Confluence page.
Work with policy analyst to evaluate SDRM replacement application and add requirements to ensure new SDRM adheres to all TAMU security regulations.
Worked with MCS's and shore DBA to upgrade Oracle, tested shipboard applications and reports to ensure everything is working normally. Worked with MCS's to upgrade shipboard Tomcat servers, after upgrades completed we ran a battery of tests to ensure all applications and services working normally. Servers upgraded:
Matterhorn Elcapitan Olympus
All required LabVIEW code migrated from old SVN repository to new labsystems repository; lv repository has been moved to read-only archive status.IT Support Activities:
Converted Fuji to VCSA and reconfigured the ESXi Cluster, setup updates manager
Configured vcenter backup agent for new VCSA. Researching Cloud Software bandwidth usage
Fixed Acronis Storage Node Cleanup jobs after server credential change
Downloaded new updates to Zenworks and prepared packages/bundles to push to clients Investigated Crowdstrike detection on Ops Manager PC
Updated Server and Workstation Inventory lists for Phil
Converted Matterhorn, Elcapitan and Olympus to use SUSE-vetted tomcat services and removed standalone tomcat instance from service Corrected problem with PAM configuration on all Linux servers that caused valid logins to be counted as failed logins.
Installed FREL in vCenter and started support case with Commvault to fix communication issues between Commcell and FREL. Ongoing. Started initial setup of AUSST, expanded repository drive storage size
Upgraded Acronis Management Server to intermediate stage before final upgrade Upgraded Acronis agents on instrument hosts to intermediate stage before final upgrade Remediated ESXi hosts to current patch levels

Exp396T ALO report

EXP396T was a transit from Reykjavik, Iceland to Cape Town, South Africa with a 5 week tie up in Cape Town. Time was spent on maintenance, installing new instruments, testing tracks after IMS and LabVIEW updates, setting up new navigation software, updating Confluence and User Guides.

h9.Oncoming (received)
EXP396T - ALL EXP391U01S EXP39102A EXP39104A
h9.Oncoming (not received)
Remaining EXP391U SURF.
Special AIR containing SHIL lights controllers, heaters and cable for U/W GPS (39101A, 39103A,39106A).
h9.Offgoing (sent)
396T_Gauge Tension Gauge. CoreTech item gone for calibration in Cape Town and should return before ship departs. 396T_RAF_1 Schlumberger ELIC. This is sent to College Station and should to be returned before ship departs.
396T_RAF_2 Items for Dean Farrell, IRIS.
NOTE: There are two pallets to go in the 391_SURF, both have room for other items if necessary. All info is entered in AMS: 1 large kbox in TBULK.
1 yellow box in TBULK - Note: there is a NGR standard to be added to the yellow box. The standard is in a box in BHAZ. Please add a couple stacks of empty plastic K-Boxes to send home in the 391_SURF. Four kboxes in reefer as the roof is full.

h8.AMS/Inventory/Store rooms
New AIT address in AMS as Ship2IODP 2021.
Export control notes - please add export control notes to off going items (if time allows). The export control notes can include the Expedition Number, Pallet, Parcel number(s) of the item when it was sent to the ship. the Export Notes is in the bottom right hand corner of the Item description page in Shipping Overview.
Send all offgoing shipping documents to logistics/LeRoy/IODP export 72 hours before arrival into port so Leroy et al. have time to review and add Export Notes.
Inventory item numbers: CM# or MB# that are chemicals where changed to CH#. Added extra Tslot pieces to inventory to AMS.
Physical counts on Tslot.
Software bug: when trying to change a 'location' in AMS to a blank space AMS will hold onto the previous location even if you blank it out. Work around is to add a dash '-'. This is somewhat of a one off, but for some chemicals that are Request Only we did not want to assign a location in the chem lab so we tried deleting the previous location and leaving the location blank, however AMS 'holds' onto the previous location.
We made the decision to not replace the (reserve) D-tubes in the bat cave, very dangerous for the sake 20 D-Tube boxes. The bat cave is currently empty. Do as you see fit.
Currently one of the TBULK -80s is relocated to facilitate the installation of SIEM's UPS. The UPS has not yet arrived and the freezer awaits its return.

h8.Special Projects (Maintenance/Repairs)
Replaced nitrogen generator process valves (GS0032/GS0033). New ones requested in REQ #2.
Lab air was off for several weeks during the transit and tie-up. There may be water accumulation (we did a weekly drain) but you may notice water when you go to use the lab air.
Repaired floors under Haskris in PMag and under sterilizer in FCL. More floor repair material put in REQ #2. Covers on rock saws are modified to fit against wall.
Yellow mats for splitting room are working - there are new ones in UTSHOP (the ET's may have the electronics in their office). Imaging office floor painted.
New Haskris fitted for SRM (the portable is stored in core lab as emergency back up). Defrosted the -80C freezers on F-Deck and TBULK.
Updated the pipettor calibration table the best we could. Some identifiers could not be matched. Once the pipettes arrive the remaining updates to the table can be made. There is a link to the most recent calibration sheet above the table.
New Water purification systems installed in Chem and Paleo lab, remember that when the ship is hooked up to shore water (ie. tie-ups) the membranes may need replacing sooner. The three old water purifiers are in the 391_SURF kbox. That kbox is started AMS under 391_SURF.

Expedition 396T - ET Report

h9.8 October 2021 Reykjavik, Iceland - 8 December 2021 Cape Town, South Africa
Jurie Kotze & Etienne Claassen

Preparation for new X-Ray System done. Manufactured new core temp thermometer casing to fit with new core rack config. New NGR UPS Installed and tested.
Chillwater Pressure regulator for LN2 unit installed. N2 Generator solenoids replaced.
New Haskris for SRM installed to bypass ships chillwater to compressor, along with some floor repairs. New SHIL Light system assembled and installed, along with high temp alarm and high temp cut-off.
New Limit switch design for P-Wave Caliper.
New DI water system installed in Paleo Lab. (Alex and Johanna completed Chem Lab installation.) Chem Lab floor repairs, and fume hood repairs were done.
Knudsen System installed in Underway. Maggie Cable removed for protection against work done at faintail. New Trimble GPS Antennas also installed.

Core Lab
Installed secondary monitor next to the door for experimentation to see if it helps with easier workflow. New 6KVA Minuteman UPS was Installed.
The Electrical Dept. put in the new cable and 208V supply needed for the UPS.
The unit was configured since it has 2 x external battery pack modules, along with a separate transformer module, and controller module. We also ran a power failure test, and managed to have 20min left after 120min of runtime.
The old 3KVA UPS is on the rack behind the NGR as spare.

h9.Core Entry
Moved the core racks against each other, and a little towards the STBD side to make space for the new X-Ray system. Painted floor where old rack config was.
We moved the Isoducts to the top just below the ceiling, and installed a lab air line with shut off valve for the unit. A new Core Temp meter casing had to be made, in order to fit on the new core rack config.
The counter top and drawers will be removed when the system arrives, in order to utilize the space in the time being.

h9.Splitting Room
Modified and moved the core saw enclosures to fit against the rear wall.
Designed a new bottom limit switch for the P-Wave Caliper, since the normal limit switch arm gets bent when using manual controls.
The new model is a normal limit switch without the switching arm inside a housing, with a plunger mechanism to switch by means of the screw, and leaves room to lower down with the plunger spring compressing.
Old limit switch will be stored in ET shop, in case it needs to be installed.

New lights were assembled and wired up with the dual temperature controllers, and bench tested.
We then installed them and did color and camera calibrations. The 1 baffle was a brown color, and so it caused an eye sore.
We then received high heat black spray-paint, and disassembled the lights again, the give both baffles a new coat, assembled all again, with the bench test, and re installed the whole system and tiding up of wires.
All 8 fans plus the High Temp Alarm run 12VDC from the same Power Supply that feeds the camera, and the heater elements inside the aluminum heatsinks run on AC Power. All of which is controlled by the Temp controllers.
Each light unit is controlled by its own controller, and the High temp alarm is wired from both controller "Alarm 1" outputs, so either one can trigger the alarm when high temp is reached. Next to it is the ON/OFF switch for the controllers.
The high temp alarm was set to 50 Degrees Celsius, and the setpoints are at 30. It has a flashing red LED, and a very annoying buzzer to make everyone aware that the lights are too hot, in case they failed to switch off automatically after a scan
Output 1 on both the controllers drive the dual heaters inside each block, and Output 2 drives the cooling fans.
The wiring for the Temp Controllers, and the user manual for menu settings, are on the ET Desktop, and in the following confluence link: NEW SHIL Light System
We had a problem with the left controller supplying constant power to the elements, perhaps through a stuck relay or arc inside, and it heated the block to 150Deg Celsius!
Smaller 150W elements has been ordered for installation, since the 200W elements currently inside draws perhaps little too much Amps, though it is still inside the 5A current limit stated in the spec sheet, but since we are not heating up the heatsinks to high temps, smaller heaters will easily keep the setpoint temp steady just as good.
We have also ordered 2 x new controllers for spare, but the current one seems fine now after we dropped down the temperature, and got the heating output relay switching, and also set the heating output to switch at a longer "refresh" time. The cooling switching is much faster, since we want a quick response for when the lights are switch on and the LED's heat up.
In order to prevent the elements from heating up and melting stuff, we installed a "High Temp Cut-Off Relay". The element Outputs on both controllers, run through a double pole relay on the NC connections. In case the High Temp alarm goes off, the 12V switching on the Alarm, switches the Relay also, and therefore switching off power to the elements, just in case that it is the elements causing a high alarm due to another controller malfunction episode.
Old LED SHIL light system was stored in a P-Box on the shelf at the NGR. The unit is still complete, since we used new LED's for the new system and left the old one functioning as backup.

New Haskris was installed, in order to bypass the ship's chill water feeding directly into the compressor and causing dirt/rust build-up inside. Alex did basically all of it since it was his project.
The new Haskris uses the chilwater to cool its own water supply to the compressor. See the PMag report for all the details. Repaired and painted the floor where the previous Haskris was.
Installed an additional "home" limit switch.

h9.Paleo Lab
Installed the new Thermo Scientific DI water system.
The new round water tank was not ideal nor easy to install, but we managed to secured it to the wall and unistrut brackets to hold the weight when full of water.
Also made a holder for the power supply which is attached to the wall, and neatly routed the cables and hoses.

h9.ET Shop
Neaten up cables in LO office, and repaired one of the data point connections in the isoduct. Assisted Engineers with some 3D Printing items.
Made a wall bracket to secure the new barbell in the gym.

h8.Focsle Deck
h9.Chem Lab
Removed water damage floor under Yamato autoclave, and used floor repair kit for repairs and painted afterwards. Stereo system in lab had one channel not working, repair and replace RCA to stereo plug.
Emergency Light above GC flickering at times, inline AC filter were installed and problems seemed to be solved. HF fume hood had a few problems.

  1. Faucet was broken off from previous EXP, we modified and repaired.
  1. Crack in fume hood were repaired by chem tech, and also trained them in using gel coating. We installed magnets on all three incubators.

Made up coms cable for oxygen and nitrogen detector.
Repaired door latching mechanism of oven, and adjusted the latching pin in order for the door to seal properly. Johanna and Alex installed the new DI water system.
h9.Thin Section Lab
The freeze dryer had leak during the previous EXP. The vacuum pump was repaired, but still it could not reach adequate vacuum. The lid was found to be leaking and new lid was ordered.
h9.LN2 Generator
Pressure regulator were installed to the chillwater-In line so water pressure can be checked if unit trips on high heat due to low cooling. Purged the inside dewar with N2 for 10min after the air was off for most of the expedition, and switched on the unit to start making LN2.

h9.Underway Lab
Installed new Knudsen Ecosounder system, and the correct connectors were fitted. System seems to be running very well along with the new software.
We did calibration on the levelwind on the adjusting pot, and on the movement of the magnet over the hall effect sensor, and managed to get it tuned into moving at correct speed in both directions of change.
Assisted in removing the maggie cable off the drum, for repairs that is being done at the fantail. Cable and Buoy's were stored inside the Lab. Serviced 1 x G-Gun along with Johanna and Doris.
Replaced both FWD and AFT Trimble GPS Antennas with new ones. Fitted new TNC connector to the AFT antenna cable.

h8.Bridge Deck
h9.N2 Generator
All the solenoid valves were replaced, and both ALO's were cross trained on how to replace the solenoids.

h8.Items Received
2 x New Welch Vacuum pumps Welch vacuum pump spares Laser Engraver Filters

Exp 396T X-Ray Technical Report

EXP396T Xray Technical Report

Heather Barnes

EXP396T was a transit/Tie-up from Reykjavik, Iceland to Cape Town, South Africa. October 8 to December 8, 2021. No scientific party, no sampling. Effort was spent editing the user guides, redesigning/editing the XRD confluence pages and preforming maintenance on instruments.

Offgoing Items
n/a Oncoming Items
Cover plate for Labconco Freeze dryer Fill plug screw for Aeris DI water tank
Perforated basket for ICP prep sonic bath (ordered, expected EXP392) New zero background Silicon discs for Bruker sample prep
Spares for the Spex shatter box
Microfiber cloths (received, but I think the wrong ones were ordered, new glasses microfibre cloths for the Pt crucible buffing is ordered)

h8.User Guides
The XRD Bruker User Guide, Aeris XRD User Guides and ICP Prep User Guide were reviewed and edited using comments and questions provided by the EXP396 Xray technician. Please take new photos of sample preparation for the Aeris (if you are doing samples on the Aeris) because the lighting for those images in the user guide is poor. In addition, save any images of Aeris scan parameters and diffractographs because they will be useful in the Aeris user guide. Update user guides as you see fit.

The Xray Lab Notebook was redesigned to resemble the Chemistry, PP and PMAG layout (see screen shot below). The Old XRD lab notebook is still retained as a link in the new layout. All info from the old Lab Notebook was moved to the appropriate places in the new layout. Please update, organize, and add any info you feel would be helpful.

The shorebased XRF section was removed from the Xray lab manuals page and made into its own section on the Lab Manuals page. Sample preparation for XRD was made into their own pages in the Xray manuals page. Each sample preparation technique that is in the Bruker XRD user guide is available via its own page. Please review. Sample prep is now in two areas, if we update the sample prep in one area we need to copy it over the the other area.
This makes the task cumbersome. I suggest deleting the sample prep from the Bruker XRD user guide and relying on the separate links only. Please do as you see fit.

HighScore XRD analysis software is available on a virtual computer onboard. The IP address is Log in credentials are username 'daq', password 'daq'.

h8.Bruker D4 XRD
New struts were installed on the cover. The spinner was lubed. The instrument remained on the entire transit/tie-up. I ran one sample to make sure all was ok after I lubed the spinner.

h8.WWI Haskris
Filter was changed. There is a log for preventative maintenance in the New XRD Lab Notebook. Please update as tasks are completed.

h8.Aeris XRD
Was turned off for the transit down to Cape Town. I turned it on to test the instructions in the user guides and it remained on during the tie-up. The known goniometer error occurred. Cycling power off and on cleared the known error, I did not try pushing the goniometer as is noted in the EXP396 Tech Report as a remedy.

h8.Labconco Freeze Dryer
EXP396 noted that the freeze dryer was not reaching vacuum and asked us to trouble shoot during the down time. The pump was overhauled and confirmed to be in good working order. We believe it is the cover on the freeze dryer that is causing a leak. The black rubber on the glass cover has several wear marks (see image below). This was an issue on the chemistry freeze dryer and replacing the cover solved the leak. A new cover is ordered and should be arriving in Cape Town before EXP391.

h8.Spex Shatter Box
The deteriorating sound proofing was replaced with thick insulation. Extra insulation is under the counter if needed for padding around the shatter box. If you notice the insulation is not sufficient for soundproofing let the ALO know to order proper sound proofing (I believe the previous material was bought from Lowes).

h8.Muffle Furnace
The latch on the door was found to be loose. The loose door has allowed heat to escape and damage the paint around the door. The latch is designed to be tightened with use (as the insulation become compacted with use). The floor in front of the Muffle Furnace was repaired and painted.

Underway Geophysics

Expedition 396T - Transit from Reykjavik, Iceland to Cape Town, South Africa

h8.Voyage started on 13 Oct 2021 at about 0800H from the Scarfabakki Port in Reykjavik, Iceland and the vessel arrived at the Repair Quay 1 in Cape Town, South Africa on 07 Nov 2021 . Total transit distance is about 6708 nm.

  • NaviPac trial usage and configuration for data logging during transit. Minor additions to the expedition navigational folder structure in Windows file Explorer. Installed in Nav1 PC.

  • Helmsman Display set up and configured for navigational use.

  • Knudsen CHIRP 3260 Echosounder installed in the UW instrument rack. Software control (SounderSuite = EchoControlServer and EchoControlClient) is installed in Nav2 PC.

  • Integrated echosounder depth data into NaviPac, as a additional data acquisition instrument. Displayed data in Helmsman. It required an uninstall with folder deletion and re-installation of NaviPac software to get the main vessel or NaviPac - Online to recognize the NMEA 183 Depth instrument. However, the re-install broke the JR Data Server data output.
  • Integrated the towed magnetometer data into Navipac, as a additional data acquisition instrument. In Helmsman, the magnetic field data is displayed as part of the Data View or as a graph for real-time monitoring.


    • The EIVA NaviSuite is a single-user license. Remote access of the Helmsman Display (e.g., from the LO Information Distribution PC) to the UWL PC (EIVA1) is not possible with the current version (4.5.4). According to the software vendor, a patch will be available for the next version 4.5.5, which could be released soon. For now, the Google Earth display is used for ship-wide broadcast.
    • The NMEA format from NaviPac uses the standard format, which is slightly different from the one generated by WinFrog. Bill Mills modified JR Data Server with a NaviPac and WinFrog settings in order to properly parse the $GPVT string and extract the speed data for calculating estimated arrival time.
    • Physical port for gyroscope in the enterasys switch box (DP Room) broke down. Ethernet swtiched from port #7 to #1.
    • SeaLINK Command or Terminal panel was missing when first turned on to test link with NaviPac. Eric fixed it by pointing Port 1 to COM3 in File > Preferences > Input Streams

> Magnetometer/Gradiometer Data. NMEA GPS is enabled for Port 9.

    • Trimble SPS356 GNSS Modular Receiver: Around the last week of October, the Forward GPS unit appeared to receive degraded signal, registering empty packets (100s to 1000s) in a few hours. This triggers alarms in NaviPac and Helmsman as the position uncertainty increases. A detailed side-by-side comparison of the various GPS parameters showed the units are due for a firmware update. Kerry Mullins installed the Trimble Installation Manager to PC90887 (logging workstation), and downloaded the latest firmware version

5.52. As of 30 October 2021, the firmware for the GPS_FWD was upgraded from 5.44 to 5.52; the GPS_AFT is left at version 5.48. Further observations revealed that the GPS_FWD was actually receiving and sending signals in the more precise GNSS mode using 4 satellite constellations, and the GPS_AFT is the one that is mostly connecting only to the GPS constellation (US), rarely in GNSS. The "empty packets" at the beginning were actually GNSS readings that were filtered out by NaviPac. The wrong diagnosis was solved by removing the incoming GPS data filter ($GP) in NaviPac, but placing it back when the position data is transmitted to the echosounder and magnetometer.

Please document in the pages noted above, any issues and solutions that you will encounter.

    • Moving the Knudsen instrument and computer to the Thyrig or Data locker room in the gym is being contemplated. This is to reduce the degradation of the incoming signal caused by the long cable length from the sonar dome all the way to the UWL. Eric Moortgat will initiate discussion with IODP management. About 40 m of new cable will be needed. Possible implementation around the next transit and tie-up from August to October 2022.

396T-Tech Report - PMAG
Summary Measurements
Pmag Play Cubes (P-cubes) Comments and Issues

Internal Null Field
Gradient coil Axes Labeling
Fluxgate Induced Magnetization VISA Aliases and COMs
SRM Track Motion SRM basic checks
AF Demagnetization Coil
Cryomech and Chill Water System Lab General
Lab Computers
ACS Impulse Magnetizer Kappabridge KLY-4 Kappabridge MFK2
JR-6 Spinner Magnetometer D-2000 AF Demagnetizer Thermal Demagnetizer

The port call, transit, and tie-up on 396T allowed for many projects, upgrades, and improvements in the Paleomag lab. The main activities were IMS 12 was both tested and implemented, and a new water cooled Haskris was installed for the Cryomech Compressor. In addition, some basic diagnostic experiments were conducted throughout the lab (SRM orientations, fluxgate, and null field protocol).


h7. Pmag Play Cubes (P-cubes)
A set of control samples were made on 390C that could be run on both the SRM and the JR-6 for cross calibration, but that also could be standards subjected to magnetization and demagnetization and thus returned to "known" magnetic-states. Samples were collected into J-cubes from two different sources of play core mud (Mud A: MA01-04, Mud B: MB-01-02, and a mixture of the two: MC01-02). These samples were then dried out in the Thermal Demagnetizer at 120°C and the voids were filled in with epoxy. The resulting suite of standards (referred to as Pmag Play Cubes or P-Cubes) can be subjected to various magnetic experiments and afterwards demagnetized and then re-magnetized to the original magnetic state.
The P-cubes were used to test orientations of working verses archive section halves and verify if the IMS transformations are correct. The samples were given 30 mT IRM and then oriented along (+/-) x, y, and z SRM axes for the experiments (at least sample in each polarity for every axis). The samples were measured as an archive SHLF, then flipped 180° around the z axis, the transformation required to take the upper working half of a whole round after splitting and placing it into to the SRM sample tray. This new W-SHLF was measured as an archive half and then again as a working half. The orientations came out as expect: Z always remained the same, but X and Y were inverted when the W-SHLF was measured "incorrectly" in the archive frame of reference (FOR), but were restored to the correct orientations when measured in the working FOR (Figures 1a-c).
It appears that IMS is doing the transformations correctly, however if there is an error in the transformation of the drift correction and with samples this magnetically strong, it likely would not be noticeable . This experiment was repeated after the IMS12 update and gave consistent results.

Figure 1a: P-cubes measured in the original orientation as an archive sample showing the "absolute" orientations.

Figure 1b: P-cubes reoriented to be the corresponding working half, but still measured as an archive half sample. Notice that for the relative orientations, the X and Y are negated while Z remains unchanged. This is expected for a 180° rotation about the Z-axis.

Figure 1c: P-cubes still oriented t working half, but now measured a sample. Here X and Y are restore absolute orientations because IM transformation matrix to the samp 0, 1].

Comments and Issues

h7. SRM
During installation of the new water cooled Haskris for the Cryomech Compressor, the system unavoidable warmed to room temperature and requiring re- trapping of the null field. Since there was not any science expedition sailing on 396T and thus immediacy for put the SRM back into service, it was an opportunity opportunity for cross training and experimentation on the field trapping the protocol.
h9. Internal Null Field
The SRM was trapped several times during 396T and the final field trapped in Cape Town after using the modified protocol outlined below was less than
+/- 0.5 nT (as measured during trapping and around +/- 1 nT when measured afterwards- Figure 2). This protocol has not been updated to confluence and requires further testing and verification. Also while it seems very promising, is also reaching the limits of the Fluxgate's sensitivity. Furthermore, it should be noted that optimizing for one verify specific ship orientation and zero motion in port does not necessarily mean the system is optimized for the orientations and conditions that will be experienced at sea. An analogy would be tuning a piano: you can either tune (optimize) it exactly according to physics and it will sound fairly off in every key; you can tune it perfect for one key and it will sound perfect in that key but horrible in every other key; or temper the tuning (optimize over an average) and it will never sound perfect but sounds really good regardless of the key it is played in.

Figure 2: The SRM profile SQUID region final trap in Cape Town with IMS 12 and the DAFI output file update. Not the low field values but high gradients.
The cable for the nulling coils were showing wear and tear from being set up and taken down for every field trap. It was also noticed that the typically routing drapes the cable directly over the SQUID region and the cable had minimal shielding. Heavier shielding was added to the cable and routed underneath the SMR. Since the cable now remains in place and the control box unit is turned off and on for SRM vital checks, it is best to not leave the cable connected to the coils. A "dummy" connector box was added to plug the cable's leads into when not in use. The input jacks for the nulling coils were loose again. Washers were added to the inside panel nuts (and lock-tite) so that they could be properly tightened and not come loose from plugging and unplugging the leads.
Gradient coil
The field gradient across the SQUID region varies substantially between expeditions but was successfully minimize using the gradient coil on 395P (see 39 5P Pmag tech report). However is a difficult process since the Fluxgate probe needs to be moved to one side of the SQUIDs to measure the field, then moved to the other side to measure again, the gradient approximated, the potentiometer adjust, the gradient remeasured again, and this process iterated until the gradient is minimized. Furthermore this is done while the shield above the superconducting temperature but cooling towards the 7K threshold, and the axes coils still need their own adjustment as well. David Schuler from Applied Physics acknowledged both the importance of adjusting the gradient as well as the difficulty of doing so, and continued to state that most clients had difficulty in accomplishing the task and tending to make the gradient worse.
To make the process easier, the IMS 10 DAFI code was adapted to allow the measurement region to be rapidly repeated by only clicking start for as many times as desired and all of the data saved into individual DAFI files. (Note: this change to the DAFI code was only made to IMS 10 and not IMS 12 and done with the ability to roll back in case IMS 12 did not function properly.) All 4 voltages supplies to the coils were measured to sweep from -15V to +15V in a total of ~15 turns of the potentiometer (2V/turn). The gradient supply was set to -15V, a DAFI measurement was started and iterated each time increasing the voltage by 1V (1/2 turn). No changes to the fields were observed over the entire voltage range and the gradient was very large. The gradient gradient could be so strong that the adjustment range available was insufficient to affect the actual gradient or something could be wrong with the gradient coil (sense we know that the voltage supply is fine). All 4 coils' resistance were measured and the vertical and horizontal were 10 and the axial was 5 , but the gradient coil was infinite and neither end connected to ground. This implies that it is likely an open circuit and not functioning. A follow up email was sent to Schuler and after leaving the ship, the reply was that there should be resistance across the gradient jacks, and likely a broken connection near the jacks. This is plausible considering the issues with the jacks being loose.
Axes Labeling
The labeling of the axes for the nulling setup are overly complex and very confusing: X, Y, and Z cables are connected to the nulling coil jacks (according to the labels), but then X, Y, and Z on the control unit don't adjust X, Y, and Z on the Fluxgate unit, neither of these correspond to the SRM's axes, and a series of yellow sticker labels translate between each system. In reality only the SRM and the Fluxgate axes matter for adjusting the field and differ by the X and Z axes being swapped (ignoring polarity) and the intermediate connections should just be connected for consistency. To do this the Fluxgate probe was hooked up and centered in the SQUID region. One set of leads from the control unit was plugged into each null coil input and the corresponding pot adjust to observe which Fluxgate axis it adjusted. From this the coil inputs were labeled so that control unit X, Y, and Z adjusts Fluxgate X, Y, and Z. And now since only X and Z swap between Fluxgate and the SRM we can either swap the X and Z BNC cables connecting to DAFI or swap the data in the software or post. Since the point is to avoid confusion, it is better to plug the BNC cables as normally (X, Y, and Z, to X, Y, and Z). Since the DAFI output file is only for the labs own internal use and never uploaded to LIMS or used in any calculations, 3 addition columns of data were added to be in the SRM frame of reference. These columns are the exact same data as the original Fluxgate data column, but just the order switch and the labels changed. The end user can now choose to view the SRM profile in either the Fluxgate or the SRM frame of reference without having to logic through the axes change. This change to DAFI was tested and implemented to the DAFI portion of IMS 12.
An additional benefit to this change is that the USB6008 utility can be simply used to assist in field trapping, with the X, Y, and Z remain consistent from the pot adjusted to the values displayed by the Utility, but the data saved has it in both the Fluxgate and SRM frames of reference. And since the USB6008 allows for changing the averaging time, trapping while experiencing motion at sea becomes much easier (slow adjustments with averaging times longer that the period of the motion) and the concept mentioned earlier of optimizing for range of conditions (orientations and motion) becomes a possibility. (NOTE: there is a slight offset in the LCD display values of the Fluxgate unit and the USB6008, likely due to ADC discrepancies. This can be accounted for by using the USB6008 values when zeroing the problem, which again should be easier with the ability to time average).
Other than the additional columns in the DAFI output file, none of these changes have been made on confluence and the labeling is temporary. This new protocol can be tried out, feedback given, and modified on the next few expeditions before any permanent changes are made, but already is much less confusing than before.
Fluxgate Induced Magnetization
There have been several instances of the Fluxgate probe and cable having remanent magnetization, and the effect this would have on the null field explored in pain full detail on 395P (see 395P Pmag tech report). At the beginning of 396T, Probe A and cable were measured (with cable disconnected and flaked on the tray) and showed the typically slight remanent magnetization of ~10e-1 A/m and then 10e-2 A/m after demagnetization (Figures 3a-b).

Figures 3a: The cable (coupling nuts) and probe showing a moderate remanent magnetization.

Figures 3b: Again after 80 mT demagnetization with the remanent magnetization an order of magnitude weaker.

!worddav2349a584cf39390d6623ff052c7e968b.png|height=250,width=145!Again this is should not really be a problem and was shown mathematically to only be an issue if in the samples had a large and variable susceptibility as the induced component (Mi) would be significant and changing. On 396T the probe was mistakenly measured while plugged in and shown to have a large induced magnetization (Figures 4a). The probe was then measured connected with power off, and again with the cable unplugged from the Fluxgate unit, but still plugged into the probe and outside of the SRM (Figures 4b-c). Will the source of this isn't understood, it is a significant magnetization that needs to be considered.

Figure 4a: The probe measured connected with the power on.

Figure 4b: Measured connected and the power off.

Figure 4c: And again with the ca probe and dangling outside the S

From the 395P tech report:
Bsrm, defined as the internal field of the SRM, can be expressed as
Bsrm = Bex + Bsh (Equation 1)
where Bex is the net field (effective field) of all external fields and Bsh is the field induced and trapped in the super conducting shield. When we trap the "null-field", we try to force Bsrm => 0, achieved by adjusting Bsh such that Bsh = - Bex , so that Bsrm => 0.
But since it has been shown that the Fluxgate probe can have a magnetization, then
Bsrm = Bex Bsh Bfg (Equation 2)
Where Bfg is the field from the magnetization of the Fluxgate probe itself (probe and cable connectors).
Ideally Bfg = 0, or is negligible, and for all practical purposed equation 1 holds. However we are now seeing that the fluxgate probe can be actively magnetized.

Thus when trapping the null-field, Bsrm = > 0, which now means
Bsrm = Bex Bsh Bfg = 0 (Equation 3)

What was not considered on 395P is that when zeroing the probe, and remanent or active field is also present and thus the probe is zeroed against probe's field so that and that so what is consider "0" is actually Bfg or 0 = Bfg and equation 3 becomes
Bsrm = 0 = Bfg = Bex Bsh Bfg
And now when the fluxgate probe is remove, so is its field (subtracted from both sides)
Bsrm = 0 = Bex + Bsh

So Bfg from both the remanent and induced magnetization do not matter as long as the probe is accurately zeroed and SRM's field can theoretically go to zero....
h9. VISA Aliases and COMs
VISA Alias(es) are how IMS identifies each device and the COMs and ASRL#s are assigned by the computer. After certain events (i.e. OS updates), the co mputer may reassign the COMs and ASRL; this does not matter as long as the aliases are correct. This was clarified in the SRM user guide as it has caused confusion in the past. The remaining issue is that Cryowatch is currently not using the "CRYOMECH" alias and has "COM 5" entered somewhere in its vi files. This needs to be changed and the Cryowatch recompiled. Because of this, Cryowatch must be started after IMS when logging in or restarting then computer to avoid COMs issues.
h9. SRM Track Motion
It has been noted that the track jerks abruptly when finding home prior to operations, with hard rock this can cause many issues of sample movement and potential physical damage to the drive train when under a heavy load. A second limit switch was added to the aft end of the SRM track and homing is now done in IMS via the CW limit switch and the home switch and the jerking motion is basically negligible. The changes were added to the user guides.
h9. SRM basic checks
The IMS-10 was used to impart a 30 mT IRM on the P-mag P-cubes to test the Z, Y, and Z of the SRM as well as track position before and after the IMS 12 update in the same manner described above for the orientation experiments. In both cases, all three SRM axes, moments, and track positioning were correct.
h9. AF Demagnetization Coil
While the three AF demagnetization coils were not explicitly measure with the Gauss Meter (hall probes), they functions correctly and consistently before and after the

h7. IMS
IMS 12 was extensively tested and then implemented. Various new issues came up and were fixed, and many old issues remain (e.g. "Offline Treatments" not working, etc). The motion control parameters are slightly different and appear correct(reasons related to the new X-Scan) and the parameter values are updated on confluence. Each SQUID (x, y, and z) and the Degausser System Controller are now separate units with their serial numbers logged in IMS.
The orientation experiments on the P-Cubes, as outline above, was repeated after the IMS 12 install. This verified SRM was recording the correct magnitudes, orientations of the SQUIDs and samples, as well as verifying that the correct transformation operations between the working and archive frame of references.
The DAFI output file was slight modified (as mentioned above) to include 3 additional columns of data, which is the same as the Fluxgate nT columns but relabeled in the SRM frame of reference as discussed as above. No addition calculations were made and the original Fluxgate data columns remain completely untouched. It should also be emphasized that the DAFI output file are for our own internal diagnostic use only and are never uploaded to LIMS.

h7. Cryomech and Chill Water System
The new water-cooled Haskris was installed and the ship chill-water is no longer used to directly chill the Cryomech but instead the Haskris. The air-cooled Haskris remains as the backup system and both systems were plumbed using stainless steel hard lines with 3 way selector valves. A purge line was add to assist in maintenance on the lines instead of only cleaning the reservoirs. The Cryomech and hard lines were extensively cleaned and flushed until all of the build up was removed.
Since both chill systems are closed loops, the Cryomech's low flow warning no longer goes off when the ship's chill-water is lost. Currently only the yellow warning screen happens on Crywatch when something is wrong. Some sort of audible alarm will be necessary in the near future otherwise it's highly likely that most cooling issues will not be caught in time to keep the system super conducting.
All of the changes and new protocols were updated on confluence.

h7. Lab General
Pmag library was organized. All manuals put into individual binders with redundant and legacy manuals retained in one of the cubby spaces. All other literature was put into the respective binder for which it pertains to.
A keyboard and mouse were installed to the sample loading monitor.

h7. Lab Computers
All lab computers were successfully updated. Prior issues with the SRM COMs are better understood and should no longer pose a problem.

h7. ACS Impulse Magnetizer
The IM-10 and IM-10-30 functioned properly giving the P-Cubes IRMs.

h7. Kappabridge KLY-4
This unit was not exercised during 396T but did successfully respond to its software after the computer updates.

h7. Kappabridge MFK2
This unit was not exercised nor tested during 396T.

h7. JR-6 Spinner Magnetometer
The JR-6 was not exercised during 396T.

h7. D-2000 AF Demagnetizer
The D-2000 was not exercised during 396T.

h7. Thermal Demagnetizer
The thermal demagnetizer not exercised during 396T.

X396T Physical Properties Technical Report


X396T was a transit/tide expedition, with no scientist onboard.
For further information about the expedition, please visit the X396T Physical Properties Lab Notebook, ETs Report and Developers Report for X396T.

h7.Physical Properties Laboratory

During this period inventories, instruments information and calibrations were updated in Confluence and AMS.
PP User Guides have been standardized. Now both QSG and UG have the same structure. UG, also have been modified and updated adding the latest improvements to the instruments. Vendor contact and links to related documentation have been removed from the UG and added to the PP Notebook Confluence page, under 'Information for the PP technician'.
PP Logger Checklists updated to incorporate existing changes in the new version of IMS.

Software Summary
Windows 10 software updates were made on October 21, without major issues. MAD and SHMSL present some communication issues that were solved when MADMax and IMS were restarted.
LabVIEW was upgraded in all the computers to version 21. Depending on the track 32 bits or 64 bits version was used. Tracks using 32 bits: NGR, WRMSL and STMSL.
NI usb-cables loose his ports or get swapped during the upgrading in most of the instruments. Renaming them or match them with the correct serial number cable solved the issue in all the instruments, except the Gantry. It is important to know that the ASLR or COM number doesn't need to match exactly the display that we have before the upgrade. What has to match is the serial number of the cable with the instrument to which it is connected.
Some instruments lost communication with the software. Unplug and plug them again re-established communication. Check developers report for further information.
During LabVIEW upgrading, NIMAX Configuration Export File and Report were generated and saved into C:\ProgramData\ IODP\IMS\NIMAX_DOCUMENTS. They could be used to check ports configuration after updates or changes in the track, also to reload the configuration setup if several issues occurred. Together with these files a screen shot of NIMAX and Panel Control ports was added to this folder.
IMS software was updated to it last version, v.12. Some of the changes are: Standardize the program to the maximum so that it can be used by all tracks, Implement the rotary motion that will be used on the XSCAM,
Changes in the dialog windows and on DAQ-Engine,
Model and serial number of track instruments was added to the Header of the Data File, allowing more efficient monitoring of the instruments used.
Bill Mills and developers went through the reported software issues in the tracks, intending to have them solved by the end of the expedition.

After each of the upgrades, several experiments were carried out on the tracks. Problems detected were corrected. Tracks are ready for been used during the next expeditions.


Received onboard
Ludlum Area Monitor 53675 and the two Ludlum detectors (53676 and 53677) were sent to shore for their annual calibration.
Sent to shore
Bottle with Th power.
4 spare Gantry Caliper springs: 1" shaft diameter, 0.019" thick, 2" high, 30 lbs. load (McMaster-Carr item # 1561T64). 1 spare set of Ocean Insights fibral optical cables for the SHMSL:
QBIF600-UV-BX: UV-Visible bifurcated optical fibers assembly, 2 m, stainless steel BX jacket QP600-2-UV-BX: UV-Visible optical fibers assembly patch cord, 2 m, stainless steel BX jacket.

h7.Individual Measurement Systems

h9.Whole Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL - AFT track)

No Issues reported.
It was not possible to test the PWave during the most part of the expedition due to the lack of clean laboratory air .
h9.Special Tasks Multisensor Logger (STMSL - FWD track)

No issues reported.
h9.X-RAY Imaging Multisensor Logger (XMSL)

Stainless steel holders have been added to the X-Ray wood box, in order to hold the led neoprene in the correct position. Velcro was change in the junctions.

After upgrade to LabVIEW21 and installation of stainless steel holders a radiation survey was performed. Radiation Survey Form was updated. Two existing versions in Confluence were compiled in one Form.
h9.Natural Gamma Radiation Logger (NGRL)

Startup & shutdown paragraph of the User Guide was modified in order to follow the steps to turn off and on the NGRL.
At the beginning of the expedition was noticed that sometimes when the boat returned to "load" position, it pass the "home" position, avoiding it to move again when a new measurement wanted to be done. This problem was due at the incapability of the motor to stop on place. Rising the "stop speed" at the "load" position solved the problem.
NGR M-Drive stops moving during the characterization of the U SRS (long-term test). IMS kept measuring like the core moved. The cause of this behavior is unknown. After abort and start the test again no issues occurred.
Touch keyboard was added to IMS Section Information window, allowing the user to enter the length of the core using the monitor. NGR station has been adapted to accommodate the new location of the cores rack.
The sources collimator was rebuilt.

Software Issues
11 Oct 2021 NGR was shut down due to power cut. During the shutdown process showed up that isegCAN was not communicating with usbCAN
. Like, on expedition 387P/387, the problem was solved by installing software version 3.8.2.

While experiments were performed, IMS reported a message telling that it had not enough memory to save the data (Data were saved by extracting them from the graph), that behavior has been seen also, in rare occasions, while performing regular measurements. It could be due to the use of 32 bits LabVIEW, because Ortec items don't support 64 bits LabVIEW.
Windows explorer crashed (cause unknown) while NGR was doing measurement, computer access screen appeared, but NGR continued the measurement. Data were correctly saved.
A similar issue happens two more times, during the measurement of a sample, causing the lost of the collected data. These times, the computer restarted automatically by itself. A long-term test will be carried out to try to find the origin of this problem.
Technical Service

The new UPS, with more capacity, was installed in order to avoid to shut down the NGR during short power looses. A performance test was run, the UPS can keep the NGRL on and running during 140 min. If the lack of power is greater than 2 hours ,it is recommended to start the shut down of the NGR. The recharging time for the UPS is 16 hours.

To perform the measurements the NGR rear door had to be opened and the NGR cleaned. Background measurement and Energy Calibration were performed. 'One step measurement' option was used. SRS were placed at 3.5 cm from the front of the boat. Using this distance the center of the standard was placed above the center of Detector 7. K, API, Blank and U standards were measured during the port call. Measurements were stopped when the ship left port in order to avoid big changes on the background due to the change of latitude. Data are located on IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\NGR\StratumReservoirStandards_Measurements\Reykjavik_1213102021.

Characterize the U SRS. Measurements were taken with 'Single detector' measurement option, using 300 seg per position, interval 0.1 mm and edges=0.0 cm. Standard was positioned 30 cm from the top of the boat and the measure will continue from 30 cm more after the standard (Standard length = 53 cm). This experiment will help to observe the slope before and after the standard and the plateau while the measurements are done. NOTE: This experiment was performed during the transit to the South, background data will not be accurate. Data are located on IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\NGR\StratumReservoirStandards_Measurements\Transit\SingleDetector_CompleteLength.

The five SRS were measured during 300 ms on Det 7. NOTE: This experiment was performed during the transit to the South, background data will not be accurate. The result for each one of the standards could be seen below. Data are located on IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\NGR\StratumReservoirStandards_Measurements\Transit\1Position_CenterStandard.

h9.Thermal Conductivity (TCON)

A new shelf was build underneath the FWD-WR track, in order to accommodate probes and other TCON items.

While testing the instrument measurements could not be uploaded to the data base, and an error massage appeared on ThermCon window. After few days TCON was tested again and data uploaded as usual to the database. Cause of the issue is unknown.

h9.Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL)

Light bulb was not changed.
New ruler was installed in the track.
Spectrometers inventory was completed with the other instruments/items installed on the track.
Each time that SHMSL computer restarts IMS will not recognize the Y-Axis, to solve this problem, user should restart IMS.
h9.Section Half Image Logger (SHIL)
Light system was changed: New frame was installed, circular LEDs were maintained and a lens was added at the bottom of the lights. A warming/ cooling system controlled by a thermometer was installed, in order to maintain the working temperature between 30 and 35 degrees C. Several calibrations and tests were performed after the changes to assure the correct behavior of the instrument.
A Temperature alarm was install on the track, it will advise the user when the light temperature reaches 50 degrees.
If, when performing the calibration, the color standard squares appear on the image as rectangles, means that the camera is not installed at the correct height. Go to INSTRUMENTS > Camera: JAI Camera Setup and by moving the camera up and down, reach on the Profile box the pixel value of 200 pixels per centimeter.
See Imaging Specialist report and ET's report for further information.
We ran multiple sections continuously to test the cooling system when scanning a section and the max temperature the lights reached was 36°C. It is important to note that when calibrating we must maintain the light's temperature close to the scanning temperature to reflect the scanning environment. We found maintaining a temperature between 30-40°C during calibration is reasonable. In addition, the new lenses help to diffuse the light from the round LED lights much better than the previous set up. This has helped the issue we were seeing with the dip in light between the round LEDS. That being said, we could not test real sections and Exp 391 will be the true test. The fwd temperature controller failed while we were off shift and the temperature of the lights reached 150°C. No damage is noted. The ET fixed the controller and it is currently working. New controllers and heaters are on order (as spares) and should arrive before EXP391.

Be sure to use the 2019 Xrite color checker mini for calibration. With the lights' new cooling system we do not have to worry about damaging the color calibration card and thus can go back tot he Xrite mini color checker (Macbeth standard) rather than the Grey QP card V101. The calibration software is set up to use the 2019 Xrite color checker. There has been a change in RGB values of the XRite color checker since 2014. Any color checker version before 2014 will not have the same RGB values that are entered into the calibration software. The new RGB values were added to the software and a link to the values is saved in the SHIL UG (under Calibration).
There are upgrades to the Image Correction interface (see image below). We now have the option to TIFF/JPG correct using extra colors on the Xrite color checker. The new feature is being discussed with the lab working group and testing needs to be completed to see if there is any benefit to using extra colors. For now continue correcting with white, the shades of grey and black. Below are some screen shots of the new user interface, please refer to the SHIL user guide Calibration section for better instructions (please update user guide as you see fit). In addition I have been investigating the illuminant of our cree lights. The current RGB values are calculated using an illuminant of D65, but this may not be the optimum correction for our lights (color temp of 4000K). The illuminant corrections that are applied when converting from L*ab vary, thus determining the illuminant of our lights may help the color corrections when using the other colors. At the time of writing this report we found that the illuminant of A is the best fit for our lights. For any further investigation, an excel spreadsheet of calculated RGB values with varying illuminants using the calculator found at http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Calc.html is saved here.

h9.P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry (PWB/PWC)

Exlar Utility section has been added to the User Guide.
NOTE: If Exlar actuactors loose its motion follow instructions on Tritex Configuration Guide to start them again.
Jurie Kotze designed a new caliper limit switch to adjust the auto close movement. This switch is more robust than the previous one, which will allow it to be used even with the manual closing buttons.

h9.Shear Strength Station (AVS)
This station was not used during the expedition.
h9.Moisture and Density (MAD)

Cells were tested to verify the correct operation of the station.

EXP396T Imaging Technical Report

EXP396T Imaging Technical Report

Heather Barnes

EXP396T was a transit and Tie-up. A new temperature controlled light enclosure was installed and tested on the SHIL. SHIL track IMS was updated to Version 12 to accommodate new info needed for the XSCAN and Labview was updated to 2021 on all tracks in the Core Lab. New RGB values for the 2019 Xrite color Checker standard were added to the SHIL's calibration software based on the L*ab values provided by Xrite. A new addition to the Image Correction was incorporated into the SHIL software allowing the technician to correct with more colors from the Xrite color checker. In addition a visual display of the colors using the RGB's of before and after correction has been added. The Calibration section of the SHIL User Guide was updated to reflect the new temperature controlled lights, the new RGB values of the 2019 Xrite color checker and the improved Image Correction interface.

h9.Oncoming (received)
2 x Axio Microscopes (1 in FMBIO, 1 in FIMG)
LED for microscope (see printed note in imaging office) T-shirt transfer paper
SEM mounts

h8.System Status
The new light enclosure developed onshore to maintain the temperature of the lights at 30°C was installed (image below). See the ETs report for in-depth description. There is a fan system to cool the lights, heaters to heat the lights and a temperature display of the lights. Repeated scanning of sections causes the temperature to increase to about 36°C. We ran multiple sections continuously to test the cooling system when scanning a section and the max temperature the lights reached was 36°C. It is important to note that when calibrating we must maintain the light's temperature close to the scanning temperature to reflect the scanning environment. We found maintaining a temperature between 30-40°C during calibration is reasonable. In addition, the new lenses help to diffuse the light from the round LED lights much better than the previous set up. This has helped the issue we were seeing with the dip in light between the round LEDS. That being said, we could not test real sections and Exp 391 will be the true test. The fwd temperature controller failed while we were off shift and the temperature of the lights reached 150°C. No damage is noted. The ET fixed the controller and it is currently working. New controllers and heaters are on order (as spares) and should arrive before EXP391.

SHIL software - IMS was updated to Version 12 to include functions needed for the XSCAN. Labview was updated to 2021. In doing so several bugs were identified and fixed. Testing was completed to confirm the SHIL is in working order.
Be sure to use the 2019 Xrite color checker mini for calibration. With the lights' new cooling system we do not have to worry about damaging the color calibration card and thus can go back tot he Xrite mini color checker (Macbeth standard) rather than the Grey QP card V101. The calibration software is set up to use the 2019 Xrite color checker. There has been a change in RGB values of the XRite color checker since 2014. Any color checker version before 2014 will not have the same RGB values that are entered into the calibration software. The new RGB values were added to the software and a link to the values is saved in the SHIL UG (under Calibration).
There are upgrades to the Image Correction interface (see image below). We now have the option to TIFF/JPG correct using extra colors on the Xrite color checker. The new feature is being discussed with the lab working group and testing needs to be completed to see if there is any benefit to using extra colors. For now continue correcting with white, the shades of grey and black. Below are some screen shots of the new user interface, please refer to the SHIL user guide Calibration section for better instructions (please update user guide as you see fit). In addition I have been investigating the illuminant of our cree lights. The current RGB values are calculated using an illuminant of D65, but this may not be the optimum correction for our lights (color temp of 4000K). The illuminant corrections that are applied when converting from L*ab vary, thus determining the illuminant of our lights may help the color corrections when using the other colors. At the time of writing this report we found that the illuminant of A is the best fit for our lights. For any further investigation, an excel spreadsheet of calculated RGB values with varying illuminants using the calculator found at http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index. html?Calc.html is saved here.

Grey ink was added to AMS and is due to arrive in oncoming shipment. The Ecotank was used to print the Tech photo. Semigloss print setting was found to produce the best image quality.

The new epifluorescence MBIO microscope was received and install in FMBIO. Alignment and testing needs to be completed. A second microscope and all parts are in the Imaging office.
Floor in imaging office was sanded and painted.

Downhole Logging

Expedition 396T - Transit from Reykjavik, Iceland to Cape Town, South Africa


h8.Worked with Schlumberger Logging Engineers to improve the VSI caliper arm tip for better performance in wide and soft-walled boreholes. The VSI shuttle, arm and tips were modeled in Solidworks and Fusion360 prior to 3D printing. Discussion is ongoing with SLB engineers in Houston.

Figure 1. Comparison of standard (left; brown), extended (center; beige) and proposed (right; green) VSI caliper tips.

  • Site Survey Data for Expedition 392 (Agulhas) were downloaded and partially plotted in a Petrel Project. For the seismic reflection profiles, the coordinates fro the traces and separate navigational file are not used. instead, a polyline is created in Petrel and the SEGY file is fitted along the line. This method resulted in the same plots as those in the Prospectus.

Shipped to College Station from Reykjavik: MSS deep-reading sonde D4
To air-freight from Cape Town to College Station, Electronic Cartridge (ELC) for MSS D4.
Air freight to arrive in Cape town: 2 FMS sonde
EXP 396T Chemistry Tech Report
Johanna Suhonen

The ampulator was not used.


There were no issues with the Cahn balance. LabView 2021 was installed on the computer, and Cahn balance software was tested after the installation. The Mettler balance did not seem to be weighing right in the beginning of the expedition. The software was turned off and each unit was zeroed with the
>0< button on the unit. This resolved the issue.

Carver Presses

Carver presses were not used.

Cary Spectrophotometer

The spectrophotometer was not used.


The coulometer was not used. LabView 2021 was installed on the computer. The functionality of the coulometer software as well as communications with the Cahn balance and the coulometer were tested after the installation.

Elemental Analyzer

The CHNS was not used. The Quick Start Guide was updated with current procedures. The CHNS Advanced User Guide was eliminated by adding any unique information in it to the CHNS User Guide.


The freeze-dryer was not used. It was turned on to verify that it is working properly.

Fume hoods

A 4-inch crack was discovered toward the FWD PORT corner of the HF fume hood countertop. It was repaired with two applications of gel coat (each batch consisting of approximately a tea spoon of ISO NPG Poolcoat and four drops of MEKP hardener). Two large washers were placed under the fume hood counter corner to prevent flexing and re-cracking.
The HF fume hood faucet was found broken off and lying on the counter in the beginning of the expedition. The fitting was cleaned out, and an attempt was made to attach the faucet with PVC cement. Unfortunately, the cement had turned into gel and did not work very well. The faucet is fine and works well, but there is a very small leak from the top of the fitting. This should not be an issue, as this faucet is very rarely used. If used, care should be taken to place a drip catcher underneath the base of the faucet.
The HF fume hood drain was flushed for an hour and then opened up. Seven plastic items, HF strips and a screw were removed from the drain. The drain is currently clear, and as a cover was made for it on 395C, hopefully no further items will fall in.
As the drain clean-up was being performed, a brand-new front panel was discovered on the floor in the space between the cabinets. The panel was modified slightly and installed on the HF hood. Replacement front panels were ordered for fume hood #1 and #4. Hood #2 already had a new front panel installed.

Gas Lines/manifold

There were no issues with the gas lines/manifold.


The GCs were not used, as the nitrogen generator was turned off for the duration of the expedition.

Hydrogen generators

The hydrogen generators were not used.


The issue reported on X396 with the high pressure on the anion flow path seems to have been due to the MCS "out" connector being just a little too tight. The PEEK tubing is very unforgiving and can easily deform if tightened too much. The tightness that ended up solving the issue was found by loosening the connector until it leaked and then tightening just enough to stop the leak. This method has been working very well. The anion flow path pressure starts out around 10 MPa and very slowly but steadily decreases to around 8 MPa over the course of approximately 45 minutes. The elevated start-up pressure should not be interpreted as "high pressure" unless a leak from the MSM develops.
Metrohm advised us, the next time we experience the MCS high pressure issue, to trim the end of the "MCS out" PEEK tubing. They also said to always tighten all connections with the small plastic wrench in the drawer to ensure correct torque. The wrench breaks away at correct torque.
The calibration was adjusted in the manual and on the instrument to be identical between expeditions. The 396T standards table was created using the 396 standards table and by adding the DF20000 Standard 10 to it. Standards 7, 8, 9 and 10 should be made from DF100 for better accuracy. The 396T standards table was test run on the IC, and the calibration came out good.


The ICP was not used.
A new container of JR-2 rhyolite standard was received. As our ICP rock standards Excel sheet was checked for JR-2, it was noted that we were still using the Govindaraju 1989 values. This was the case for several other GSJ standards also. The Excel sheet was updated to the Imai et al. 1995 values for all the GSJ standards.


A steam vent drip catcher was designed and 3D printed for the Yamato sterilizer. The original drip catcher had gone missing. The sterilizer is now fully functional and ready to be used.
Magnets were installed on the incubator doors to prevent the doors from opening in rough seas. ARB locations were added to AMS for all MBIO chemicals that are currently onboard.


The refractometers were not used.


The SRA was packaged to be shipped off and the one from shore should arrive soon and will be installed by the ALOs.


All pipets but #12, #31 and #32 had been sent off for calibration at the end of 396. The pipets remaining onboard worked well.


The alkalinity titrator was tested and is working well. LabView 2021 was installed on the computer, and a successful alkalinity titration was performed before and after the installation.
The chlorinity titrator was not used.


The TOC was not used.

Water System

A new Barnstead water system was installed. The quick start guides are on the wall between the Barnstead units. The user manuals are in the WATER SYSTEM binder in the binder cabinet above the Mettler balance.
To prepare to dispense nanopure water, press NONSTOP on the control panel. When the system is idle, it automatically goes into INTERVAL mode. To dispense water, after switching to NONSTOP mode, press the button on top of the dispenser TWICE. The volume dispensed can be adjusted in NONSTOP mode by pressing ENTER and using the arrow keys.
When the RO unit is in production mode, it stops when it reaches 100% (it takes approx. 3 hrs to fill the tank). For some reason it displays 85% while in stand-by mode even when no water has been used since reaching 100%. The tank is still full, the water level indicator is working well, and there is no reason for concern. Also, the nanopure unit hardly ever displays 18.2 M while in INTERVAL (stand-by) mode but when switched to NONSTOP (production) mode and when water is being dispensed, the resistance immediately goes to 18.2 M.
The new system came with a 60-liter tank. The old 100-liter tank was inspected, and it looked fine, so a decision was made to use the old tank, as even 100 liters does run out on busy days. The water level indicator was removed from the 60-liter tank and used in our old tank. A lid/bracket was 3D printed for the 100-liter tank to hold the water level indicator and the tank fill tube in place.
The "old" style 0.2 µm final filter fits the new nanopure dispenser, thus it was decided to use those up first and then switch to the new style filter. The AMS number (CM1230) was kept the same for both the old and new filters. Both filter types should be included in physical count.
HYDRO-CHECK resistivity monitor was relocated from the Barnstead drawer to a MBIO cabinet J-C3 as per the ALOs' recommendation.
"Old Barnstead spares" P-box was created and placed on top of the "Cahn supplies" P-box under the Cahn balance station. This box contains old green water level indicators and the nanopure dispenser handle. New Barnstead spares were placed in the Barnstead drawer.

AMI Nitrogen Gas O2 Sensor

The O2 sensor worked well. There were no significant fluctuations in the generator nitrogen O2 level. The level mostly stayed around 4 ppm. The nitrogen generator was turned off early into the transit due to the engine room performing work on the air compressors, and it stayed off until chemistry personnel departed the vessel. The plan is for the ALOs to replace the detector cell approximately a week after the nitrogen generator comes back online.


The floor underneath the Yamato sterilizer was repaired and painted. First the damaged floor was removed. Underlayment primer and coarse sand were applied to the bare deck to create a rough surface for the cement to adhere to. Self-leveling underlayment was mixed with water and underlayment primer to create cement. The cement should not be mixed with a paint stirrer, as this can introduce bubbles. It should be mixed with a paddle instead.
The muffle furnace door latch spring was changed out to a stronger one to enable the door to shut properly. This should keep the paint from peeling off any further. The latch receiver pin was also lubricated and adjusted.
The speaker by the main entrance to the lab was found to have been disconnected. It was reconnected. The speaker by the Tuttnauer autoclave is now also functional. The way the speakers are connected, the speaker at the tech desk and the ICP speaker are on one circuit and the main entrance one and the autoclave one on another. They can be controlled with the BALANCE knob on the amplifier. Knob in the middle: all speakers. All the way left: autoclave and main entrance, all the way right: desk and ICP.
LabView on the tech computer was updated to the 32 bit 2021 version.
The emergency light above the GCs was repaired and will hopefully not flash anymore. The broken hinge on the main entrance door was repaired.
No hazardous waste was generated.

There were no sailing geochemists.

There were no sailing microbiologists.

396T Application Developer Tech Report

Contributors: Algie Morgan Dan Cary


This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 396T. The activity log for this expedition will be placed here: https://banff.iodp.tamu.edu:8443/display/HIS/JR+activity

Special Projects

During expedition 396T, the developers worked on the following projects:
LabVIEW upgrade: upgraded all instrument hosts and development computers from LabVIEW 2019 to LabVIEW 2021 IMS upgrade: upgraded all instrument tracks from IMS 11.3 to IMS 12.01
Tomcat web server upgrade: upgraded all Tomcat servers from Apache Tomcat 9 to SUSE curated Tomcat 9; shipboard LIMS services web
infrastructure now corresponds to shore infrastructure.
SVN: new labsystems repository created on ship SVN host (http://build.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/svn).
IRIS: wrote two web services to retrieve data from IRIS system and store the data in LORE. This in support of the IRIS system being developed by TAS and Ops teams to replace aging RigWatch system.
Auther: revising Auther to:
Port it to IODP standard Angular version.
Implement new security features mandated by TAMU. Implement IODP themed appearance.
Add capability to create application-specific environment. Additional bug-fixes and enhancements.

1The SRM host was still running IMS 10 at the start of the 396T transit / tie-up; this was also upgraded to 12.0.

General Duties Performed

Routine expedition support.
Maintenance to software applications (detailed below).
Assisted with data management in cases where LIME and other tools were not sufficient. Other duties as assigned.

Software Changes:



labsystem s repository

Created new SVN repository: https://build.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/svn/labsystems/ to replace https://build.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/svn/lv/ During the pandemic lv repository had gotten badly out of sync with changes to IMS on multiple tracks. Additionally LO had made numerous changes to IMS code while working on X-SCAN track on shore. Rather than attempt to merge changes into lv repository we built a new repository and committed new IMS version 12 there. Then we used svnadmin (command-line tool written by Apache) to migrate the remaining source code (Alkalinity, Kappabridge, DHML, etc.) from old lv repository into labsystems repository.
Renamed lv repository to lv_deprecated (URL: https://build.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/svn/lv_deprecated); we want this content to remain available in case any critical source code or other content failed to migrate into labsystems repository.


Upgraded all instrument hosts and LabVIEW development computers from LabVIEW 2019 to 2021, excepting LazerKatjie host (PC 53276). Computers upgraded include the following:
Velocity MAD Station
CahnBalance / Coulometer (Chemistry lab) Alkalinity (Chemistry lab)
JR_INFO (LO office) JR_NAV (LO office) VIT host (DP shop)
WINFROG1 (Underway Lab) WINFROG2 (Underway Lab)

As stated above LazerKatjie was not converted because the Keyance laser and controller only operate under 32-bit Windows. According to NI engineers they made a decision to discontinue support for 32-bit operating systems for the NI Package Manage. This creates an anomalous situation where NI produces a 32-bit version of LV-2021, but you cannot install it on a 32-bit instance of Windows.


After all of the instrument hosts were upgraded to LabVIEW 2021 and all LabVIEW software was tested on those computers we upgraded all instances of IMS to IMS 12.0. This includes the following:

SRM (NOTE: SRM was still on IMS 10 at the start of Exp. 396T; this host was upgraded to IMS 12.0 to be in compliance with the other instrument hosts.)

After each instrument track was upgraded to IMS 12 a technician performed a thorough check using the "Does My Instrument Really Work?" checklist (Logger Checklists: Does My Instrument Really Work?)

Finally, after all instrument tracks were upgraded to IMS 12 technicians conducted a kick-the-tires-light-the-fires style acceptance test by running multiple sections through each track, uploading all data with MUT, then verifying that data displayed in LORE and LIVE.

Tomcat Server Upgrade

Upgraded all Tomcat instances to SUSE-curated Tomcat 9 to correspond to shore. Upgrades completed on the following servers:

matterhorn elcapitan olympus uluru

Servers were upgraded one at a time; after each server upgrade developers performed tests by exercising LORE, LIVE, SampleMaster, LIME, etc. to ensure that all servers were configured properly.

Coinciding with the Tomcat upgrades the tasweb account was removed on all servers. Going forward all developers will have individual accounts for deploying services and applications on Tomcat servers and managing folders used by web services (e.g., liveimages, tempzip, etc.).


Produced two new web services to record and report data from IRIS system. This is the system we are writing to replace the aging RigWatch system.


Auther has been migrated into IODP's web applications internally built framework where standardized themes, layout, login and security components are centrally managed and routinely updated. Unsupported technology was removed.
Implements IODP's login components which are continuously updated meeting TAMU's guidelines.
Application/Domain specific focus in regards to Role, Users and Privileges has been added simplifying non-developer administration for any particular application. (E.G. /Auther/Catwalk)
Previously limited to adding and deleting roles, users and privileges, Auther now enables the user to update as well. Methods for viewing data have been expanded to include better filtering, searching and sorting.
The tables used to manage IODP authorization have been cleaned up, modified for the new features. Webservices have been modified to support new features in Auther.

Other Changes
No other changes made on this transit / tie-up.

Outstanding Issues

(remaining from Expedition 396)
Catwalk: There are some outstanding Catwalk issues that may come up again:

  1. Sometimes when Catwalk is terminated (esp. if terminated abnormally, e.g. a crash), one or more of its actors might stay running in the background. When Catwalk is launched again, that orphaned actor can resume it's function, seeing and responding to events from the new instance. This seems rare, but it occurred at least twice on this expedition. The errant actor seems to always be DataManagerActor, but in testing LogGatherer also had this issue (though with less noticeable results). When this occurs, Catwalk becomes sluggish and behaves strangely, because two copies of DataManager and responding to requests for data. Catwalk users do not generally have the skillset needed to search out and manually (via Task Manager) kill the errant process and developers might not find out immediately about the issue. Generally, if you hear that Catwalk is becoming "slow" and/or samples from previous activity are inexplicably re-appearing in its table, this is probably the cause.

A solution to this problem is being developed, but not complete. In the future, each instance of an LDAQ application will have a randomized "key" that it will give to each controller and actor that it launches – and that will be included in every event data payload. If an actor sees an event that does not include the key it expects, it will ignore that event. Additionally, a special event, called "LDAQ_ROLL_CALL" will be exempt from this rule. When any module sees this event, it will respond with its own name and key
value. This way, LDAQ applications can actively monitor themselves and kill off any modules that respond to the roll call with the wrong key.

  1. A minor issue: when Catwalk is partially obscured behind other windows, if the user clicks on the area occupied by the LabelPrinterActor's UI panel, Catwalk will not come to the front. This is because LabelPrinterActor is an EXE-type module, so its panel in Catwalk is actually an application's main window, from the OS's perspective.

A solution to this problem would be to have LabelPrinterActor fire an event when it comes to the front, so that the controller above it can respond by bringing the main Catwalk window to the front. From the user's perspective, this would have the desired effect – Catwalk would come to the front. This should not be too difficult, but has not yet been done.

  1. Catwalk currently has an issue that is both a bug and a feature, depending on the circumstance. This issue is getting a lot of visibility currently, but a proper resolution that will satisfy everyone is not yet complete.

In Catwalk, volume is auto-calculated for certain sample types based on the length and core type.
A feature was implemented during development of the application such that when the user changes the sample type (e.g. of a new sample, before uploading), the volume should be blanked out if the new type is not one for which volume is
calculated. This is important because if the user (e.g. accidentally) first selects a sample type for which volume is calculated, then corrects the sample type to one for which volume is not calculated, the user might not notice that the (now erroneous) volume was calculated for the old sample type if it is not blanked out when the sample type is changed.
The problem is that when a template sample is "dropped" onto a section to create a new catwalk sample, the software sees that action as a "change" to the values in the sample table. This causes all the auto-fill and auto-calculate formulas to run (a desirable feature). If the sample being created is one for which volume is not calculated, the volume will be blanked out, even if a volume is specified in the template.
Request number, which is auto-filled when the user selects a request code, has this identical issue.
The workaround to this is simply to alter the formulas to perform the action desired by the current curators and techs – either to blank out the volume and/or request type, or not.
A solution to this has been envisioned, but not completed: Catwalk needs to be "aware" down at the level where it is responding to cell value changes, whether a change was triggered by explicit user action on that cell, or as part of a template sample being filled out. Values originating from a template sample should not be altered by auto-fill formulas.
MUT: There is a new Kappabridge device on the ship, but not yet in use, that may create files different from what MUT expects. Examples of these files did not become available in time for changes to be made to support them.
Velocity Gantry: If non-cored samples are run through the software, the files generated by IMS will have "XXXX" in place of the text ID, both in the filenames it generates, and within the main run file. To workaround this problem, the following procedure was implemented:

  1. Technicians entered the sample's text ID in the comment.
  2. A Powershell script was written that would find the text ID in the comment (within the main run file) and rename all associated files and update the run file with the proper text ID. Once that is done, the files can be uploaded by MUT. For reference, this script is stored under the TAS folder at TAS\AD\people\blaisdell\processfiles.ps1.

Label printers in general: Apparently many of the Zebra printers are new and there seems to be an issue where things are not always aligned exactly as they were on the older printers. Several times during this expedition, the MCS and developer needed to tweak the settings on the printers so that bits of the information was not cut off on right or left. In some cases this was not entirely possible, and all that could really be guaranteed was that the barcode itself would be scannable. It seems that on some of the smaller labels, the information we are trying to print on them is slightly wider than the label itself. It is unclear what we can do about this. The printers may have features which can resolve these issues.
Tomcat servers and power outages: During this expedition, the server room in the MCS office suffered two complete power outages. The MCS group has been working to solidify a procedure for bringing everything back online after such a failure, and recovery from the second occurrence was much faster than the first, but the following information is important for developers to be aware of:

  1. It is almost certain that the Tomcat servers will come back online before Oracle does, and therefore the Tomcat servers will have to be restarted after Oracle is back up. MCS personnel are not typically as aware of the state of the Tomcat servers as the developers are.
  2. Confluence runs on a server called "teton", and runs under Tomcat on that machine. Therefore, there are five Tomcat servers that may need attention after such an event. (in addition to matterhorn, elcapitan, olympus and uluru).

EXP396T Systems Manager Report

EXP396T System Manager's Report

Kerry Mullins and Michael Cannon

h8.Servers (Microsoft):
All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh. All IODP servers have been upgraded to Windows Server 2019.
Cumulative updates were applied in October and November.
The former Fuji DL360 G10 server suffered a failure of the iLO after the data center was powered down in October. The iLO worked some but we were unable to access the web interface. We could log in but the dashboard page would not populate after logging in. We had an HPE engineer come onboard to change the system boards and the server is 100% functional.
Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's.
TAMU-IT updated the Exchange 2013 email server with the newest Exchange patches.
Expanded the repository drive to accommodate the AUSST update downloads as well as the possibility of restoring McAfee updates repository for scientist use.
Upgraded Acronis management server and storage node to version 15.0.28122.
Discovered that the Acronis backup storage volume was almost out of space. Moved backup storage volume to a new 4TB volume on the JR BP NAS.
Found a condition on the Media Agent Spur where the server time was not syncing to the time server. The changed the setting from and back to the time server and the time began syncing properly.
Updated Netcrunch to the most current version. Nebo (Cumulus server) was decommissioned.

h8.Servers (Linux):
All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh. Monthly updates were applied in October and November.
Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's. Set up password complexity requirements for OES.
Discovered and corrected an issue with our Linux PAM configuration that caused our SLE servers to log correct logins as failed logins which will eventually lock out accounts after reaching the account lockout threshold permanently.
iPrint server (Merapi) was updated to 4.2.2.
Changed to SUSE-vetted Tomcat Services on Uluru, Matterhorn, Elcapitan and Olympus. Set up a File Recovery Enabler for Linux (FREL) appliance in Commvault.

h8.Servers (ODA):
All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh. Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's
Oracle updates were applied to both K1 and K2.

h8.Servers (VMware):
All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.. Monthly updates were applied in October and November.
Changed banner settings for all servers and iLO's.
Converted Fuji (physical server) to a VCSA and reconfigured vSphere cluster. Remediated all ESXi hosts with the latest patches.

h8.3PAR SAN:
All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.
Researched and completed configuration dump for the 3PAR. Created documentation in Confluence to detail the process. Expanded Shared-VM5 volume from 3.5 TB to 4TB to accommodate AUSST expansion on Cannon.

All server administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.
An issue was discovered in underway that prevented us from changing Winfrog1 from Instrument to Internet. Found and corrected the issue with GTAC assistance.
Configured the XMC archive feature which will collect configuration settings for all switches on a scheduled routine and store as a backup. This satisfies our requirement to backup network devices for TAMU.
Premise port 40 in the Lab Officers office became damaged physically to the point that we were unable to plug a network cable into it securely. The ETs were able to fix the port without replacing it entirely.
Configured switches for future cc processing device for ship store purchases.
h8.PC Workstations:
All workstation administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.
A new navigation suite was installed on Winfrog 1 and Winfrog 2. This software is called NaviPac and will replace Winfrog at some point. New echo sounder (Bathymetry) system was installed and new software was installed on both Nav1 and Nav2.
iPrint agents on many of the PC's would not update to the newest version. We started a ticket with Micro Focus and they provided a new FTF iPrint client to install.
LabVIEW upgrades were performed by developers during the tie-up, upgraded to 2021.
The SubCDVR PC was reported to be in a blue screen state. We went up and examined the blue screen and restarted the computer. Upon restart it resumed performing Windows updates and completed them. It rebooted again and the computer started up normally. We could not find any issues to cause the blue screen.
Acronis agents were updated on all instrument hosts.
Applied cumulative updates for all Window workstations for October and November.
Downloaded and installed the latest version of Zeiss Zen Blue camera software for the Microbio microscope PC.

h8.Mac Workstations:
All workstation administrative passwords were changed due to the departure of Minh Huynh.
The office installation on the EPM mac had issues reported where users open documents they saved and the contents were missing. We reinstalled Office and the reported issues did not reoccur.
Applied monthly Mac OS updates to all Mac workstations.

No issues encountered with the printers themselves. No changes to report.

We experienced several long outages during the transit and multiple space vehicle transitions.
Two or three outages lasting more than five hours Many more outages lasting one hour to five hours. Numerous outages lasting less than one hour.

h8.Other Equipment/Projects:
Installed new environmental monitors in LTDAT and VSAT.
The data center was completely shut down for 2 hours to remove the UPS from "operation".
The data center shutdown and startup procedures were reviewed and revised following the data center power procedure. We installed the new KVM in the MCS office.
Setup a Blackbox serial server in underway to allow the injection of heave data from rig instrumentation into the bathymetry software.
The EndRun GPS time server had its antenna and cable taken down and relocated under the helideck on the starboard side temporarily to accommodate steel replacement operations on the back of the helideck.