378S Chem Tech Report

378S was a transit from Tahiti to Panama and though no science party was on board, the technical staff continued to regularly collect surface water samples for additional studies by 378 scientists. 



POPAS Cocolith procedure.docx

POPAS CHEM WATER_Microplastics-Foram procedure.docx

POPAS sample splits.pdf


Alkalinity Titrator:  Run after every sampling, twice daily.  Normally it would take two runs of IAPSO to reach a value within 2% error after which the sample was run. 

Cary Spec:  Only one phosphate run of 21 samples and blanks.  Ammonia was not done because scientists expected values lower than detectable limits.  The software was giving an error when opened and Eric Moortgat advised from shore to change the bulb.  The filament was broken and the new bulb solved the problem and the run went smoothly with a good standard curve.  Bulb changed on Feb 25.  Values for samples were still very low.

IC:  Feb 23: IC turned on and started HW Equilibrate and let the instrument run overnight.  On Feb 24th both cation and anion solution bottles were empty.  Made 2L of each solution and refilled.  Advice from Eric and Chang on shore was to let the instrument run with the new solutions for 6-8 hours.  Screen shot taken after instrument running for less than an hour-



Standards and samples were run on Feb 25 after equilibration but canceled the after the standards because the instrument was not getting valid data even though baselines looked normal. 

Above is what the data files looked like for the standards. 

Instrument was stopped and peristaltic tubes disengaged. 

Waiting for Johanna to cross over with and help diagnose and correct.