X-ray Image Logger
X-Ray images of whole round and section half cores enable scientists to:
Observe structures or objects, such as drop stones, laminations, shells, burrows, faults, and fractures, that might aid in the interpretation of geologic processes, depositional settings, environmental conditions, alteration, and tectonics.
Aid in core-splitting and whole round sampling decisions aimed at minimizing damaging or disturbing important structures or objects.
Identify coring disturbance, which can aid in making decisions about coring and measurement strategies.
Quantify occurrence, amount, distribution, and size of ice-rafted debris, vugs, vesicles, and other features.
Assist with stratigraphic correlation.
The X-Ray image logger is located on the forward whole round track in the core lab.
X-Ray Image Logger
X-Ray Image Logger Quick Start Guide
Imaging with Sherlock software
X-ray Methods and Theory Powerpoint
X-Ray Image Processing
Safety Systems