


Figure 1: a) CORECOMPOSITE - an overview of all sections per core composed from LSIMG taken on the SHIL, b) WRLSC - a composition of four quartiles scanned on whole rock oriented pieces manually stitched by the Imaging Specialist, c) CLOSE_UP - a photo taken by the Imaging Specialist by request from science party, d) TSIMAGE - overview image of a thin section, e) MICROIMG - an image from a microscope with scale, f) SEM - an image from a scanning electron microscope.


The Imaging Laboratory is a discipline spread over several individual laboratories and serves a variety of disciplines. A primary responsibility is to provide continuous image coverage of Section Halfs and provide pictural documentation of macroscopic and microscopic features throughout the cores. Thus, instruments are available to document high resolution scans of each core section, close-ups, cameras on microscopes that are able to capture images of fossils, smear slides and thin sections as well as a scanning electron microscope including EDS to image down to several 10,000x.

Macroscopic Imaging

Section Half Imaging Logger (SHIL)

The SHIL is capable of Section Half and Whole-round line scan imaging. Please ask a technician to switch the sample holders and to introduce the software settings.

Close-up (CLOSEUP)

PICAT (thin section overview, TSIMAGE)

Virtual Core Photo Table (COCO)

Thermal infrared imaging

Microscopic Imaging

Image Capture (MICROIMG)

Image acquisition of MBIO Epifluorescence Microscope (Zeiss Camera)

Scanning Electron Microscope Imaging (SEM)

Foldio 360 Imaging System

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