Core Lab Preparation for first core

Core Lab Preparation for first core

Core Laboratory
Preparations for the first core
This guide is provided to supplement the Core Lab Cookbook, and summarize preparation procedures for lab technicians to set up the lab for the first core on deck.

CATWALK Preparation

  1. Fill acetone bottles

  2. Prepare core cutters (clean, put new blades in)

  3. Restock liner patch (halves and quarters) and split liners

  4. Fill bins with endcaps (white in the right bin, blue in the left bin; add a dozen of yellow in the white bins)

  5. Add 1-2 spatulas and 1-2 red markers into each holder at each station

  6. Restock each bin with a filled acetone bottle

  7. Place 1-2 rags to each station

  8. Overhaul the small drills (Bosch drills for drilling holes in the core liner on the catwalk – if/when necessary), charge the batteries for the drills, and plug in the battery chargers at the core entry station

  9. Check the blades of the hacksaws (1 on core catcher bench, 1 at the forward catwalk station) and replace as needed

  10. Restock the core catcher bench with all tools needed,

    1. a dozen or more liner pieces (20-60 cm long varieties)

    2. a bottle of acetone, spatula, hammer, metal pusher

    3. red/blue wax pencils

    4. red marker

  11. Check the core catcher bench spraying equipment for leaks and check or replace the nozzle on the sprayer

  12. Add new centimeter tape to the bench

  13. Check drains for corrosion on the core catcher bench and the catwalk

  14. Flush drain on catwalk and empty the catwalk drain

  15. Get and clean the mudline bucket from PALEO lab


Splitting Room Preparation

  1. Cut PAL spacers for working and archive (red and black), typically 5 cm lengths

  2. Set up hook blades and wire on the splitter

  3. Get/make sharps bin for blade/metal wire trash

  4. Get rags/sponges for cleaning the section half's after splitting

  5. Clean all drains and sediment traps

  6. Check/refill DI (distilled water) bottles

  7. Check Supersaw blade for wear/switch blade out and tighten the blade


Core Deck General Preparation

  1. Check if Zebra Label printers for Core Entry and Sample Table have enough ribbon/labels; restock the 'Tapes' drawer at the Core Entry bench with labels and ribbons

  2. Test label printers. Adjust print on label to be completely on the sticker part, good practice is to print out one full set of section labels

  3. Check stock of D-tube tape/resupply if necessary

  4. Check stock level of blue, clear, and yellow endcaps under the aft whole-round track

  5. Check stock level of neoprene gloves (green) and rags in the cabinet under the core entry bench, restock if necessary

  6. Test the laser engraver

  7. If there is MBIO sampling make sure all tools are prepared in advance (ask curator/ALO)

Archive Versions