MAD LabView Software
A. Software directory structure
The directory structure for the software follows a simple protocol. The LabVIEW executable can be stored in any folder location. The location of various configuration files, data and logs follow the following structure:
<folder containing executable>
Pycnometer.ini contains the information about the structure that is read into the application. You cannot change the location of this file directly unless you go inside the LabVIEW application and edit in the system settings. The location of the other files can be directly edited in this configuration file.
configuration_location =c:\development\pycnometer\conf\pycnometer_config.ini
calibration_location = c:\development\pycnometer\data\pycnometer_calibration.ini
           log_location = c:\development\pycnometer\log\pycnometer.log
Pycnometer_config.ini contains the values for the run and system settings.
[system settings]
           network server
           network port
           configuration file path
           user LIMS token
           user password
           safety pressure
           slope boundary
           sample population
           delay time
           number purges
           number cycles
           last modified
Pycnometer_calibration.ini contains data about the sample and expansion volumes and starting pressure from the last calibration run. These values are used in the equations to determine sample volume during an analysis.
           date_time =
           operator =
           sphere_volume =
           cell_volume =
           expansion_volume =
           starting_pressure =
           temperature =
Authenicate.ini contains the LIMS usernames and passwords. The username and password of a login attempt are checked against these values. If there is a match then the user can access the application. If there isn’t a match then the user cannot access the application and LabVIEW will terminate. The user is allowed three login attempts.
Authorize.ini contains a list of users with Developer/Technician access to the application. If the username from the successful login is in this list then the user will be granted special access to the application (ie. they can calibrate and change system settings in addition to take measurements). If the username from the successful login is not in this list then they will only be granted operator access and can use the application to take measurements only.