GEODESC Catalog Manager

GEODESC Catalog Manager

Table of content

Catalog Manager

GEODESC provides a set of catalogs to facilitate the configuration of data capture templates in the Template Manager application (TM app). The Catalog Manager application (CM app) is a tool for GEODESC specialists who are given the role of 'reviewer' to update catalogs over time so they keep meeting evolving scientific requirements and improved templates ready for use in projects.

To sign in:

  • Enter your username
  • Enter your password

You will be signed in if your account is associated with the reviewer role.


Select the catalog you want to update by clicking the appropriate button:

  • Core description catalog group
    • Template catalog
    • Observable catalog
    • Values catalog
    • Qualifier catalog
  • Micropaleontology catalog group
    • Taxa catalog
    • Synonym catalog
    • Zones catalog
    • Datum catalog

Figure 1. User interface maps for the GEODESC catalogs. A. Core description catalogs. B. Micropaleontology catalogs.



Template catalog

You are presented with a list of catalog templates.

You can filter the list by Scale, Type, and/or Objective.

Select a template to edit. You have 4 possible edit actions:

  • Create new template
  • Edit observable associations
  • Edit template settings
  • Delete from catalog
    • Deleting a template from the catalog is a serious action, only recommended if you need to delete a template you just created and decided against.

You can also Return to the dashboard.

Create new template

This form allows you to add an entirely new template to the catalog. Here you create the template name. Template names are structured so they can be filtered and have a consistent format. You need to:

  • Select one of the 3 available scales:
    • macroscopic
    • microscopic
    • summary
  • Select one of the 5 available types:
    • general
    • igneous
    • micropaleontology
    • sediment
    • structure
  • Enter an objective:
    • Use 1-4 words that describe the type of observations the template is designed for. Objectives are unique in the catalog. All words must be lower case and spaces will be replaced with dashes for sanitary reasons.

You can Save or Cancel.

Edit observable associations

This page lists the observables associated with the selected template. The first two columns are fixed and show the

  • Observable headers
  • Definitions

The radio buttons on the Show observable attributes by group pane allow you to filter the other columns by attribute group of interest (instead of having to scroll across all attributes). The groups are:

  • Entry validation
  • Entry controls
  • Column display
  • Header display
  • Data Display
  • Metadata (not an observable attribute, but viewable the same way)

The individual attributes are tabled and explained in the Observable catalog item of the GEODESC glossary.

You have the following observable association actions available:

  • Add observables
    • You are adding existing observables here. To create new observables, got the the Observable catalog first. 
  • Reorder observables
  • Remove observables
    • You are removing observables from this template only, they still exist in the Observable catalog.
  • Set default list
    • For observables of validation type list that have multiple entry value lists defined in the observable catalog, you can set the appropriate default list here for the selected catalog template.

You can also Return to the template list.

Add observable associations

To associate additional observables with the selected template, click the Add observables button. You are presented with a view of the Observable catalog from where you can select existing observables. Note: if you need an observable that doesn't exist in the catalog, return to the dashboard and go to the Observable catalog where you find a method to add new observables. Then come back here.

To add observables from the catalog:

  • Enter any word of interest in the Search headers and definitions field. and the table will show all observables with that word in the definition.
  • Alternatively, you can search more specifically by the six definition keys, which are tables and explained in the Observable definition GEODESC glossary item.
  • Select one or more observables you want to add to the template.
  • Click the Add to list below button.
  • When you are done, click the Save button (or the Cancel button to loose all changes).

Reorder observables

You are presented with a list of all observables associated with the selected table, listed in the order they will appear in the Template Manager and Data Capture applications. To change the order of the observables:

  • Select one or more observable rows
  • Click the up or down arrow buttons
  • Click the Save button (or the Cancel button to loose all changes).

Set default list

In this modal window, you are presented with the existing lists for the selected observable.

On the left: the current default list for this observable in this template.

On the right: a list of available lists for this observable, with the current default list selected and its values displayed again on the right. The lists have no names, just database numbers. Select them to see the values in the list.

If multiple lists exist for the observable, you can change the default list:

  • Select a number from the list of lists. The selected list's values are displayed on the right.
  • When your desired default list is selected, click the Save button (or the Cancel button to loose all changes).

Edit template settings

On this modal window, you are presented with two settings that will apply to the entire template.

  • Row heights
    • Default row heights are specified in units that the Data Capture worksheet (SpreadJS) interprets. They can be further adjusted in the Template Manager and Data Capture applications.  
      • Header row height - Header rows need to be higher to accommodate the header label. 150 is a good general default.
      • Data row height - For data rows, 22 is a good default.
  • Sample types this template can use.
    • See the GEODESC glossary for detailed information on Sample types. You first select either large or small sample types using the radio buttons, then you add the specific sample types the template should provide access to.
      • Large sample types - Users enter the top and bottom offsets in the section that define the description interval.
      • Small sample types - The top and bottom offsets in the section were pre-defined in database at the time the sample was taken.
      • Select the specific sample types this template can use.
  • When you are done, click the Save button (or the Cancel button to loose all changes).

Observable catalog

You are presented with a table of all observables and their attributes in the catalog, with search and filter features on top of the table.

Let's look at the table and its observable attribute columns first. The individual attributes are tabled and explained in detail in the Observable catalog item of the GEODESC glossary.

  • The first two columns are fixed and their values are unique in the catalog and not editable:
    • Observable headers
    • Definitions
  • The radio buttons on the Show observable attributes by group pane allow you to filter the other columns by attribute group of interest (instead of having to scroll across all attributes). The groups are:
    • Entry validation
    • Entry controls
    • Column display
    • Header display
    • Data Display
    • Metadata (not an observable attribute, but viewable the same way)

Now let's look at the powerful options to filter the observables based on the observable definitions (explained in detail in the GEODESC glossary):

  • At the top left, you can type any character string of interest and all observables with that string in the definition will be returned.
  • Click the Definition filters bar for a more structured search using the observable definition qualifiers that will become accessible as drop down menus for each of the six definition syntax elements:
    • Entry type
    • Quantification
    • Texture or appearance
    • Source or state
    • Composition
    • Focus
  • Note the Match exactly switch in the top right corner of the Definition filters bar. It affect your ability to create a new observable!
    • If unchecked, the search returns any observable that has all the selected terms, including those that have additional terms you did not select. That situation may prevent you from creating an observable that matches some but not all of the terms of an existing observable.
    • If checked, the search returns only observables that have the exact combination of the terms that you selected, and only those terms.
  • As a general rule, you must select a term from the Entry type list and at least one more term from another list. You will get a message if you fail to do so.

To edit an observable's attributes:

  • Select the observable you want to edit
  • Select the observable attribute group you want to edit
  • Click the Edit button. 
  • NOTE: Selecting an observable of type formula and the Entry validation radio button, and then clicking the Edit button, it currently take nearly 10 seconds for the Edit formula window to open.

Creating a new observable requires that it doesn't exist already in the catalog, i.e., it's combination of observable definition qualifiers does not exist in the catalog. To create a new observable:

  • Expand the Definition filters bar.
  • Turn on the Match exactly switch.
  • Select the qualifiers from the dropdown menus you want to use. If it is new combination, the observable table is replaced with a view that allows you to create a new observable.
  • Click the Create new observable definition button. You are presented with the Create new observable definition form.
  • Select suitable connecting words between the qualifiers to complete a reasonably English sounding definition.
  • Create an observable (column) header.
    • It must be unique in the catalog.
    • You can optionally start out by clicking the Copy definition to header button and then edit (shorten) the header.
  • Click the Create button.
    • You return to the observable table view with only the newly created observable (because your filters are still on).
    • You can now edit the observable attributes to your liking.

To delete an observable from the catalog, an action that should be exceedingly rare and typically only apply to observables you just created and decided to define differently, etc.:

  • Select the observable you want to delete
  • Click the Delete from catalog button.
    • If the observable is used in catalog template, you should get the message:
      • "This observable is used in the following catalog templates (followed by list of templates). If your want to delete it from the observable catalog, remove it from these templates first."
    • If the observable is not used in any catalog template, you should get the warning:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this observable from the catalog? This cannot be undone."

You can also Return to the Observable catalog main page.

Edit lists

You are presented with this page because you chose to edit the entry validation of an observable with validation type list.

On the left: the current default list for this observable.

On the right: a list of available lists for this observable, with the current default list selected and its values displayed again on the right. The lists have no names, just database numbers. Select them to see the values in the list.

If multiple lists exist for the observable, select the list you want to edit.

Actions available on this page:

  • Create new list
    • Opens the Create new/edit lists page.
  • Edit (the selected list)
    • Opens the Create new/edit lists page.
  • Set default
    • Select the list you would like to become the default for this observable.
    • Then click the Set default button.
      • You will be returned to the Observable catalog main page.
  • Delete
    • Select the list you want to delete from this catalog observable.
    • Then click the Delete button. You will get a warning:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this entry value list from this catalog observable?

        This cannot be undone. (Has Delete and Cancel buttons.)

  • Return
    • Will return you to the Observable catalog main page.

Create new/edit lists

You are presented with this page if you have done one of two things:

  • Clicked the Create new list button, or
  • Selected an existing list and clicked the Edit button.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Sort the entire list using the A-Z or Z-A buttons
  • Reorder one or more selecting values using the Up or Down buttons
  • Remove (selected values from the list)
  • Add values to the list (on a new page)
  • Edit ranks (for plotting, on a new page)

When done, you can Save or Cancel your changes.

Add values to list

You are presented with a list of all entry values in the GEODESC Entry value catalog, with filter options at the top of the table.

The table columns are (see glossary for explanations):

  • Exists already
    • This should really say 'In use', meaning the value was added to at least one list of at least one catalog observable.
  • Entry value
  • Description
  • First order
  • Second order
  • Third order
  • Sort order

The table can be sorted using two filter options:

  • At the top left you can enter any character string, which will return entry value catalog records with that character string in any of the columns.
  • Using the Search by group term you can use the dropdown tree to filter by the GEODESC grouping of terms.

To add values to the selected list:

  • Select one or more values in the table.
  • Click the Add selected value(s) to list button.
    • The values are added to the To be added list below the main table.
    • Note the Current list to right for reference.
  • When done, click the Save or Cancel button.

Edit ranks

You are presented with a modal window displaying the values in the selected list and the following action buttons:

  • + and -
    • These buttons allow you to assign ranks as you see fit.
  • Add ranks
    • If the list has no ranks, this button will add ranks in the order the values currently appear.
  • Clear ranks
    • Will remove all ranks.
  • Reorder values by rank
    • If you changed the ranks using the + and - buttons, this action will sort the list according to your ranking.

When done, click the Save or Cancel button. 

Edit numeric validation

You are presented wit the Edit numeric validation pop-up window, where you can set three constraints for your selected observable(s) of type numeric:

  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Number of decimals (that will be stored and reported).

Entering values outside the minimum and maximum values in the Data Capture worksheet results in errors and the worksheet cannot be published without fixing the values.

Click Save to implement you changes, or Cancel to loose the changes.

Edit formula

You are presented with a pop-up window representing the data sheet where the formula will be applied. This 'mini-spreadsheet' works very similarly to the formula editors in commonly used spreadsheets such as Google sheets and Microsoft Excel. The main difference is that formulas in GEODESC must work consistently in supporting spreadsheet data capture and therefore apply to entire columns only.

The mini-spreadsheet has three rows:

  • Formula bar displaying formula
  • Generic column headings (A, B, C...)
  • GEODESC observable column headers
  • One data row to test the formula

To create a formula:

  • Begin with the = sign.
  • Select a function (unless you only need basic operators).
    • As you start typing a function name, you get a choice list of available functions.
  • Select columns that have the data to be used in the formula.
    • You can select the generic column headings (A, B, C...) or the GEDESC observable column headers.
  • Type operators as needed.
  • Click Enter or Return to complete the formula.
  • Enter data into the data row to confirm the formula result in the formula column.

To save your formula, click the OK button. To loose the changes, click the Cancel button.

Note: Saving a formula currently takes in the order of 10 s. Be patient!

Edit entry controls

You are presented with the Edit entry controls modal window. For detailed information, see Entry controls in the GEODESC glossary.

On the top left the selected observables are listed.

The central pane allows you to change four control settings:

  • Entry requirement
    • If turned on, the Entry requirement rule is applied to the selected observable(s).
    • Entry requirement can only be enabled for an observable if both the contiguity and exclusivity requirements are disabled.
  • Contiguity requirement
    • If turned on, the Contiguity rule (no gap rule) is applied to the selected observable(s).
    • Contiguity can only be set for an observable if Entry requirement rule is disabled. 
  • Exclusivity requirement
    • If turned on, the Exclusivity rule (no overlap rule) is applied to the selected observable(s)
    • Exclusivity can only be set for an observable if the Entry requirement rule is disabled.
  • Entry validation type
    • Entry validation types must be set for new observables, which are of type text when created)
    • The entry validation type can also be changed for existing observables (rarely needed).
    • You select the entry validation type from the dropdown menu:
      • text
      • list (single-select)
      • numeric
      • formula
      • list (multi-select)
        • Defining the list works exactly the same as for list (single-select). This separate piece of information is needed to set the column fields in the Data Capture application to receive multiple values.
    • If you change the entry validation type, you will get a warning to the effect that any previous validation criteria are lost if you save the change.
    • If you change the entry validation type to text, you will get the message:
      • 'Type 'text' means no entry validation exists other than a general restriction to letters, numbers, spaces, commas and periods.'
    • If you change the entry validation type to anything other than text, the label on the Edit... button will change accordingly to:
      • Edit list (opens the Edit lists page)
      • Edit numeric (opens the Edit numeric validation modal window)
      • Edit formula (opens the Edit formula validation modal window)
    • If you click the Edit... button, you will be asked to save the change of the validation type before proceeding to edit the criteria.

The right pane displays the current validation criteria if all selected observables share them.

To save your changes, click the Save button, otherwise click the Cancel button.

Edit display attributes

You are presented with the Edit display attributes page. It is the same page whether you selected Column display, Header display, or Data display before you clicked the Edit button on the Observable catalog parent page, because you can set all attributes here. For details on these attributes, see Display attributes in the GEODESC glossary.

On the top left the selected observables are listed.

The top pane is for the observable (column) settings:

  • Visibility
  • Lock visibility
  • Column width
  • Background color

The lower left pane is for the header cell settings:

  • Vertical align
  • Horizontal align
  • Word wrap
  • Orientation 

The lower right pane is for the data cell settings:

  • Vertical align
  • Horizontal align
  • Word wrap 

Entry value catalog

You are presented with a table of all entry values and their attributes, with search and filter features on top of the table.

Let's look at the table and its columns first (see the GEODESC Entry value catalog entry for explanations):

  • Exists already
    • This should really say 'In use', meaning the value was added to at least one list of at least one catalog observable and therefore cannot be deleted.
  • Entry value
  • Description
  • First order
  • Second order
  • Third order
  • Sort order

Because of the large number of values in the catalog, the online table will display 100 values at a time. In the bottom bar of the table, you can page up and down to see adjacent sets of 100 values.

You can filter the table in two ways:

  • At the top left you can enter any character string, which will return entry value catalog records with that character string in any of the columns.
  • You can use the Terms hierarchical dropdown list in the Search by group term area to filter by the GEODESC first, second, or third-order group terms.
  • You can click the Clear filters button to return the entire table.

You can choose from the following actions to make changes to the Entry value catalog:

  • Create value
    • Opens the Create new entry value modal window.
  • Edit value
    • Opens the Edit entry value modal window, which is the same as the one used to create a new entry value.
  • Delete value from catalog
    • If a value is selected that has a check mark in the Exists already column, you get the message:
      • "This entry value is used in the following catalog observables. If you want to delete it from the catalog, remove it from these observables first."

      • The observables using the values in a list are listed.
      • You must click the OK button.
    • If a value is selected that no check mark in the Exists already column, you get the message:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this entry value from the catalog? This cannot be undone."

      • You can click the Delete button or the Cancel button.
  • Return
    • Lands you back on the dashboard.

Create new entry value

You are presented with a form to create a new entry value. To create a new value:

  • Select a First order term. These are mandatory and intentionally restricted.
  • Select or enter a Second order term. These are mandatory but you can create a new one if needed.
  • Optionally select or enter a Third order term.
  • Enter the new value.
    • This is of course mandatory.
    • If the combination of what you have selected and/or entered so far exists already, you get a warning that you cannot create a duplicate.
    • However, adding duplicate values with different group terms is allowed.
  • Optionally enter a Description.
  • Optionally add a a Sort order
  • Click the Save button, or the Cancel button to abort the creation of a new value.

Edit entry value

You are presented with the same form that is used to create a new value. You can change any aspect of the selected value, but the main purposes here are to:

  • update the description
  • re-assign a value to a different first order, second order, and/or third order group in an effort to 'clean up' inconsistencies. 

Click the Save button, or the Cancel button to abort the edits to a value.

Observable qualifier catalog

You are presented with a table of all observable qualifiers and their categories and subcategories (see Observable qualifier catalog in GEODESC glossary for explanations), with search and filter features on top of the table.

The table columns are:

  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Keyword
  • Changed on
  • Changed by

You can filter the table in two ways:

  • At the top right you can enter any character string, which will return all qualifier catalog records with that character string in any of the columns.
  • On the top left you can use the Category dropdown menu to filter the qualifiers.

You can choose from the following actions to make changes to the Entry value catalog:

  • Add
    • Opens the Add new qualifier modal window.
  • Delete
    • If a qualifier is selected that is being used in an observable, you get the message:
      • "This qualifier is used in the following catalog observable definitions. If you want to delete this qualifier, you need to delete the catalog observables first."

      • The observables using the qualifier in their definitions are listed.
      • You must click the OK button.
    • If a value is selected that is not used in any catalog observable, you get the Qualifier delete warning:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this qualifier from the catalog? This cannot be undone."

      • You can click the Delete button or the Cancel button.
  • Return
    • Lands you back on the dashboard.

Create qualifier

You are presented with a form to crate a new qualifier.

Taxa catalog

You are presented with the Microfossil group dropdown list of GEODESC microfossil groups. Select one to see a table of the taxa for that group. If you don't see a table, most action buttons at the bottom of the page won't work.

The taxa table has a relatively large number of columns, described in more detail in the GEODESC glossary Taxa catalog item. The display of less frequently needed columns is therefore made optional with a column filter.

Fixe columns:

  • Order/family/informal group
  • Genus
  • Species modifier
  • Species
  • Subspecies modifier
  • Subspecies

Columns that can be optionally displayed using the check boxes at the top of the table:

  • Size & Suffix
  • Descriptive text
  • Sensu & Reference
  • Synonym list
  • Age & Marker taxon
  • Geographic distribution

You can filter the taxa of a microfossil group further using one of two options selected with the radio buttons:

  • Genus & Species
    • You can select Species and Subspecies from two dropdown lists.
  • Order/family/informal group
    • You can select an Order/family/Informal group from a dropdown list.

You can perform the following actions with the buttons at the bottom of the page:

  • Add
    • Presents two options, Add taxon by form and Add taxa by file, each leading to a separate page.
  • Edit non-key parameters
    • Presents a modal window.
  • Add synonym for selected taxon
    • Leads to the Create synonym page.
  • Make it a synonym
    • Leads to the Make it a synonym page.
  • Delete
    • You get the warning:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this taxon from the catalog? This cannot be undone."
      • You can click the Delete button or the Cancel button.
  • Return
    • Lands you back on the dashboard.

Add taxon by form

You are presented with a form to add a single new taxon. To review the parameters and rules that apply to the form, see the GEODESC glossary Taxa catalog item.

To add a new taxon:

  • Select a microfossil group from the dropdown menu (mandatory).
  • Click the Order or Genus radio button.
    • If you click Order, one entry field is displayed underneath and an entry is mandatory:
      • Order/Family/Informal group
    • If you click Genus, five entry fields will be displayed underneath and entry of at least a genus is mandatory:
      • Genus
      • Species modifier (select from list)
      • Species
      • Subspecies modifier (select from list)
      • Subspecies
  • At this point, you have created a valid taxon and if you click the Save button, you will get one of two messages:
    • "Taxon created successfully"
    • "Taxon already in catalog"
  • You can add additional key information:
    • Size (entered in multiple parts)
      • Min
      • Comparison
        • > or >= if only Min is entered
        • < or <= if only Max is entered
        • none if Min and Max are entered
      • Max
      • Units (microns or mm)
    • Suffix
    • Descriptive text
    • Sensu reference
    • Reference
  • Finally, you can enter some additional taxon information:
    • Age (select from list)
    • Marker taxon
    • Geographic distribution (select from list)

To conclude:

  • Click the Save button to commit the new taxon to the catalog.
  • Click the Clear form button to start entering additional taxa.
  • Click Return button to land back on the Taxa catalog main page.

Add taxa by file

You are presented with a file upload page. You are expected to have a vetted taxa list ready for upload.

If your vetted taxa file is not ready:

  • Click the Download Excel template button.
    • This will download the file taxa_from_personal_list_template file.
  • Read the Read Me tab, or go to the GEODESC glossary Taxa catalog item to familiarize yourself with the taxa parameters, data requirements, and validation rules.
  • Type or paste your taxa list into the template.
  • Save your file as an Excel workbook.

Once your vetted taxa list is ready:

  • Drag and drop your file into the designated area. Alternatively, click the Browse to file button, navigate to your file, and open it.
    • This opens the Excel workbook in the Catalog Manger spreadsheet.
    • Select the first tab if it is not yet selected.
    • You will see your taxa list.
    • A red-framed cell means that you have an error. Hover over the cell to find out what type of error you may have.
  • You have three action buttons underneath the spreadsheet:
    • The Validate and add to list button checks for errors.
      • If no errors exist in the entire spreadsheet, the taxa are written the To be added list below the spreadsheet.
      • If erros exist, you need to fix them before any taxa are copied to the To be added area.
    • The Add new row button adds an empty row below the existing rows in the spreadsheet in case you enter taxa directly into the form.
    • The Go to error button moves the focus to the next (first) error, which is useful if you have a very long list with few errors.
  • You also have a row menu with the following action items:
    • Copy
    • Cut
    • Paste
    • Delete
  • Fix any errors. You have two options:
    • Fix the errors directly in the application.
    • Click the Export list (with errors) to a file button, fix the errors in your original file and repeat the file selection.
  • If you have no more errors, click the Validate and add to list button and the taxa spreadsheet is converted into a simple list in the To be added area.
  • Click the Save button to add the taxa to the catalog.
  • Click the Return button to return to the Edit taxa catalog page (whether you have saved the taxa to the catalog or decided to cancel).

Edit non-key parameters

You are presented with the form to edit three non-key parameters. The edit one or more of the parameters for the selected taxon:

  • Make a selection from the Age dropdown menu.
  • Enter Marker species information (free text).
  • Make a selection from the Geographic distribution dropdown menu.
  • Click the Save button to save the change.
  • Click the Cancel button to loose the change and return to the Taxa catalog page.

Create synonym

You re presented with the Create synonym page. To add a new synonym for the selected senior taxon:

  • Select a Microfossil group from the dropdown menu (mandatory).
  • Click the Order or Genus radio button.
    • If you click Order, one entry field is displayed underneath and an entry is mandatory:
      • Order/Family/Informal group
    • If you click Genus, five entry fields will be displayed underneath and entry of at least a genus is mandatory:
      • Genus
      • Species modifier (select from list)
      • Species
      • Subspecies modifier (select from list)
      • Subspecies
  • At this point, you have created a valid synonym and you can save it or you can add additional information.
  • If you click the Save button, you will:
    • land on the Synonym catalog page;
    • get one of two messages:
      • "Synonym created"
      • "Synonym already in catalog"
  • If you keep adding information before clicking the Save button, you have the following parameters available:
    • Size (entered in multiple parts)
      • Min
      • Comparison
        • > or >= if only Min is entered
        • < or <= if only Max is entered
        • none if Min and Max are entered
      • Max
      • Units (microns or mm)
    • Suffix
    • Descriptive text
    • Sensu reference
    • Reference
    • Allow use of synonym radio buttons:
      • Allow use of synonym
      • Deny use of synonym
  • Click the Save button to commit the new taxon to the catalog.
  • Click the Cancel button to land back on the Taxa catalog main page.

Make it a synonym

You are presented with the Make it a synonym page. To change the selected taxon into a synonym, you need to select a senior taxon for the new synonym. If the appropriate senior taxon does not exist in the GEODESC catalog, you need to create it first.

  • Find the taxon you want to become the senior. You can browse the entire taxa list, or you can use the filters above the taxa list:
    • Select the Microfossil group from the dropdown menu.
    • Select the Genus & Species radio button and select a Genus and/or Species from the dropdown menus, or
    • Select Order/Family/Informal group radio button and select an Order/Family/Informal group from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the appropriate taxon from from the filter results.
  • Click the Select the senior for the new synonym button to save the update to the catalog.
    • You will get the message "Successfully changed to synonym"
  • Click the Return button to return to the Taxa catalog page.

Synonym catalog

You are presented with the Synonym catalog page. The synonym table has three columns:

  • Senior taxon - the full taxon definition, which is the concatenated content of 11 parameters presented in the Taxa catalog.
  • Allow deny - the flag indicating whether the synonym can be used in a project template or not.
  • Synonym taxon - the concatenated parameter content of the synonyms.

You can filter the table by Senior taxon or Synonym using dropdown lists for Microfossil group, Genus and Species.

You can perform the following actions with the buttons at the bottom of the page:

  • Add synonym for selected taxon
    • This will land you on the Create synonym page, which is the same page accessible from the Taxa catalog.
  • Update button with two radio buttons for
    • Allow use of synonym
    • Deny use of synonym
  • Change senior button
    • This lands you on Change senior page.
  • Delete
    • You get the warning:
      • "Are you sure you want to delete this synonym from the catalog? This cannot be undone."
      • You can click the Delete button or the Cancel button.
  • Return
    • Lands you back on the dashboard.

Change senior

You are presented with the Change senior page.

You can optionally filter the taxa catalog by:

  • Microfossil group
  • One of the following based on your radio button selection:
    • Genus & Species
      • You can select Species and Subspecies from two dropdown lists.
    • Order/family/informal group
      • You can select an Order/family/Informal group from a dropdown list.

To change the senior for the selected synonym:

  • Select the appropriate taxon from the (filtered) taxa list.
  • Click the Associate the synonym with the selected senior taxon button
    • You get the message "Successfully updated the synonym".
    • You are returned to the Synonym catalog main page.

You can also click the Return button anytime to leave this page.

Zone catalog

You are presented with the Zone catalog page.

Updating the Zone catalog is a very infrequent process and is therefore left to a direct bulk replacement procedure in the GEODESC database. At least two people need to collaborate on this:

  • The SME: the subject matter expert, a micropaleontologist, or their proxy, who is interested in adding a new zonal scheme to the catalog.
  • The DEV: a developer who can make modifications to the GEODESC database.

See the GEODESC glossary for more information on the zones feature.

To update the zone catalog:

  • SME: Download the current zone catalog from the Data Access application.
  • SME: Add the new zonal scheme to the list, matching the columns and updating the sort number list. Save the updated file and pass it to the DEV.
  • DEV: Replace the entire zone list in the GEODCAT.ZONES table with the one provided by the SME.
  • DEV or SME: Click the Run 'Faux observable' program button
    • This will check if a 'faux observable' exists for each zonal scheme (reference), and create them if they don't exist.
    • The 'faux observables' are needed so users can add the desired zonal schemes to their templates in the Template Manager application, and use them in the Data Capture application.
  • SME: Verify the update in the Data Access, Template Manager, and Data Capture applications.

Datum catalog

You are presented with the Datum catalog page.

Updating the datum (and ages/time scales) catalog is a very infrequent process and is therefore left to a direct bulk replacement procedure in the GEODESC database. At least two people need to collaborate on this:

  • The SME: the subject matter expert, a micropaleontologist, or their proxy, who is interested in adding a new set of datums (a published time scale) to the catalog.
  • The DEV: a developer who can make modifications to the GEODESC database.

See the GEODESC glossary for more information on the datums, ages, and time scales.

To update the datum catalog:

  • SME: Download the current datum catalog from the Data Access application.
  • SME: Add the new datums and/or time scale and ages to the list, matching the columns, updating the sort set numbers. Save the updated file and pass it to the DEV.
  • DEV: Replace the entire datum AND ages (by time scale) list in the GEODCAT.DATUMS and GEODCAT.DATUM_TIMESCALE tables based on the single list provided by the SME.
  • DEV or SME: 
  • Click the Run 'Faux observable' program button
    • This will check if a 'faux observable' exists for each time scale, and create them if they don't exist.
    • The 'faux observables' are needed so users can add the desired time scales to their templates in the Template Manager application, and use them in the Data Capture application.
  • SME: Verify the update in the Data Access, Template Manager, and Data Capture applications.