EXP390R ALO Tech Report

Expedition Info.

EXP390R Tie-Up, Cape Town (Dec. 5th, 2020 to February 4th). EXP390R was strictly a tie-up.

Important Note: Whole round basement sections recovered on EXP390C are remaining onboard. They are boxed and secured in the HRS.

ALO Computer

A few times, screen went into startup mode and couldn't find the operating system.  Had to hard restart.  Had MCS look at it twice, it happened 3 times after they changed the "boot up order."  May want a backup of your folders.


A Scientist Sample Parcel for Dr. Jin, from 390C was returned to Cape Town, and is on its way back to Tonji University.  Scientist did not answer his phone or e-mail when package was being originally delivered.  Tim Bronk and Emily Estes are coordinating.  Air Way Bill is in 390R shipping folder.  No further action is needed.


  • All 390R shipments are received.

  • In 395P, the Schlumberger tools in 395P have been received, and the NGR check sources have been received.

  • 2 x Flat racks expected end of January.

  • One AF expected to arrive in Cape Town, 395P port call. 

    • In the AF there is a replacement  HP drive kit the MCS’ need to swap out with one on board, and return the old one, air freight before the ship departs Cape Town.  It’s still under warranty. 

Off Going

  • MCS HP drive kit to be returned RAF.

  • One USA_RAF parcel congaing Minolta, Fluxgate Magnetometer was picked up from the vessel Jan. 29.  Waiting on AWB to send shipment.


Upped the 3D printer cooling fans RSL to 3. 

Had John Miller order 6 extra NGR fans (PP5016) to make a complete spare rack, but did not up RSL in AMS.

We ordered a replacement Gel Coat resin and 2 bottles of hardener (MEKP) from agent.  There are 2 types of Gel Coat on inventory, HW5502 and HW5850.  Not sure if these are different.  One type of resin (HW5502) has 2 quarts in BFLM from 2017, and It takes the same hardener. Maybe Etienne knows  which one is good to keep on inventory, and which one should be removed. All gel coats have been moved in AMS to BFLM, and the small repair kits remain on CSPLT checkout.

Special projects

Repaired cracks and painted worst areas in Core Lab floors. 

Refinished Down Hole bench top and sampling table.

Splitting room super saw trough; repaired cracks and resurfaced gel coat.  West Maine sent us the wrong kind of hardener (Dibenzoyl Peroxide).  I put it with other hazardous waste in Chem Lab to be disposed of.

Cleaned and serviced the super saw.

Loose Argon bottle racked.

New fire place is behind the D-Tube caps.

One of the 3 reaming SCBAs bottles (SCBA #6) leaks and needs to be surplussed next returning SURF.  It's labeled in pallet stores area.



Gel Coat the upper splitting table. The hardener is attached to the gallon mix in BFLM.
