Exp. 400T Core Description/Imaging report

Fabricio Ferreira


  • Expedition 400T involved a transit from Reykjavik, Iceland, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, followed by a dry dock in Amsterdam. 
  • The School of Rocks (SOR) event occurred during the transit, involving activities with SOR participants, including explanations of laboratories, methods, and workflow on board JR. Additionally, training and support were provided on sediment sample preparations, microscopes, and Hitachi SEM basics, followed by sample observation and microfossil picking. 
  • A proposal was presented for a new integration between GEODESC micropaleontology worksets and the LIVE template
  • During dry dock, the ship's power source was changed, and after the return to the ship's power source, equipment and tracks were tested.
  • SHMSL gaps recognition test (development of a new EZ-tool for SHMSL test);
  • Remove, opening and fixing (J-Box re-wiring) of the sonar dome;
  • CNC training; 
  • Fine adjusts in the micropaleontological Making Slide Mount project (2, 3 and 4 holes slides); 
  • Revision and update of the micropaleontological sieves list;
  • Tracks, microscopes and SEM were tested after ship power returns to an normal conditions.

System Status:


GEODESC, software dedicated to the core description and biostratigraphic data. Until the elaboration of this report, the tests had been performed in the following programs and their respective versions:

  • TemplateManager: current version v 1.0.20;
  • DataCapture: current version is v 1.0.22;
  • DataAcess: current version is v 0.2.0;
  • No issues to report;

Project Proposal: Integration of GEODESC Microfossil Datasets in LIMS Viewer (LIVE)

Summary: The proposed project seeks to elevate the capabilities of both the GEODESC applications and LIMS Viewer (LIVE) by integrating advanced features for microfossil dataset visualization. This initiative aims to incorporate Stratigraphic Range Charts as a LIVE templates, providing a visual representation of the temporal occurrence of microfossil taxa and/or groups. This project proposal is a strategic initiative that aligns with the evolving needs of biostratigraphers, positioning both GEODESC and LIVE as comprehensive platforms by significantly improves the visualization of micropaleontological data (Fig 1). As example, the application can allowing the user sort the taxa occurrence by options first or last taxa/group occurrence, offering flexibility to biostratigraphers (Fig 1B, C). The proposed enhancements will not only improve the user experience but also contribute to the productivity and success of biostratigraphy research.




Fig 1. Proposal work flow for the new biostratigraphy feature: A. the scientist define and create the template in the Template Manager. B-C. the user create and fill the workset that will be displayed in the new LIVE template. 


  • no issues to report.

Thin Section Report Builder and Writer

  • no issues to report.

Scanning Electron Microscopes


  • The SEC SNE-4500M SEM and EDS had been tested after the ship power returns to an normal conditions (Fig 2).
  • EDS vertical streak issue presented in the Esprit Compact image in the previous expeditions do not appears during the tests (Fig 2);
  • in the final of the expedition the filament had around 13:49 hours of use.  
  • no issues to report.

Fig 2. SEC SNE-4500M SEM and EDS tests. PELCO standard stub. 

Hitachi TM3000 SEM

  • The Hitachi SEM had been tested after the ship power returns to an normal conditions, and no problems to report (Fig 3).

Fig 3. Hitachi SEM image test. 

Leica ACE200 Sputter Coater

  • SEM Sputter coating was cleaned and tested. 
  • No issues to report.

Paleontology Wet Lab

  • No issues to report.

Microscope Lab and Microscopes 

  • All the microscopes from the Microscope Lab, Core Lab and Geochemistry Lad and the Image Capture associated to than were tested after the return to the ship power;
  • No issues to report.


  • SHIL OpCARD 101 replacement (Fig 4);
  • The SHIL had been tested after the ship power returns to an normal conditions, and no problems to report. However,  a new calibration may be necessary for improved image quality.

Fig 4. SHIL OpCARD 101 replacement;


  • SHMSL ruler repair (Fig 5);


Fig 5. SHMSL ruler before repair;

  • Previous Expeditions evaluations had presented complains (questions) about the SHMSL gap recognition skills, and how can be setting up to ovoid that areas during the data acquisition.

To test the automatic identification of gap(s) by the SHMSL, a play core was created (Fig 6). The technician/user can use the Laser Measurement editor to set the gaps. “This is the height below the benchmark which will be tagged by the system as a gap and will therefore not be measured.” [SHMSL User Guide].

Fig 6. Play core created for the SHMSL tests. . A. New EZ-tool developed for the SHMSL test; B. and C. Gap position: 4-5cm / 11-12cm / 15-25cm / 35-40 cm / 45-55cm / 65-80cm / 85-105cm / 115-120cm / 123-127cm / 129-134cm / 135-139cm.

Two Gap Offset settings had been tested (25 mm and 10 mm). For change the settings on IMS, go to: DAQ>Measurement Editor>AR700> Gap Offset (+/ mm) (Fig 7.);

Fig 7. IMS setup panel; DAQ>Measurement Editor>AR700> Gap Offset (+/ mm)

When SHMSL run with the Gap Offset (+/mm) of 10 mm, the gaps are identified and those intervals are automatically excluded from the data acquisition (Fig 5A). However, when the Gap Offset was set up for 30 mm, the Laser surface profile do not identify any gap in the material, and same points inside of the gaps are acquired incorrectly (Fig 8B).



Fig 8. SHMSL data acquisitions results of  setting up to (A) Gap Offset of 10 mm, with one centimeter of interval for both MS3 and QEPro; and (B) Gap Offset of 30 mm with one centimeter of interval of MS3. 

  • The SHMSL had been tested after the ship power returns to an normal conditions, and no problems to report.

Micropaleontological Slide Mount 

A fine adjustments were made on the Slide mount files (featuring four, three, and two holes) as part of the Making Slide Mount project. In order to ensure a precise fit within the final micropaleontological slide set, which comprises a cover glass, mount slide, and aluminum box, it is crucial that the mount slide does not exceed final dimensions of 77x25x3.3 mm. This measurement takes into account the top white (PL5024), mid black (PL5025), and base white cardstock (yet to be defined).  

  • The main changes were:
    • fine adjustments in the hole positions for each type of Slide mount (Slide mount_4: Fig 9A-B and Tab 1; Slide mount_3: Fig 10A-B and Tab 2; Slide mount_2: Fig 11A-B and Tab 3);
    • addition of a new Y line, allowing for two more slides in each cardstock
    • before affixing the white cardstock to the black cardstock, a manual sanding of the base of the white cardstock is strongly suggested. This should be performed using sandpaper with grit numbers 120 and 260 (Fig 9), respectively. This additional step helps clean the surface of cutting residues, smoothing the base of the white cardstock, and increases adhesion during the cardstock gluing process;
    • for accessing the modified files in the CNC software, navigate to the "Chieh/Fabricio/" folder under the File tab. Choose the file corresponding to the desired number of holes (new versions are available for mount slides with four, three, and two holes);
    • a white cardstock example, with the suggested cut positions (as in Figs. 9, 10 and 11) will be available along the jig and others materials of the project. 

Fig 9A. Slide mount_4: Previous (top) and new version (base); 

Fig 9B. New holes and slide cut positions of the Slide mount_4;

Tab 1. Slide mount_4: new holes positions 

4 holes     















Fig 10A. Slide mount_3: Previous (top) and new version (base); 

Fig 10B. New holes and slide cut positions of the Slide mount_3;

Tab 2. Slide mount_3: new holes positions 

3 holes























Fig 11A. Slide mount_2: Previous (top) and new version (base); 

Fig 11B. New holes and slide cut positions of the Slide mount_2;

Tab 3. Slide mount_2: new holes positions 

2 holes











Fig 9. Sand paper used in the bottom of the white cardstock.  

Data Backup

  • No data backup.

Items Received

  • No items received.

Items Order

  • No items ordered.

Critical Maintenance


  • Participation in the School of Rocks;
  • Equipment images for Wiki.
  • Assembly and disassembly of the sonar-dome support (EZ-Support 3000; Fig 10);

Fig 10. EZ-Support 3000.


  • Development of P-XRF track (see XRay report for more detail);
  • Short-training in the CNC machine with Tech. Etienne;
  • Revision and update of the micropaleontological sieves list (Sieve inventory) . 
  • Cleaning of the WRMSL jug;