Switching to the Backup Haskris Quick Start Guide

Switching to the Backup Haskris Quick Start Guide


Figure 1a:  Main Haskris Water Chiller (water cooled).  This unit is located at the forward end of the paleomagnetics lab and requires ship chill-water.

Figure 1b: Backup Haskris Water Chiller (air cooled).  This unit is located at the forward end of the Core lab under the Forward Description Table.  Since the unit is air cooled, it will generate heat in the lab space

Switching to the Backup Haskris

This is an abbreviated version for emergency switching from the main Haskris (Figure 1a)to the backup Haskris (Figure 1b). For switching between systems during basic EOX/BOX maintenance, please refer to the complete version found on Confluence.


  1. Turn on the backup Haskris with its main power switch on the front panel. It takes a few sections to initialize. (If the pump doesn't start after initialization then toggle the power switch to help prime the pump until it runs continuously.)

  2.  Turn both black selector valves down 180°(located at forward end of the paleomagnetics lab). The white arrow should now point to the two lines labeled "Backup to/from Cryomech". The pressure change will likely make a clunk noise which is normal (Figure 2).

  3. Turn off the main Haskris with the power switch on its front panel as soon as possible.

  4. Monitor with Cryowatch to ensure that the water and oil temperatures stabilize indicating that the backup system is functioning. 

  5. If the backup Haskris is needed to operate for more than a few minutes, it needs to be moved away from the wall as it generates a lot of heat. Undo the tie-down and carefully roll out from under the table about 1 m aft minding 2 flexible hose connections and power connections. There is a tie-down anchor for this location as well.


Figure 2: The two selector valves shown in the Backup position.

Switching Back to the Main Haskris 

This is an abbreviated version for switching back to the main Haskris (Figure 1a) from the backup Haskris (Figure 1b). For switching between systems during basic EOX/BOX maintenance, please refer to the complete version found on Confluence.

  1. Ensure that the ship's chill-water is functioning and both valves are open (Figure 3

  2. Turn on the main Haskris with its main power switch on the front panel. (If the pump doesn't start after initialization then toggle the power switch to help prime the pump until it runs continuously.)

  3.  Turn both black selector valves up 180° (located at forward end of the paleomagnetics lab). The white arrow should now point to the two lines labeled "Main to/from Cryomech". The pressure change will likely make a clunk noise which is normal (Figure 4).

  4. Turn off the backup Haskris with the power switch on its front panel as soon as possible.

  5. Check the temperature setting on the front panel of the main Haskris. The green display is the set temp and the red display is the actual temp. The set set should be 65°F.

  6. Press the bottom left button once and verify that the A1SP temp is set to 125°F. The arrows adjust this and press the button left two more times to return to the main menu.

  7. Double check that the water level in the main unit is near the fittings in the reservoir. Top off with clean ship tap water if necessary (NOT DI water).

  8. Monitor with Cryowatch to ensure that the water and oil temperatures stabilize indicating that the backup system is functioning. (Even when doing a planned switch, the temperature will likely rise some.)

  9. Once satisfied that the main is functioning properly, then the backup needs to be moved fore about 1 m and stowed under the table minding 2 flexible hose connections and power connections - it is very easy to run over them. Secure the unit with its tie-down and anchor.

Figure 3: Ship's chill-water valves shown open.

Figure 4: The two selector valves shown in the main position.


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