PC_ORIENT (piece orientation) LIMS Component Table
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Exp | Exp: expedition number |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Site | Site: site number |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Hole | Hole: hole number |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Core | Core: core number |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Type | Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X). |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | Sect | Sect: section number |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | A/W | A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | text_id | Text_ID: automatically generated database identifier for a sample, also carried on the printed labels. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique across all samples. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | sample_number | Sample Number: automatically generated database identifier for a sample. This is the primary key of the SAMPLE table. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | label_id | Label identifier: automatically generated, human readable name for a sample that is printed on labels. This name is not guaranteed unique across all samples. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | sample_name | Sample name: short name that may be specified for a sample. You can use an advanced filter to narrow your search by this parameter. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_sample_state | Sample state: Single-character identifier always set to "W" for samples; standards can vary. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_project | Project: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_capt_loc | Captured location: "captured location," this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2 |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | location | Location: location that sample was taken; this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2 |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_sampling_tool | Sampling tool: sampling tool used to take the sample (e.g., syringe, spatula) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | changed_by | Changed by: username of account used to make a change to a sample record |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | changed_on | Changed on: date/time stamp for change made to a sample record |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | sample_type | Sample type: type of sample from a predefined list (e.g., HOLE, CORE, LIQ) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_offset | Offset (m): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in meters. |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_offset_cm | Offset (cm): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset, converted to cm) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_bottom_offset_cm | Bottom offset (cm): bottom offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset + length, converted to cm) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_diameter | Diameter (cm): diameter of sample, usually applied only to CORE, SECT, SHLF, and WRND samples; however this field is null on both Exp. 390 and 393, so it is no longer populated by Sample Master |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | description | SAMPLE comment: contents of the SAMPLE.description field, usually shown on reports as "Sample comments" |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_orig_len | Original length (m): field for the original length of a sample; not always (or reliably) populated |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_length | Length (m): field for the length of a sample [as entered upon creation] |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | x_length_cm | Length (cm): field for the length of a sample. This is a calculated field (length, converted to cm). |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | status | Status: single-character code for the current status of a sample (e.g., active, canceled) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | old_status | Old status: single-character code for the previous status of a sample; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled sample |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | original_sample | Original sample: field tying a sample below the CORE level to its parent HOLE sample |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | parent_sample | Parent sample: the sample from which this sample was taken (e.g., for PWDR samples, this might be a SHLF or possibly another PWDR) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | standard | Standard: T/F field to differentiate between samples (standard=F) and QAQC standards (standard=T) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | login_by | Login by: username of account used to create the sample (can be the LIMS itself [e.g., SHLFs created when a SECT is created]) |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | login_date | Login date: creation date of the sample |
PC_ORIENT | SAMPLE | legacy | Legacy flag: T/F indicator for when a sample is from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test changed_on | TEST changed on: date/time stamp for a change to a test record. |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test status | TEST status: single-character code for the current status of a test (e.g., active, in process, canceled) |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test old_status | TEST old status: single-character code for the previous status of a test; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled test |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test test_number | TEST test number: automatically generated database identifier for a test record. This is the primary key of the TEST table. |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test date_received | TEST date received: date/time stamp for the creation of the test record. |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test instrument | TEST instrument [instrument group]: field that describes the instrument group (most often this applies to loggers with multiple sensors); often obscure (e.g., user_input) |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test analysis | TEST analysis: analysis code associated with this test (foreign key to the ANALYSIS table) |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test x_project | TEST project: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises |
PC_ORIENT | TEST | test sample_number | TEST sample number: the sample_number of the sample to which this test record is attached; a foreign key to the SAMPLE table |
PC_ORIENT | CALCULATED | Top depth CSF-A (m) | Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. |
PC_ORIENT | CALCULATED | Bottom depth CSF-A (m) | Bottom depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. |
PC_ORIENT | CALCULATED | Top depth CSF-B (m) | Top depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user. |
PC_ORIENT | CALCULATED | Bottom depth CSF-B (m) | Bottom depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user. |
PC_ORIENT | RESULT | oriented | RESULT oriented: Y/N field to indicate whether a piece is large enough to be oriented on the Z-axis of the hole, or if it can be fitted to another oriented piece |
LIMS component table - 27Sept2022