Converting SyQwest Bathy-2010 ODC files to SEGY files

Converting SyQwest Bathy-2010 ODC files to SEGY files

The ODC output files from the Bathy-2010 system on the ship need to be converted into a SEGY format for general use and for distribution to NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). This conversion is necessary because, at some point in time during one of the Windows updates, the SEGY files being output by the BATHY software during acquisition could no longer be read by any post-processing SEGY application, including the BATHY software. Therefore the ODC files should be converted into new SEGY files using an updated SyQwest software package (BATHY2010PC ver. 

The software is installed on the Petrel station in the Downhole Measurements lab on the Core Deck.

To convert a file, open BATHY2010PC and go to Tools → Convert ODC to SEGY. Navigate to the ODC file to convert, select Open and a window will open as below.

You can elect to Save a SEGY Zoom file or not. In most cases it is probably best to not save this file. Then just click OK and the software will create a new SEGY file in the location of the ODC file. A good standard operating procedure is to create a new folder in the ODC folder called "SEGY_corrected" for these corrected SEGY files. If no one needs to use the SEGY files during an expedition, the ODC files can all be converted at the end of the expedition.  When that task is completed, make sure that the SEGY files get copied to DATA1.



Archive Versions

ConvertingSyQwestBathy-2010ODCfilestoSEGYfiles.pdf - Feb. 24, 2020