Stratigraphic Correlation

Stratigraphic Correlation

Location of the Stratigraphic Correlation lab on the Core Deck.


SCORS stands for Stratigraphic CORrelation Support, which is used as a short handle to anything relating to stratigraphic correlation.

For starters, visit the SCORS overview guide (updated in October 2020).

Correlator user guide (April 2024)

Access to tools and guides

  • Correlation Downloader (Java app.)

    • Application: It should have a shortcut on the Desktops at the JR correlation station. Ask JRSO personnel to install it if not.

    • Guide: Correlation Downloader

  • ImageResample.R (R script)

    • Application: The R script is local on the correlation station computers (contact Peter Blum if in trouble). R and and the required package magick should be installed on the correlation computers .

    • Guide: Image reduction for Correlator

  •  Correlator (Python app)

    • Application: It should have a shortcut on the Desktops at the JR correlation station. Ask JRSO personnel to install it if not.

    • Stratigraphic correlation quick start guide: Give it a try

    • Correlator User Guide: Exhaustive guide, a bit outdated but basics are still the same. An updated guide for Correlator 4.0 is in the works.

  • SCORS Uploader and Manager (Web app)

  • LORE for SCORS (Web app)

    • Application: This is the #1 data access portal for LIMS and easily accessible from the ship's home page at http://web.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/.

    • Guide: LORE's specific applications for stratigraphic correlation is described in LORE for SCORS.

Other guides

Older quick guides

These "quick guides" covering parts of the workflow outlined in the newer SCORS overview were created by users over time and may be slightly outdated. They are child pages to this lab page and kept there for now in case they may help new users.

Correlator Video Tutorials

These video tutorial videos were recorded in May 2019 for Correlator v.3.  They are slightly outdated in regard to new and improved features on Correlator 4 but the overall workflow remains the same.