Expedition 390C Physical Properties Technical Report



Emily Estes was the only scientist onboard during this expedition.

Approximately 800 m of core was processed in the PP laboratory.

For further information please visit the X390C Physical Properties Lab Notebook, ETs Report and Imaging Specialist report for X390C.

Physical Properties Laboratory

Confluence Updates

  • Physical Properties Notebook page was updated on Confluence. Following the recommendations of LOs, ALOs, technicians and previous tech reports the Phys Props page was reviewed and updated. This page needs to be reviewed by the oncoming crew.

    • The "old" PP Page was saved and Archived under 'Info for Physical Properties Technicians'. If the original notebook PP page is to be recovered, v340 should be used (March 4, 2020), after this date structural changes were implemented.

    • During the past months two different PP Notebook pages has been used. All the changes in both of them were compiled into the current page.

    • In order to unify and standardize the format of the Laboratory pages, the current Notebook PP Page follows the Chemistry Lab Page (designed by Johanna Suhonen).

    • Current page allows clear view of tracks' status and an easy way to find laboratory related information.

    • Main difference with the initial PP page is that each track has each own page, before all the lab information was listed in the same page. Mentioned division allows the user to find the related information efficiently.

Each track is listed on the left side of the main page. In the page, the information is organized by expedition and date. Newer information is at the top. On the right side of the page user could find links to instrument user guides, vendor manuals, tests and other resources.


    • Important related laboratory information can be found on the right side of the main page. The follow are the different sections:

      • ´Expedition Specific Physical Properties Notes´: It is designed to add expedition general notes that could be compiled on the Technical Report. It is also organized by expedition.

      • 'Info for Physical Properties technicians': Useful information for the technician cam be found here, like vendor manuals, laboratory templates, configuration files , IMS , other software resources, laboratory resources, archived information and inventories. 

At present the following inventories are compiled:




        • Bartington MS Detectors and Sensors

        • Laser

        • QEPro spectrometers

        • NI items inventory (under construction)

        • Teledyne, X-Ray Imager sources

        • SHIL cameras

        • Pycnometer cells

        • TCON needles and probes

        • Radioactive sources




      • 'Physical Properties Laboratory Task List': Reserved for pending tasks at the end of the expedition. It is way to communicate with the technician in charge on the next expedition.

      • 'Physical Properties Laboratory Issues': Links to Physical Properties Software Issues table and to the link to report new software issues.

      • 'Tech Reports': Links to 'Archived Tech Reports' page.

      • 'Physical Properties Books and References': Assigned for useful information for scientists, like published articles and formally referenced academic works.

      • 'Vendor's Troubleshooting Information': See further information above.


  • Following the recommendation of Eric Moortgat, NI (National Instruments) inventory was added to the list of inventories (Under 'Info for Physical Properties Technicians'). This inventory contains model, serial number and location information of the item, and also its inputs and outputs and alternative models for items that is no longer available by the vendor. As well, it is useful for understanding how each station works, and for troubleshooting. (Note: this inventory is under construction).





Serial Number

TAMU Property #

Physical Ports


Communication Type




Alternative Model




Serial Number

TAMU Property #

Physical Ports


Communication Type




Alternative Model

Gantry Station, Installed


8 bit,100MS/s Digitizer


NI USB-5133






Sync out

RF out




Gantry Station, Installed


8 bit,100MS/s Digitizer


NI USB-5133






Pulser RF Out

Pulser Sync





  • 'Vendor's Troubleshooting Information' page was created to provide information on an instrument that was sent to a vendor for repair. This list contains the description of the problem, dates when the instrument was sent and received and as much information as possible about vendor's diagnosis and repair. It would be useful to add any communication emails with the vendor. Information should be added by the technician onboard if the repair information is received on the ship, or by someone onshore, if they have the contact with the vendor or the information was received together with the instrument onshore.





Serial Number

TAMU Property Number


Date sent

Date received onboard

Problem Description

Vendor Troubleshooting Info




Serial Number

TAMU Property Number


Date sent

Date received onboard

Problem Description

Vendor Troubleshooting Info


X-Ray Source


17 1738/05



May 2019 (X382)

Nov 2019 (X378T)

The IMS error screen kept reporting Q3B1, "main voltage too low."


Ocean Optics

(Ocean Insight)

QEPro Spectrometer





April 2020 (X387P/387T)

Sep 2020 (X390P II)

It was not possible to perform the white calibration. It follows the variation of the temperature but in the opposite direction.


Ocean Optics

(Ocean Insight)

QEPro Spectrometer





April 2020 (X387P/387T)

Sep 2020 (X390P II)

It was not possible to perform the white calibration, had low counts and did not follow the same pattern as QEP00674.




  • WRMSL/STMSL, NGR, XMSL, SHMSL, GANTRY and SHIL checklists were reviewed and added to Confluence. Heather Barnes, Brittany Martinez and Luan Heywood reviewed the checklists. 

  • Along with Alexis Armstrong and Heather Barnes onboard, and Alejandro Avila and Aaron Deloach onshore, WRMSL/STMSL, NGR, XMSL, SHMSL, GANTRY and SHIL Quick Start Guides were reviewed and added to Confluence. The QSG provides the steps the user needs to accomplish correct measurements, upload and review the data. Deeper theory and information about the station will be found on the User Guides (review in process).

  • Reviewed SHMSL User Guide including the changes made during X387P is added to Confluence. It will be Under the SHMSL page for further review before adding it to the User Guide´s page.

Pending Tasks

  • Test AVS.

  • Review PP check lists and add final comments.

  • Review PP Notebook Page to establish the final version.

  • Edit TCON, AVS and MAD Quick Start Guides, to standardize their format.

  • Continue NI items inventory.

  • Continue adding Vendor's troubleshooting info to the Confluence Page.

  • Gantry, NGR and WRMSL/STMSL User Guides are in process, will be finished during next expedition (Feb-Mar 2021). 

  • Fix the bolt holes on the X-Ray source door.



  • 100 ft of 1/8" black lifting rope. To use on the X-Ray Imager and other required purposes.

  • 3ft of high-temperature silicon o-ring cord stock for the SHMSL sensors (PN 96505K24).

Sent to shore

  • TCON Half-Space Puck sn H11040 for recalibration. Reported low values during October 2020 test (See Thermal Conductivity section).


Individual Measurement Systems

Whole Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL - AFT track)

  • WRMSL/STMSL QSG and instrument checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

P-Wave Velocity Logging (PWL)

  • The water pump (sn P305133) of the PWave station stops every 15 seconds during U1558, it was necessary to hit re-start every 15 seconds. To solve the problem and continue with the measurements the water pump was replaced, sn P303417 was installed. ETs found the problem was related with a configuration setting, it was set to a volume of 10.00 ml, but it should be set to OFF in order to operate continuously. Rate should be set at 40 ml/min. Sn P305133 is installed again on the PWave station. 

  • During previous expeditions if the track was not used during a period of time, the P-wave system was not closing the first two-three times. Jurie Kotze cleaned and grease the guides-brakes of the P-Wave hydraulic system. We've continue to grease it during the expedition when the station was in use. We still notice that if the station doesn't work for a period of time, it will fail the first measurement, but after that it will continue working ok. During next tide-up we are planning to open and clean the hydraulic motors.

Special Tasks Multisensor Logger (STMSL - FWD track)

  • WRMSL/STMSL QSG and instrument checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

  • GRA source was positioned and aligned. The amplitude now is around 1350.

Software Issues

  • During IMS opening a window with the message 'Failed to find Baud Rate. Cycle power on the AR700 and then click OK' pops up. There is no AR700 on the STMSL. If you click  OK and 'continue' IMS starts properly and measurements could be taken correctly.

X-RAY Imaging (XMSL)

  • XMSL QSG and instrument checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

  • Since the middle of the expedition four badges were placed to detect and measure any radiation around the station. The badges were located on the source's box, the screen of the PC, under the area monitor and on the upper NGR beam.

  • Safety test performed at the beginning of the expedition. Radiation values were within the range and safety procedures worked correctly. Background was around 0.8 kCPM. Low alarm on area monitor was set to 2.0 kCPM and the high alarm to 3.6 kCPM. New badges were set on the console and on the shield.

  • Taking the White Image when performing Calibration will activate the High Alarm on the area monitor, and X-Rays will be turn off. To avoid that behavior set the High Alarm a bit higher during the calibration, in this case we set it to 4.5 kCPM. This behavior was also reported on previous expeditions.


  • Some black images were obtained while measuring on the second site. To solve the problem, unplug and plug the source back in.

  • During measurements some over-exposed processed images were obtained. This occurred when measuring XCB cores. Raw images were ok.

  • It is important to consider during imaging that the processing image parameters are different for APC and XCB/RCB (rotary). The images obtained from the XCB cores, after processing, present two parallel lines in the same direction as the core liner. This is possibly due to processing parameters settings of small diameter rotary cores. For imaging XCB cores on hole U1559 the processing parameters for APC cores were used.


  • Cores obtained on hole U1559 were mainly composed by foraminifera, they were very light in color and its density was lower. Due to lighter color and lower density when we imaged with the same parameters that was used for darker and more dense cores the images for the foram rich cores were overexposed.  To solve the problem we tested various parameters. First we brought down exposure time and current intensity, in both cases the quality of the images were better. As I understand this is because of the less number of photons used. After that we brought down the voltage which provided better contrast. We should improve our understanding how voltage, current and exposure time affects the images.

Parameters used during the expedition are on the table below.


Dark Cores

(WR sections)

Foram Cores

(WR sections)

Dark cores

(Section halves)


Dark Cores

(WR sections)

Foram Cores

(WR sections)

Dark cores

(Section halves)





Voltage (kV)




Current Intensity (mA)




Exposure Time (ms)





Software Issues

  • X-Ray source stopped ramping up few times (while the warming window was on the screen). To make it work again we ABORT that window. Same issue happened ones during calibration. Connections were checked, after that we get the issue couple more times.

  • When core information is enter using the MANUAL tab entry, X-Ray took a first image, then the error window appears but the X-Rays doesn't turn off. It is possible to select between CONTINUE, QUIT or RETURN TO LOAD POSITION. If CONTINUE is selected it takes the same image, and the error window appears again.

Technical Service

  • Etienne Claassen installed the Ludlum area monitor and scanners that were sent for calibration at the end of X384.

  • The Emergency red light was not working. Fiber optic cable was loose. See image bellow. ETs fixed it.












  •  Velcro of the X-Ray source box was changed, to allowed the led-neoprene shield to cover the area properly. 

Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)

  • QSG and instrument checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

Software Issues

  • Twice during the expedition, after running the Detector Profiler utility, LabVIEW reported 'Not enough memory space'. After restart the computer the NGR continued to work properly.



Thermal Conductivity (TCON)

  • At the beginning of the expedition, when the label was scanned there was a SPACE after the ID. The scan gun was reset using the curator barcodes, without the code 4 (Send <Space> key). Appropriate barcodes for this situation were put on the TCON box and screen. 

  • With the help of Jurie Kotze and Heather Barnes, edges of the three remaining Half Space pucks onboard (H11060, H11038 and H11028) were milled using the CNC. Testing was done before and after the pucks were cut, see below.



  • Needles, Half-Space and Mini Half-Space probes were tested using the Macor standards. Each probe was tested during 20 rounds.


      • H11040: Reports lower values than expected. It was sent to IODP for recalibration, at the end of the expedition.

      • H11027: Reports a damage probe. It was already labeled as Play-Puck.

      • Remaining sensors report accurate measurements.

Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X390C_ProbesTest



  • New tests were performed on the Half Space pucks, after the edges were trimmed. Each puck was tested during 40 rounds. We observed the message "No Data" on each of the three pucks, no specific reason why, but the pucks measured correctly before and after this message.

H11028 presents the most erratic measurements, even though the data are still between the vendor limits . This behavior could be seen also before cutting the edges.

          Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\TCON\TCON_X390C_ProbesTest.



P-Wave Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry (PWB/PWC)

  • Velocity Bayonet/ Caliper Gantry QSG and checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

  • Caliper Gantry springs and square o-rings (PP5023) were moved to drawer PPTRKF7 in order to have all the components of the caliper together.

Technical Service

  • Caliper VNC cable, that goes from the bottom of the caliper to the pulsar, was changed due to erratic signal.

  • Etienne Claassen machined a transducer lifter that allowed to use the red caps for measuring cores.


Shear Strength Station (AVS)

  • This station was not used during the expedition.

  • Tests will be performed while in port during next expedition.

Section Half Multisensor Logger (SHMSL)

  • QSG and instrument checklist were reviewed and updated in Confluence.

  • New calibration data sheets and linearity tests of QEpro 90899 and 91126 provided by the vendor were added to the QEPro Inventory page.

  • On X384 it was reported that the laser profile kept measuring far past the end of the section. This was most prominent on short sections and core catchers where the profile records the length to be 125 cm and shows a sloping end to the section in the profile.

After performing several tests, we realized that this issue was divided into three different situations:


    • The laser profile kept measuring far past the end of the section: Once the laser detects that core liner is not present it will continue for another ± 10 cm to make sure that it is the end of the section. If the laser is set to the incorrect height, it could see the black supports and continue the measurement.

    • The profile shows a sloping end to the section: This feature is due to a process applied to the raw data when the laser finishes taking the profile. The processing applies edge corrections at the top and bottom of the section, values there are smoothed. This also implies that gaps at top and bottom of the section are removed. Another question is that the laser can also reject a measurement for quality reasons (ambient light sources, rough surface, etc.), if the rejection happens over several cm the plot will look like a ramp. For solving that it is possible to measure at a slower speed.

    • The profile records a 125 cm length for short sections and core catchers: 125 cm is the position of the end of the last bracket of the track. If the laser is taking this measurement, it means that it is measuring bellow the range that it is suppose to measure, and is taking the bracket as part of the section. To solve this problem it is necessary to physically move the laser up, in this sense we are looking for a range where we can see the core liner but not the bracket.

The measurement range of the laser is, starting from the laser, from 78.2 mm to 179.9 mm. Greater accuracy is at 129 mm.

At the beginning of the expedition the physical distance from the laser to the benchmark was 118.5 mm, at that distance the laser could see the track and because of that it would confuse the bracket with the core. After lifting the laser to 134 mm from the benchmark it measured the end of the section correctly. (Note: Now the benchmark distance measured on the Y-Axys Setup is 55.53 mm, that it is close to the default value of 56.99 mm reported in the User Guide).


Technical Service 

  • Halogen bulb replaced.


Two tests were performed in order to compare the measurements between the QE Pro that it is already installed on the SHMSL (90900) and the two QE Pro that were sent to the vendor (90899, 91126) at the end of X387P/T. They all behave similarly but there are small variations between instruments. 


    • Test 1: Perform the QEPro calibration, continuously, seven times. On QE Pro 90899 and 91126, the calibration was performed again after 1 hour of work. Dark calibration values were collected. Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\SHMSL\QEPro_Tests\SHMSL_X390C_QEProCalibrationTest. A summary of the results is on the rights part of this page under "QE Pro (90900, 90899, 91126) Calibrations Comparison Data X390C (Nov 2020)".



    • Test 2: Perform seven continuous Color Standards measurements per each QE Pro. Data is saved on T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\SHMSL\QEPro_Tests\SHMSL_X390C_QEProColorStandardTest. A summary of the results is on the right part of this page under "QE Pro (90900, 90899, 91126) Color Standards Comparison Data X390C (Nov 2020)".


Section Half Image Logger (SHIL)

For more information about the SHIL please review Imaging Technician report.

  • SHIL QSG and checklist was reviewed and updated in Confluence.

  • New Imaging/Microscopy Laboratory Notebook page is under construction.

  • IMPORTANT: There are different versions of QP cards onboard. Technician should be aware of which version is being used because they could have different Dark Gery, Mid Gray or White values. A label with the version of the QP card in use was set on the SHIL.


  • Issues reported during X384 and 390P (Red and green bands, vertical stripes) were found to be largely related to calibration, since then the occurrence of artifacts has been reduced. A file with the calibration images was saved on IODP_Share\PhysProps\390C SHIL Calibration-Fixed GreenRed streaks.


Technical Service

  • The light stand was moved across, to better center the illumination over the core.

  • At the beginning of the expedition, the track began to get stuck when moving and displayed the E-Stop window. The M-Drive motor seized, and we ended up replacing it for new one. The worm screw of the track was greased.

Software Issues

  • CANCEL button was not function properly in (at least) the Image Correction tab. It acted as a save action button. Problem was solved for the Image Correction page.


  • Sarah Kachovich and Alexis Armstrong performed several tests during this expedition. Tests were conducted in two ways:

    • Reviewing RGB values on several QP cards measurements. A drift on the blue spectra was detected in high intensity values. It related with increment of the lights not stabilizing during measurements. The data shown that after approx. 10 mins, the LEDS stabilized, but the heat sink is not efficient enough to run the SHIL at this level. Moreover, the calibration needs to be done for the correct stabilization (or temperature as proxy) time. This drift in RGBs intensity values could cause problems when imaging really white cores or highly reflective/wet sections. See Imaging Specialist report for more information.

    • Measuring real cores. Three types of tests were conducted. (1) Duplicate measured sections were analyzed, (2) measuring the same section continuously during multiple runs, and (3) measuring a complete core, seven sections, continuously during multiple runs. In all cases, the RGB data produced by the SHIL were compared. A drift on red, green and blue intensities could be seen as the lights stabilized (as a proxy, the temperature of the lights is increasing). A drift in the blue intensity diverges at a faster rate than in red or green intensity over time. After 7–10 minutes, the red, green and blue intensities were observed to reach an equilibrium and should be used as guide when running the SHIL, until we understand this phenomenon more.  Overall drift values were small, with the highest value of blue drift corresponding to ~5. Change in RGB values between duplicate sections (sections which were re-run for higher image quality) were on average ~3. We do not know if this drift value of 5 is significant; however, to decrease blue drift, running the instrument before taking your image is shown to have a significant impact, as shown in the figure below. Data related with this experiments could be find on: T:\IODP_Share\PhysProps\Testing and Calibration Notes\SHIL\390C SHIL testing.



Moisture and Density (MAD)

  • MAD station was not used during this expedition.

  • Following the recommendation of Alejandro Avila, we have been running the pycnometer every two weeks, in order to keep the lines clean. Data measurements has been reviewed during this time to verify its accuracy.