395E Application Developer Tech Report


James Brattin



This document highlights changes to the JOIDES Resolution laboratory data management environment during Expedition 395E.

Selected issues are highlighted, but not reviewed in exhaustive detail. In general, see the ship activity log and product pages on the developer site for additional detail: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Developer+Home+Page+
The activity log specific to this expedition will be placed here: {+}http://banff.iodp.tamu.edu/display/DEV/Ship+Activity+Log+


Special Projects

During Expedition 395E the developer worked on the following projects:

  • GEODESC: worked with ship and shore personnel to design and implement GEODESC applications. Primary focus was on implementing Template Manager application.

  • Label printers: worked with MCS and ALO to test the new label printers' ability to print the most common types of large and small labels.

General Duties Performed

During Expedition 395E the developer participated in:

  • Routine expedition support.

  • Maintenance of software applications (as detailed in the sections below).

  • Assist with data management in cases where LIME and other software tools do not suffice.

  • Other duties as assigned.


Change Summary



Current Version

Release Notes

geodesc libraries


Update to work with more accurate data models. Serve static assets.



Updated all libs and launcher apps to current versions on shore (except Cahn Balance and Coulometer which should be the same as shore). Added Mac installers.



Change made by Catwalk developer.



Updated a constant used in a calculation for one of the columns in the Carbonates standard report. Also, updated the About page for 5 reports.

Template Manager


Several new features added along with bug fixes and UI improvements.


Outstanding Issues

  • Changes were made to the About pages of several LORE reports. One of these changes will be reverted before I leave, the others have yet to be synced with shore because shore is still discussing it.

  • Found 2 columns missing from one ship LORE report that exist in LORE running on shore. These changes have not been synced with ship yet since I need shore approval but they are still discussing it.

  • Pubs tech noticed that L2E was not working correctly. The app is not needed this expedition, just testing. The oncoming developer is aware of the issue.

Special Projects / Issues

  • Updated all IODPLauncher libraries and apps to the current ones on shore. Almost everything was out of date. Also updated the apps pages so that the links would work correctly; this included uncommenting the links for Mac installs.

  • Printed a few small and large sample labels using the new label printer. The label's information is formatted correctly, it just still needs some calibration of the margin or alignment.

  • CI Titrator was acting up and seemed to have reverted to some factory default settings. Chemistry tech was able to find the 3 properties he had to change for it to work. Apparently 390C has the same issue and put the in their notes how to fix it. After the tech got it working again, they added the steps to the Chemistry Lab Notebook under Chlrorinity so it can be found easier next time. MCS thinks it may have been cause by a recent windows update.

  • Investigated and closed out 4 open issues about LORE links being broken.

  • The first 2 cores of a hole were entered under the 999 project, which a couple of tests were conducted against. To fix it, those 2 cores were entered again correctly and the tests were associated with the correct parent samples and project. Only 4 tests were effected.

Development Tooling and Infrastructure Changes

  • Removed Paul Foster from the daily drilling report email list. This list is in the DR_FINAL_EMAIL_LIST table in the OPS database.

  • Removed all accounts from Lims and Auther belonging to Paul Foster and Nicolette Lawler. Also verified that Paul Foster no longer had access to SVN.

  • Added the Mac developer account creds to the ship password safe. I requested this from the MCS in order to install the IODPLauncher on Mac, which requires admin creds. The account only exists on one Mac, in the EPM's office, portside.

  • MCS made some software updates to the build box.

  • Added a step to the BOX guide. Make sure LO, ALOs, and Curator have the CURATOR role assigned to them so that they have access to special features in the Catwalk application.

Hardware and Server

At one point, one of the ODA's (k2) suddenly started showing a yellow light. The OEM and other tools that the MCS would normally use inspect the issue either were not working or had to be restarted. The apps don't show any issue getting data from the database. There is also no error in the pitalog. Since we have a duplicate of k2, the apps did not have any issues.