398P Tie Up Projects

Please list any projects that are planned, or are needed, during the upcoming 398P Tie up/Transit.  


  • Clean up shipping addresses. Delete old EXPs and staff that are no longer with IODP. Used addresses can't be removed.  We always put addresses under Expedition only for scientists.  The 398 addresses were entered as permanent addresses.  This may have contributed to the confusion??
  • Rotate stock. Rotated and checked expiration on hard rock epoxy and Norland optical. Newest batch of Norland expires June 2022.

Core Lab/Catwalk

  • PM on laser engraver
    • Green light 'flashes' - is the flashing correct? Bug or Feature? Normal-switching from waiting mode to laser mode
    • Door sticking. Must wait for all safety features before door can be opened, and press button WITHOUT pulling on the door at all.  Any tension makes the system think you are pulling on the door.  PUSH in , when pushing the white button and door should release
    • Test the Abort software button and the 'red nose'.
    • Can open door during GREEN FLASHING, but laser does not start.  
  • Clean w/ soap & water the plastic cold weather curtains.  Was hung up on catwalk again as it is easier than finding a storage location
  • PM on Splitting Room doors.
  • PM on Splitting Room super saw actuator.
  • Refurbish core racks in Core Lab.
  • Replace airline /water line on main catwalk pressure washer. Replace the smaller pressure washer.
  • Install broom holders in CSPLT by forward water heater.
  • Photos of deck from Fdeck, see Bill Mills email to jr_lo
  • Ceiling tiles with piece of blue painter tap affixed need to be replaced. Ceiling tile framing around tiles above large TV in Description area needs to be replaced.  


  • Fix cracked floor in the X-Ray lab: floor is cracked around the Bruker and Haskris, underneath the computers, and in the lab entrance some pictures of cracks bellow:

  • Vendor visit for AERIS. March 2nd
  • The forward most window in the chemistry lab (room number: 6F-43) has a leak. This may require SIEM, or a temporary fix by us.


  • Cold weather jacket (Carhartt) inventory. Send to Eric Moortgat.

Upper Tween/TBulk

  • Pipe work by SIEM in cage in TBulk.Â