JOIDES Resolution Microbiology/Radioactive Van Log sheet Protocol

1)      Personal Checks: After each use of radioisotopes, before exiting the Rad Van, check your hands, work area, bottom of your shoes, and the front of your coat and sleeves with a Geiger counter.

2)      Bi-weekly wipe test: The wipe test should be conducted every 2 weeks at designated locations. Please see attached rad Van layout and log sheet. The samples will be analyzed with the liquid scintillation counter. If a contaminated area is detected, further detailed wipe test should be conducted to pinpoint the contaminated area. If cleanup is required, wipe test is also required after clean up.

3)      Samples and equipment: Any samples or equipment/supplies that need to be removed from the Rad Van, a wipe test will be conducted and proof that it is not contaminated.

4)      Drain Tank test: Liquid in the Rad Tank should be tested weekly or when the tank is full. A sample will be tested with the liquid scintillation counter. If the results are negative of radioactivity, the content in the tank can be drained on deck, with permission from LO/ALO. If the test results shown contamination of radioactive material, the entire content will be transfer to a carboy for storage and disposed as radioactive contaminated waste at end of the expedition.

5)      Isotope check out log sheet: User(s) will fill out the checkout sheet every time the radioactive material is used. See attached usage log sheet