Exp 397P KTLF

Expedition 397P Tie-Up in Cape Town -  project to replace nearly all of the instrument host and workstation computers aboard the JOIDES resolution.

KTLF Tracking Sheets

Chemistry Lab

SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes

Analytical Gases 

Cahn balance25-AugAM25-AugAM

Carver presses 16-AugAM16-AugAM

Cary spectrometer24-AugAM24-AugAM

Chlorinity23-AugAM23-AugAMHad no return communication initially; titrator would start when commanded from software but no titration data was being sent back and shown in the software. Had to adjust the COM handshake setting on the titrator to 'none' and then it worked normally.


DI Water system functioning?16-AugAM16-AugAM

Freeze Dryer16-AugAM16-AugAM


IC22-AugAM23-AugAMMagIC net software does an auto adding of connected devices on first startup. When importing the saved configuration it didn't take any of the imported settings for the autosampler due to the instrument already being in the configuration. Had to manually add/update certain settings to get it to work right; depth for tower lift positions and angle for rinse/waste positions. Could also probably disconnect devices which would allow the device to then be deleted from the configuration and then import the saved configuration settings.
ICPAES20-AugAM21-AugAMdid detector and instrument calibrations and all instrument tests passed
Mettler balance 30-AugAM30-AugAM

NGA1 & NGA216-AugAM21-AugAMMUT looks for an instrument name of 'NGA-2' or 'NGA-1' in the upload files. Had to get the instrument configuration name changed to match that for MUT uploading to work.

SRA26-AugAM31-AugAMData needs to be saved to a folder outside of the 'Thermal Station' folder. Anything saved within the Thermal Station folder is invisible or does not exist outside of the SRA software. If data is saved within the Thermal Station folder the only way to retrieve it at the moment is to open each sample one by one within SRA software and manually copy the results.
TOC Analyzer


Muffle Furnace27 AugJR28 AugJRRamped up to 800°C, temperature increased at ~8.5°C/min and remained at temperature for 3 hours. Ran on Program 2, 3°C/min until 950°C and held for 4 hours. 


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Sample Master18 AugBN25 AugBNSample Master at sample table works well.  Prints to all printers

Laser engraver26-AugJR/AL26-AugJR/AL



Catwalk/Core Entry

18 AugBN25 AugBNCore entry Catwalk installation works well.  Label printing works fine


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
DescLogik13-AugFF28-AugFFFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be adjusted to 100-125%; 

Workstation checks (software install)13-AugFF28-AugFFsee additional information below

Hitatchi SEM13-AugSH13-AugSHpump warning can be deactivated, check with Linda Daily (email from Luan)
SEM Uploader on Hitatchi SEM13-AugSH13-AugSH

Leica Sputter Coater13-AugSH13-AugSH

Additional information for Paleo and Core Lab:

LABComputerStation IDComputer ReplacedDESClogikSample MasterMS OfficeAdobePrinters 

Core colorSmear SlidePaleo labSample entry
instaleddata enteruploaddonwloaddata checkLIVELORECommentsinstaledtestedWordExcel Power PointPhotoshopIllustratorAcrobat Readerinstaledtestedinstaledtestedinstaledtestedinstaledtested
CORE LABRF54164Core internetVVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100-125%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54154MICRO 54154VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54183MICRO 54183VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54173VCD1 54173VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 125%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54148VCD2 54148VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 125%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54205VCD3 54205VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 125%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
CORE LABRF54175VCD4 54175VVVVVVVVFor a better view of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100-125%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV
PALEO LABRF 54180MICRO 54180VVVVVVVVFor correct visualization of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 125%; VV

PALEO LABRF 54166MICRO 54166VVVVVVVVFor a better view of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100-125%; VV


Additional tests performed at this station -

  DESClogik: Value List Builder and Value list management;

Live: Panel and Template builder;

Thin Section Report: Thin Section Report Builder and Thin Section Report Writer

PALEO LABRF53273PC 53273XVVVVVVVFor a better view of the DESClogik icons, the display Scale and layout need be ajusted to 100%; VVVVVXXXVVVVVVVV


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes



TPFIT Loader


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Stereomicroscopes - 91060, SPOT idea attached14-AugSH14-AugSHMagnification knob isn't stopping at 1x/8x, Serco is not able to repair it (body can't be disassembled because its glued shut by Zeiss) secured in Imaging Lab as fall back, attached SPOT idea works
Stereomicroscopes - 91061, attached SPOT idea14-AugSH14-AugSH

Stereomicroscopes - 91105, attached SPOT idea14-AugSH14-AugSH

Stereomicroscopes - 90811, attached SPOT idea17-AugSH17-AugSH

Stereomicroscopes - 90812 (SED)17-AugSH17-AugSH

Petrographic scope - 90229, old SPOT19-AugSH19-AugSH

Petrographic scope - 90869, old SPOT19-AugSH19-AugSH

Petrographic scope - 91187, old SPOT17-AugSH19-AugSH

waiting on PCBA board components to be installed

Petrographic scope - 90257, old SPOT17-AugSH19-AugSH

Petrographic scope - 90871 (SED), old SPOT17-AugSH27-AugSH

Epifluorescence Scope - 91188 (F-deck), ZEISS 506 cam (Zen lite software)17-AugSH29-AugSHImages from Zeiss 506 cam/Zen lite have been stored in 21.1.MBIO folder
SPOT USB, ImageCapture14-AugSH14-AugSHcameras work, ImageCapture bugs reported
SPOT fire wire12-AugSH28-AugSHnot able to produce image on new PCs, old PCs are back in place and each camera has been tested in that configuration once again, bug reported about TWAIIN on one of the scopes (IT working on it)
PICAT14-AugSH14-AugSHTiff Image Upload discussed with D. Houpt, Tif version hasn't been uploaded in 10 years, deletion of component from LORE expanded report and as download option from that report has been requested (email to jr_developer )


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Canon camera 9082617-AugSH17-AugSH
Canon camera 9110917-AugSH17-AugSH
Canon Objectives17-AugSH17-AugSH
Canon Battery Packs17-AugSH17-AugSH
Nikon camera17-AugSH17-AugSH
Flash (3x)17-AugSH17-AugSH
Nikon objectives17-AugSH17-AugSHall good, fisheye has broken shade (still works well)
360 camera17-AugSH22-AugSH
New Imaging Computer28-AugSH30-AugSH
WRLS, WRLSC, 360 uploader20-AugSH4-SeptSH
FLIR cameras (2)4-SeptSH4-SeptSH


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
PUBS PC - Adobe Cloud17-AugSH29-AugSH
PUBS PC - Corel Draw17-AugSH28-AugSH
PUBS PC -Strater 517-AugSH28-AugSH
PUBS PC - Slack desktop17-AugSH28-AugSH
PUBS PC - IODP Launcher, L2E, VirtualPhotTable, Desclogik17-AugSH29-AugSH
PUBS PC - Excel, Word, Powerpoint17-AugSH17-AugSH
PUBS PC - Zoom17-AugSH17-AugSH
PUBS PC - Notepad, Snippet, Snip&Sketch17-AugSH17-AugSH
PUBS PC -Virtual Phototable17-AugSH17-AugSH


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
AF demagnetizer D-200022-AugMK29-AugMK

PC (workstation) not changed. Testing AF peak intensity with tuning coil suggests lower AF applied at the first try. 

Make sure to insert the tuning coil in the right location inside the D-tech. Second check gives good AF field values.


Runtime error at software installation - needs original installer (setup.exe). After finding installer, successful installation on three computers (Kappa, Desclogik/PP, downhole/underway)
FlexIT tools need to be registered in MeasureIT in order to be able to start a survey (serial number and registration number available on Confluence)
Rotation tests performed on the dock for both tools (0936 and 0937) - SUCCESSFUL

Successful upload with MUT2 (Kappa computer). LORE Reports OK


Palm devices need to be installed with HotSync on a computer (done in the DH lab) with serial port number (COM3).

Rotation tests performed on the dock for both tools (2043 and 2052) - SUCCESSFUL

Successful upload with MUT2 (Downhole lab computer). LORE Reports OK

IM-10 and IM-10-30 Impulse magnetizers20-AugMK20-AugMK

IM-10 (usually used by scientists) : Test with IRM imparted at 100 mT - samples measured with JR6 spinner - values OK

IM-10-30: Test with IRM imparted at 1200 mT - samples measured with JR6 spinner - values OK

JR-6A spinner 118-AugMK20-AugMK

Spinner 1 : currently in use in the lab

Rema6 version modified by Agico for our needs (includes specific configuration file) installed. 

MUT issue - purple question marks --> Issue solved by changing the SpinnerSettings.xml file

Successful upload to LIMS with MUT, LORE reports (standard and expanded) OK

JR-6A spinner 224-AugMK24-AugMK

Spinner 2 : spare spinner magnetometer

Spare spinner needs its own RS232 serial port (com port 2). Actuator check, calibration and sample holder correction successful. No samples were measured.

MS2C 36 mm susceptibility meter22-AugMK22-AugMKCalibration check OK. Measured values on play samples similar to bulk susceptibility with MFK2
SRM Discrete mode29-AugMK31-AugMK

Checking sample information window (IMS v13 installed on 8/20/2022 evening). Fixing IMS code for working (top-away) discrete sample and test measurements. Final check of the IMS code on 8/321/2022.

Successful upload to LIMS with MUT (make sure that no aux-file is open in Excel or Notepad ++, upload won't be complete otherwise)

SRM Section Half mode21-AugMK31-AugMK

Cryowatch has new com port: good one is #7.

Checking sample information window (IMS v13 installed on 8/20/2022 evening) - SRM code fixed on 8/27/2022 for archive section half.

IMS code for Archive and Working section halves was checked. SRM code fixed on 8/31/2022 for working half. Test measurements with play core were done. Successful upload to LIMS with MUT

Thermal demagnetizer TD-48SC26-AugMK26-AugMK

Heating test at 150deg for 20 minutes - fan and timer working, temperature increases/decreases

Not possible to check if the temperature displayed on the screen is the actual temperature in the oven

MFK2 Kappabridge18-AugMK20-AugMK

Use Anisoft5-Setup.exe to install successfully Anisoft5. New version of Anisoft5 received on 8/19/22, sent by Martin Chadima. Works great !

Runtime error for Safyr7 disappeared when double click on Safyr7.exe. Safyr7 opens but does not activate the instrument (no communication with the PC). Installation of driver to communicate via USB port is necessary. After driver installation, PC was able to communicate with instrument.

Performing measurement test (AMS) with 10 discrete samples created in 999-U9397A. Measurements OK. Four files created OK.

Recognized by MUT2 with proper analysis. Upload in LIMS successful, LORE Report (Standard and Expanded) OK.

Hall Probe6-SeptMK6-SeptMKAxial and transverse Hall probes tested in the SRM to check the field applied by the coils after degausser controller/amplifier issue.
Status of the two probes is OK.


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Supplies in order?13-AugFF

UV curing box working - description12-Aug12-Aug12-AugSH

UV curing box working - paleo lab12-Aug12-Aug12-AugSH

Additional information for Paleo Lab:

UV LigthsV
Plate heatersV
Glass slidesV
Glass coversV
FORAMS slidesV
Water filters
Sieves V
Centrifuge supplies
Sonic bathV
Hood C7V
Hood C8V

Physical Properties

SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Gantry automated vane shear24-AugBN24-AugBNTypical communications issues persist.  Once coms established, system works well
Gantry p-wave velocity20 AugBN25 AugBNLabels working properly.
Moisture and density25 AugBN25 AugBNComputer was not changed out.  
Manual strength tools


Issues with MS zeroing
Thermal conductivity24- AugBN24- AugBN
WRMSL19-AugBN20-AugBNOccasionally the wrong instrument will start measuring.  Restarting software can correct issue.

Thin Section

SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Freeze Dryer/vac pump25-AugAL25-AugALFreeze dryers was removed from lab on EXP393
Microscope/lights24-AugAL25-AugALMicroscope serviced by external vendor
Hot plate20-AugAL25-AugAL
PM 5/ WG 220-AugAL25-AugAL
Buehler Lapping Wheel20-AugAL20-AugAL
Petro Thin Saw/ Cup Face20-AugAL25-AugALVacuum chuck replacement on EXP393 seems to have lessen the effect of water ingress to the vacuum pump
Barnsted DI system28-AugAL28-AugAL


SystemDate StartedInitialsDate CompletedInitialsNotes
Bead maker29 AugJR29 AugJRNew LiBr solution was made by Chem on 2 Sep 2022 to replace solution from 2017 that had lint floating in it. Do not leave the bottle uncapped when not active pipetting sample out.
D4 ENDEAVOR XRD18 AugJR27 AugJRService visit occurred just prior to replacing the instrument host computer. After replacing the instrument host computer, the D4 would run into a script error and could not run samples. It was found that not all files in the DIFFPLUS folder had been copied. Once these files were replaced, the D4 was then able to run samples again. XRD Wizard files was also not copied over, however, when they were copied over, the program could not be opened. MCS Thomas dug around and was able to solve the issue as the XRD Wizard needs Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime to work, which was not automatically installed on the new instrument host computer when the Bruker files were ported over with PC Mover. Once this was downloaded, XRD Wizard opened with no issue. The Eva v5.1 dongle was not being recognized, which was solved by unistalling and reinstalling the Codemeter application and enabling the server access. Then PDF2 Database was compiled using the DSRD Compiler and enable in Eva so that the Search/Match function could be performed. See 397P X-Ray Tech Report for more detail.
Haskris14 AugJR14 AugJR
Mettler balances29 AugJR31 AugJRIn the Mettler Toledo software program (Balance Master 5000). I had to switch COM1 and COM2 otherwise it was subtracting the weight. COM2 should be the first listed COM and COM1 should be the second listed COM. You must close and reopen the program for this change to take affect. When uploading, do not fill in anything in the 'Replicate' column of the Spreadsheet Uploader.
Tracer-5g1 SepJR

The pXRF currently will not boot up properly and the laptop will not recognize it when you turn it on when it is plugged in. Troubleshooting with US Analytical.

XRDMP Creator and Dataviewer did not require a license and were installed. The newest copy of HighScore Plus v4.9 was received from Malvern Panalytical, installed, and activated. There is 1 activation remaining for the HighScore Plus License. The Aeris instrument suite (which was not reinstalled or needed on the XRDIH) also has only 1 activation remaining. The PDF-4/Axiom database was installed and a new registration key was applied for and granted. This was activated and enabled in HighScore Plus. See the 397P X-Ray Technical Report for more details.

X-Press27 AugJR27 Aug JR
Shatterbox27 AugJR27 AugJRA small amount of sample leakage occurs, but apparently cannot be avoided.
Mixer Mill28 AugJR30 AugJRGarrick tighten the mounting and installed additional rubber cushioning. New padding was also installed on the one side of the cannister holder clamp. Runs quieter now and doesn't vibrate as much. 
Dismembrator31 AugJR31 AugJRUsing the 'Time' mode instead of the 'Continuous' mode will automatically stop the probe after about one minute. Then timing is not needed.
Sonic Bath25 AugJR25 AugJR
Drying Oven25 AugJR26 AugJRMarks for temperature need to be redone, but otherwise it heats fine.

Waiting for Replacement

  • XMAN (in progress)
  • NGR
  • SHIL
  • SRM

Microscope lab

  • microscope stations
  • Close-up'

Ready for testing


Testing In Progress

The following workstations are currently in the process of being moved to their new computer host.