397P Chemistry Technical Report


Tested with no issues.


Used with no issues.

Carver Presses

Tested with no issues.

Cary Spectrophotometer

Replaced lamp bulb as that was indicated from a error message upon start up.


No issues

Elemental Analyzer

No issues


No issues

Fume hoods

Fume hood air flow was tested.

Gas Lines/manifold

An initial effort to obtain help in figuring out how to set up the main gas monitor program in the chem lab was a bad idea. This led to a new gas monitor program being made. 

I figured out what to do to set up the old one and put instructions for that on the analytical gas monitor system user guide. In short, reserve device in NI MAX, then launch gasmon_main.vi.

There is a folder/shortcut on the chem tech pc desktop for the old gas monitor labview programs. Run the main program with gasmon_main.vi and can run remote with standalone_remote.vi.

Have not seen a working version of the new remote gas monitor so otherwise either manually check gas pressures or occasionaly steal the device in NI MAX to see it in the old gas monitor program.


Added a link on the sidebar for NGA1 and NGA2 in the chemistry lab notebook about the macro used for uploading NGA results. The macros were attached to that page and can be downloaded. MUT looks for an instrument name of NGA-1 or NGA-2 in the csv file for uploading. Initial instrument configuration was set up as NGA1 and NGA2. Configuration name can be changed from the Control Panel application and requires chemstation to be closed in order to change configuration.

Could not find the current version of the software needed to control the PAL autosampler. An older version B.01.03 is not compatible with the version of ChemStation in use. Obtained PAL software version B.01.08 from agilent tech support. It was successfully installed and is working. 

GC2 column was changed.

Have done some method development on the GC2. Reduced initial oven hold time from 6 min to 0.5 min and increased the oven temperature ramp rate from 15 C/min to 25 C/min. Results in a 26.5 min runtime compared to the previous 37.5 min runtime. Set a new GC runtime length in the PAL method parameters and setup the single overlap mode. Next sample is now heated in the oven while GC is cooling down with the next injection happening ~2 minutes after the GC returns to ready state. In total, the runtime per sample is now in the 35-40 minute range compared to the previous runtime of 60-65 minutes per sample

Hydrogen generators

No issues



MagIC initial startup does an auto addition of connected devices to configuration. It's best to decline that if importing a configuration. If a device is already loaded in the configuration, an import will not overwrite it. This was a problem as the default addition of the autosampler did not have settings for angles or depth for certain modes resulting in run failure. Manually copied the correct settings from the old PC but later realized that the autosampler could be disconnected, deleted from configuration, and then import the correct configuration. Panel views for determinations and database results had to be setup manually. Configurations and methods can be exported for easy import into new installs.

Created a new method to trim off everything we don't use in the method programming, like autodilutions using the autosampler. Saved an old method as a reference source that shouldn't be deleted. The new method works the same as the old method and the purpose for the new method is to remove the need for the 'value 1' field. This allows for sample table imports from a csv file without the need to go back through and manually add 1 to the 'value 1' field since it doesn't import that field. Now can just import, and run.

Also discovered the auto-import setting within determination properties and saved a sample table as 'blank table format' with that setting enabled. Can open that sample table when a new sample table is desired instead of creating a new sample table. Creating a new sample table would require enabling that setting and setting the import path again. The auto data import is enabled from the Sample Table drop down menu, selecting properties and going to the Data Import tab. While referred to as data import, it's for sample lists not results data.

If a csv for import is saved to the name and destination specified, MagIC will auto import it and then delete the file after import.

Setup an excel file for entering a sample list and uses a macro to save that sample list as a csv with the name and destination specified. Fill sample list in excel, run macro (Developer > Macros > Run ExportCSV), samples get imported to MagIC (sometimes with a few seconds delay). Can also manually save it rather than macro but it needs to have the name (samples.csv) and at the correct location for the auto import to work.

Folder on desktop for IC data. This folder is set at the export path for the created export templates. Expeditions subfolder for data. Sample Table subfolder containing the sample list excel workbook. A shortcut to the MUT upload directory.


No issues.


No issues


For some reason anything saved within the Thermal Station directory is invisible and cannot be found within windows file explorer. This includes the folders where methods and sequences are saved, along with the data folder that is the default destination for saving results.

When starting a new acquisition, the data path MUST be directed/saved outside of the Thermal Station directory or the results files will be inaccessible.

Set up a folder at C:\!SRA with a data folder inside for saving data to. When starting an acquisition, select the top root item (C:\) and !SRA should be the first folder listed under C:\. Wanted to make something easy to find and navigate to.


New pipettes arrived and were given ID numbers and labels.



Alkalinity was not uploading initially with the new pc install. Developers fixed that. Alkalinity then tested fine.

Later on, we found a problem with the communication between the titrator and PC. The expansion serial port seemed to not be working and a serial port to usb hub was borrowed from the ETs and connected. Alkalinity worked fine again afterwards.


Tested fine initially, but method parameters on the titrator were reset after cables were switched around while troubleshooting the alkalinity com problem. Added all the settings that need to be checked and corrected to the chlorinity user guide under setup and operation.

Water system

No issues

AMI Nitrogen Gas O2 Sensor

No issues


The corncob material for absorbing hazardous waste arrived but not as I expected. Was expecting individual cups (the impression I got from what Chieh described) but it was a large bag of loose absorbent. Will still be fine to use, just not as convenient. Didn't use it for waste yet as there's no ship incinerator use while in dock. The absorbent is currently in BHAZ. 

Chiseled out some of the cold room floor to be fixed and replaced. This apparently will be completed during the transit. Still looks like big holes in the floor. Lacked a good place for the cold room incubator so it's still sitting there in the way back in the mbio corner. One of the other mbio incubators was set to -10 for a few frozen items that had been in the cold room incubator.