
When there is a difference between the Production system and the Sandbox system, it will be called out like this.

Alternate Terms for a Reviewer
  • Interviewer

  • Evaluator

Auto Assignment

Reviewers with a position flagged as Auto Assign will be semi-randomly assigned to an Application when it has been moved into review.

The assignment works like this:

Explanation of auto assignment


Managing Reviewers






Can activate an interviewer

Used for setting reviewers' active status

Can deactivate an interviewer

Can add an interviewer

Allows for adding a new reviewer

Can edit an interviewer

Allows the editing of a reviewer

Managing who is a reviewer and various reviewer attributes can be done through this link (production | sandbox). Alternatively, you can navigate to this page via the navigation bar -> Settings ->Evaluators and Interviewers


On this page, you can:

  • Add a new reviewer

  • Edit attributes of a reviewer

  • Deactivate / Reactivate a reviewer


Each reviewer position is in a Reviewer pool. A pool simply affects how interviewers are automatically assigned to an application.

Creating / Editing a Reviewer

Normally, adding / editing a reviewer will only affect the current year onwards. In the Sandbox, current reviewers can be added to past years' applications.

  1. To add a user as a Reviewer, click New. To edit an existing Reviewer, select the reviewer from the list and click Edit.

  2. Make your changes, and click Add or Update at the bottom of the modal window.





Connect to a login for

This connects the Reviewer in this list to an actual user in the system

First Name

Self explanatory

Last Name


What is this users position?

Purely for organization. Unused in the rest of the system

Is Applicant Review Evaluator

Is Interviewer

Activate / Deactivate a Reviewer

To activate or deactivate a reviewer, simply select the reviewer from the list and click Activate or Deactivate

Adding a Reviewer to an Application






Can View Application Details

Allows you to view the Application Details page

View application details review page

Allows you to view the Reviews tab on the Application Details page

Can Add Reviewer

This will allow you to click the Add button on the Reviews tab on the Application Details page


In order to add a reviewer to an application so they can start reviewing, you must first navigate to an application. You can do this in several ways, but for brevity you can use the following link to find a particular application: (production | sandbox). Once you’ve found the application in question, click the application, then click Application Details.

Now that you are on an Application, you can add a Review by navigating to the Reviews link on the left of the page, and clicking the Add button. (This requires the Can Add Reviewer permission)




Production or Sandbox Data



Production or Sandbox Data

Can I remove reviews from applications?

You can only add / change / delete reviews from the current review cycle
