Coy Polymer (Hard Shell) Chamber Quick Start Guide

v402 | November 2024


Check all seals, replace sealing tape if necessary

Check the gloves itself, replace gloves if look cracked or dried

Rejuvenate the Palladium Catalyst (O2 Scrubber) by placing them in the oven by the big chemical fridge (125-200 degrees C) for 90 min. Cool for 20 min and place in the chamber or vacuum seal them for future use.

Put all necessary tools, equipment (such as O2 scrubber, and H2 sensor) inside the chamber before purging. This will reduce the frequency you will have to open the door and purge the system.

The Hydrogen/Oxygen Analyzer

All of the analyzers will read hydrogen differently and it is important to determine what value is the “zero” value for the analyzer you are using.  For instance, one of the analyzers the zero value is a 0.8% of H2 and on another the value is -0.2 of H2.  The key here is to know when there is no hydrogen in the chamber because the oxygen values will also not read correctly if there is no hydrogen.  When the chamber is first set up and before purging, note the value of the hydrogen, this will be your zero value and put a note on the chamber for everyone to see.  Purge with generator N2 when first setting up the chamber. All subsequent purges are done with the biomix. Once you introduce the biomix, you will see the hydrogen value respond.  To ensure an anaerobic condition, always have hydrogen in the chamber and cycle renewed catalyst into the chamber.


Gas Connections

This diagram shows how the gases are connected to the chamber. Note, this set-up is different than the COY manuals.  By routing the gas through the Airlock Purge unit then out to either the main chamber or airlock, the user can utilize the timing feature.  The user needs to pay attention to which gas they need and open the appropriate valves.

Step 1 – Chamber Conditions

Before starting your work, ensure the environment in the chamber is satisfactory.  The gas analyzer will display Oxygen and Hydrogen content.  There should be no Oxygen in the chamber and Hydrogen should be 3-4%, if using the Biomix (or P5).

If the environment is satisfactory, go to Step 3.  If not, go to Step 2.


Step 2 – Purging the Chamber

This step will inject more of the Hydrogen gas mixture into the chamber in order to increase the amount of Hydrogen in the chamber that will then react with the catalyst to remove oxygen.  The purge will also expel much of the existing air in the chamber.

  1. Close outside airlock door; close inside airlock door.

  2. Open all of the inlet gas lines and the inlet valve to the main chamber.

  3. Set the purge time on the Automatic Purge unit to 160 seconds.

  4. Start the cycle and let it complete.

  5. The Hydrogen levels should be adequate. If there is Oxygen in the chamber you may have to wait until it is scrubbed out then purge again.

  6. Close the inlet valve when all cycles are complete.


Step 3 – Purging the Airlock

Now you are ready to place items in the chamber and begin your work.

  1. Close the inside airlock door.

  2. Open the outside door to the airlock.

  3. Place your items in the airlock and close the door.

  4. Close the gas inlet valve to the main chamber if open; open the gas inlet valve to the airlock.

  5. Set the purge time on the Automatic Purge unit to 60 seconds.

  6. Start the cycle and let it complete.

  7. Open the inside airlock door, remove items into the chamber, CLOSE DOOR.

  8. Close the inlet valve to the airlock.


Step 4 – Removing Items

  1. Open the inside airlock door.

  2. Place your items in the airlock and CLOSE the inside airlock door.

  3. Open the outside door to the airlock, remove items, close the door.


If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please contact an ALO.