[ 1 X390 ] [ 2 X392 ] [ 3 X395C ] [ 4 X390C ] [ 5 X387P ] [ 6 X378T ] [ 7 X385T ] [ 8 X379T ] [ 9 X383 ] [ 10 X382 ]


Jul 14, 2024  The reading of transmittance started to drop below 3200 when setting up the instrument.  It could be caused by the lamp (CM140-005) is getting old and does not have enough signal. 

The lamp was replaced. The old lamp was marked with a red line and put together with others.  

After the replacement, transmittance reading went back to the normal level. 


Jun 22, 2024 The old Cary Spec's tubing was deformed and can no longer functionally pumps the waste out. It caused the disruption during the measurement. 

A new one was installed and it is working fine. 



Jun 17, 2022 The emergency shower drain, located directly behind the main chemistry door (FD 43), produced considerable backflow while traveling through rough seas. Green absorbent socks were not effective in containing the spill. A rubber bung was temporarily installed in the drain by members of the Siem crew to prevent further spills. The rubber bung that was temporarily installed has been removed.

New Pig spill barrier dikes were ordered to replace the ineffective absorbent socks. https://www.amazon.com/New-Pig-SpillBlocker-Temporary-PLR267-YW/dp/B00BUC4706?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1


Jun 4, 2022 A problem was encountered with Agilent software after some IT changes/updates were done to the PCs. Happened to ICP expert first, and then to the Cary UV-Vis software. The issue is an error about an invalid license or missing license and it prevents use of the software. Below are the instructions from Agilent for fixing this issue. It requires MCS help due to needing internet access for the final step.


Mar 31, 2022 All exp 392 IWs were processed in a nitrogen glove bag in an attempt to get better iron data. A box of XL light blue gloves were kept inside the glove bag. Those were quite easy to pull over the glove bag gloves. The nitrogen line was binder clipped onto the lip of the yellow dry chemical bin on the shelf, as can be seen in the image below. 

Mar 1, 2022 4 x 10 white vial racks had been ordered on 395C and were received on 392. These racks work perfectly for safe storage of IWS samples with one layer of packing foam on the bottom of the rack. 


Jul 22, 2021

eH probe: A shore-based scientist requested a porewater eH measurement to be performed on all IWS samples. An EXtech EXstik ORP meter was purchased for this purpose. The probe was set up in a stand in the titration area. The probe is stored in drawer F-D6 (pH paper drawer).

X395C eH method: Pipette 1 ml of IWS in a CM0295 titration vessel. Press ON on the probe. The probe will perform a very quick self calibration. Once 1 mV is displayed on the probe, lower it into the sample. Make sure the probe is suspended in the liquid - not hard on the bottom of the titration vessel or just touching the surface of the liquid. Leave probe in until the reading stabilizes. Write down the reading. Clean probe with DI water and wipe dry with a kimwipe. Turn probe off with the OFF button. Discard of the water and clean the vessel. The check standard is stored in the cabinet above the alkalinity titrator. The probe should read 240 mV when immersed in 1 ml of check standard. Ideally 3 ml of  liquid would be used, but 1 ml was chosen as the volume of sample for this analysis, as the porewater volume is often very limited. 1 ml worked well because of the ideal shape of the titration vessel. 


Jun 19, 2021 A shore-based scientist sent us a rock standard BRR-1 (Reykjanes Ridge basalt) to be used in the ICP calibration on this expedition. The standard was donated to the ship and added to our rock standard inventory, FROCK. It was also added to the rock standard excel sheet on Confluence. Any future updates to the excel sheet should be made to the one on Confluence rather than the various copies of the sheet on the computer. See below for BRR-1 composition. Click image to enlarge. 

Jun 9, 2021 The old Fisherbrand Isotemp incubators were replaced in the MBIO area. Two new incubators were sent out to replace the two that had issues with excess ice formation. 

The badly cracked COY hard shell chamber in the cold room was replaced with a new one.  


Nov 22, 2020 Zebra Designer software was loaded onto the chem tech computer.  We currently only have the 30-day free trial, but the purchase of Zebra Designer Pro has been requested. It is an excellent tool for printing custom labels on Zebra printers. Label formats and databases were created for fast and efficient printing of clear easy-to-read labels for calibration and check standards for the IC, ICP and the spectrophotometer. These can be found in "LABELS" folder on desktop. To print, open one of the label files, for instance "ICP IAPSO label.nlbl" and hit Ctrl-P for printing. Please do not modify the label format. Should different concentrations be required, the Excel database files can be modified. See the image below for how the labels print with the existing layout. 


Mar 23, 2020 Spill-X for formaldehyde spills was added to both spill control kits in the chem lab. The kits previously only contained acid, caustic and solvent spill treatment. Due to space limitations the bottles had to be turned sideways. Clear labels were added onto the visible side of the bottles.


Dec 23, 2019A shortcut was placed on desktop for the new and improved Remote Gas Monitoring application. It works very well and is a useful tool for checking the TBULK helium and argon pressures.

Dec 5, 2019 Scientists on X385 had had questions about the different looking Rhizon samplers. On X378T an inquiry was sent to Rhizosphere about the issue, and it turns out that they changed the type of glue they use for adhering the filter to the tubing. They also changed the type of tubing they use to one with a smaller carbon footprint. As long as we do not have different lots of Rhizons out at the same time, there should not be an issue. We had the Rhizon samplers all mixed in the drawer, but they are now separated, bagged and sorted by lot number in order to avoid any opportunity of having different looking Rhizons out at the same time. Rhizosphere also confirms that the lot number corresponds to the year of manufacture. 09=2009, 11=2011 and so on. We have Rhizons with lot numbers 09, 11, 13, 14 and 15. Use lot 09 and 11 first. These are the ones with the "blue glue". Rhizons do not have an expiration date. According to the Rhizosphere representative, as long as they are stored correctly, they should not be deteriorating.


Sep 2, 2019 Sample Master: A new label "CHEM small" was created based on "chem ICP". The label "chem ICP" was not touched, and both labels will continue to exist. The only difference between "chem ICP" and "CHEM small" is that none of the lines in CHEM small wrap, which makes this label practical for clearly displaying all the information necessary for IW aliquots.

Aug 21, 2019 Installed a rack in the gas standard cabinet to prevent bottle from spilling through the door during rough weather. The rack is moveable. Use a 17mm wrench to loosen the nut of the foot on the right-hand side to adjust the level.

Aug 20, 2019 Revamped the Chemlab's Spreadsheet Uploader Excel file. A copy is located in the Additional Resources section of this page, and another is on the Chem Tech Desktop.


Jul 28, 2019 Organic geochemist Becky Robinson advised us to use cut-off transfer pipettes to extend the syringe filter all the way through the ampule neck in order to avoid ending up with water droplets in the neck. Be careful not to let the tip sit in the water while filling the ampule, as this might leave droplets on the outside of the tip. Use caution on the way out not to touch the ampule neck with the tip. This could also leave behind a droplet.


Jun 5, 2019 A couple of the squeezers had the titanium plate get wedged stuck in the sleeve. Both units were handed off to ETs to smooth out edges and surfaces.

Jun 3, 2019 Changed dispenser used for the dilution solution with the chloride titrator. Did some cleaning on the previous dispenser. Movement on that dispenser is smoother now.


May 10, 2019 Rhizon sampling on U1538B 1H, 0 to 8.5 mbsf. Every 20 cm for the first 3 m, then every 50 cm.

Apr 30, 2019 New racks have been designed to hold Ar and He gas bottles in the pallet stores. This will enable techs to align the bottle valves to properly connect the gas manifold. The racks should be shipped in the near future.

Apr 29, 2019  Rhizon sampling on U1537B 1H, 0 to 7.4 mbsf. Every 20 cm for the first 3 m, then every 50 cm.

Apr 16, 2019 

  • EM : WinDAQ hardware screw terminal for argon AI+ (green wire) was loose. Voltage readings for argon acceptable.

  • Helium and argon pressure readings from Gas Monitoring webpage different than shown on gauge.

    • argon difference is ~ 50 psi (lower on webpage)

    • helium difference is ~ 100 psi (lower on webpage)

Apr 16, 2019 Rhizon sampling on U1536D 1H. Sampling canceled due to a shattered liner. Attempting again at U1537.

Apr 12, 2019 MCS replaced old lab monitors with new DELL monitors.

Apr 1, 2019 HF digestions for palynology. Waste was neutralized in 1.5 L polyethylene bottles with calcite sand then transferred to a 20 L carboy for storage in the RADVAN. All handling was performed in a fume hood