Exp 401 ALO technical report

Expedition Info

Embarked December 11th, 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and disembarked February 9, 2024 in Napoli Italy.


Santa Claus made his welcomed appearance on 25 December. The last time that he will board the JOIDES Resolution and spread cheer amongst all the good Technical staff, Scientists and ship's crew. I bet his reindeer will be happy for that.

COVID Protocol

There were no pre-boarding COPE protocols. Face masks were initially not required.

Once onboard, there was an antigen test on 12 December ... and then the sh!t hit the fan. Face masks became optional and a number of participants were quarantined.



: There will/will not be an express box going back to IODP.


: One pallet (Bridge Landing) + one cooler in the reefer.


: 401_FLAT

  • Core liner box hardware & FFF supports are on the roof beside the liner boxes.

  • Mud motors are in the drill collar rack.

  • Underreamer/pallet is on the CT Roof.


: 401_RAF


: F401CORES_BCR (working halves)

  • 197 boxes of cores.

  • Residue boxes (16) on one pallet.

: F401CORES_GCR (archive halves)

  • 197 boxes of cores.

  • KBox of misc. items

    • UTSA

  • MT KBoxes

    • UTSA

World Courier

: No frozen or refrigerated samples were requested.

  • 1 x Frozen world courier. MBIO samples to be offloaded after X402. 

Hand Carry Samples

: Melissa Berke will hand carry her samples


  • Hand sanitizers changed from BLO to UTS.

  • AMS sync was not working for several days at the beginning of the expedition.

  • HS sensors were changed shipwide. They have to be change every two years.

  • Rigwatch display installed in the LO/ALO office (rigwatch/rigwatch).

  • Empty gas racks are going to be left on the ship instead of shipping at the end of 401. Most likely there will be a surface container going back at the end of 402T.

  • Dunnage bags - We have 90 new ones onboard. We will try to use first the 90 used ones that were sent from Bremen. They are in two boxes and in a bundle.

  • Super saw motor was changed. The new one will be repaired during the tie-up (402T).

  • Reminder to flush the air line on the reefer from time to time. It had oil this time because of the tie-up.

  • Christmas items and costumes have been given to SIEM. They will keep them on the ship.

  • We tried to use the spare vacuum chamber we had onboard but the base was cracked. It was discarded, we don't have anymore spares on the ship. Two new ones should arrive for 402.

  • Core Entry printer lost the display, some parts should be changed. A spare printer was installed in that location.

  • Faulty staplers (for core boxes) were repaired. Now we have two spares onboard. One in the ALO office and one in the splitting room.

  • Damaged IODPS blue mugs. Wrote SERVICE about. There are four mugs that we do not feel comfortable selling and seven with logo damage.

  • Fixed the Catwalk's acetone dispenser spigot.

  • Replaced a pallet jack wheel.

  • Air flow sensor in laser engraver replaced.

  • A small corner was cut on the catwalk wall in order to help the operators with the crane movement of items.

Discussion/important information for upcoming expedition

: Do Beth/Dan know what the password is for the credit card machine?

: Play core (two sections) added to our inventory. From U1611B - 2W. In the auxiliary rack (Core Entry) for now.

Load outs

The working halves reefer is going to Bremen and the archive halves reefer is going to IODP.